Scientist Reveals The Best Morning Activities That May Add 10 Years To Your Life

By Sophie 11 months ago

Practice Mindful Meditation To Ease You In

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One of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health, is to meditate as soon as you wake up. The best thing about this is that you can do it from the comfort of your bed. You can either put on a guided meditation of which there are tons of online, or you can set a timer and sit in silence for 10 minutes. This will clear your mind for the day ahead, so that everything can be tackled from a place of peace.

Smell The Roses

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It's important that we heartily experience our life as it happens, otherwise we're rushing to the bitter end with blinkers on, not realizing what we're missing. Take a moment each morning to be present, even if you're busy, it's important to stop and smell the roses. Your life is bound the lengthen if you truly live it.

Freeze Yourself In Time With Cold Water Therapy

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Cold water therapy is all the rage at the moment, and its really easy try without buying any fancy equipment. All you need to do is summon up some courage, blast your shower on cold for a few minutes in the morning and reap the rewards, of which there are many! It's anti-aging as the cold water tightens your skin, and ensures your body will use energy in a more efficient way, which will in turn lead to many more years of life.

Train Your Brain

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There are so many little games that can help to train the elasticity in your brain to keep it functioning at its peak. Unfortunately as we get older, our brain's performance may diminish and we could find ourselves forgetful, frustrated and confused. Training your brain daily will help to alleviate this and ensure it'll perform optimally until old age, and beyond!

Start A 30 Day Stretch Challenge

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Your body doesn't get to move very much during the night and all of your bodily functions slow down, making you feel tired. Getting out of bed in the morning requires energy, so by stretching your stiff muscles you are encouraging blood flow whilst loosening yourself up. There are tons of 30 day stretch challenges on YouTube to try which will help with motivation. It'll feel great!

Deep Breath In...Aaand Out

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Your breathing slows down overnight meaning oxygen levels plummet, so it's a good idea to take a few deep breaths upon awakening. As you give your lungs a good fill, oxygen will penetrate your bloodstream and send it to all of your major organs. You'll feel rejuvenated as your brain lights up as you give yourself space to really come alive.

Don't Get Out Of Bed Before You've Read Something Worthwhile

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Reading first thing will engage your brain and provide you with knowledge before you even get up. Content at this time should always be positive, as its purpose is to elevate your mood and encourage you to get out on the right side of the bed. Try reading some philosophy so that your brain remains switched on, which will prolong its ability to function well.

Guzzle Lots Of Water

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When you're asleep you're essentially on a water fast. Even if you wake up to take sips throughout the night, you'll wake up at least mildly dehydrated. Drinking water upon awakening will replenish the minerals in your body and neutralize any stomach acid that has built up so that you're insides are prepared for food.

Leave That Phone Alone

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It's far too tempting to check your phone as soon as you wake up, that's why so many of us do it. If you want to live longer then it's important to stay focused throughout your day in order to exercise your brain. When we check our phones we are readying ourselves for procrastination, which isn't conducive for life longevity.

Get Outside!

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Breathing in fresh air first thing in the morning has a number of different benefits; you're taking a moment to acknowledge the outdoors whilst signaling to your body it's time to be energized. It really feels as though you're blowing away the cobwebs which will have a positive effect on the rest of your day.

Wake Up At The Same Time Every Day

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Getting out of bed at the same time every morning works wonders for your body clock. Even on a weekend, try and wake up at the same time as you do midweek so that you can still wake up comfortably on Monday morning. A healthy sleep cycle will lengthen your life as it ensures your rest is of good quality so that your body is able to repair itself properly.

Make Your Bed Ready To Hop Back Into

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Making your bed has to be one of the most important jobs of the day; not only will it be ready for your nighttime snooze, but it'll set you up for productivity. By starting your morning with a task it'll give you the confidence to know you can move onto the next task, and the next task, and the next. We get satisfaction out of completing things so when your head hits the pillow at night you're more likely to feel pleased with how your day went.

Get Your Blood Pumping

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It may be the last thing you want to do as soon as you wake up, but getting in some exercise first thing can contribute to a longer life. You'll feel amazing and motivated upon finishing your routine, and your organs will be rebooted as they receive a sudden influx of blood. Exercising in the morning will give you less time to talk yourself out of it, too!

Eat A Nutritious Breakfast, Soon After You Wake Up

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Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It provides your body with energy, kick starts your metabolism, balances your hormones, it's a ritual of self-care, the list could go on. Ensure you make time to prepare and eat a balanced breakfast that will set you up for the day ahead, and enjoy it!

Wake Up Early Enough So You're Not In A Hurry

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If we start work early, it can be tempting to stay in bed until the last minute, throw on our clothes and head out of the door before we've even opened our eyes. This leaves no time for any kind of morning ritual and will probably have you feeling stressed out. That's one way to shorten your life!

Formulate A Self-Care Routine

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Self care means different things to each person so make sure you get a routine that suits you. Experiment with some luxury skincare or try out self-massage with different oils. Massaging pressure points on your body can help you to feel more relaxed whilst targeting your organs to help them function properly. Who needs a masseuse?!

Practice Gratitude

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It's easy to wake up in a bad mood if you don't want to go to work, so why not write down everything that you're grateful for, every day. You'll be surprised at how many things make the list; even on a bad day, if it's only coffee that makes you happy then so be it! These lists are always great to look back on, too.

Try Out Yoga

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Yoga can make you feel amazing when you first wake up. The movements wake up your mind and body whilst forcing you to be present. Yoga has been described as "movement meditation", so if you struggle to sit still for a while then try this ancient art. Anyone can do it and it'll add years to your life!

Listen To Upbeat Music

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The secret to living a healthy life is to have a solid routine that allows for a positive outlook. Dancing around to some cheerful music will set the pace for the rest of the day and it's sure to wake you up! Music has the power to change your mood so if you didn't sleep particularly well, then this is the best remedy.

Water Your Plants

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If you don't have any plants around the house, then get some. The act of taking care of something else will take you out of yourself and allow you to feel useful. The reward is that the plants will brighten up your living space and make you feel at peace; and a peaceful life leads to a longer one.

Consider The Previous Day

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There's always room for improvement in our daily lives; we get busy and besides, we're only human! It's a good idea to think about the previous day's events and what we could do better today to ensure a more fulfilling life. Our physical state understands fulfillment and therefore will want to walk the earth for much longer.

Offer Yourself Some Positive Affirmations

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Positive affirmations are really powerful things of self-care, and people don't always realize it. You might feel a bit silly saying things like "I am strong, I am confident" etc. but trust us, these will lead to a long lasting life of contentment. Say these things every morning to yourself in the mirror and see how it changes your life.

Don't Veto Your Vitamins!

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In the modern age with so much convenience food it's easy to become deficient in certain vitamins. With a simple daily capsule or tablet, you can be sure to hit your daily needs without the pressure of strict meal plans. Have this as part of your morning routine if you want to add 10 years (or more) to your life!

Prepare Your Lunch

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Taking your own lunch to work is an easy way to help you live longer. It will guarantee that you'll be eating fresh, nutritious food come break time, and you won't have to break the bank for it either! Getting creative with lunchbox ideas will give you something to look forward to, and could add years onto your life.

Do A Good Deed

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Acts of kindness not only makes the person on the receiving end feel good, it makes us feel good too, and feeling good is the secret to a long life. The deed need not be huge, it may be as simple of making your partner coffee or donating to a homeless person on the way to work; and it is sure to put a spring in your step!

Give Your Home A Quick Clean

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We may not feel like cleaning much before starting work, but doing a little bit could set us up nicely for the day ahead and we won't begrudge coming home. Do the dishes, wipe the sides or vacuum the floor - taking care of your living space when you have the morning buzz will help you to switch off when you return. Winding down after work will be so much easier when your home's already clean, leading to better sleep and a happier you!

Open The Curtains

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Its a simple but effective task that could add years to your life. By letting in the sunshine first thing you are letting your body know it's daytime, which will help you to produce all the necessary hormones for waking activities. You'll feel energized as you say good morning to the world!

Listen To A Motivational Speech

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Starting your day with positivity and inspiration will always set you off on the right footing. Laying these foundations will ensure that you will try to make better decisions as you confidently breeze through tasks. You'll feel a fire in your belly that will ultimately lead to a longer, more uplifting life, and you can easily find motivational speeches online.

Take A Shower

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Not everyone showers every morning so it's important to remind you of its importance. Showers are beneficial for longevity of life not only for their cleaning potential, but also because they create a separation between sleepy time and waking. They tell your body it's time for a change of pace so that your system can prepare itself for movement and alertness.

Plan Your Day Ahead

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It's important to remain calm if you wish to experience a longer life, and planning your day ahead can help to achieve this. It'll help you to prioritize important tasks whilst making you feel more organized. You can factor in mealtimes and moments for self-care to really optimize each day.