1. You Ignore Their Attempts To Pull You Over!

image source: reddit.com
As soon as those sirens go on and those overhead lights appear, you need to find a safe place to pull over as soon as possible. Nobody can claim they 'didn't notice' a cop behind them with all of that blaring, so it's a red flag if you don't pull over if you have many chances to do so. Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. And Then You Carry On Driving For A Long Time

image source: reddit.com
It might not be safe to pull over straight away - or maybe not even within 5 minutes if it's busy - but if you're continuing to drive along for an hour, it's obviously suspicious. We don't mean a high speed car chase, but if you don't pull over before you arrive back home when your home is 50 miles away, it doesn't look good.
3. Movement Inside The Car: Is There Loads Of Activity?

image source: reddit.com
We don't mean young children bouncing around in the back seat either - if a cop can see a car with a few adults in it who seem to be moving around a lot, crouching down or turning around, it can indicate they may be trying to get to a concealed weapon, or hide something like drugs under the seats.
4. A License Plate That's Clean Or Dirty - When The Rest Of The Car Isn't!

image source: reddit.com
If you have a dirty car because you always drive it on the freeway for hours and never get to the car wash, your license plate is going to be just as dirty. Likewise, if you clean your car religiously, your license plate is going to sparkle. So if a cop sees a dirty car with a crystal clear license plate, or a clean car with a dirty one, it's - you guessed it - suspicious.
5. Plate Screws That Have Seen Better Days

image source: audia2ownersclub.com
Do your license plate screws look like they have nicks in them, or scratches on them? This is a sign the plates have been changed recently - and in a hurry. You'd probably scratch them if you were fiddling around switching plates. A cop will notice that and want to see why!
6. The Whole Cast Of Bug's Life On Your Rear Plate

image source: reddit.com
We all know the battle of getting our car splattered with bugs when we're driving, particularly on the freeway, but this will only usually happen to the front of your car, of course. Which means a cop is going to wonder why you have a bug-splattered license plate... on your rear bumper!
7. Registration Stickers That Have Expired

image source: reddit.com
New validation stickers on your car are an important way to let the cops know (or anyone else looking if they're interested in that sort of thing) that your license is still in date and valid. So if they're seeing a sticker on your car that's obviously expired, they're going to want to speak to you about that!
8. Or Missing Altogether!

image source: reddit.com
Worse, you might not have a sticker altogether! Innocently, you could just not have remembered to stick on a new one, but in most cases this can indicate to the cops you're doing something illegal, the car might be stolen or it's all just a bit suspicious and let's pull over to talk about it...
9. Your Windows Are Very, Very Tinted

image source: reddit.com
Tinted windows can be really practical for keeping the sun out, creating privacy and - let's face it - looking cool. But if you have every single window tinted - and very, very tinted at that - it could be a red flag for a cop to pull you over because they might be worried about visibility and/or illegal activity in the car.
10. You Don't Shift Into Park When You Pull Over

image source: reddit.com
After you've pulled over to a stop, you're expected to shift into park and wait for the cop to come and speak to you. So anyone who doesn't put their car into park is an issue for a cop approaching your vehicle. If they can still see your brake lights on because your foot is still on the pedal, it could suggest that you're waiting to zoom off!
11. Or, The Lights Keep Shifting Between Park And Brake

image source: reddit.com
It's one thing to sit with your foot on the brake pedal because you're an innocent person just panicking about being pulled over - and you forgot to shift into parked. But if you're switching between parked and brake lights nervously so the cop can only see flashing lights like it's the 4th of July, it's a sign you might panic so much you drive off.
12. Your Trunk Lid Is Unlocked, Or Your Tailgate Is Flapping Loose!

image source: reddit.com
This isn't just about a cop pulling you over to tell you that your trunk needs securing down so you can go on your merry way - they'll flag this up (the red kind specifically) because a trunk or tailgate that's ready to be opened quickly can be a sign they might ambush the cop!
13. Avoiding Eye Contact - Even If You're Just Shy

image source: reddit.com
We all know that if someone is avoiding eye contact with you it looks like they're hiding something - well this is amped up to 11 when it comes to not looking a cop directly in the eye. If you're not making eye contact when they reach the car, they're going to be wondering why.
14. Other People In The Car Don't Make Eye Contact - Even If You Do

image source: reddit.com
You might open the door with direct eye contact and a huge smile on your face, but if you've got a passenger or two who are facing forward and never meeting the cop's eye, this is bad news. They're going to take this as suspicious activity from other people in the car.
15. The Seats Or Floor Of Your Car Are A Trash Heap!

image source: reddit.com
Sure, you might have just had a hectic family day at the beach so you have toys and towels all over the place, but all a cop is going to be thinking is that all these things could conceal a weapon - especially if you have things like newspapers on the floor of your vehicle.
16. Liquid Stains On The Floor Or Seats

image source: reddit.com
You might have spilled your Starbucks coffee whilst trying to drive one handed - we've all done it - but if a cop sees a liquid spill anywhere with no sign of bottles or cups, they might be suspicious of drink-driving. People drinking will often quickly try to hide the bottles (like under the seat or in the glove compartment) and spill the drink as they go!
17. "I Don't Know Where My Registration Papers Are, Officer!"

image source: reddit.com
This isn't going to go down very well! If a cop pulls over a driver who can't seem to find their license, insurance or registration papers in the car and flapping around trying to find them, this is going to raise a red flag - most of the time, people who have stolen a vehicle won't have these papers to hand!
18. They See Your License In Your Wallet Before You Do

image source: reddit.com
The cop has asked to see your license and is now watching you rifle through your wallet - only to see you miss it about ten times and carry on looking for it. They saw it ten minutes ago, why didn't you? Because you're probably drunk - or at least that's what the cop will think if you're acting this way.
19. You Don't Know Your Social Security Number

image source: reddit.com
A cop will always request some form of identification when they pull you over, which most often is going to be your license, but you might not always have that on you - it can happen! They'll expect your SSN and date of birth as a backup - and if you can't give your SSN, they'll be on alert!
20. Your Ability To Drive Normally!

image source: reddit.com
Cops are obviously going to be paying attention to how you're driving - even if that's not the reason they're pulling you over in the first place, if they suddenly see that you're driving wonky, swerving or being reckless when you go to pull over, they might flag this up as possible influence of alcohol.
21. Physical Symptoms: Flushed Cheeks, Watery Eyes

image source: reddit.com
Some people may just have these as permanent fixtures - just the way you look, can't be helped. But a cop is going to flag it as suspicious because - as we all know - alcohol can make you flushed and give you bloodshot eyes. Or, you may have bloodshot and watery eyes driving tired, or under the influence of something else!
22. Does Your Car Stink?

image source: reddit.com
When the cop gets close to your vehicle, one of the first things they're going to want to check is if they can smell anything - specifically, a strong smell of booze, or any other suspicious smells like weed. Anything that might alert them to you being under the influence of something - not just your bad air freshener.
23. How You're Talking

image source: reddit.com
They're going to want to check that you're coherent, so in asking you questions, they're not only interested in your replies - but
how you're replying. Slurred speech, for one, is going to tell them that you might be drunk or you might even be tired or have a medical condition.
24. Are You Sweating?

image source: reddit.com
A lot of people would be if they were pulled over by the cops and wondering what they've done wrong - or, it might be a particularly hot day - but cops are going to look for signs of obvious sweating on your skin, as this can be a result of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
25. You Take Too Long To Respond To Questions

image source: reddit.com
Always a good idea to think before you speak, of course, and you don't want to start rambling to a cop who's pulled you over. But if they ask you simple questions and you're taking a good long while to respond - even if you answer correctly - they could flag this up as being under the influence.
26. Your Car Doesn't Look In Great Shape!

image source: reddit.com
Not only is driving with a damaged vehicle dangerous for you and others when it's on the road, they might also want to know why it's been damaged. Vehicles might have been damaged if they're stolen, for example, if you've run into some bumps trying to drive away quickly (and recklessly!).
27. You're Super Defensive

image source: reddit.com
This can happen for two reasons - you know you've done something wrong so you're acting defensive as a reflex. Or, you know you've done nothing wrong and you're annoyed about it! Either way, if you start becoming defensive in an aggressive or OTT way, the cop isn't going to like that.
28. How You Answer 'Have You Been Drinking Or Taken Drugs?'

image source: reddit.com
This is obviously one of the big questions if they suspect that you have! How you answer this is going to be either a red flag or a green one! You always have the right to say 'I have nothing to say' along the legal side of things, but all that's saying is that you have but you want a lawyer.
29. How Many Passengers Do You Have In The Car?

image source: reddit.com
There's nothing wrong being the designated driver during a weekend trip away with a bunch of mates crammed into your vehicle, but the more people, the more suspicious. Especially, as we mentioned above, if they're all avoiding eye contact apart from you when the cop comes to speak to you!
30. They Can See Your Head Turning This Way And That

image source: reddit.com
If they've stopped you and they can see you through the window, they'd expect you to just be sat there, parked safely, until they reach you. If you've stopped and then you're suddenly turning your head left to right, looking in all your mirrors, it only looks like suspicious and frantic behavior.
31. And Now... Secrets Cops Aren't Telling You About How To Avoid A Speeding Ticket! You Can Actually Drive A Tiny Bit Over The Limit

image source: reddit.com
Getting that speedometer bang on the speed limit is quite a talent - and you don't want to be watching it like a hawk instead of having your eyes on the road. Most of us go a couple miles an hour over the speed limit, but you don't have to worry - apparently this is fine, even if the cops know you're doing it!
32. But If You Get Pulled Over For Something Else Too? You'll Get A Ticket

image source: reddit.com
If a cop pulls you over for another reason, like one of your blinkers isn't working or something looks suspicious about your car - and
then they know you've been going a little over the speed limit, too, you'll likely get a ticket. You can usually get away with a few miles an hour over only if this is the only thing you're doing!
33. Slowing Down In School Or Residential Areas Isn't Optional

image source: reddit.com
This might sound obvious, but it's amazing how many of us might do a little over the speed limit in these areas, ignoring the signs and thinking the roads look clear anywhere. But these areas are more likely being watched religiously by cops, so drive exactly at the sign speed limit!
34. You Can Actually Get Apps To Give You A Heads Up About Speed Cameras

image source: wikipedia.org
A lot of GPS systems will have this feature, but you might not be using a GPS all the time. Did you know you can get apps that actually alert you when a speed camera is in the area? They can be pesky and hidden, after all. This is particularly helpful in a new area if you don't know where to look for them!
35. Getting Pulled Over In Your Luxury Car? The Cop Just Wants To Have A Nosy

image source: reddit.com
While doing a few miles an hour over the speed limit in an everyday car won't get you pulled over, it might in a luxury vehicle like an expensive sports car. And the reason for that? A lot of the time, cops actually want an excuse just to have a look inside your expensive car! I mean, who wouldn't?
36. Your Old Car Could Draw As Much Attention As A Flashy Sports Car!

image source: nzherald.com
But not because the cops are interested in having a look inside for this one! Old cars which are on their last legs (or wheels) will draw a lot of attention from cops because it could be a danger on the road depending on how it's looking - if it's making a loud noise, trailing smoke or anything on it isn't working, they're going to pull you over.
37. Still Got A Baby Face? That's Bad Luck

image source: reddit.com
If you're 30 years old and always told you still have the face of a teenager, this isn't the best news for when you're driving. Cops like to pull people over who look very, very young - because they think of young drivers as inexperienced, and like to jump on any opportunity to tell you how to drive better if you're speeding!
38. They Know You're Not Wearing A Seatbelt

image source: reddit.com
The question is: why wouldn't you be wearing one anyway? But if you happen not to be - maybe you thought just driving down the road wasn't long enough to bother clipping it in - the cops can see that there's no strap over your left shoulder. And they'll pull you over for it.
39. Speeding + Smartphone = Consequences

image source: reddit.com
This goes without saying, as it's dangerous driving, but even if you were going a couple miles an hour over the speed limit and happen to pick up your smartphone to quickly move it on the passenger seat, this is enough for a passing cop to pull you over and deal the consequences.
40. Going Too Slow Is Just As Bad As Going Too Fast

image source: reddit.com
Driving too slow usually means you're distracted, like looking at your phone, talking to someone or just not paying attention. And cops - understandably - don't like that. They'll flag down anyone who's driving too slow to find out what's going on. So don't think just because you're not speeding, you're fine!
41. If Your Registration Has Expired, Don't Take Chances!

image source: reddit.com
If your car's registration has expired, you shouldn't be driving anyway - but if you're risking it for whatever reason, you best hope you drive like the most sensible driver in the world. Because if you get flagged for something silly, like using a hands-free device, you're going to get a ticket.
42. Being Pulled Over Doesn't Mean You're Definitely Going To Get A Ticket!

image source: nbcnews.com
Seeing those flashing lights behind you and pulling over to a stop doesn't mean the cop is writing out the ticket before they even get to your car. There's still hope! And that hope depends on you being polite. Think of it as that first impression you make in an interview. You have under a minute to prove you're a polite, sensible citizen that just made a mistake.
43. Getting A Ticket Might Depend On The Color Of Your Car!

image source: xauto.com
We don't mean cops have a vendetta against any car that isn't black, but the color of your car is going to make a huge difference in getting noticed. Speeding in a yellow car in a sea of grey is going to make you easier to spot. Speeding in a black car might easily go unnoticed.
44. Check Your Calendars: Last Week Of The Month Is A Bad Time For Speeding

image source: reddit.com
Traffic cops have a quota to meet like anybody else - which means if you're choosing to accidentally speed any time of the month, it best not be the last week! This is because cops are reminded of a quota to fill before the month is out - so they'll be more likely to issue 'catch up' tickets during that final week!
45. Be A Driving Sheep

image source: reddit.com
We don't mean go 50 miles an hour over the speed limit just because everyone else is, but it pays to look at what everyone else is doing around you. A freeway full of slow drivers while you're in the fast lane is going to flag you up to cops. But if everyone else is going fast, you could more easily get away with going a little bit faster yourself.
46. The Waze App Can Be Your BFF For Speed Traps

image source: reddit.com
No matter how much you know about an area and where the speed cameras are, there's always potential for hidden police cars checking speed, or any other speed trap that wasn't there before. The app Waze can actually help you out by flagging these up ahead of time!
47. Look Out For Other Cars Flashing You!

image source: electrek.com
It's always annoying, but there's always a reason for it, too - they could actually be trying to help you out. Cars coming towards you from the opposite direction that are flashing you may be warning you of a speed camera or cop car up ahead, so they could be doing you a solid!
48. Don't Get Clever With The 'Stop' On A Stop Sign

image source: reddit.com
It's hard not to do a slow crawl and then carry on at a stop sign if you can definitely see that there's nothing around you, but stop means stop. You need to come to a full stop and then move on. If you don't, this is only going to increase the risk of being spotted by a nearby cop car!
49. You Can Always Appeal A Ticket

image source: reddit.com
Most drivers will spend a lot of time and energy getting angry and ranting about the speed ticket they've got, that they'll probably forget they can actually appeal the ticket. If you know you were in the right and you want to argue it, always look into appealing it!
50. If You're Going To Appeal, Write Down Everything Immediately!

image source: reddit.com
Don't risk forgetting all the minor details, which can easily be done when you're angry at a traffic cop! Write down everything you remember straight away, like the weather, the speed you were going and what happened. You can then take this to use at your appeal!