Lacking Motivation

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Your workplace office runs on a strict routine. Therefore, you will be forced to work according to time. At home, you are likely to postpone tasks because there is no supervision or incentive to commit to them. Furthermore, you will concentrate on other duties and pile up your workload.

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Your workplace provides you with every utility you need to complete a task. You will not have to pay for the internet, electricity, stationery, and sometimes meals. However, working at home spikes up your electricity expenses. Your bills will increase because everything you are working with remains your financial responsibility.
Lacking company culture

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Working within an organization affects us in ways we can never imagine. We are acquainted with new habits, norms, and attitudes. When interacting with our fellow employees, a common bond exists between us. Loyalty becomes the grease to better cooperation, and our performance improves when we identify ourselves with that culture.
Working for longer periods

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This will surprise you. While working at home allows you to work for only a few hours, creating a schedule that will suit your needs is challenging. Moreover, you would find yourself doing various duties you had not anticipated because there are no fixed office hours.
No teamwork

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At your workplace, fellow employees are always ready to help you perform tasks. It is easier to coordinate functions when everyone is organized within a single, comfortable place. However, working from home denies you this advantage. You are forced to work alone, and the dissociation between workers inhibits group projects.
Numerous distractions

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Staying at home offers you a wide range of activities you could do. You could watch a movie, read a book, clean the dishes, mow your lawn, or invite friends over. But these activities can interfere with your ability to work. In the office, there is little to no distraction. Everyone is focused on their work, and your time is only spent finishing a task.
Negative perception

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Working from home has been perceived as a new way of doing things. However, many companies have insisted that their employees return to their work locations. Although working from home seems to be the trend, it is still perceived as unviable. Some employers think that remote workers don’t work very hard. During layoffs, you could be viewed as dispensable.
Workplace suitability

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Many companies invest resources to ensure that workers get the best working tables, instruments, office spaces, and amenities. Working from home prevents you from utilizing them for maximum productivity. In the end, you would have to replicate a similar arrangement in your home, which would be uncomfortable.

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Working with others helps you to create a sociable environment that is good for your mental health. As opposed to working alone at home, office workers help you to deflate the stress. Communication becomes more intimate and smoother. When you are alone at home, you could get depressed, and no one would easily come to your aid.
Easier Communication

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Offices help you to interact easily with your workmates and employers. Whenever a question or an inquiry arises, you can deliver it to the receiver without much hassle. However, your access to other members of staff is hindered. The only way to communicate will be through phone calls or email, and who knows when they would be available to respond?
Lack of supervision

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Supervision may sound like a tyrannical thing, but it is not. When someone is supervising your work, productive quality is guaranteed, and mistakes are ironed out. Experts can’t visit you at home to assess what you are doing. In the end, your work may not match the standards of brilliance because no one helped you detect errors.
Confidentiality concerns

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Most of the information in any workplace is labeled sensitive. Company secrets like financial reports, client details, and product information cannot be released with caution. However, working at home compromises your position. Family and friends are likely to overhear your secret discussion with other employees or coke across confidential documents.
Unbalanced work and home hours

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Spending time with your family is a lot harder when working at home because you are likely to recluse yourself for longer hours working. This comes as a surprise because the reigning assumption is that working from home helps you spend more time with your family. However, it is not the case if you are unable to balance time to suit your work commitments.
Harder for new employees

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When there is new recruitment, it is necessary to acquaint the hired staff with the company culture and the duties they need to perform. This cannot be possible when working from home as they need to observe everything that happens at their new workplace. Orientation is only beneficial if new hires can interact with all company employees in a common location.
Difficult Client interaction

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Clients prefer designated workplaces where they can visit to inquire about products or services. It is safer for them because they can always be assured that they will not be scammed. When working at home, communicating with clients becomes harder. It is unlikely that they will meet you at your home, and inquiries or complaints are not made easily.
Taking Vacations

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Working from home does not give you a definitive work schedule that can allow you to request a vacation. Most of the tasks you perform at home are likely to infringe on your chances of taking a trip somewhere. Working in the office, however, helps you to limit your working process when the need arises. In this way, refreshing your mind becomes easier.
Workplace-compulsory duties

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Not everything can be done at home. Some roles require heavy machinery or technology that cannot be installed in our homes. Without employees getting to their workplaces, these roles may stall and affect overall productivity. For those who may think we are not needed at the workplace location, our presence should help instill comfort in those who have to work there.
Bad Lifestyle habits

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Visiting your workplace every morning motivates you to leave your house. Moreover, certain habits like munching snacks or smoking are not allowed during company hours. However, working from home allows you to partake in harmful habits. You are likely to add weight and remain inactive, endangering your health.
Poor grooming habits

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Let’s admit it. Waking up every morning to head over to work required that we take grooming seriously. You cannot appear to an office dressed shabbily. You have to brush your teeth, comb your hair, bathe, dress up in clean clothes, and even invest in a proper makeup kit. These are habits you could overlook when working from home. Eventually, they become your personality.
‘Zoom’ fatigue

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Technology has helped us to communicate with each other without the need to meet up. However, there is a downside to this. When glaring too much at the screen during Zoom meetings, we are likely to experience eye complications. Sitting for too long in that position may also exhaust us, and concentration power declines.
Empty structures

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Companies have invested in expensive office buildings and spaces to provide employees with maximum comfort. When their workforce opts to perform tasks at home, these structures remain obsolete and underutilized. Wasted assets depreciate the financial value of a company, leading to significant losses. Companies may need to downsize employees to maintain profit.
Cyber security compromised!

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Companies protect their computer systems when they are installed with security features from within. Moreover, backup systems are always set ready in case computers are attacked by viruses, ransomware, or hacked by roguish individuals. When working at home, you are likely to be attacked by these cybercrimes without any recourse.
More and more meetings!

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Working from home requires intensive meetings to determine if everyone is working as expected. Tracking the progress of every employee is challenging when everyone is remotely stationed. For this reason, offices work better. Only one meeting is needed to set a goal, and you are free to carry out your duties without needing to meet again.
Difficult to access documents

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The company workplace is a central location for all documents that employees may need. Some documents, because of their sensitive nature, cannot be copied. In these cases, accessing the document becomes easier only if everyone works at the workplace. On the other hand, you cannot access them while you are working at home because other people may need to use them.
Dissolution of responsibilities

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Everyone has an important role to play in the running of an organization. When working at home, certain changes have to be made to suit the new trend. These changes may negatively impact how roles are assigned at the company. Managers and supervisors may not be needed anymore. Moreover, some of your passionate roles may have to be discarded.
Wasted experience

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Meeting different people in the office helps new staff members to learn from experienced staff. Employees who have worked in the company for many years can inspire other workers to become more productive and committed. Working at home consigns these priceless employees at home, forcing them to withhold their knowledge.
A sense of purpose

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As adults, we love doing activities that help create a sense of purpose in our lives. Working is one of them, and not just working anywhere. Waking up to go to work convinces us that we are living our existence. However, existential distress sucks the life out of you when working at home because no greater activity compels you to head over to work.
No fixed routine

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A fixed office routine helps you to kick start your day without breaking a habit. You are confident about the time you leave work, certain that no minor commitments will disturb you in the evening. It becomes normal to run your day according to that schedule. Working at home will have you change your routine without finding a viable one if you are indecisive.
Knowledge stagnation

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Working is about learning from others. Other people also learn a lot from what we know. That becomes a problem when everyone works remotely. People with ingenious suggestions that could change your working process withhold them because they cannot easily share them. In the end, all that we know remains scanty and unhelpful in a dynamic work market.
Harder to track career development

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Working at home is about the completion of mere tasks. In the workplace, working is much more than that. Your outstanding work is easily observed and noted. Promotion to a higher level becomes easy, and your passionate appeal does not escape the eye of your employers. Moreover, working at home does not give you the incentive to analyze your progress.