Ranked: The Most Expensive Foods In The World Copy

By Juliet S 11 months ago

Bluefin Tuna: $1.8 Million

image source: reddit.com
Bluefin tuna is notably very expensive for seafood lovers - and an entire Bluefin tuna came in at $1.8 million at a fish market in Tokyo. This tuna, as one of the most expensive in the world, could cost around $5,000 per pound of it! This particular fish has a very meaty texture to it.Original content sourced from Femanin.com

White Gold Caviar: $40,000

image source: reddit.com
The paler the caviar is, the more expensive it can be, which is why white or gold caviar is a lot more expensive than black caviar, which most people know about. This particular type of white gold caviar will be a very expensive mouthful indeed - at $40,000 for only a teaspoon!

Black Caviar: $37,000

image source: reddit.com
When thinking about how the rich wine and dine, most people would think of the whole 'champagne and caviar' deal - with good reason. Caviar is very expensive, because the fish sturgeon eggs have to be harvested by hand. There are many different varieties of Caviar, each with their own price tag. One teaspoon of Strottarga Bianco caviar would cost you a casual $37,000!

Edible Gold Leaf: $15,000

image source: reddit.com
As the name rightly suggests, edible gold leaf is completely safe to eat - but it'll cost you. Because you're eating pure gold, after all. It's safe to eat edible gold leaf as long as it's between 22 and 24 karats. But this one is entirely a 'look how much money I've got' flex, because it doesn't taste of anything.

Saffron: $10,000

image source: reddit.com
Saffron is one of the most popular spices in the world, and it's also the most expensive spice in the world. It comes in at around $10,000 per pound in retail prices. The reason for the high price is because of the sheer amount of saffron flowers it takes to make a very small amount of spice.

Red Swiftlet Nests: $10,000

image source: reddit.com
Don't be put off by the ominous looking red color - the swiftlet is actually a variety of bird, and it makes a nest in this red hue which can then actually be used for a very expensive Chinese soup dish. Fetching around $10,000 per bowl, it's apparently loaded with health benefits.

White Truffles: $6,000 to $10,000

image source: reddit.com
If you're only used to eating the chocolate kind of truffle, it's probably because you can't afford this version - and we're right there with you. White truffles are extremely expensive, found in Italy as fungi dug from the ground. Truffle hogs or expensive dog breeds are needed to seek them out.

Elvish Honey: $6,800

image source: thenewsandobserver.com
While this sounds like something out of a fantasy TV series, it's very much real - and it's very much expensive. Elvish honey is very rare, which is where its $6,800 per kilo price tag comes from. This honey needs to be gathered from caves by only the most professional climbers.

Black Watermelon: $6,000

image source: nbcnews.com
Also known as the Densuke melon, this watermelon from Japan is very rare - and very expensive. The fruit, which has a notable black skin compared to normal watermelons, is both sweet and crunchy to eat. They're also very prized gifts at weddings and celebrations!

Iberico Ham: $4,500

image source: reddit.com
Iberico ham is a well-known (and expensive) delicacy from Spain. This ham comes from the back leg of a pig - the black pig specifically - and results in the most expensive ham in the world. Its distinct flavor comes from the acorns which the pig feasts on in the wild.

White Swiftlet Nests: $2,000

image source: andamanholidays.com
We've already had the red variety, which come in with a much higher price tag, but there's also a white variety of the swiftlet nest which is popular for cuisine. A bowl of soup, which is what this Chinese delicacy is, using this nest will run in at around $2,000, and it's apparently worth it.

Pule Cheese: $1,700

image source: luxurylaunches.com
Pule cheese is also known as donkey cheese, but it's actually made from both donkey's milk and goat's milk. It's native to the Balkans, and is recognisable by its pale white appearance and strong flavor. It's very difficult to make, making it very rare - and expensive.

Ethical Foie Gras: $1,540

image source: reddit.com
The reason we say ethical is because there is a lot of controversy over how foie gras is produced in general. This ethical - and pricey - variety come from geese raised on free-roam farms. They are also not force-fed in order to produce this delicacy for consumption.

Moose Cheese: $1,074

image source: reddit.com
Did you know moose could make cheese? And expensive cheese at that? No, we didn't either. This cheese can only be found at the Moose House Farm in Sweden, for a very high price tag. The cheese is made from the milk the moose produces, and can fetch around $1,074 per kilo.

Matsutake Mushrooms: $1,000

image source: reddit.com
These mushrooms are very much an acquired taste - but isn't everything that's expensive? These Japanese mushrooms have a combination of sweet and spicy for their flavor, and come in at around $1,000 per pound - and the reason for their high price tag is that they're only harvested once a year.

Kopi Luwak Coffee: $700

image source: reddit.com
We all know coffee can get very expensive, but you might be shocked to learn why this one is so hefty in price... and by shocked, we mean disgusted. The Kopi Luwak Coffee is so expensive because the coffee beans have been eaten and then pooped out by the Asian palm civet - an animal sort of like a weasel.

Pure Vanilla: $600

image source: vanillery.com
Seeing as how vanilla is so much an everyday thing these days, like with scented candles and ice cream, it might be surprising to know vanilla on its own is a luxury food item. Racking up a total of around $600 per pound, Tahitian vanilla beans are actually the luxury ones you want to get your hands on!

Fugu Fish: $470

image source: reddit.com
Based on the fact that this fish can actually be lethal if not cooked properly, you'd think it would actually be a lot higher in price than it already is! Also known as the pufferfish, this delicacy contains a poison that only specially trained chefs are allowed to handle in order to serve.

Kobe Beef: $250

image source: reddit.com
Kobe beef is one of the most expensive meat variations you can get in the world. It comes from the Kobe region of Japan, from a particular breed of cattle, which are then raised in a very strict and particular way to result in the meat tasting a lot nicer than it usually would - for a price!

Wagyu Beef: $200

image source: reddit.com
Wagyu beef is a way to up your beef game, as this is the more expensive steak you can buy. The wagyu beef, hailing from Japan, is notable for its more marbling pattern of fat, as well as a superior flavor to regular beef. This beef from Japan can cost around $200 per pound.

Aceto Balsamic Vinegar: $180

image source: reddit.com
You might have thought nothing of your dollar-store balsamic vinegar you chuck on your salads from time to time, but yes you can actually get very expensive versions. Traditional - and expensive - balsamic vinegar made in Italy will come in around $180 for an aged 100ml bottle.

Iranian Pistachios: $153

image source: reddit.com
When you get a particularly good batch of pistachios which are prized for their shells and notable taste, it can cost around $153 per kilo of these nuts. There are actually a few different varieties of nuts which come in expensive, including macadamia as well as pistachio.

Caciocavallo Podolico: $140

image source: cookipedia.com
Based on the weird teardrop shape, you might be thinking what on earth is that? Well it's actually cheese - a very expensive cheese! Named after the cow it comes from, this cheese - which actually comes in a few different varieties, with Podolica being the most expensive - sells for around $140 a kilo.

Goose Barnacles: $125

image source: reddit.com
You can get your hands on goose barnacles by free diving for them yourself, when the tide's low enough. They are among the most expensive seafood options in the world, and the most in-demand are ones from Spain. They come in at a price of around $125 per pound.

Abalone: $120

image source: reddit.com
Abalone is a type of marine snail, which can be found off the coast of South Australia. They're harvested to serve up on a platter, with a high price tag. They can fetch a price of around $120 per mollusc, but fisherman who harvest tonnes and tonnes of abalone meat could expect prices in the millions.

Ayam Cemani Chicken: $100

image source: reddit.com
This particular chicken - because of its distinct coloration - is prized for its meat, which is why it's on the luxury price end. It actually costs around $2,000 to get your hands on a whole chicken, while they come in at $100 per pound for the meat. It's one of the most expensive chicken breeds in the world!

Yubari Melon: $100

image source: reddit.com
Yubari melons come in as one of the most expensive fruits in the world. Just like many other expensive foods on this list, this melon comes from Japan. They're popular - and expensive - because of their very sweet flavor, and their easy portion size. You can only find these at luxury food stores.

Luxury Olive Oil: $89

image source: reddit.com
We know what you're thinking - how can an everyday kitchen item cost so much money? Well, a luxury version of this particular oil doesn't come close to your supermarket price tag. It's made from hand-picked and cold-pressed olives, and even presented in a leather pouch.

Coffin Bay King Oysters: $77

image source: thenewdaily.com
Oysters are very easily accessible these days, but they can budge into the 'luxury' category if you pay for the right ones. Coffin Bay King Oysters are among the most expensive in the world, and you'll need to look hard to find (and afford) these ones.

Vanilla Beans: $10

image source: reddit.com
The price tag of $10 is actually per vanilla bean - so you can imagine the high price tag for a whole load of them. They're so expensive because they need to be pollinated by hand, one by one, and during a short time window when the flower is open. This time-consuming - and time-constrained - work racks up a high price tag.

Glass Eel: $1,581

image source: reddit.com
Eel is a very prized food item in Japan, which is why it runs up such a high price: around $1581 per kg! Eels come in many different varieties, and price ranges, but the glass eel - which is another name for a juvenile eel, when it's still young - is one of the most expensive.

Black Truffles: $1,750

image source: reddit.com
We already know that white truffles are extremely expensive, but did you know that black truffles exist, too? And they're also worth a pretty penny. This food can only be found in a few very select luxury restaurants. They have a very earthy and very pungent flavor - perfect for fish!

Scottish Lobster: $80

image source: themirror.com
We know that seafood can get very expensive based on the type and size, and lobster is definitely one of the most hefty price tags. The Scottish lobster in particular can be an expensive dish, at around $80 per kg. It's characteristic of its very black shell rather than red.

Hacienda La Esmerelda Coffee: $1000

image source: craftsense.com
This coffee has been labelled as the best in the world - which is why you can expect to pay big bucks for it! Is it worth it? Apparently so! This coffee bean has been described to have tangerine undertones to it, and is a very unique and prized coffee variety that coffee lovers will want to try at least once - if you have enough money, of course.

Shark Fin: $600

image source: reddit.com
The fin of a shark specifically is apparently considered a delicacy - a rather expensive delicacy, at that. It will cost you around $600 per kg of fin. The tragic thing about this one is the fin is gotten hold of by a process called shark finning, where the shark is still alive when its fin is removed and then dies by sinking to the bottom of the ocean, or unable to defend itself against other fish.

La Bonnotte Potatoes: $500

image source: reddit.com
There is only one island in the world that is used to produce this exclusive type of potato, and that's a small island off the coast of France. La Bonnotte potatoes will set you back around $500 per kg. The potatoes can only be handpicked, because they're so delicate!

Pineapple Heligan: $15,000

image source: reddit.com
As shocking as this price may be, this is because this is a food item truly fit for royalty. A pineapple heligan was gifted to Queen Elizabeth II, of England, on her 50th wedding anniversary. The effort it takes to plant and care for these particular pineapples justifies the price.

Artificial Meat: $363

image source: reddit.com
Priced at $363 per pound, artificial meat is something which is relatively new in terms of cuisine - but it's something that would drastically improve the situation of animal cruelty and meat from animals. It's made from natural meat cells, but grown in a lab - so it's no surprise it runs on the expensive side.

Zengcheng Hanging Green Lychee: $80,000

image source: chinatouradvisor.wordpress.com
Fruit can get very, very expensive if this list is anything to go by, but in China you'll find a very expensive fruit indeed: the hanging green lychee. This price comes from a record at auction that someone was willing to pay for this red and blue-skinned fruit, with a sweet taste.

Chestnut Oil: $1,400

image source: reddit.com
Chestnut oil is often known as 'liquid gold' - which may not surprise you based on that price per liter! While considered a food stuff, chestnut oil is most notably used by people who have a lot of money to spend on skincare - and then use this oil on their skin for health benefits!

Hops: $1,300

image source: reddit.com
Otherwise known as seed cones, hops come in at $1,300 per kilo. This vegetable looks very much like asparagus, but hops are very rare. Hops are difficult to get hold of, because they only grow once a year - in the spring - and you have to get them quickly because they die off fast!

Matcha Green Tea: $180

image source: reddit.com
Matcha green tea is very easily available, and a lot of people are embracing it in their diets these days, but it's still very expensive at $180 per kilo. This tea is different to tea leaves because matcha comes as powder which is then dissolved in water or milk. Green tea also has many health benefits.

Fennel Pollen: $1000

image source: reddit.com
At $1,000 per kg, fennel pollen is a surprisingly expensive dish - and maybe one you didn't even know existed. Fennel is very difficult to collect, so the pollen needs to be collected by hand from wild fennel, which can mainly be found in California and Italy. It's also known as 'culinary fairy dust'!

Kona Nigari Water: $550

image source: luxtionary.com
Found in Hawaii, this particular brand of very expensive water comes completely from the ocean. You might think that tastes a little... salty, but deep ocean water found in Hawaii is used for this bottled expense, because it's clean and not like the surface water where rubbish collects.

Japanese Matsusaka Beef: $550

image source: reddit.com
At $550 per kg, this meat is worth every dollar due to its superior taste. It has an exquisite flavor and richness that standard beef doesn't have. But there's actually an 'application' process before beef can be called Matsusaka, which includes cows being carefully chosen.

Buddha Shaped Pears: $80-$90

image source: reddit.com
You're either thinking this adorable, or terrifying. Or maybe both. But these carefully crafted buddha shaped pears come from China, with a higher price tag than regular pears because - well, look at them! They're made from plastic molds to get their faces and little tums just right.

Haggis: $22

image source: reddit.com
Haggis, coming in at $22 per kg, is a Scottish pudding with a very unique collection of ingredients. Haggis is made by using a sheep's stomach to pack full of sheep liver, lungs and heart, before adding onions and spices into the mix. It's a popular Scottish dish that also has demand in other parts of the world.

Mango Taiyo-no-Tamago: $2,000

image source: atlasobscura.com
This type of mango is usually sold in pairs, which comes in at $4,000 for the two! Or at least that's what it was priced at at auction. These mangos are also known as the 'eggs of the sun'. To make this mango qualify for the price, it needs to be placed in plenty of sunlight, and not have a speck of green on its skin.

Ruby Roman Grape: $90-$140

image source: reddit.com
At least the price is $90-$140 per bunch, and not per grape! But that's still one expensive grape. These grapes are best known for their highly sweet kick, and each individual grape is 4 times as large as a standard grape you'd find in your local grocery store. Worth the price, then?

Sekai-ichi Apple: $21

image source: twitter.com
We know what you're thinking: that's a big apple! This type of apple - $21 per apple, not per bushel - doesn't taste amazingly different to other apples, but the high price tag comes from the way it's manually planted, cared for and harvested, rather than by machines.