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Warner Bros built two giant Petri dishes with bacteria and fungi, leaving them in a store window for several days. The bacteria and fungi specimens went on to spell out the name of the film and create biohazard symbols


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QUIZ: How Well Do You Know The Film Contagion?

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With the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our world as we know it has transformed into the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster.

It’s no surprise then that the film Contagion (2011) starring Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jude Law has suddenly become painfully relevant in our current society.

Having become the most legally (and illegally) streamed film of the year, people are going mad over the apocalyptic thriller almost a decade after its initial release.

The original all-star cast have even spoken out about the current virus that has placed the world into quarantine, advising fans to ‘wash your hands like your life depends on it.’

Do you think you know the film the film well enough to put your knowledge to the ultimate test?

And they say life isn’t like the movies…

Now, word of advice… stay home, wash your hands, do the quiz and wait for all this to blow over!