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Pick Or Pass These Jokes And We’ll Tell You How Funny You Are…

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Where do you think you fit on the scale of 1 to giving people belly laughs for fun? I guess everyone feels they are funny, but there are all kinds of humour: things you may find absolutely hilarious are not even remotely funny to another person. Many people rely on their sense of humour to get them through life, but all these years you have been joking yourself out of situations, have you ever wondered, am I actually funny or are people just politely laughing?

We have made a short and fun quiz for all you Michael McIntyre wannabes!! The quiz is out of 100- all you have to do is pick or pass the jokes you see and we will tell you how funny you are. Where do you fit on the scale? Are you as good as Peter Kay? Have you got what it takes to make people belly laugh or should you maybe try another hobby?

Don’t forget to let us know if you have a potential comedian career or not in the comments and why not share this quiz with family and friends…

Good Luck!