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Pick And Pass On These Candy

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Every person old or young has that one candy they can’t get enough of.

Even the healthiest of people have to let loose and chomp on a bit of candy now and again.

But here in the US, we are candy mad and people come from all over the world to try it.

M&M’s, Reese’s Pieces, Jolly Ranchers and Sour Patch Kids are among the most popular just to name a few, but everyone is different.

Some have an old favourite that broke their heart when it got discontinued, while others have that one candy bar they can’t help but pick up with every trip to the store.

We all have a weakness for that one Candy whether you have a raging sweet tooth or are a sucker for sour candy.

What do you think of these Candies? Pick or pass on these sweet treats and see which ones you like!