1. They ask how your day has been
(Image/ Source: storyblocks.com)This is a really important thing for someone to do. By asking how your day went, it shows that they care about you and are genuinely interested in your life. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t ask! They also might want to find out more about your schedule so they can figure out how they can slot in with you at some point.Sourced from Femanin
2. They ask for your advice
(Image/ Source: verywellfamily.com)As someone grows more interested in you, the more they tend to trust you. Which is why they might ask for your advice on things. They could ask for some help on family life or work issues- anything that’s keeping them up at night! The person in question might also be trying to gauge your opinions on things to see if you have similar tastes.
3. They give you a LOT of compliments
(Image/ Source: hernorm.com)Isn’t it great when people realize how awesome you are? If they’re paying attention to your talents, intelligence, personality, appearance, or style, then they’re off to a good start. If people are complimenting you, it’s a gesture- they want to get to know you and learn more about you. So go ahead- knock ‘em dead!
4. They look at you when you talk to them
(Image/ Source: jeremymohler.medium.com)If someone is (genuinely) interested in you, they will try and show you that they’re listening to you as you chat. Their eyes should be drawn to your face while you talk, but if they’re super keen, they may well be staring at you even when you’re not talking! This is a huge sign that someone is into you. We speak from experience on this one.
5. They laugh at your jokes- even if they're terrible!
(Image/ Source: healthline.com)When two people can laugh hysterically at each other’s jokes (even when they’re really bad), then it’s a sure sign of a spark. If people want to be friends with you, or something much more than friends, they’ll go out of their way to try and make you laugh. And if you’re responding to that, well- we guess it shows you’re into them as much as they’re into you!
6. They step up in romantic situations
(Image/ Source: freepik.com)When someone is really into you, they tend to embrace romantic situations instead of being awkward or uncomfortable about them. They relish being alone with you, which is a very good sign that they enjoy their time with you! These kinds of situations will make it clear if there’s a genuine spark between you both.
7. They want to hang with you on the reg
(Image/ Source: time.com)If you’re regularly hanging out with someone who might be into you, it’s a super positive sign that things may end up going further. You know straight away that they’re willing to make the effort in a potential relationship if they’re putting a lot of their time aside for you. So the question is: do you feel the same? If so, go for it!
8. They tell others how great you are
(Image/ Source: cnbc.com)This one might be difficult to spot if you don’t have tons of mutual friends or co-workers, but if you ever spot your crush telling other people how great you are, you’re onto a winner! It’s also a cute sign that they want other people to think that you’re great too, which earns an awful lot of brownie points.
9. They touch you a lot (without being creepy)
(Image/ Source: westend61.de)We’re not talking about awkward, creepy, or unwelcome touching here. Humans naturally touch each other if they’re being affectionate- in fact, it’s one of the most common ways that we communicate! It helps us feel more connected and intimate, especially if we’re holding the hand of someone we like.
10. They make effort with your friends and family
(Image/Source: khaleejitimes.com)When you’re making good progress with a potential partner, there’s one true test that will make you sink or swim; meeting friends/family! If your crush is willing to make a lot of effort with the people you care about most, they’re a good catch. If they’re not enthusiastic or all that happy to do it, then you might want to consider your options…
11. They look beyond your appearance
(Image/ Source: theguardian.com)We’re all for compliments, but if things can’t progress past compliments on your appearance, be cautious. A true match for you would look beyond your appearance to give you compliments about your strengths and talents, or your amazing personality. Keep a close eye on what they say to you, as it’ll help you suss out who’s a potential partner and who’s just a hook up.
12. They want to make plans about your future together
(Image/ Source: mom.com)Do you find your crush making cool plans with you for the future? If so, you may have just found your new partner! These plans don’t need to be big; even just planning to go to a movie or dinner in a couple of weeks’ time shows you that they’re thinking about fun things you can do together as a potential couple. N’aww.
13. They're happy to spend some one-on-one time with you
(Image/ Source: freepik.com)This one’s a no-brainer. If someone’s got the hots for you, then they’ll be keen to spend some alone time with you. No extra friends or family, and no distractions. Just the two of you. And it’s this time that will be the most crucial, as you’ll be able to get to know each other on a much deeper, more meaningful level.
14. They call and text when they say they will
(Image/ Source: introvertdear.com)How many times have you waited for someone to call, and then they just, didn’t? Don’t worry- we’ve all been there! So if someone’s really, genuinely interested in you, they’ll call and text when they say they will. You’ll then know they’re reliable and not wasting your time, which is a very strong start in our book.
15. They're not afraid to make the move
(Image/ Source: elements.envato.com)How many times have you waited for someone to call, and then they just, didn’t? Don’t worry- we’ve all been there! So if someone’s really, genuinely interested in you, they’ll call and text when they say they will. You’ll then know they’re reliable and not wasting your time, which is a very strong start in our book.
16. They take an interest in the things you like
(Image/ Source: guardian.ng)If someone is actively taking an interest in the things you like, then keep hold of them! This shows they’re keen to learn more about you, have fun, and broaden their horizons by trying new things. You might find that you can both make suggestions to do these activities together, which will bring you closer than ever.
17. They get a bit nervous around you
(Image/ Source: muscleandfitness.com)We’re not saying they need to be scared of you- far from it! But a little bit of nervousness shows they like you, a lot. This tends to happen during those early first encounters or dates, when they might end up staring at their own shoes while they try and talk to you. But it’s ok- we all have those awkward moments sometimes!
18. They smile at you a lot
(Image/ Source: christianmingle.com)Smiling is another common example of human communication. If that special someone is usually smiling in your company, chances are, they’re into you! It’s a way for them to express happiness, comfort, and friendliness towards you in an easy, relaxed way. If you’re smiling straight back at them, there’s definitely a spark.
19. They try and impress you
(Image/ Source: brides.com)Have you ever had a romantic partner that tries to impress you? Sometimes they might seem like they’re showing off, or trying to make out they’re far more knowledgeable or interested in something than they actually are. It’s a bit lame, but also kinda cute, as they want you to think highly of them!
20. Your bodies touch during conversations
(Image/ Source: stocksy.com)If you find that you’re naturally touching each other while you’re chatting together, it’s a sign of great chemistry. Some people are naturally more affectionate than others, so it might feel a bit full on during those early stages of friendship! But if you like them as much as they might like you, it shouldn’t be a problem…
21. They try to catch your eye in group situations
(Image/ Source: mashable.com)Sharing a cheeky glance with a crush during a group situation can really get your heart racing. If they keep trying to catch your eye and smile at you from across the room, it’s a subtle but strong sign that you have a spark. In fact, plenty of couples still do this even when they’ve been together for years or decades!
22. They will ask about your past
(Image/ Source: bestlifeonline.com)When two people start to get close, they naturally start to open up. This means talking about our past. If a potential partner is interested in your life and wants to learn more about what you’ve experienced, it seems like you’re building momentum towards a great relationship, as you’re understanding what makes the other person tick.
23. Their body language is open
(Image/ Source: womensday.com)Open body language is always a winner. Especially a potential partner! If someone is really keen on you, then they will lean in when they’re talking to you. This is a great way for both of you to feel more comfortable with each other and get closer. Look out for unfolded arms and relaxed shoulders- this shows they feel happy in your company.
24. They show up at your events/performances
(Image/ Source: socio.events)This doesn’t apply to everyone, but if you’re hosting an event or performing in a band or show, keep tabs on whether your potential partner plans on making an appearance. If they do, it’s a really encouraging sign! This shows that they’re interested in the things you do and want to support you while you’re out there doing your thing.
25. They look for an excuse to spend time with you
(Image/ Source: hillwalktours.com)If someone is really into you, then he or she will definitely go out of their way to see you as often as they can! To give an example; if they suggest catching you for a drink after work, it shows they’re interested. Just bear in mind that if you keep agreeing to see them, it suggests you’re interested in them too, so make sure you’re not giving them mixed signals.
26. Dilated pupils
(Image/ Source: health.howstuffworks.com)They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul- and this now seems to be confirmed by psychologists! A person’s pupils can actually dilate up to three sizes bigger when they’re looking at someone they like a lot. So if you’re unsure if someone’s into you, make sure you look into their eyes and find out…
27. They mirror your body language
(Image/ Source: medium.com)Do you find that your crush mirrors your body language when they’re with you? This is a great sign they’re interested in you! We tend to unconsciously mimic the gestures, sayings, and behaviors of those we’re close to- and researchers say it’s a clear sign of likeness or attraction. So if you’re questioning whether your crush is into you, keep an eye on their body language.
28. They direct their feet towards you
(Image/ Source: scmp.com)We know this is a bit of a weird one, but when someone directs their feet towards you, it’s a sign that they like you. Apparently, it’s known as one of the key signs of attraction in early-stage relationships. So if you’re in a group and your crush is talking to someone else, they should still have their feet pointed towards you (in theory)…
29. Notice how they walk around you
(Image/ Source: freepik.com)If the person you like tends to walk in front of you, chances are they’re not that into you (and might be more interested in themselves). On the other hand, if they’re walking right beside you, or even slightly behind you, it shows they think you’re important and like you a lot. And if they’re holding your hand, then that says it all!
30. Pay attention to their brows
(Image/ Source: buzzfeednews.com)Eyebrows are pretty telling when it comes to attraction. If your crush lifts or raises their eyebrows for just a few seconds, this is generally considered to be a sign that they like you. It’s also known as a “flash”, and there’s some cool science behind it; it’s an involuntary movement and a by-product of the release of Dopamine.
31. Flirting All The Time

Image Source / Business InsiderIt may seem obvious to say that flirting is a sign that someone likes you, but playful flirty banty can exist between mates too, so it's important to pay attention to whether harmless flirting means a little more with a bae you're interested in. They might flirt non-stop with every other word they say, or flirt every now and again if they're more subtle!
32. Bonding Over Similar Tastes

Image Source / Technology NetworksYou may be highly compatible on a psychological level based on the things you have in common. You might find you have similar, or even identical, tastes in a lot of things - which is, of course, always a plus for romantic relationships. This can be things like hobbies or food.
33. They'll Find Ways To Be In The Same Place Of You

Image Source / MedicineNetWhen we talk about them trying to get close to you, we don't just mean when you're already hanging out. They may go out of their way to go to the grocery store they know you use on a certain day, just in the hopes of seeing you and striking up a conversation.
34. They're Ready To Make 'Boring' Tasks Fun

Image Source / ForbesAs the saying goes, there's 'never a dull moment' with this person - because they make sure there isn't. For the most boring of tasks, they can be more than happy to do them if it means spending more time with you, such as doing the washing up together. Even if you're not doing anything, they're happy to fill the silence with you.
35. They Gravitate Towards You

Image Source / Terra Nova ProductionsAs well as actually leaning in to you all the time, the person might 'gravitate' towards you with subtle movements. If you're out for dinner with a group, for example, they may lean in your direction, always make sure they're facing you or even make sure they're sat across from you.
36. No Physical Barriers

Image Source / MediumThose who aren't interested in others, whether strangers or otherwise, might be content with a 'block' between, like a stack of books on a table between you, or even putting their headphones in so that you can't speak. Someone who likes you will make sure to remove anything physically separating you to gain that idea of being closer to you.
37. They Make Sure You Feel Special

Image Source / Merriam-WebsterThis doesn't have to necessarily be buying you a huge bouquet or flowers, it can be about the subtle everyday things. They might be the first - or only - person to notice your new haircut and compliment you on it. They alternatively might like flashing their cash, so to speak, for you in particular (such as offering to pay for a meal which they wouldn't usually offer for other friends).
38. Watching You When No One's Looking

Image Source / People | HowStuffWorksYou can't keep your eyes off someone you like, even when they're not looking at you, even when the rest of the world is busy with something else, and even when you look like that weirdo staring and drooling at someone you like. But you might turn mid conversation to find them watching you from across the room and hurriedly trying to look like they weren't.
39. Bring Up How Single And Available They Are (A Lot)

Image Source / Clarity ClinicHumour is often said to reveal the truth but pass off as a 'joke', and that's never been truer than with love-life jokes. Such as how lonely they are at home, how 'woe is me' it is that no one is waiting at home for them, or maybe just general hints that they're available every time you talk to them.
40. They Pay Attention To The Smallest Details

Image Source / Faculty FocusThey won't just pay attention, like in normal conversation, they'll
really pay attention, and this doesn't just mean to when you're speaking. They might pay extra attention to what you're wearing, your mannerisms, the way your laugh sounds... anything you yourself may not have even noticed!
41. Being Very Generous (Not Just With Money)

Image Source / Inc. MagazineThey could also be very generous with their time, like making sure to go above and beyond to make sure you're okay. They want to show they care - without you having to ask - so they don't mind going out of their way to do things for you, like errands, or anything that will make you happy.
42. Being Overly Curious

Image Source / Fisher College of Business - The Ohio State UniversityThere's taking a general, polite interest in someone, and then there's being very curious to the point of burning to know every little thing about you. You might find that as well as general 'get to know you' questions, you're asked things like what your hopes and dreams are or to tell them interesting stories about you.
43. Alone Time Is Best Time

Image Source/ BBCAs well as enjoying alone time you when it happens, this person might try and create extra alone time. This could be 'oh don't worry, I'll give them a lift home, you guys can leave' so you're left alone with that quality time in the car. They might try and push for more moments like this.
44. They Want To Make Your Life Easier

Image Source / EF English Live - EF Education FirstAnd they'll do so by learning everything they can about how to exactly do that. They may question you about likes and dislikes to better understand what they can do to avoid upsetting or annoying you, or the type of things that you like to be surrounded with.
45. Always Smiling

Image Source / NBC NewsYou may be able to actually see their face visibly perk up as soon as they lay eyes on you, and notice they always seem to be smiling and laughing around you when you're sure they don't do it half as much around other people! There's nothing you can really do to make them not seem happy that you're around.
46. They Want To Tell You About Their Day

Image Source / Club MahindraIt's one thing to want to ask you about your day, but another to also be eager to fill you in on theirs. If they're constantly updating you about what they've been up, or say things like 'oh as soon as this happened I couldn't wait to tell you!' it's a huge hint you're on their mind.
47. They Really Listen

Image Source / Inc. MagazineNot just fake listening or the bare minimum of listening, they hang on your every word, and they remember all the things you've told them because they really were listening. They're not thinking of the next funny thing to say when you're talking, they're just being in the moment when you talk.
48. They Might Act Differently Around You

Image Source / SelectHealthTheir behaviour might be different with you than it is with other people. This could go many different ways, such as being quieter and shyer around you when they're usually loud, or that they feel comfortable to be their loud quirky self with you when they might be quieter around others. Either way, they're acting differently around you for a reason!
49. They Support You No Matter What

Image Source / Home Base VeteransEven if it's over something ridiculous, they're ready to back you up no matter what. They might try to support you simply by saying that they support you in everyday situations, or they may show it by physically helping you out with something. Or, they may be your biggest cheerleader when it comes to life achievements.
50. They're Protective Of You

Image Source / GoodTherapyIt's a natural feeling to protect someone you care about. They might protect you by unconscious movements, such as standing between you and the road, or in front of you on the stairs. Or, they might protect you verbally, such as standing up for you if someone says something insulting to you.