The case of deciphering the enigmatic language of the heart! Brace yourself for an exploration into the realm of emotions, where actions speak louder than words, and the psychological breadcrumbs left tell a story.
1. He has not moved on with a new girlfriend
If he hasn't moved on yet and got another girlfriend this is one of the ultimate signs, he may not be over you and that he misses you.

Image Source/ RedditBecause, if he falls in love with someone else after you, chances are he no longer misses you. So, this is a big tell-tale sign. Original content sourced from
2. He tries to make you jealous
If he's trying to make you jealous, it's for a reason - it means he still misses you. And probably wants you back. He may do things

Image Source/ Pinterestlike post pictures of other girls or say things about other people to try and get a reaction from you and make you jealous.
3. He 'coincidentally' runs into you
All these accidental random run ins? They aren't accidental. He misses you and he is trying to catch up with you by going

Image Source/ laciencadelcafe.comwhere you usually go so that he can see you again. It's easier for him than having to ask to see you, this way he can pretend.
4. They reminisce about good memories
On the times you do see each other, if her misses you he will probably talk about all the good times you had together and all

Image Source/ Pinterestof the fond memories you share together because he wants to reflect on the times you have as well as remind you about the good aspects.
5. He calls you if he's drunk
Okay this is a huge sign. If it is you, he is calling when he's drunk, it's definitely because he misses you. As the saying goes -

Image Source/ Undefineda drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. And if you are on his mind when he gets drunk it is you he misses.
6. He likes your social media posts
Social media today is so popular that a lot of people speak their mind through their social medias instead of in real life. And so,

Image Source/ Kicksta blogif he's liking all of your posts this is not random - he is doing it because he misses you and he wants you to see his name.
7. He talks about you
If you live in a small own or share similar groups of friends, then you may hear that he's been taking about you. Perhaps your

Image Source/ YouTubefriends have told you or his friends. Either way, if he's talking about you, he definitely is not over you and misses you still.
8. He has made insults about your new partner
This is quite a common reaction if you get a new boyfriend, and you hear that your ex-boyfriend has been saying bad things about him.

Image Source/ Deviant ArtThere's only one reason for this. Jealousy. It's a big sign that they resent you having a new boyfriend because they still miss you.
9. And compares them to himself
Then, another common thing that men do when they are jealous is they compare the new guy with themself. 'He's not as tall

Image Source/ Redditas me' or 'I have a bigger car', that kind of thing which is not a mature way to deal with you moving on but it's just a sign.
10. He tries to prove how well he knows you
This is another thing he will probably do if he still misses you - try and prove how well he knows you and that he knows you

Image Source/ Redditbetter than anybody. He might say things like only I know this about you, or I still remember how you take your morning coffee...
11. He still has your things
Okay if he's keeping your things - he misses you. Otherwise, you'd either hand it right back to the person or you'd send it to

Image Source/ Pinterestcharity if they no longer wanted it. But if they're keeping it it is so that they have a comforting reminder that you were once theirs.
12. He responds to you immediately
You may have taken five days to reply, but it doesn't matter if he misses you, he will still reply as soon as possible. This is

Image Source/ Yahoobecause he can't forget to message you back or wouldn't scroll past as though you aren't priority because you are still on his mind.
13. He remembers small details
When you do talk, he will try and remember tiny little details to show you how he treasured your time together and how you

Image Source/ Pinterestare so important to him that he remembered little insignificant details. Because these things will be playing over in his mind.
14. If you're in a group setting, they always seek you out
It doesn't matter how busy it is, or how many people are in a room. He will seek you out if he misses you. Yes, he may well pretend

Image Source/ BuzzFeedthat it was an accidental run in. But we all know he sought you out because he wanted to see you and he is missing you.
15. He can't stop smiling when he sees you
When you see each other, he will have a clear reaction if he still misses you. He may be overly emotional, and he will be happy.

Image Source/ RedditHe probably won't stop smiling because he is finally back in your company again and he gets to spend time with you.
16. He seems nervous
As well as these things, he may even be a little shy and nervous. Because he will have been playing the moment, he sees you

Image Source/ KnowYourMemein his out in head and he may not have seen you in a long time. And he wants to make a good impression when he does see you again.
17. He tries to meet up
He will of course try to meet up with you. He'll pose different ideas and ways to see you and probably suggest something

Image Source/ Pinterestthat he knows you would love, even if he doesn't, so that you will not want to say no. This is because he wants your company again.
18. He offers to lend you something
This kind of goes hand in hand with the point above because he will want to lend you something, not only to be helpful

Image Source/ Redditand to show you he's willing to do things for you. But also, because he wants to create an excuse to see you again.
19. He finds excuses to talk to you/ text you
He will definitely find a reason to text you or call you or try to talk to you in any way. And it won't matter the reason because

Image Source/ Rankerhe may not have one. It could be something little or totally irrelevant, but he will try and use any excuse he can to be able to text.
20. He views yours and your friends' social medias
Again, social media can be very indicative of who is keeping up with you. And, if you have an ex who is missing you, he is

Image Source/ Pinterestdefinitely going to be watching your social media and if you ended on bad terms and blocked one another, he will be watching.
21. He tries to impress you
He'll also definitely try and impress you. He may start going to the gym and getting fit or start buying new clothes. He may start

Image Source/ Redditdoing some of the things he knew you loved, just to try and impress you. Or he'll start bragging about a new up and coming venture...
22. He always tries new ways to get your attention
He's going to be finding any way possible to get your attention. He'll probably have tried a number of things, and then he'll

Image Source/ YouTubebe trying to find new ways. Some of these ways will be discreet you won't even realise, but the intention behind it is the same.
23. He can't maintain a lasting relationship
He may have tried to move on with other women, even tried out new relationships. Yet, if there seems to be a line of unsuccessful

Image Source/ KnowInsiderswomen, this is probably because he misses you and isn't over you. Therefore, while he's still feeling this way, he cannot put his heart.
24. He tries to find out about you
Perhaps you broke up with a clean break, intending not to speak with one another. But if he still misses you, he will try

Image Source/ GQand ask everybody else who knows you about you. This way, he still knows what you are doing and has some knowledge of your life.
25. He cares how you're doing
If he genuinely misses you, then he will genuinely care about how you are really doing. And not just a insincere 'how you doing?'

Image Source/ Pinterestbut he will really mean it and want to know how you are because he still cares about you. It's one of the biggest signs.
26. He tells you
Now there's nothing clearer than when he honestly tells you 'I miss you'. Particularly because this is not an easy thing to admit

Image Source/ blogspot- especially if he does not know how you feel and whether it is reciprocated. So, if he tells you - the chances are he means it.
27. He's started a 'self-improvement' journey
It's a common experience when two people break up that the person wanting the other person back will try to 'better themselves'

Image Source/ Redditdoing things they know you would like. They may go on some kind of journey of self-improvement. It's common.
28. He suddenly seems interested in your hobbies
He may even suddenly be interested in those hobbies that you love, and he never had an interest in before. In fact, when

Image Source/ Weight Off My Shouldersyou were together, he may have actively disliked them. Now, you might have noticed that he's suddenly started trying them.
29. He makes new changes
Has he got a new hair cut? Or a new car? Or he just seems to be making a string of changes to himself. It's like anyone after

Image Source/ Pinteresta breakup, it's normal to want to try and make changes to signify a brand-new start. However, in this case it's to get your attention.
30. He becomes active on social media straight after you do
Have you ever noticed that as soon as you go online, a certain someone also does. If so, he's probably been waiting all day

Image Source/ Redditto see when you're active. He may be waiting to send a message or put something online so that you can see it/message him.
31. His photos appear all over your social media
Now social media is constantly used to get people's attention. And even if he did not use it before, he's probably going to use

Image Source/ Pinterestit if he misses you as a way to post pictures of himself to grab your attention so that you see his name and are reminded of him.
32. He sends you gifts
There's nothing more obvious that somebody is thinking about you than when they buy you a gift. Especially if that gift

Image Source/ Redditcame completely out of the blue and for no apparent reason at all. It shows you he misses you and his thoughts are revolving around you.
33. He appears at your house uninvited
Now this one can be a step too far. They may turn up at your house unexpected and uninvited. If the situation between you

Image Source / The Today Showis good this may be a pleasant surprise. If not...then this will probably feel like an invasion of privacy. But it may be because he misses you.
34. He continues the conversation even after it has ended
He will carry on the conversation at all costs if he misses you. He will make any effort to keep the conversation going

Image Source/ Cheezburgereven if it has come to a natural close. And it won't matter how hard he has to try; he will even talk to you about the weather if needs be.
35. He's been miserable without you
Now, one of the major signs he misses you is if he's been struggling without you and feels miserable because he misses you

Image Source/ Redditso much. If you have been a big part of someone's life it can be a massive adjustment to not spending as much time with one another.
36. He asks for pictures
If he misses you, all he wants to do is see you. He might randomly ask for a picture of your face because that will be the thing

Image Source/ sundaymorningreviewhe misses most - seeing you. If you're out and about he might ask for a picture so that he can imagine you and your life now.
37. He checks your followers
You will not know this for sure, but someone else may tell you. If he's checking your followers on social media, it's because

Image Source/ Geek Insiderhe misses you and also because he is jealous and wants to know if you are following any new guys that may come to replace him.
38. He blocks and unblocks you
This one depends on how it ended and if you are on speaking terms. If you are not currently speaking, he's going to try

Image Source/ The US Sunand get your attention any way possible. One way he might try this is to block and unblock you in the hopes of provoking.
39. He'll share much more of his life online
It may look like on his stories he is constantly out, having a great time with friends or partying. This is because it's exactly

Image Source/ Daily Recordwhat he wants you to think. He will want you to see him, in a way that provokes a feeling, any feeling - either sadness or jealousy.
40. He tries to video call
The best next thing to actually seeing someone is seeing someone on a video call. And when he misses you all he'll want

Image Source/ Redditis to see you. So, he will try and video call so that he can see you in real life. After all, texts and calls are not the same as seeing someone.
41. When/if you do meet up, he tries to make it romantic
If he misses you, he will try and make it romantic when you do meet. This is because he wants to spend time with you,

Image Source/ Pinterestbut he also really wants to give the message of romantic potential and NOT the friendzone. So, he may do little romantic gestures.
42. You may dream about him
Now if you believe in spiritual things, this is a good sign. If not, you may not believe it. But some people think that if you dream

Image Source/ Redditabout someone frequently or prominently it is because they miss you and are thinking about you a lot to translate to dreams.
43. His friends tell you
If his friends tell you he misses, you - then he misses you. Because his friends won't want to tell you something that is not true

Image Source/ Pinterestor, or that may annoy him if he finds out. If he wasn't missing you a lot, they would probably not mention it.
44. He reacts very strangely to any signs of other guys
If you mention another man...the reaction will be very clear. Even if he tries to play it cool. Any tiny little mention to another guy

Image Source/ Redditin your life is going to provoke a reaction. It may be jealousy, sadness, frostiness - but it's going to be clear no matter what.
45. He texts nonstop
When someone misses you, they text you. All the time. No matter what time it is they are going to be wanting to speak to you.

Image Source/ RedditEven if they're out with their friends, speaking with you is on the top of their priority list and so they will be texting you.
46. He sends pictures to you
Aswell as wanting to see your face, he will also want you to see him. This is either because he assumes you miss him too

Image Source/ Wattpador because he wants you to miss him by seeing him. If he feels good then you're the first person he is going to want to see.
47. He's willing to do anything for you
If you ask something of him, it may be really small, but he will go above and beyond to oblige you. And, you know you could ask

Image Source/ Pinteresthim anything and he'd make sure he did it for you. He wants to show you he cares and that no amount of effort is too much.
48. He tells you his news instantly
If he misses you - you are the first person he wants to tell everything about. Any piece of news, be it good or bad, he wants

Image Source/ Redditto tell you. Even if he has to wait, it won't take long for him to find some way to tell you and as soon as he sees you, he will be discussing.
49. He talks about the future
When he misses you, he doesn't want to think about a future without you in it. So, when he talks to you, he will be talking

Image Source/ Redditabout the future - with you in it. This is because he wants to gauge you reaction and see if this is a realistic hope or not.
50. He makes you feel special
If he misses you, he's going to make you feel special - like you're the only girl he cares about. You may even wonder, if anybody

Image Source/ Pinterestelse would ever make me you so special. This is because he is solely focused on you because he misses you so much.
Here are the psychological signs that someone likes you... They ask how your day has been
This is a really important thing for someone to do. By asking how your day went, it shows that they care about you and are
(Image/ Source: Insider)genuinely interested in your life. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t ask! They also might want to find out more about your schedule.
2. They ask for your advice
As someone grows more interested in you, the more they tend to trust you. Which is why they might ask for your advice on
(Image/ Source: loveweddingsNG)things. They could ask for some help on family life or work issues- anything that’s keeping them up at night!
3. They give you a LOT of compliments
Isn’t it great when people realize how awesome you are? If they’re paying attention to your talents, intelligence, personality,
(Image/ Source: Reddit)appearance, or style, then they’re off to a good start. If people are complimenting you, it’s a gesture- they want to get to know you.
4. They look at you when you talk to them
If someone is (genuinely) interested in you, they will try and show you that they’re listening to you as you chat. Their eyes
(Image/ Source: Reddit)should be drawn to your face while you talk, but if they’re super keen, they may well be staring at you even when you’re not talking!
5. They laugh at your jokes- even if they're terrible!
When two people can laugh hysterically at each other’s jokes (even when they’re really bad), then it’s a sure sign of a spark.
(Image/ Source: Essence)If people want to be friends with you, or something much more than friends, they’ll go out of their way to try and make you laugh.
6. They step up in romantic situations
When someone is really into you, they tend to embrace romantic situations instead of being awkward or uncomfortable about them.
(Image/ Source: pinterest)They relish being alone with you, which is a very good sign that they enjoy their time with you and to see if there's a spark!
7. They want to hang with you on the reg
If you’re regularly hanging out with someone who might be into you, it’s a super positive sign that things may end up going further.
(Image/ Source: Attitude)You know straight away that they’re willing to make the effort in a potential relationship if they’re putting a lot of their time.
8. They tell others how great you are
This one might be difficult to spot if you don’t have tons of mutual friends or co-workers, but if you ever spot your crush telling
(Image/ Source: OK! Magazine)other people how great you are, you’re onto a winner! It’s also a cute sign that they want other people to think that you’re great too.
9. They touch you a lot (without being creepy)
We’re not talking about awkward, creepy, or unwelcome touching here. Humans naturally touch each other if they’re being
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)affectionate- in fact, it’s one of the most common ways that we communicate! It helps us feel more connected and intimate.
10. They make effort with your friends and family
When you’re making good progress with a potential partner, there’s one true test that will make you sink or swim; meeting friends/family!
(Image/Source: your crush is willing to make a lot of effort with the people you care about most, they’re a good catch. But if they’re not enthusiastic...
11. They look beyond your appearance
We’re all for compliments, but if things can’t progress past compliments on your appearance, be cautious. A true match
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)for you would look beyond your appearance to give you compliments about your strengths and talents, or your amazing personality.
12. They want to make plans about your future together
Do you find your crush making cool plans with you for the future? If so, you may have just found your new partner! These plans
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)don’t need to be big; even just planning to go to a movie or dinner in a couple of weeks’ time shows you that they’re thinking about it.
13. They're happy to spend some one-on-one time with you
This one’s a no-brainer. If someone’s got the hots for you, then they’ll be keen to spend some alone time with you. No extra friends
(Image/ Source: ReadSector)or family, and no distractions. And it’s this time that will be the most crucial, as you’ll be able to get to know each other.
14. They call and text when they say they will
How many times have you waited for someone to call, and then they just, didn’t? Don’t worry- we’ve all been there!
(Image/ Source: Undefined)So if someone’s really, genuinely interested in you, they’ll call and text when they say they will. You’ll then know they’re reliable.
15. They're not afraid to make the move
How many times have you waited for someone to call, and then they just, didn’t? Don’t worry- we’ve all been there!
(Image/ Source: if someone’s really, genuinely interested in you, they’ll call and text when they say they will. You’ll then know they’re reliable.
16. They take an interest in the things you like
If someone is actively taking an interest in the things you like, then keep hold of them! This shows they’re keen to learn
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)more about you, have fun, and broaden their horizons by trying new things. You might find that you can both make suggestions.
17. They get a bit nervous around you
We’re not saying they need to be scared of you- far from it! But a little bit of nervousness shows they like you, a lot. This tends to happen
(Image/ Source: iFunny)during those early first encounters or dates, when they might end up staring at their own shoes while they try and talk to you.
18. They smile at you a lot
Smiling is another common example of human communication. If that special someone is usually smiling in your company,
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)chances are, they’re into you! It’s a way for them to express happiness, comfort, and friendliness towards you in an easy, relaxed way.
19. They try and impress you
Have you ever had a romantic partner that tries to impress you? Sometimes they might seem like they’re showing off, or trying
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)to make out they’re far more knowledgeable or interested in something than they actually are. It’s a bit lame, but also kinda cute.
20. Your bodies touch during conversations
If you find that you’re naturally touching each other while you’re chatting together, it’s a sign of great chemistry. Some people
(Image/ Source: Pinterest)are naturally more affectionate than others, so it might feel a bit full on during those early stages of friendship!