Pregnancy Food Combinations From Around The World

By Tom Pearson 1 year ago

Bananas And Ketchup

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If you really think about it, bananas are a fruit and tomatoes are a fruit, so banana covered in ketchup is essentially a fruit salad. Okay, so this might not help sell the dish, but many pregnant mothers take to this tangy and sweet dish when they are pregnant.

Mayonnaise And Tomatoes

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So personally, in a sandwich I don't really think this is too strange, but I know a lot of people out there who would strongly disagree with this point of view. Raw tomatoes are an iffy food for a lot of people anyway, so alone in a sandwich may be too much.

Cheese And Honey

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What could be better than a plain and simple grilled cheese sandwich? Well, according to expectant mothers, a grilled cheese sandwich either drizzled with or dipped into some fresh honey. I can see the appeal, but I also realize this is super weird too.

Tuna And Ice Cream

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This one is absolutely nuts, there is no doubt about it! Mixing smelly tuna fish with cold vanilla ice cream is the work of a crazy person, and the fact that this is a well known pregnancy food shows that it was not just one nutter who tried it, people actually like this!

Nutella And Mayo

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Nutella is one of the greatest man made things that we as a species have come up with, alongside advances in medicine and space craft. But mixing it with eggy, oily mayonnaise is just sacrilege. Why would you want to do this, it doesn't mix right and has a weird flavor.

Onion And Chocolate

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You can add pretty much anything into a bar of chocolate and make it better. Orange? Check. Peanuts? Check. Onion on the other hand is a bit of a weird choice to add into your choc. The onion taste is overpowering and leaves your breathe absolutely stinking.

Pretzels And Ice Cream

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I am not pregnant, and will never end up pregnant, but I can firmly put my flag in the pretzel and ice cream camp. Mixing crunchy salty pretzels with cold, sweet vanilla or caramel ice cream sounds amazing, and it is something you should definitely try.

Pringles And Whipped Cream

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In a pinch, you can substitute nacho chips with pringles. But what do you do if there is no cheese or salsa to dip your pringles into? Use whipped cream of course! Whipping cream is usually reserved for sweets and deserts, but I guess it goes with pringles?

Cereal And Orange Juice

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If you don't like milk in your cereal, then I would really suggest that you choose a different type of breakfast before you start putting fruit juice into your cereal. Mixing orange juice with cereal is a great way to start your day with a mountain of sugar!

Coca-Cola And Peanuts

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Filling a bottle of cola with peanuts is a combination that leaves us wondering, who thought this would be a good idea in the first place? Won't the peanuts go soggy and slimy, and will the remaining coke not be filled with bits of sludgy peanut dust?

Tuna Salad And Fruit Punch

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A tuna salad and some fruit punch sounds like a great lunchtime meal, but mixing them together sounds like nightmare fuel. To help tackle cravings, mixing fish and fruit is fairly common, bit going to these lengths seems a little bit over the top. Would you try this?

Cheese Quesadilla And Bananas

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A nutella and banana or peanut butter and banana quesadilla would make for a great desert or even a nice breakfast. But substituting chicken for banana and covering the whole thing in cheese seems like a really strange way to get one of your five a day.

Apples With Salt And Pepper

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Apples, or other slices of fresh fruit, covered in chili powder and salt is a common snack in Latin American countries, but it seems the need for sweet and savory becomes to overwhelming to expectant mothers. If you are into sweet and savory, give it a go.

Vanilla Ice Cream And Soy Sauce

Image Source: The Kitchn
Maxing salty soy sauce with ice cream gives of similar vibes to salted caramel. The excessive salt is balanced out by how sweet the ice cream is, and visa versa. This topping is far healthier for you than something sugary, but keep an eye on that blood pressure.

Orange Juice And Oreo's

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Everyone enjoys an Oreo dipped in a glass of cool milk, but into fresh orange juice? Surely not? This is similar to mixing orange juice with cereal, mixing something excessively sweet with something bitter and naturally sweet. I see a common pattern emerging.

Flamin' Hot Cheetos And Marshmallows

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We all enjoyed making marshmallow squares with our moms at one point in our childhood. Mixing your favorite cereal with soft melted marshmallow is a delicious treat, but some folks opt towards flaming hot cheetos instead of something like fruit or cereal.

Fries And Milkshake

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I won't lie, this is something I have enjoyed for years. Every time I stop for fast food, the fries are going in the milkshake. Milkshake machine broke? Not a problem, i'll dip those bad boys into an ice cream if i have to. This is one that you need to try.

Chocolate And Avocado

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If you are a vegan, then you already know all about using avocado to make a chocolate mousse type pudding. Mashed up or blended avocado turns itself into a great foamy texture, and you can mix in some hot chocolate powder or chocolate chips to make a desert.

Olive Oil And Ice Cream

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A drizzle of olive oil is a perfect addition to a pizza or a garlic bread, but drizzled over your ice cream? Topping a frozen desert in this way is a bit of a left field choice, but i can kind of see why the pregnant population may have thought to give it a go.

Cola And Chicken

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Dr Pepper has been used in southern cooking for generations. The popular drink is used as a marinade, and rather than dipping fried chicken into a glass of cola, the chicken is left to marinade in it. This give it a sweeter taste and a sticky texture.

Strawberries And Balsamic Vinegar

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A fresh bowl of strawberries pairs perfectly with a warm summer afternoon. But i fail to see how topping them with harsh and bitter balsamic vinegar can make them taste better. This one is definitely best left to the professionals, aka the pregnant women.

Apple Pie And Cheddar Cheese

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A warm slice of apple pie topped with a slab of melted cheese absolutely screams America, this might be the most American food combined with the other most American food. The mom's obviously love a taste of Americana to even give this dish an attempt.

Burger And Peanut Butter

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Peanut butter sauce is common place all over countries like Thailand and Indonesia, you will also frequently see it on the menu at Thai restaurants. Peanut butter also pairs beautifully with bacon, so throw in a patty of beef too and you can't go wrong.

Chocolate And Chips

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You might like to enjoy a bowl of potato chips with a beer or maybe some salsa, but dipped in chocolate... The salty flavor of the plain chipped combined with some sweet chocolate might hit the spot, and hear me out, they may be even better chilled...

Banana And Bacon

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You have heard of peanut butter with bacon, but banana and bacon? I guess this was paired to have a similar flavor to bacon and peanut butter, perhaps for those of us with an allergy to nuts. If that is you, then this could be your new breakfast sandwich.

Pizza With Ranch

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If you have ever ordered a take away pizza before, you will either be a lover or a hater of the pot of garlic and herb dip you get on the side. If you are in the camp of lovers, then why not add some ranch to your pizza and keep the party going on! What team are you on?

Ketchup And Ranch

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Ketchup and mayonnaise used to be a creation made by mavericks, until lots of sauce companies began producing it themselves and calling it burger sauce. Ketchup and ranch is the new creation, and the sauce companies have cottoned on, calling it 'Kranch'.

Steak And Blueberries

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For years, pineapple and ham, or pork and apple have been common pizza toppings. Combining meat and fruit is not a not thing, but steak and blueberries is quite wild. Arguably, you shouldn't add anything to a steak other than pepper and butter. What do you think?

Watermelon And Salt

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If you have never grilled yourself a piece of watermelon or pineapple, then you are missing out. This is a great way to end a family barbecue and will surprise all of your guests. This is seriously underrated, I can see why this is a craving for some!

Pickles And Ice Cream

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Salty and savory pickles mixed with sweet ice cream gives similar vibes to dipping your fries into a milkshake. This one is just classic pregnancy craving food, and a lot of soon to be dads will find themselves hitting the supermarket for pickles and ice cream.