Pickpocket Reveals Mistakes That Makes Our Valuables Vulnerable

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

Not Paying Attention

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In a world now where we can all be distracted by the simplest of things like a notification on our phones or people around us, we leave ourselves open to pickpockets. A pickpocket will always thrive on people being absent minded so always try and stay alert to keep valuables safe.

Using Your Back Pocket

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If there's one thing you should never do in order to avoid pickpockets, it should definitely be to stop using your back pockets. This is the easiest way for them to get a hold and snatch your items quickly without you even knowing they're gone. Stick to your front ones from now on.

Using The Outer Pockets Of Your Bag

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It can be easy to just throw your valuables in any part of the bag you can reach, but you might want to instead make sure they're fully concealed. Pickpockets will always be on the lookout to make sure they can get their hands on anything and everything that comes by them.

Wearing Expensive Jewellery

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It's obviously natural to want to flaunt the expensive jewellery you own, but by doing so openly you'll be attracting all kinds of attention, including the negative variety. Wearing your jewellery in plain view will make you a potential and valuable target for them to take advantage of.

Leaving A Purse In A Cart

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When you go shopping it can be easy to put your bag down and leave it unattended as you walk around the store. This is a very common mistake people make however and pickpockets will be opportunistic, always keeping on the lookout for a bag they can grab.

Carrying Cash

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Most people choose to avoid carrying too much cash with them these days and that's probably for the best. It doesn't do you any favours, really only causing you to draw some negative and unwanted attention. Stick to the new age and focus more on digital payments instead.

Using A Shoulder Bag

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If you're commonly walking around with a shoulder bag containing easily accessible zippers then you're probably a magnet for pickpockets! They can often quickly unzip your bag and make off with your valuables before you've even realised they've done anything to you.

Fumbling With Wallets Or Purses In Public

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When walking around in public spaces it can be quite chaotic and you might start fumbling your wallet or purse around as you manoeuvre. In the eyes of a pickpocket, all you're doing here is waving a flag to them and showing that you're going to be quite the easy target for them.

Hanging Your Bag On A Chair

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It might be easy to choose to leave your bags or jackets on the back of a chair when you enter a restaurant, but this is an easily avoidable mistake. Nimble thieves will be able to swing by and grab it. At least loop it around the lag so it can't be stolen too easily.

Leaving Your Bag On The Floor

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Similarly, if you ever need to put your bag down for whatever reason, maybe it's too heavy or you need something out of it, then don't choose to put it on the floor. As soon as it's off your back they might be eyeing it up as a potential piece for them to steal and sell on in the future.

Not Using Padlocks When Travelling

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When it comes to going travelling you should never overlook the use of padlocks on your luggage. We often fill our bags with valuables and without any additional security we're basically leaving them open to theft. Always try and invest in a high-quality padlock to save the stress.

Using Open-Topped Tote Bags

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Similarly to the use of shoulder bags, you'll probably want to avoid using open-topped tote bags when you're in busy areas too. The reason being that they offer people walking by easy access to your valuables as they're exposed. Maybe keep the valuables separate to the rest of the bag.

Using Your Phone In Public

It can always be tempting to use our phones in public, especially now considering we have access to pretty much anything and anyone at an instant. This habit might lead you to becoming a prime target for theft. Keep a secure grip at least or just keep it hidden until you need it.

Not Backing Up Your Data

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If your phone is stolen (or your laptop) then you might regret not having your data backed up. Losing all of your valuable or personal information can be both inconvenient and even dangerous! Always make sure you're backing up any work or documents that you're going to need.

Leaving The Car Unlocked

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Leaving your car unlocked for any period of time can be dangerous, especially if you're the sort of person who leaves any valuables lying around the vehicle. Opportunistic thieves will always be on the lookout for open windows or doors so always double-check your car before you leave it.

Leaving Valuables In A Hotel Room

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Another location that many people choose to leave their valuables is in their hotel rooms and although they might appear safe, they might not be. Instead of leaving your valuables in the hotel room you might want to try and utilize the hotel safe or your padlocked luggage bag instead.

Sharing Travel Plans On Social Media

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Many people often get so excited that they're going travelling that they post it all over their social media pages. Although your friends might be interested, anyone with ulterior motives might see that as an open invitation for them to come and explore your home and your valuables.

Keeping Spare Keys In Obvious Places

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It's become quite the stereotypical spot for people to leave their spare keys beneath a plant pot outside their home, so often this is where thieves will look first. Either invest in a more secure key hiding spot or leave a spare key with a trusted friend or family member instead.

Carrying Unnecessary Bank Cards

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When you're carrying your wallet or purse around you might want to avoid keeping all of your bank cards on you. If it does end up in the wrong hands then all you're doing is leaving yourself at a more significant risk of financial losses. Only carry what you need for the day instead.

Not Using Passwords For Protection

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Another thing you'll really regret if your electronic devices are stolen is if you haven't used passwords to protect them. If thieves have access to your actual device then it could lead to serious consequences. They're your first line of defence and one of the most popular.

Ignoring Suspicious People

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Typically, you should be able to identify those people that look or are acting suspiciously around us; but if you're ignoring these people you'll be appearing more vulnerable. Always take precautions around certain people, even if they might be a little over the top.

Drinking Too Much

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We all like a good drink every now and then, but drinking too much can often impair our judgement and leave us a little susceptible to theft. It's fine to have a drink but you want to be somewhat responsible, that way you can always be aware of all your surroundings and keep everything safe.

Leaving Our Doors Unlocked

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This is actually more common than you might think, but people often leave their house doors unlocked and therefore people can have easy access. There will always be certain people who might be checking doors or houses to see if they can make an unwanted entry to the home.

Leaving Our Windows Open

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It isn't just leaving our doors open that can be dangerous for our valuables, but also our windows too. You might think that leaving your window open would be harmless but any slight crack in the window and a burglar will see an open door to enter your home and take what they want.

Not Using Bicycle Locks

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Failing to use proper bicycle locks in order to trap them in place can be a recipe for disaster. This might even be emphasises if you rely on it for your regular transport. Always invest in a sturdy lock or you might come to find your little transport is no longer yours anymore.

Putting Bags In The Overhead Of Public Transport

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This is quite a common mistake that people make, especially when they aren't keeping an eye on the bag they've put up there. Often we instantly switch off and that's when thieves will choose to strike. Always keep them in sight and remain somewhat attentive towards your bag.

Walking In Busy Areas

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Walking around busy areas might seem harmless and often it's unavoidable, but this is the sort of place that pickpockets will thrive in. They can grab your valuables or bags very quickly and they can also escape from your view in just as short a period of time too.

Hanging Around Tourist Attractions

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As you're probably aware, many tourist attractions are very busy places and often people here will carry a lot of money. For that reason, pickpockets will hang around these areas in the hopes that they can snag more than one person's valuables every single day. It's a way of life for them!

Looking Like A Tourist

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If you stand out in a certain area as a tourist, then it's likely that people will be targeting you for your goods. You don't want to be wearing unusual attire or clearly be carrying a map around. Try to blend in, act inconspicuously and you might just be fine away from pickpockets.

Being Too Nice

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Whilst we are often all taught to be kind and helpful to people, this can come back to bite us when it comes to pickpockets. They can often exploit people's need to help others and it might end in you realising your missing some of your valuables in the long run. Be polite but always remain cautious.