1. Lift your arms

Image source: Reddit
You know when you look back at a photo and think 'why do my arms look that big, surely they don't look like that in real life?'. And no, they don't so don't worry. When we have a photo sometimes our arms are pressed to the side making them look wider than reality - so lift them slightly.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Twist your shoulders

Image source: Reddit
Again, when we're stood square, head on for the photo it doesn't look natural. Plus, it can make you look wider. When you turn your shoulders slightly it looks much less awkward and candid, rather than stood straight on which is not a pose you usually appear as in reality.
3. When you smile, put your tongue behind your teeth

Image source: Reddit
Here's a great tip to look better in photos. So there's the very awkward camera smile debate
'do I smile, I look too cheesy. But I can't not smile or I look angry...' So this tip helps with the perfect smile. If you place your tongue at the back of your teeth it stops you from grinning and looks more natural.
4. Study yourself in the mirror!

Image source: Reddit
When someone's taking your photo it's impossible to know what you look like. So try studying yourself in the mirror so that you know what you look like in different poses and stances. Then, you know what works for you, and aren't shocked when you see how you look in the photo when you're vision was totally different.
5. Make sure the lighting is good

Image source: Reddit
Lighting. It's ALL about the lighting. Come on, it makes all of the difference. In fact, it's the difference between a good and bad photo. Natural lighting is usually the best because it's flattering without being too harsh. When the light's too bright it can cause unflattering shadows.
6. Know your angles

Image source: Reddit
Knowing your angles is super important to taking a good photo. When you hear someone say
'switch sides with me, I need to show my good side', it's because they know their angles. Perhaps you like when the camera is slightly angled down, or when you twist to the right...
7. Roll back your shoulders

Image source: Reddit
Roll back your shoulders, stand up tall and proud. We all have a tendency to stand with our shoulders a little bit slouched - either from habit or maybe because you're not totally comfortable in front of the camera. But to avoid looking hunched up in the photo, roll back your shoulders.
8. Tilt your hip

Image source: Reddit
Standing directly straight in front of the camera can look a little bit forced, AND it's not the most flattering either! Show off your shape and accentuate your assets by sticking out one hip or tilting it to the side. It's a simple photo trick which makes the world of difference.
9. Extend your head from your neck

Image source: Reddit
Now here's a tip which may feel a little bit unnatural but it's so worth it. Just elongate your neck, so that the photo doesn't make it look as though your head is sinking into your body like one continued form with no neck in-between. This definitely isn't the look that you want to go for!
10. Try and look natural - not forced!

Image source: Reddit
Now the key to looking natural is feeling more natural, and so practice makes perfect. The more you pose often of a camera, the more comfortable you get doing it! And, if you still don't feel comfortable, as the saying goes...
'make it till you make it'. Make it look like you're having fun with it.
11. Wear a flattering outfit

Image source: Reddit
Now this is key. If we aren't wearing a flattering outfit, how can you look your best? If you want to take great pictures, then pick the outfit that suits you best. Whatever outfit flatters you, your shape, your style...choose this! If you've done this then you're already half way there...
12. Practice, practice, practice

Image source: Reddit
Practice makes perfect. Cringy? Maybe. But true? Yes. Like anything in life, we can't expect to be a professional the first times we try. And so, why would this be any different? Looking good in a photo is all about doing the right things, and so it takes practice to make it perfect!
13. Match the shade of your makeup

Image source: Reddit
Okay so shade matching is hard, right? We pick a shade in the drugstore, we take it home and we realise it's either five shades too dark or light. Plus, then there's the oxidisation colour you've got to bear in mind. If you've not perfect your shade matching, it will show in the photo, meaning you probably won't look your potential.
14. Open your eyes!

Image source: Reddit
Are you one of those people who just CAN'T seem to get a photo with your eyes open? You feel like you're prizing them open, staring even, yet you see the photo and there we go again they're closed. It's not easy (for some of us) but come on, if you want to look good we need to see your eyes!
15. Wear a little bit extra blush

Image source: Reddit
Sometimes things get lost in photos. So, it can be useful to slightly (and we really mean slightly) exaggerate your makeup so that it appears for the camera. Especially blush. Blush does wonders for our skin and makes us look youthful and fresh. If you want to look chiselled then add a little extra contour than you usually might do.
16. Pick a makeup with no flashback!

Image source: Reddit
Another makeup related top tip to looking your best in photos is don't wear a foundation with flashback. We don't want to light bouncing right off our face - it's not a good look. When you pick your foundation, choose one that you know doesn't produce flashback in photos.
17. Turn 45 degrees

Image source: Reddit
Try angling your body 45% for a super flattering angle. It will compliment you, and accentuate any curves or shape. It's an angle that works for everyone of all shapes and sizes, regardless of the aspects you want to show off. Try standing at 45% and you'll instantly notice a difference.
18. Volumize your hair

Image source: Reddit
Who wants to have limp and lifeless hair in their photo? No one. Give it a little ruffle or tip it upside down just before your photo to give it that volume and life that will really pick up on camera. It's an easy way to make it look as thought you've stepped right out of the salon.
19. Best foot forward

Image source: Reddit
Stood with your arms hanging by your sides, and your feet stood in line looks a helluvah lot awkward - like you're standing in a queue, not trying to show off your good looks on camera. An easy trick is to stick one foot forward, it will elongate your leg and look super sexy.
20. Pose your hair

Image source: Reddit
How often do we look at a photo and think, why does my hair look like that? Why didn't somebody tell me I had a bit of hair sticking vertical from my head? Take a little compact and style it first. Arrange it how you like, exactly the way you want it to appear on camera so that you get no nasty surprises.
21. Ask the photographer to say something funny

Image source: Reddit
This is an especially useful tip if you feel slightly uncomfortable posing or laughing, or completely staging your 'candid' fake laugh. Ask whoever is taking your phtoo to say something to make you laugh, natural photos are often the best, and they can capture an actual candid photo!
22. Wear bright lipstick

Image source: Reddit
Bright lipstick will stand out, it will make you look bright and beautiful. instead of wearing a dark colour which could age you or make your lips look less luscious, try a bright colour instead! Have a play around with what works for you. Plus, it will make your teeth look whiter too.
23. Try out different smiles in the mirror: teeth or not teeth

Image source: Reddit
The smile is the key to the photo. It's also the hardest part. Many of us sadly feel super self conscious about our smile and how it looks on camera. So have a look in the mirror and try out different ways until you find a smile that you feel comfortable looking at in a photo - it could be with teeth or no teeth.
24. Shift your weight on one leg

Image source: Reddit
If you want to look super sexy in your photos, shift your weight onto one leg. It's a fail safe pose that looks good for everyone. It also doesn't look too forced or posed, but it looks like you still know what you're doing. A sexy hip tilt is something everyone needs to try.
25. Don't take pictures from the bottom

Image source: Reddit
Unless you want to look taller, then taking pictures from far down below is probably NOT the look for you. It's definitely not the way to look your best. Instead of accentuating our shape, it's simply going to make us look big. And your true shape will be hidden because the angle obscures it.
26. Iron your clothes

Image source: Reddit
Come one, I know ironing is a total chore and we all hate it (if we even do it all) but it's going to make a big difference to how we look. Imagine a photo where our clothes are neat and ironed compared with looking an image of us dressed in creased and crumpled clothes.
27. Don't tense up

Image source: Reddit
Even if you feel tense, don't let it show. You can completely tell when someone is tensed up in a photo. It makes your features look more harsh. Shake yourself, have a little jump around and untense. You will notice a big difference in how you appear, and how you stand, when you simply aren't so tense.
28. Feel comfortable and confident

Image source: Reddit
Come on, having a photoshoot is good fun. Nobody's watching and judging, so just let your hair down and have some fun - enjoy it! Feel confident in your body and your own skin. After all, confidence radiates form us and makes us look even more attractive.
29. Take lots of shots

Image source: Reddit
We all know that when we scroll on social media and see someone's selfie or photo that this did NOT happen in one attempt. This was the work of hundreds of selfies, they then chose the best, and who knows, probably applied a filter (and possibly heavily edited it too). So take lots of shots, and have options!
30. Keep changing positions
Image source: Reddit
The disappointment when we see a load of photos somebody has taken of us and we hate them all, is well and truly real. When you haven't even change positions once, if you don't like the first, then the chances are you also won't like the 50th. You have to change positions to find the one you DO like.
31. Sit or stand up straight
image source: boredpanda.com
We all know that posture can make such a difference (both to health and for photos!) and that applies whether you're standing or sitting when you're trying to pose! If you're wearing a big coat too, it can make you look more hunched if you have it tight around you, so open yourself up and sit taller!
32. Elongate your waist
image source: boredpanda.com
There's absolutely nothing wrong with belly rolls, but we all know how they can come out in those summer bikini shots when we're hunched over. If you're wearing clothes that exposes your wait then sit up taller to reach up and elongate the waist for a better snap.
33. Rest your chin only lightly on one hand
image source: boredpanda.com
If you want to rest your chin on your hands in photos, then make sure you're not using both for a start, as this can push against your cheeks and plump them out like a chipmunk! Rest on only one hand so it looks more casual, and don't rest too hard so that you don't push your cheek up.
34. Place one hand on one hip
image source: boredpanda.com
If you're taking a selfie and you have one hand free, don't have the other arm hanging limp at your side, as this adds nothing to the photo and looks a bit awkward. The best place to put that spare hand is resting on your hip, which then also accentuates the curves you've got!
35. Kneel down instead of sitting cross-legged
image source: boredpanda.com
As we mentioned, if you're sitting down, it's more likely you're going to look hunched and uncomfortable, especially in vacation snaps at the beach. If you're looking for a better shot, then kneel up straight instead of sitting cross-legged so that your posture looks improved.
36. Try not to cross your hands in front of your body
image source: boredpanda.com
Crossing your hands in front of your body looks more a 'professional' pose than a casual selfie. Not only that, but pulling your hands forward makes your body lose its shape - and if you're wearing looser clothing, it can make that look bigger, too. Instead, bring your hands and arms back, in whatever way you feel comfortable!
37. Look up rather than down
image source: boredpanda.com
If you want to take a photo where you're not actually looking at the camera so that it looks more like a natural snap, it's much better to look up and outward so that the camera can still see your eyes, rather than looking down. This also helps in lifting your head and seeing more of your face.
38. Get comfortable so you look comfortable
image source: boredpanda.com
Taking any sort of photo, whether alone, as a couple or as a group can look extremely posed if you're all standing there in a line and waiting for the camera to go off. Before you take the photo, get more comfortable - like curled up on the couch - and then take the photo. It'll look less posed and awkward.
39. Take a step
image source: boredpanda.com
This one can make a big difference if it's a full body shot, and even more so if you have your legs out rather than baggy pants. Take a step forward to make the photo seem like you're more 'in motion' so that it's an action shot rather than a still, awkward pose with your feet together.
40. Use your clothes as helpful props
image source: boredpanda.com
What you're wearing is a key part of a photo after all, and if you're wearing an outfit you can utilise, make sure you're taking advantage of its shape and its drop. For a long dress, take advantage of the floaty material and use the slits or gaps to your advantage for the perfect pose!
41. Lift arms and legs out
image source: boredpanda.com
If you're going for a playful post, you're showing off an outfit or you're celebrating something, holding out an arm or lifting a leg can make a difference to your vibe and the shape of your body. It can look less awkward than standing there with both arms and feet down!
42. Lift your chin
image source: boredpanda.com
Lifting your chin instead of staring straight forwards or looking down too much can really help to open up your posture and your pose. With your chin lifted, you can have a different 'attitude' vibe and then have your body follow suit with a confident pose!
43. Heels or tippy toes
image source: boredpanda.com
Heels really changes the shape of your legs, and the structure of your pose. If you're looking for a great all-body shot if your legs are on show, then heels can help with that - as well as giving you confidence. If you're going for a barefoot shot, then standing on your toes can create the same effect!
44. Be way more creative with group shots
image source: boredpanda.com
If you're looking for the perfect friend-group shot, you have so much more potential for creativity because everyone has their own personality. instead of a face-forward standing straight shot, think about the different ways you can position yourself for a more fun memory.
45. A leg against something always makes a photo look better!
image source: boredpanda.com
A leg resting up against a railing, wall or anything else you're leaning against can really transform a photo. It can look more posed, but in a more relaxed way, and it can also give you a better shape, especially if you can relax and rest your arm, too. This pose gives you more freedom to look off into the distant, or straight into the camera with a smile!
46. Tilt your body for more confidence
image source: boredpanda.com
If you're taking a photo where you also want to frame the shot with something in the background, make sure you're positioning centrally or to the side, and then create a better pose by putting out one leg and tilting your body to the side a little. This will help you to put your hands and arms in a more natural place, too.
47. For water shots, wait until you're all out!
image source: boredpanda.com
We all love those swimsuit shots where we're relaxing in a pool or getting out of the ocean, but if you want to avoid the distortion of the water or not being able to see your full body properly, take the shot where most of your body is out of the water rather than being submerged.
48. Be careful of your body language
image source: boredpanda.com
Closed off body language can make the whole picture seem uncomfortable or that you're insecure about something. If you're bringing in your legs against your chest or wrapping your arms around your body, it can give a sense of being closed off and trying to protect yourself - which doesn't make for a good photo! Make sure to open up your body language to the camera.
49. Focus on bringing in your waist
image source: boredpanda.com
Photos can look a lot better when you're bringing in the waist and using your clothing to create a certain shape. It can work to avoid a less defined look. Belts are great for bringing in the waist and creating more of a shape and making a better pose - especially for those winter shots outdoors!
50. For couple shots, look at each other
image source: boredpanda.com
Couples shots can be more fun and relaxed if you're looking at each other. Not only does it make it look more natural, but you're more likely to smile and laugh when you're looking at each other, rather than forcing it while you're both staring intently at the camera!