New York

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Often viewed as a winter wonderland and a magical city, the harsh reality is that New York is a bit more rough and ready than the movies might make out. The streets here are tough, with crime, particularly muggings, being on the rise and only set to get worse.

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Many people chose to settle in Montreal only to realise that the job market in this French Canadian city is dog eat dog. It is hard to find full time employment, meaning many residents are on the streets or leave the city to make a living elsewhere, leaving Montreal decrepit.

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Although Mexico may be the colorful neighbor of the United States, the crime and violence record for this part of the world is off the charts. If you do vacation here, make sure not to leave your hotel compound as murder rates are some of the highest on the planet.

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Naples once was a go to destination for tourists wanting an authentic taste of Italy. Don't get me wrong, there are some picturesque places in Naples left, but due to poverty and a lack of tourists, the destination is running out of money and it's starting to show.
New Orleans

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Famous in the 1950's as the city of jazz, New Orleans has lost most of its swing. The city once was bright, and down main street you can still get a flavor of how this place used to be, but the sparkle has definitely gone and crime rates are on the up.

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Brazil is one of the largest fully independent countries in the world, which means unfortunately the infrastructure is not as good when compared to its other South American neighbors. Favelas are the poorly constructed huts where lots of locals live, and cartels run the city.

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Purse snatching and pickpocketing are common in Boston, so make sure to have your wits about you. Like lots of large metropolitan US cities, Boston has been on a downwards slope for years now and is only really getting worse, this might be one to miss.

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It's hot, its dusty, and apart from the desert there really isn't much to do or see there. Area 51 have tightened down security, meaning that the popular tourist spot is now no longer accessible at all. This has caused local restaurants to close and is forcing more of the area to shut down.

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Crammed full of English tourists, Benidorm is one of the least Spanish places in the whole of Spain. If you are looking for a cheap and nasty night out, poor British themed food and a nasty, larger fueled punch up at the end of the night, Benidorm is the place for you.

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Although this is a destination for many backpackers and adventure tourists, Bangkok is rife with common street criminals and elaborate scam artists. Pick pockets line the city streets, and tourists aren't prepared for how humid and hot the city can get.

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Shanghai is absolutely packed to the rafters and is one of the most crowded cities in the world. High levels of pollution due to the shear number of fossil fuels consumed here makes the air toxic for humans. The smog alone is reason enough to not visit here.

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Another Chinese city to avoid is Wuhan. Although the interest around Wuhan peaked in 2020 for obvious reasons, it is more of an industrial city and there isn't anything to do here other than say you have been to the site that birthed Covid 19. Exciting? Not really...
South Africa

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Carjacking and violent crimes are common in South Africa. Racism is still present and many places judge you by your skin color or accent. Many tourists are targeted due to little knowledge of city streets, so it is best to visit here with an experienced guide.

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The Polish city of Warsaw is one for the history buffs, but other than its connections to World War 2, there isn't a great deal more to do. Many people live here and commute to other parts of Poland for work, so the city is basically a breeding ground for skyscrapers.

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The building here are so jammed full of people, they use nets on the exteriors to stop residents from jumping out. Singapore was once a hidden gem within Asia, but has been milked dry. Many locals tried to hop into the tourism market, but many failed spectacularly.

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Often called America's dumpster, Florida is home to two things. Alligators and old people. It is perfect for teens on spring break as the streets are lively, but for families and those of us over 21, it isn't worth the stress or hassle to come and visit.

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What is there to do in Ohio? No, really, what is there to do? Sure you could go to a local restaurant or visit a museum, but you could just do that at home. There aren't really any benefits to coming here for a holiday, so maybe pick somewhere else instead.

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The pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world. The rest of Egypt is just like a regular middle eastern city. The streets are hot and traffic is dangerous. There is also a very real threat of terrorism and riots and protests frequently break out.

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Some parts of Bulgaria are lovely and quiet, and not like anywhere else in the world. The rest of Bulgaria is effectively a motorway, connecting different countries in Eastern Europe. It's a place that many truckers drive through, but don't tend to stop here.

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London is full, as in it is really really really full of people. There are many tourist attractions, but the capital city does not represent what the rest of the UK has to offer. Crime is prevalent and an over stretched police force won't be able to help if you become a victim.

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The new go to destination for all the instagram influencers is Dubai, surely that is reason enough to avoid it? The city is hot and activities are very expensive, it's the playground of millionaires and dreamers who want to pretend they are just that!

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India is overpopulated, and actually the most populated country on Earth. The plumbing and electric systems are rudimentary at best, roads are chaotic and scammers are renowned for calling India home. Visit the Taj Mahal, then get out of there pronto!

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Lille is one of France's major cities, and borders Germany and Belgium. The city is vibrant during the day time, but pickpockets are everywhere. At night the city turns into a hotbed for streetwalkers and gunmen, turning the city into a different kind of vibrant.
Hong Kong

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Hong Kong is like that friend you know who pretends they are rich, but don't have a dollar to their name. The city does harbor a few millionaires and big companies, but the rest of the population work in appalling conditions in the factories that make up most of the country.

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Venezuela is officially a do not enter under any circumstances country. Don't take my word for it, that's what the British Government says. The only safe place to visit is the airport, and even then you need to bribe the security staff with hundreds of dollars.

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Ahh the city of love, Paris. Although Paris does have some nice point and is definitely a city associated with romance, many people imagine it will be much better than it is, leaving them feeling deflated when they actually arrive. This sense of disappointment is actually called Paris Syndrome!

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Pakistan is one of the poorest places on Earth, meaning that many people live a life here in a constant state of pain and hunger. There isn't much to do besides take in the sights, but increasingly the sights are being left to rot and ruin, so there won't be much left soon.

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Russia is now gripped in a war with Ukraine and it appears they are losing the battle. At the moment it is obviously not advised to travel to a war zone, but due to tensions between police and outsiders it's probably best left alone for a good few years.
North Korea

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When you enter North Korea, unless you are with a sanctioned tour group, you are likely going to spend the rest of your days there. North Korea is home to hundreds of captured political prisoners who at one stage were just curious tourists and holidaymakers.

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Another Eastern European country ravished by poverty is Romania. The mafia have free reign to do pretty much whatever they want here, making the police and government powerless to the high levels of crime. This really is the criminal hotbed of Europe.