1. Whole Roast Chicken - Food poisoning ALERT!
Image source: Reddit
Air fryers are not just for finger foods and French fries. They can save the cooking time on a multitude of foods but a whole roast chicken is not one of them. The roast might not fit in the basket or on the cooking rack. This will result in what looks like a crispy roast but the white meat will be raw inside.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Popcorn - it could burn down your home...
Image source: Reddit
Remember when you were young and your mom put oil and popcorn kernels in a huge pot, the one she used to cook spaghetti in? Within a few minutes there was a big, slightly greasy, bowl of popcorn and we loved it! Air fryers cannot get up to 400 degrees which is needed to get popcorn to pop so some bits might burn and some will be hard pop balls or get stuck and means a serious fire concern!
3. Poppadom - Fire Hazard!
Image source: Reddit
It might seem really smart to put a poppadom in the air fryer thinking that it'd just be like a takeaway. BIG NO! The minute you turn it on it'll fly u into the element and burn right into it - and you'll be left with a burning smell throughout your house for weeks on end. Definitely not the takeout you were hoping for!
4. Hamburger - Burnt to a crisp

Image source: Reddit
If you enjoy a medium rare hamburger, then don't cook it in the air fryer! The forced air method is not designed to cook at 130 degrees Fahrenheit which is what's required for such a burger. A cheese topping will not happen either, it will just blow right off the meat and stick to the pan!
5. Melting Cheese - Expensive disaster!

Image source: Reddit
If you fancy making jalapeno poppers or cook a cheese melt, then an air fryer may cause you a messy issue. Similar to wet batter, the melt splatters all over. Fresh cheese is particularly problematic for the device so go down the conventional route unless you want to spend your evening cleaning out the basket!
6. Pizza - DON'T ruin it!
Image source: Reddit
Ahhh the best food in the world. Well, if your air fryer has anything to do with it then you'll certainly not want to be eating this pizza. Before you know it the crust will be burnt to a crisp and the toppings will no longer be edible. Of course, pizzas are nice crispy, but just not worth trying it!
7. Raw Veggies

Image source: Reddit
Frozen vegetables cook well in an air fryer as they can retain some of the water but raw veggies, particularly carrots, come out looking unappetising and as dry as a bone! The air fryer tends to over-dehydrate foods with a low moisture content. The vegetables can come out looking unrecognisable!
8. Beer Batter

Image source: Reddit
Beer batter on corn dogs, coated chicken wings and fried fish will crisp up into a tasty shell when you fry the food in oil. Hot oil bath in a deep fat fryer will set the wet outer layer by quickly drying it to create the coating. Air fryers cannot handle wet batter or coating as there isn't anything to set the wet batter.
9. Olive Oil

Image source: Reddit
Experts recommend using an alternative to olive oil when air frying. This is because other oils have a lower smoke point. I suppose skipping out on oils with low smoke points means that the food could develop a weird aftertaste. The jury is still out as to smoking oil causing health risks.
10. Delicate Leafy Greens

Image source: Reddit
Because air fryers cook your food at a high temperature, it's too easy to burn food that doesn't cook evenly. It's also difficult to cook delicate leafy greens which could burn and will taste bad. Besides that, there is the carcinogenic issue which may affect our health.
11. Too Much Food

Image source: Business Insider
You should take into consideration the size of your air fryer and the limitations it may present which includes having enough room for the necessary flow of air required to circulate and brown the food. If you overcrowd the tray or basket, some of your food may be raw.
12. Chicken Wings

Image source: YouTube
Chicken wings won't taste the best if you stick them in the air fryer. The heat of the fryer can dehydrate the poultry making it leathery and cracking the skin. We recommend coating the wings with egg and a little oil to encourage the coating to stick to the chicken.
13. Toast

Image source: Reddit
The combination of hot air blowing about in an open space should make an air fryer the perfect place to make toast. What you will be faced with in reality is a load of crumbs spread all over the fryer and the bread will be only partially toasted. Of course there is the mess to clear up from the crumbs and all for a piece of toast!
14. Dry Seasonings

Image source: Reddit
The problem with loose seasoning in an air fryer is that it will whip around the container instead of sticking to the food and flavoring it. If you keep re-seasoning, you could totally clog up the machine. The solution is to coat the seasoned food in a little mustard or oil to help the spices stick.
15. Salmon

Image source: Reddit
Salmon should be cooked conventionally. It's easy for it to burn or go dry and you could be left with all those bubbles of protein peeping out from the inside of the fish. Cooking the pink fish in an air fryer can be tricky. It can be under-done and then the next minute it is burned.
16. Most Cuts Of Steak

Image source: Reddit
Ruining a steak is disappointing and an expensive mistake. Thick cuts of steak can be a disaster if you try and cook them in an air fryer. It's not a magic cooking box and the meat still has to be checked during the cooking process. If you are going to attempt it, you should use a meat thermometer.
17. Cake

Image source: Reddit
Cookies actually cook (or bake) well in an air fryer but the same cannot be said for cake. If you think of a cake, you put the batter into a receptacle so you have to then cover it so it's not blowing all over the inside of the fryer. The outside might look ready but the inside will be raw.
18. Bacon

Image source: Reddit
Because the air from the air fryer moves around at such a high speed, it also blows bacon fat all over the inside of the fryer and it's not a pretty sight! Using turkey bacon is a better option or even plant based/vegan bacon. This will help reduce the clean up time!
19. Dehydrated Food

Image source: Reddit
Word of warning - please don't confuse your air fryer with a food dehydrator! Yes, they both use air and electricity but air fryers circulate air at a much higher speeds than a food dehydrator. Whatever you are trying to dehydrate, don't use the air fryer. It will be a disaster.
20. Pasta

Image source: BuzzFeed
Much the same as rice, pasta has to be cooked in boiling water. There's no two ways about it. This means there is no chance you can cook pasta in your air fryer. The exception to the rule is if you want to reheat last night's pasta bake then it's safe to do so for 5-6 minutes in the fryer.
21. Sauces

Image source: Reddit
Dishes such as soups and stews with lots of liquids will not work in the air fryer because of the holes in the basket. Take our tip and use a slow cooker instead! Wet sauces like bolognaise and curries cannot cook because the liquid will splatter and possibly damage the fryer.
22. Crusty Pies

Image source: Reddit
It is possible to bake sweet and savory pies in the air fryer but because the heating element is at the top, there's a risk you'll get a soggy bottom! Crusty pies are therefore a no-no. The speed at which an air fryer cook means the pastry could easily burn before the pie filling has cooked.
23. Hard Boiled Eggs

Image source: Reddit
If you don't mind a texture that is chewy and rubbery, then go ahead and boil hard boiled eggs in your air fryer. You really should be cooking them in a pan of boiling water over the stove. Why put up with a second rate texture when you know you won't enjoy the finished product!
24. Cake Donuts

Image source: BuzzFeed
Cake donuts are leavened with baking soda and baking powder so you would think they were suitable candidates for an air fryer. The problem is that instead of fluffy, light donuts, you'll get dense, dry ones. Instead, fry them in hot oil so they become soft and bouncy. Yum!
25. Cooking Spray

Image source: Reddit
Cooking spray has to be the most convenient choice for making your cookie sheets non-stick but you shouldn't apply it to the air fryer basket as you'll damage it. Instead, spray the food or brush it with vegetable oil. The air fryer basket and the grate already have a non-stick coating.
26. Liquids

Image source: Reddit
The air fryer basket might lead you to believe that food can be swimming in its sauce, braised, boiled or poached but you are wrong. Liquids will promote steam and that can damage the heating unit. Also the liquid will splatter as the air blows over it, making cleaning it very difficult.
27. Foods That Require Long Cooking Times

Image source: Reddit
For your information, air fryers work best for quick cooking and for crisping up. Foods that need long cooking times, such as slow-cooked stews or roasts, would be better suited to other cooking methods. Even though the fryers are versatile and they can handle lots of dishes, some foods will work better with more traditional cooking methods.
28. Aluminium Foil

Image source: Taste of Home
You CAN use foil in an air fryer as long as you follow the rules. Never allow the foil to touch the heating element. Also, make sure the foil is weighted down or otherwise it will blow around the basket. Finally, avoid contact with any acidic ingredients which could cause the foil to catch on to the food.
29. How Air Fryers Work

Image source: Reddit
In simple terms, air fryers work by circulating hot air around the food to create a nice crispy finish similar to traditional fried food products. The beauty of them is that they remove the high calorie and fat content. This is because they only use a tablespoon of cooking oil rather than lots more. In a nutshell, you'll get similar results with a fraction of the fat and calories. Bingo!
30. Smart Tips For Using The Air Fryer

Image source: Reddit
Here's some air fryer tips and you don't have to thank us! Don’t walk away from your air fryer for too long as the food tends to cook really quickly. Be sure to use a thermometer to ensure the inside of the food is fully cooked. Make sure the air circulates properly by not covering over the holes in the fryer basket. Finally, use parchment paper specifically designed for air fryers, to make clean-up easier.
31. Keep Your Air Fryer As Clean As You Can! (No Brainer)
image source: reddit.com
This may sound like a no-brainer, but it's important to clean out your air fryer after every single use so that it can work as best as it can the next time you use it! You want it to be as clean as possible, as well as making sure no leftover food is stuck in the bottom of it.
32. Make Sure There Isn't Any Parchment Paper Inside If You're Preheating
image source: reddit.com
You may have loaded your air fryer with parchment paper for the next thing you're going to cook, then decided to preheat it. But you should never, ever preheat it with any parchment paper (or any other paper) inside, because it could burn, start smoking or catch completely on fire!
33. You Don't Even Need To Use Parchment Paper All The Time
image source: reddit.com
To lessen the risk completely, you can get rid of parchment paper altogether! Although some things can be cooked more easily using it, you don't always need it. Parchment paper can depend on what you're making - if you're cooking something melty or baking something gooey, it's a good idea. Otherwise, you might not need it!
34. Line Your Basket With Some Kitchen Foil
image source: reddit.com
To help Future You out by making less of a mess to clean up in the first place, try using kitchen foil to line your fryer basket - specifically, underneath the basket. This way, all the extra bits that drip out, like oils, grease or anything melted, will collect right onto the foil itself.
35. Look For Recipe Inspiration Online
image source: reddit.com
It can be overwhelming in regard to what to make the first time you're stood in front of your air fryer - so the best way to start practicing and get to know what kind of recipes you can use it for is to look for lists, books or videos online that offer a range of recipes to show you everything your new fryer can do.
36. Partially Boil Root Vegetables In The Microwave First
image source: reddit.com
In order to save time when you're using your air fryer, you should try partially boiling any root vegetables in the microwave before using them in your air fryer! So if you're making any recipes that uses vegetables like potatoes, it can help you to save around 15 minutes air fryer cooking time!
37. Get Creative
image source: reddit.com
The great thing about having an air fryer is the freedom it gives you to create many different recipes, so don't be intimidated about throwing different things in there. You can easily use marinades, seasoning and rubs on the food items you're putting in your air fryer!
38. Learn How To Use Your Air Fryer By Doing Things Wrong!
image source: reddit.com
As we know with anything in life, the best way to learn from something is by making a mistake - then you know not to do it that way again. The same applies for an air fryer - so don't be afraid of making a mistake. In regard to cooking times and how to use it, the best way to learn is by getting it wrong first!
39. Avoid Overly Complicated Recipes At First
image source: reddit.com
It can be really exciting to unbox your new air fryer, and it's no surprise you'll want to try the latest and greatest recipes for a feast! But if this is your very first air fryer, it's much better to start simple and work your way up so you can get to know the fryer and how to use it.
40. Be Aware Of The Different Air Fryer Models For Recipes
image source: reddit.com
There are many great recipes for air fryers, but in regard to the cooking times and instructions, it's key to remember that there are so many different makes and models that yours might not be the same as the one the recipe author uses. So don't take instructions as gospel, and get to know your own machine!
41. Time Your Food Less Than The Instructions Tell You To
image source: reddit.com
When you're first getting used to your air fryer, it's much better to cook for less than the recipe says and put it back in, than do what it says and risk getting it wrong and overcooking or burning it! Start off by doing about half of what the recipe is telling you so you can add more time gradually if needed.
42. Don't Forget To Check On Your Food During Frying!

image source: reddit.com
When using an air fryer, it's encouraged to constantly pull your food out and check on how it's doing! Don't put the food in and then just leave it for the full time the recipe tells you to. The air fryer is designed to have the basket easily popped open for this reason, so you can decide if your food needs a little longer.
43. Use A Meat Thermometer
image source: reddit.com
Another great tool to have in your kitchen - as well as the air fryer itself, of course - is a meat thermometer. Getting an instant read one means you cancel out the guessing game of whether your food is actually cooked or not. This means you can easily stick it in rather than getting food out of the fryer in order to cut into it and check.
44. Don't Put Your Air Fryer On Your Stove
image source: reddit.com
It can seem like the perfect spot when you're not using your stove, because it frees up all that worktop space, too! But this can be a risk, because if you accidentally put your stove top on, it's going to burn your air fryer and potentially even damage the stove top itself!
45. You Can Use Bread To Stop Your Fryer From Giving Off Smoke
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people can have issues with their air fryers smoking, and it's never nice to have your kitchen filled up with it! A handy hack is to use bread to stop this from happening - simply put a slice underneath the basket so it absorbs all the grease and stops it from smelling or smoking.
46. Use The Wire Rack To Keep Food In Place
image source: reddit.com
You might find that certain food types you're cooking in the fryer are flying about while you're trying to make your next delicious recipe - but there are some air fryer accessories that can help with that! You can use a wire rack to put over the top to stop food from flying about.
47. Melt Your Cheese Last
image source: reddit.com
This is a great hack if you don't want to compromise on delicious melted cheese - because why would you? The air fryer can make it difficult to cook cheese if you put it on right at the beginning, so a good hack is to add it right at the end when the rest has cooked and just close the top - the air fryer will still be warm enough to melt it.
48. Make Your Own Sling!
image source: instantpotcooking.com
Why, you might ask. Well, this one is perfect for those foods that are really hard to pick up and get out of the fryer. With a foil sling, you're suspending the food mid-fryer so that you can easily get it out - as long as you make sure there's still enough air flow, it can work perfectly!
49. It's Easy To Reheat Your Meat
image source: reddit.com
Reheating your leftover meat can sometimes feel a bit wrong or risky, even though you know it's cooked - not to mention you feel like you're compromising on flavor by blasting in the microwave. Reheating your meat in your air fryer is the best way (and easiest way!).
50. Wipe The Heating Element After Every Use
image source: reddit.com
The heating element doesn't seem like a key area to clean that often, and many people can see it as annual deep clean, but it's really important to clean the heating element often. It'll be much easier to do a quick wipe after every use, rather than letting it build up and then be harder to clean!