1. Chocolate

Image source: PetHelpful
Most people do know that chocolate is bad for dogs but it doesn't stop them giving their pooch a little piece, as a treat. Chocolate contains theobromine, present in milk, dark and white varieties. It can cause a dog to vomit and have diarrhea, as well as heart problems, tremors and seizures - even death.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Fat Trimmings and Bones

Image source: Reddit
Fat trimmed from meat, either cooked or uncooked, can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Even though it seems the most natural thing in the world to give a dog a bone, they can choke on it. Bones can also splinter and block your dog's digestive system causing serious and expensive health issues.
3. Avocado

Image source: iHeartDogs
Avocados contain persin and a dog who has too much of this toxin could end up suffering from sickness and diarrhea. If you grow avocados at home, keep your dog away from the plants as poison is in the leaves, seeds and bark, besides the fruit. The avocado seed could become stuck in the intestines or stomach of the canine and obstruction could be fatal.
4. Your Medicine

Image source: Reddit
Dogs should not be taking human medicine as it can make them very sick. Just as you would do for kids, keep all medicines out of your dog’s reach. Ingredients such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen are common in pain relievers and cold medicines and these can be deadly for your dog.
5. Alcohol

Image source: Reddit
Alcohol has the same effect on a dog's liver and brain as it has on humans but it only takes a little of the liquor for your animal to suffer the consequences. Besides sickness, it could cause coordination problems, breathing issues, coma and even death. The smaller the animal, the worse it can be.
>6.Grapes and Raisins

Image source: Roncy Village
Grapes and raisins are not treats for your dog and only a small amount of these can cause them to have sick, even causing kidney damage. Vomiting constantly is an early sign that something is very wrong. Within not much more than a day, your dog could get sluggish and depressed.
7. Xylitol

Image source: Bassa's Blog
Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goodies and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. Items that contain xylitol can cause your dog's blood sugar to drop drastically and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy and difficulty with coordination problems. Liver failure can occur within just a few days.
8. Coffee, Tea And Other Caffeine

Image source: Reddit
If you want your dog to perk up, give them squeaky toys and definitely not caffeine as it could prove fatal. This includes coffee and tea, even the beans and the grounds. You must keep your dog away from cocoa, chocolate and energy drinks and if you think you dog had caffeine, get them to the vet as soon as you can.
9. Raw Eggs

Image source: Reddit
Some people feed their dogs a "raw diet" and this is not unusual. This would include uncooked eggs although the major veterinary medical associations do not think this is a good idea. There's the chance the dog could get food poisoning from bacteria like E.coli or salmonella.
10. Raw Meat And Fish

Image source: Reddit
Like raw eggs, raw meat and fish can contain bacteria that causes food poisoning. Fish such as salmon, trout, shad or sturgeon may contain a parasite that causes "fish disease" or "salmon poisoning disease." It is treatable but can be avoidable. The first signs are vomiting, high tempera and big lymph nodes. Fully cook the fish to kill the parasite.
11. Onions And Garlic

Image source: Reddit
Keep onions and garlic away from your dog. That goes for powdered, raw, cooked or dehydrated as they can attack and kill your animal's red blood cells, causing anaemia. It only takes one time of eating these for your dog to get food poisoning. The signs to look out for are weakness, vomiting and breathing problems.
12. Salt

Image source: Quora
It’s really not a good idea to share salty foods like pretzels or potato chips with your dog. Eating too much salt can make them seriously thirsty. Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors and seizures. In a few cases, it may even cause death.
13. Milk And Other Dairy Products

Image source: Reddit
On a hot day, it may be tempting to share your ice cream with your dog but you should refrain from doing so. Instead, give them cold water. Both milk and milk-based products can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems for your canine friend. This can also trigger food allergies, causing the dog to itch.
14. Macadamia Nuts

Image source: Reddit
Waring -keep your dog away from macadamia nuts and foods that contain them. Just half a dozen raw or roasted macadamia nuts can make a dog sick. Symptoms include muscle shakes, vomiting, high temperature and weakness, particularly in their back legs. Eating chocolate with the nuts will make symptoms much worse.
15. Broccoli

Image source: Reddit
For humans, broccoli is a superfood with many health benefits but to a dog, it can be very harmful, if consumed in large doses. Broccoli contains isothiocyanates which can substitute oxygen for sulphur. Whilst it is acceptable to give your dog a tiny bit of broccoli, be aware that the stalks could get caught in its throat, causing an obstruction.
16. Mushrooms

Image source: Reddit
It's always best to err on the side of caution when thinking about feeding your dog mushrooms. They contain a variety of toxins that could cause kidney and liver failure. They could also make your dog hallucinate. Washed, white mushrooms from the grocery store should be ok but maybe safer to choose a different treat.
17. Tomatoes & Raw Potatoes

Image source: Reddit
Tomatoes and potatoes both fall in the category that they are safe in some forms but unsafe in others. A ripe, red tomato should be fine but the green parts of the tomato plant contain solanine, toxic to dogs. With potatoes, baked or boiled should be generally safe in small amounts but raw potatoes also contain solanine.
18. Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums

Image source: Reddit
The problem with these fruits is the seeds. Seeds from persimmons may cause problems in a dog's small intestine or even block it. The same can happen if a dog eats the pit from a plum or peach. These pits contain cyanide, poisonous to humans and animals. People know not to eat them but dogs do not.
19. Tobacco

Image source: Pinterest
We know dogs wouldn't ordinarily be given tobacco by their owners but if they eat a cigarette butt that is left on the sidewalk then this could lead to rapid or labored breathing. Frequent exposure could lead to blue gums, coma or untimely death so act fast if you suspect this.
20. Sugary Foods and Drinks

Image source: Know Your Meme
Too much sugar is bad for humans unless it is consumed in moderation. It can cause tooth decay and an increase in body weight. The same applies to your dog who can become obese and have tooth problems. Like people, dogs are also under threat of diabetes.
21. Yeast Dough

Image source: YouTube
Before it is baked, bread dough needs to rise. That is exactly what it would do in your dog’s stomach if they ate it. As the dough swells inside, it can stretch your dog’s abdomen, causing a lot of pain. Also, when the yeast ferments the dough in order to make it rise, it makes alcohol which could lead to alcohol poisoning.
22. Kitchen Pantry: No Dogs Allowed

Image source: Reddit
There are many other things found on kitchen shelves that can hurt your dog. Large amounts of baking soda or baking powder are both highly toxic. Large amounts of nutmeg and other spices also fall into this category. Keep food high enough to be out of your dog’s reach and keep the pantry doors closed.
23. If Your Dog Eats What They Shouldn’t

Image source: YouTube
No matter how careful you are, your dog might find something they shouldn't and swallow it. It's a good idea to keep the number of your local vet and the closest emergency clinic where you know you can find it. If you think your dog has eaten something toxic, get help right away.
24. Safe: Lean Meats

Image source: Reddit
Most dogs will not suffer any consequences when eating lean cuts of meat which have been cooked well and are not at all rare. You should take off all visible fat and that includes the skin on poultry. Be sure there are no bones in the meat before you give it to your dog.
25. Safe: Some Fresh Fruits

Image source: Reddit
We talked earlier about fruits which could prove dangerous to your pooch but there are some safe alternatives. You can feed your dog slices of apples, oranges, bananas and watermelon and these make tasty treats for them. Take out any seeds first as seeds, stems and leaves can cause serious issues.
26. Safe: Some Vegetables

Image source: Trey Speegle
You can feed your dog a healthy selection of veggie snacks in the knowledge it is safe to do so. These include carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber slices and zucchini slices. Even a plain baked potato is ok. Do not let your dog eat any raw potatoes or potato plants from your pantry or garden.
27. Safe: Cooked White Rice and Pasta

Image source: YouTube
Dogs can safely eat plain white rice or short pasta once it has been cooked. In fact, a small serving of rice alongside some boiled, skinless and boneless chicken, can often make your dog feel better if they tend to struggle with stomach problems such as pain and diarrhea.
28. Safe: Popcorn & Corn

Image source: Pinterest
Your dog is very likely to totally love popcorn, just like humans do! As long as it is air-popped, unsalted and unbuttered, it can be a tasty treat for them. It's important to check the popcorn thoroughly so as to make sure your dog doesn't get any of the un-popped kernels, a choking hazard. Corn, removed from the cob, is also acceptable.
29. Safe: Coconut And Honey

Image source: Whole Dog Journal
In small amounts, you can give your dog coconut, coconut oil and coconut milk. As coconut contains lauric acid, it may even help with allergies. Some dogs might experience an upset stomach from fresh coconut so use with caution. Of course, don't let them eat the furry shell which could cause choking.
30. Safe: Peanuts, Peanut Butter And Cashews

Image source: LoveYourDog.com
Peanuts, peanut butter and cashew nuts, given in small quantities, are safe for dogs. Only give your dog a little taste of these every now and then because of the high fat content they contain. Make sure these treats are not seasoned in any way, unflavored and unsalted.
31. Not safe: leeks
image source: reddit.com
Leeks are counted as part of the 'bulbous plants' family, which also includes onions and garlic. Any bulbous plant is dangerous and toxic for dogs. The issue is the substances which are active in the plant, including N-propyl disulfide as well as allylpropyl sulfide, which can target red blood cells. There are actually certain breeds of dogs which are more vulnerable to leeks, too, which are mostly Japanese breeds of dogs like the Akits or Shiba Inu (but no breed of dog should be eating these plants!). Other foods of this family include shallots and chives.
32. Nicotine
image source: reddit.com
We're not saying that your dog is going to light up a cigarette any time soon, or that you're cooking with nicotine! But nicotine is something that's found often in households, just as much as food, and easily lying around and accessible to dogs if you're a smoker. Nicotine, either loose from the pack or actually in the cigarette, can actually act as a nerve agent, which puppies are particularly susceptible to, and can then lead to circulatory collapse in dogs. This is why you should keep your cigarettes and nicotine out of your dog's reach, including any cigarette butts in your ashtray on the table!
33. Eggplant
image source: reddit.com
The eggplant is part of what's called the 'Nightshade family' of food, which also includes other things you shouldn't feed your dog, like tomatoes, hot peppers and raw potatoes. The eggplant is a popular healthy ingredient for many households, but not one you'll want your pup to get its teeth into! This is because eggplants contain solanine, which can cause poisoning in dogs. Symptoms of poisoning - which won't be easily spotted by a dog owner, as they'll happen inside the body - include attacking red blood cells, the gastrointestinal tract being irritated and affects on the nervous system.
34. Raw legumes
image source: reddit.com
Legumes are a healthy addition to your weekly menu - not so much for dogs! While cooked legumes aren't so much the problem, it's raw legumes before they're cooked that you'll want to keep your pup away from. This is because, when uncooked, the legumes will have phasin, tannins and alkaloids, all of which will be dangerous for dogs, and these substances go away only when the legumes are cooked thoroughly. Symptoms of a reaction to these include lack of appetite, tummy cramps and diarrhea.
35. Cabbage
image source: reddit.com
If your dog accidentally gets hold of some cabbage that's fallen off your plate, the good news is it's not toxic and you don't have to worry about your pup being poisoned. But cabbage - as well as vegetables of the cabbage family - can cause a lot of discomfort for your pooch, and in relation to cabbage, it can also mean a pretty bad time in an enclosed space for you, too! This is because cabbage will cause flatulence, meaning your pup will be uncomfortable and you'll be the same due to the smell! Best keeping cabbage away from them.
36. Cold food from the fridge
image source: reddit.com
So this is down to the temperature rather than the food itself. And a lot of dog owners might not have known this if they've been keeping some food items in the fridge to feed their dog directly, like sliced ham or some fruit slices. Cold food can actually be difficult to tolerate for a dog, if it's eaten straight from the cold fridge. A much better option is to take whatever you want to feed them (if it's safe food) and leave on the side until it reaches room temperature. You can then feed your dog at a much more comfortable food temperature.
37. Certain cereals
image source: reddit.com
The concept of feeding your dog cereal has been debated, as some people say you shouldn't be feeding any cereal to your dog - but that's on the basis that dogs are more naturally meat eaters and crave something a little more fulfilling then your dry cereal! That being said, there are certain cereals that you should avoid feeding your dog, and these are cereals which contain gluten, which you can check on the pack. Gluten is hard to tolerate in some dogs, so it's not worth the risk. Cereals made from wheat, rye and barley will all have gluten.
38. Safe: bananas
image source: reddit.com
If you're looking for one of the best fruits to feed your dog, banana is one of the best choices, because you don't have to worry about seeds or pips that can come from other fruits. While other fruits are safe for your dog if you take the seeds or pips out, bananas just mean you save yourself the hassle! And if a dog is for some reasons struggling with more solid, harder foods, bananas can also be a great choice for a soft food that's delicious and nutritious for your pup. It's also easily broken down and mushed up if you need to feed your dog that way.
39. Blueberries
image source: reddit.com
Blueberries are another okay fruit to feed your dog, and they're really tasty as we know, with a distinct taste, so your dog will likely look forward to their next tasty blueberry! It's also great if you already have a huge pack that you use for your own snacks, so you can give your dog some blueberries here and there. Blueberries are just as good for your dog's health as your own health, because they contain a good dose of vitamin C, fiber and phytochemicals. They also have a great dose of antioxidants to keep your pup's health tiptop.
40. Carrots

image source: reddit.com
Not only are carrots a great snack for your dog, they're also a good option if you want to help your dog's teeth! Because they're so crunchy and a great chew toy for them, they can help to shift plaque from your dog's teeth when they bite into them. Carrots are also particularly good for dog's which are overweight and trying to lose some, as well as those breeds which are known for putting on weight more easily. So your dog can not only enjoy a treat that's low on calories, but one with a satisfying crunch to keep them busy!
41. Watermelon
image source: reddit.com
One of the biggest reasons this is such a great choice to feed your pup is because of its high water content - the fact that watermelons are over 90% water means it's perfect hydration for your dog after a long walk, or during those high summer temperatures when you're outside with them. As long as you carefully remove the seeds from a watermelon, along with the rinds (and make sure to remove the pale seeds from 'seedless' watermelons, too) your dog can benefit from this hydrating snack! And so can you if you share!
42. A little bit of cheese!
image source: reddit.com
With emphasis on the 'little bit'! We mentioned that a lot of dairy products aren't going to agree with your dog, and that's true - and that also includes cheese. The big thing here is to first know whether your dog is lactose intolerant, in which case they shouldn't be having any cheese at all. If they're not, then a little bit of cheese every now and again shouldn't be an issue. The main thing is that a lot of cheese is high in fat, so that's what you'll want to watch out for your if your dog is putting on weight! Lower-fat cheese, like mozzarella, will be the best option.
43. Shrimp
image source: reddit.com
Shrimp is also a safe choice for your dog, as well as you prepare it properly for your pup. The shrimp ideally needs to be plain in flavor and offered on its own. And it of course needs to be fully cooked to avoid any problems! You should take care to completely remove the shell, as well as the legs, tail and head, before offering to your pup. Don't go for any salted, buttered or seasoned shrimp either - plain is key! Some fish, as we mentioned earlier, is unsafe for dogs, but you'll be okay with shrimp if you prepare it as above.
44. Turkey
image source: reddit.com
You have to be very careful with undercooked and raw meat, but as long as you've cooked your turkey perfectly, it's safe to dish out to your dog in small portions! It's both healthy and safe for them to eat. You just need to make sure that you take the turkey skin off first, as well as checking for any bones and getting rid of them. The fat should be trimmed off, too. It also needs to be plain turkey, so nothing that has been salted or seasoned for Thanksgiving! It's a good source of protein for your dog, and easily to prepare in chunks.
45. Quinoa
image source: reddit.com
So you're also okay to feed your dog grains and quinoa, because they have the same benefits as corn that we mentioned earlier. If you have a huge stash of grains and quinoa in your home for your own cooking, then there's no problem with using it for a dog treat every once in a while, too! Just make sure it's in small portions and not too much. The quinoa is a healthy option, and one of the healthiest when it comes to your pooch. If you're feeding your dog quinoa for the very first time, though, watch as they eat as they could have an allergic reaction if you didn't know about the allergy before!
46. Green beans

image source: reddit.com
Green beans are a good, healthy choice when it comes to vegetables if you're looking to broaden your dog's diet! While there are many veggies you shouldn't feed your pup, green beans are a perfectly fine option! This can even be raw, or if you want to feed after steaming them, or coming from a can. Your dog will like the crunch as well as the nutritional value! The main thing to remember is to cut them into bite size pieces so there's no risk of choking. You'll also need to go for completely plain green beans that haven't been mixed with anything like salts or spices.
47. Your dog's diet can change

image source: reddit.com
Just like we go through phases over the years of loving certain foods and going off them - as well as our nutritional needs changing as we age - so can your dog's when it comes to human food! Especially when your dog is moving from puppy stage to adult stage, then adult stage to senior, you may find they suddenly stop wanting any human foods you've been feeding them. The main thing with this is to make sure the change in appetite isn't something health related, but mainly just try another healthy human food from this list if they stop liking their original favorite!
48. Sharing food
image source: reddit.com
Even though there are plenty of human foods which are healthy and fine for your dog, it can be good practice to treat them with this food separately, either by hand or in their own bowl, instead of feeding directly from your plate. Though it can be tempting to pick a piece of carrot or cheese off your own plate while you're eating dinner and give it to them - especially when they give us those puppy dog eyes! - it might be better to put into your dog's own bowl at their feeding time, so they know it's their food and part of their own meal plan!
49. Always pay attention to your dog's behavior
image source: reddit.com
We know that some dogs can be very fussy (even though you might not think so, food is food in a dog's eyes!) and that there are even top quality dog brand treats that they might not want in favor of a cheaper version. At the end of the day, you know your pet better than anyone - and your pet knows what they want better than anyone - so watch how much they enjoy certain 'safe' foods. Even if a food is healthy for them to eat, don't try to push them to it if they're just not interested and would prefer something else! They'll tell you.
50. If in doubt, ask your vet!
image source: reddit.com
We know it can be really overwhelming to know what to do for the best when it comes to human foods for dogs, especially when some foods say 'can be okay in small quantities' or certain breeds react differently. The best thing you can do for your specific pooch is to speak with your vet if you're ever concerned about something you've been feeding them, which foods are healthy snacks or what they'd recommend as a healthy snack. Some dogs also have health complications which mean they need a more tailored diet, so your vet will be able to throw in some human-food suggestions for that, too.