Navy Seal Reveals Top Tips To Hold Our Bladders

By Aaron Love 1 year ago

You Should Always Plan Ahead

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Planning ahead is essential in the navy, your bladder can be controlled by planning ahead before you go anywhere, you should always think how long will it take and how much liquid you are going to consume. Both can have large impacts on bladder control throughout the day.

Use The Lavatory Before A Trip

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Before heading out on any mission, make sure that you use the lavatory. This is a vital part of your routine, like checking you have all the right supplies. Doing this simple task can reduce the need for stops during the day, keeping your bladder empty will help clear your mind and allow you to focus on your important tasks through the day.

Limit Fluid Intake

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When on a mission, you need to ration your supplies. This doesn't only apply to food, this can also apply to your fluids. Limiting fluid intake will allow you to preserve space in your bladder making you less likely to need to go. Reducing the intake of fluids when on a mission will enable you to have more free movement when going into battle.

Wear Clothing That Isn't Restricting

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Something that doesn't help, is the tactical gear. When I need to urinate, belts and tight fitting gear put unnecessary pressure on my bladder. So therefore if you're trying to prevent the need to go as often looser clothing might be solution. Joggers or short will allow you to hold your bladder for longer without the pressure of those tight fitting jeans.

Keep An Eye on The Time

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Time management is a key skill when it comes to controlling your bladder. Navy Seals recognize the importance of being on time, therefore setting regular intervals to go to the restroom is key. This can apply even when you don't feel the urge to go, it may help your body to follow a specific schedule.

Avoid Holding Your Bladder

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One key thing you must not do when you are trying to control your bladder, is hold you urine in. It is best not to push yourself too far when trying to hold your bladder, this could have adverse effect on your health and may lead to further medical issues. Try to avoid unnecessary strain on your bladder.

Make Use Of Opportunities

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Using the opportunities you have to go to the toilet. Like many occupations you have a set time for your break, it is essential to utilize this time to empty your bladder. Even if you don't feel like going, emptying your bladder when you have the chance can help prevent urgency later when the facilities aren't available.

Try Squatting

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Squatting is a good way to fully empty your bladder. when on a mission often you can find yourself in unconventional places to take a break. By squatting it allows the body to fully drain from urine, so therefore you are less likely to need to go later on.

Limit Diuretics

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Lowering your diuretic intake is another good way to control your bladder. Specific foods and drinks contribute to this. Diuretic substances promote the production of urine in your body. For obvious reasons, this is bad when you're trying to control one's bladder.

Try To Keep Warm

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Maintaining a comfortable body temperature can play a surprising role in controlling your bladder. In the navy it is essential to take warm clothing suitable to keep you warm at sea. When your body is cold your muscles contract even your bladder, which will put more pressure on you to go to the restroom.

Sitting In Different Positions

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Changing your sitting positions can have huge impacts when trying to hold your bladder. In the Navy you are trained to adapt so this should come as second nature.shifting from seated to the forward leaning position or even standing for a small period can alleviate the pressure applied to your bladder.

Try Pacing

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Another way you are able to reduce the pressure applied to your bladder is by pacing. Instead of rushing or running to the toilet try walking or taking slow paced out steps. This can help distribute the pressure and give you more time to find a your way to a suitable restroom.

Keep Your Mind Active

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The navy employ mental strategies to stay focused on the mission under pressure. You can also try this. keeping the mind active can divert attention from the urge to use the restroom. consider solving puzzles or engaging in interesting conversations this allows the mind to have less focus on your bladder.

Know Your Body

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Understanding your body's signals is vital for bladder control. Staying in tune with physical and mental condition is key to this. You must recognize when you have a full bladder and not wait until your body is urgently telling you. Furthermore you are able to plan restroom breaks.

Limit High-Fiber Foods

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High fiber diets are normally a health option, however this is not the case in order to have good bladder control. A good diet can enhance your performance and energy, However before going on a long mission maybe high fiber foods is not the right choice as it increases the chances of sudden urges to use the toilet.

Practice Deep Breathing

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Controlled deep breathing can be used in many applications like managing stress and maintaining focus. Similarly deep breathing can allow our body to relax and reduce the urgency to use the restroom. Slow deep breaths often help in this sort of situation. You might want to try some yoga or meditation techniques.

Lose Excess Weight

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Often thought to be in peak physical condition, Navy personnel advise that if you have excess weight it won't help due to the extra weight pushing down on your pelvic muscles. Consider a weight loss programme if you tend to urinate much more often than others, this could be the reason.

Avoid Lifting

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If you're in need of the toilet the last thing you want to do is lift heavy objects. Using the right lifting technique and using core muscles allows this to be easier but once again, if done wrong, it can out strain on your pelvic muscles. Make sure you've got the technique down if you really need too.

Drink Plenty Water

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Opposing many views of not consuming liquids when you need to use the toilet, the consumption of water is essential to the bladders health. When enough water is drank your body performs better. Additionally your bladder can regulate urine storage and release, so be mindful of how much water you drink.

Carry Out Pelvic Floor Exercises

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A Simple one, if you are struggling to hold your urine in, a simple way improve strength is by doing pelvic floor exercises often referred to as 'Kegels'. These exercises strengthen the muscles that support your bladder and urethra helping you gain more control over your urinary function.

Maintain A Bathroom Diary

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Keeping a bathroom diary is an amazing way to take back control. Precision and planning at the core of this, you will be able to gain insight in your bladders behavior. Tracking when you go and volume, will allow you to plan or schedule bathroom breaks more effectively!

Delay Reactions

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Delayed reactions is something you definitely don't want when carrying out a mission however, in the case of bladder control you may want to practice delaying the reaction you have to go to the toilet. When you feel the urge to urinate consider and assess if its impulse or genuine. This will allow you to strengthen your bladders ability to hold urine for longer.

Don't Smoke

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The importance in clear airways is essential for the Navy. It should also be important to someone who wants to have better bladder control. the chemicals in cigarettes can lead to increased need to urinate. Quitting will significantly improve your bladders control and overall health.

Fluid Restrictions Before Bed

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Our night time routines need to be carefully planned. This is to prevent the use of the restroom during the night. Having a time where you just stop consuming fluids will directly lead to a better night's sleep, so maybe begin to consider avoiding drinking anything within the hour or so before you head to bed.

Avoid Carbonated Drinks

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Carbonated drinks are refreshing however, they can be harsh on your bladder. Getting the right nutrients is key, therefore drinks like carbonated water, soda, and soda water can irritate the bladder lining leading to a more frequent need to urinate. Reduce the consumption of these drinks for a healthier bladder.

Strengthen Your Abdominal Muscles

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Strong core strength is crucial for anyone in the Navy, it can also be equally important for you, to help  maintain a healthy bladder. Core strength contributes to the supporting of your bladder and pelvic organs, therefore, working out core can contribute to a better bladder function.

Double Check Your Bladder Is Empty

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This one is pretty simple, as with everything double checks are important. This much is also true for bladder control. You should make sure that your bladder is fully empty this will allow you to go for longer without having to need another one. Make sure to empty your bladder properly.

Manage Stress Levels

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Managing stress levels is crucial for good bladder control. Stress can force one to urinate, to prevent this try practicing stress management techniques like deep meditation or yoga to keep your stress levels in check. This overall promotes a healthier lifestyle as well. You could even carry a stress ball around with you!

Distract Yourself

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Although saying it seems easier than it actually is to do in the real world, if you can manage to distract yourself and avoid thinking about going to the toilet you might feel a little better. Maybe focus on the television or one of your favourite hobbies to try and keep the urination feeling away.

Stop Drinking Coffee

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Obviously, drinking anything is going to make you need to go to the toilet, but perhaps the most well known diuretic that makes you need to urinate is caffeine. Therefore, if you're the sort of person that loves a coffee or two or three during the day then it might have an effect on your bladder.