1. El Salvador - Penal De Ciusad Barrios
This is inside Penal De Ciudad Barrios, Ciudad Barrios, San Miguel in El Salvador. The tiny little cells have around 30 people all squashed inside.
2. Russia - Black Dolphin
Here is a glimpse into Black Dolphin Prison, Sol-Iletsk in Russia. This is a world renowned prison and it is known for housing some of the most notorious and dangerous criminals.
3. Spain - Aranjuez
This is a look inside Aranjuez Prison, Aranjuez, Spain. And yes, you are probably wondering why it looks so nice and why there is a family inside.4. Norway -Bastøy Prison
In this picture we can see Bastøy Prison, Horten, Norway. It is a very large prison and has low security. it is managed by the community.
(Image Source/ architecturendesign)
Inside we can see that conditions here are not bad at all, in fact it has been branded by many around the world as comfortable if not luxurious in terms of a prison.
5. Scotland - HMP Addiewell
This is HMP Addiewell, Lothian, Scotland. This prison is more forward thinking, and it's about learning and rehabilitation, rather than the focus being on punishment.
6. Japan - Onomichi Prison
Here is a look into the inside rooms at Onomichi Prison, Onomichi, Japan. Here, the prison is just for senior offenders in Japan, not younger offenders.
7. Uganda - Luzira Prison
In the Luzira Prison, Kampala, Uganda, the structure within the prison is probably more similar to a westernized prison for example to America or Britain.(Image Source/ architecturendesign)
The prisoners are given more responsibility and the inmates are responsible for the peace to be kept within the prison so that they have more responsibility.
8. Netherlands - Norgerhaven
In Norgerhaven Prison, Veenhuizen, Netherlands the crime rate is so low that they actually had an under-crowding problem, very different to the majority of places.
9. San Diego - Cartagena
Here is a picture of San Diego Medium-Security Women’s Prison, Cartagena, Colombia. It may look like a fairly relaxed environment for a prison, and that is because it is.(Image Source/ Demilked)
This low security prison is often used for women nearing the end of their sentences. This is a restaurant that is solely run by the inmates.
10. California - San Quentin
This prison is located in the north of San Francisco, San Quentin in California. It is the oldest and largest prison in the whole of California.
11. Haiti's Civil Prison
The living conditions in this prison in Port-au-Prince, Haiti as we can see are very low quality. And, this picture at least shows some beds.
12. Kabul - Pul-e-Charkhi
This is a photo of the inside of Pul-e-Charkhi Prison just outside of Kabul. This prison is known for riots and prisoners having managed to escape on different occasions.
13. United States -ADX Florence Prison
This prison is the ADX Florence prison, Colorado, United States. This facility is secured and monitored way more severely than any standard prison you see. (Image Source. architecturendesign.com)
It is built for the criminals who are too dangerous to be in the normal system. And so surveillance here is constant, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
14. Germany - Landsberg Prison
Here we can see inside a cell in Landsberg prison in Germany. This German Prison is widely known for housing one of the most evil men of all time - Adolf Hitler.
15. New Zealand - Otago Corrections Facility
This is Otago Corrections Facility in, Milburn, New Zealand. One look inside and you may just assume this is an ordinary, typical teenage boy's bedroom.
16. Lilongwe Prison -Malawi
This picture is a pretty shocking revelation, and so far away from the previous prison situation in New Zealand. This is a prison in Lilongwe, Malawi.
17. Champdollan Prison - Switzerland
This is Champ-Dollon Prison in Geneva, Switzerland. When we compare this to the last photo the differences are incomprehensible. The standards here are very high.
18. Detention And Rehabilitation Center - Philippines
If you thought that looked like an organised female prisoners dance class in the photo... then you would not be wrong. This is an exercise dance class!
19. Evin Prison - Iran
Evin Prison does not meet standards of an acceptable prison by any means. This is due to overcrowding and terrible sanitation and unliveable conditions.
20. Las Colinas Detention And Reentry Facility - California
Here we can see inside Las Colinas Detention And Reentry Facility, Santee, California. This prison was the very first of its kind in the US.
21. Robben Island - South Africa
Robben Island is a small island off the coast of Cape Town that has been used for a variety of reasons. It was originally used to isolate political prisoners at the end of the 17th century.
22. Leoben Justice Center - Austria
Every prison isn't crazy because of brutal and inhumane living conditions. It was designed in 2004 by Josef Hohensinn for groups of up to 13 people.
23. Devil's Island - French Guiana
Devil's Island was included in the French penal colony for more than 100 years. Originally used as a leper colony, the space became used to house political prisoners
24. Newgate Prison - England
Originally built by Henry II in 1188, Newgate Prison is a London based facility that was destroyed in the 1666 great fire of London, later rebuilt with sick additions.
25. La Sabeneta Prison - Venezuela
La Sabaneta Prison is one of the most lawluss and frightening prisons you could land in. While it's just designed for 700 prisoners, 3,700 are housed there.
26. Gitarama Central Prison - Rwanda
With 7,000 prisoners crammed into a space meant for 400, they have the choice to stand all day or huddle together when given the chance.
27. Camp 22 - North Korea
Given that it is cut off from the rest of the world, footage of North Korea's prison is hard to come by, and the prisoners face lifelong detention.
28. Georgia Gldani Prison - Tbilisi
While poor medical care, unsanitary conditions and overcrowding are among its worst and most severe problems, this Tbilisi prison also has more than that.
29. Peru San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima
One of South America's harshest prisoners, there are barely any guards to control 11,500 inmates in a space that is only designed for 2,500 people.
30. Black Beach Prison - Equatorial Guinea
If you happen to end up in this facility, you would be subject to overcrowding, chronic disease, malnutrition, guard brutality and a lot of torture.
31. Nairobi Prison - Kenya
Opened in 1911, Nairobi Prison was originally intended to house 800 prisoners. With no expansion or change, the facility eventually housed more than 4,000 prisoners.
32. Butyrka Prison - Russia
The Butyrka Prison falls within the Teverskoy District in Russia and so it was made originally to house the political prisoners during its Soviet Period.
33. Diyarbakir Prison - Turkey
Based in the South-eastern part of Turkey, this prison is notorious when it comes to human rights (or lack thereof). The treatment of the prisoners is terrible here.
34. El Rodeo Prison - Venezuela
Within this facility, 50,000 of Venezuela's more brutal criminals are homed and involved in rampant gang wars. The administration can only do so much here.
35. Penal de Ciudad Barrios Prison - El Salvador
The main problem at this facility is the lack of prison guards. With the country's most notorious criminals housed here, you'd think that they would employ the most experienced prison guards too.
36. Mendoza Prison - Argentina
In a space that is meant for 600 inhabitants, 1,600 are crammed into the living conditions. The prison is notorious for inhumane conditions, torture and death.
37. Rikers Island - NY, USA
Inmates claim that the penitentiary here is worse than the roughest back streets of New York. City officials made the decision to make this the country's strictest prison.
38. Tadmor Military Prison - Syria
Located in the Syrian Desert, the facility was more infamous for torture, harsh conditions and summary executions. It's gained a historic reputation for it's horrendous happenings.
39. La Santé Prison - France
Prison Physician Vasseur wrote a book on the facility's disgusting conditions. Suicide and depression are rampant here as the prison is so terrible for prisoners.
40. Carandiru Penitentiary - Brazil
This prison was completely shut down due to a massacre that happened in 2002, which left 111 inmates dead after military police stormed the facility.
41. Halden Prison, Norway
This maximum-security prison has three main units and receives prisoners from all over the world. But the prison actually doesn’t have any conventional security devices
42. Abashiri Prison, Japan
Inmates at this prison have their rooms inspected once a day, and all prisoners have a sentence of 8 years or less. It's very strict and prisoners are under scrutiny.
43. Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines
This is a maximum-security prison – and if you’ve ever seen that viral dance video of Thriller choreographed by inmates, this is the prisons responsibility.
44. Oslo’s Skien Prison, Oslo, Norway
Norwegian prisons are actually supposed to mimic outside conditions as much as possible. With this in mind, this prison has private bathrooms, gym, yard, TV and video games.
45. The Maula Prison, Lilongwe, Malawi
The Maula Prison in Malawi is really suffering from overcrowding issues, with around 200 people being placed in a 60-person cell in the more recent years.
46. UN Detention Unit, Outside The Hague, Netherlands
This is a UN-administered jail institute, established in 1993, and now serves the International Criminal Court detention centre which is strictly governed in the Netherlands.
47. Petak Island Prison, Vologda, Russia
This prison is often nicknamed the ‘Alcatraz of Russia’. It holds the most dangerous criminals in the country. The prison has around 22 hour-a-day lockdowns.
48. HM Prison Dartmoor, Princetown, England
This prison is home to mostly non-violent offenders, but also houses sex offenders. It has a ‘misplaced’ reputation as being an escape-proof prison but this isn't the case.
49. Quezon City Jail, Quezon City, Philippines
This jail is housed in the capital of the Philippines, and its prisoners will see struggles for water and food, as well as space to move on a regular basis.
50. El Buen Pastor Women’s Prison, Bogota, Colombia
This prison in Colombia is a women’s prison that originally had cells designed to hold 2 people only – now, there can be up to 20 women inside one of these cells.
51. Pelican Bay State Prison, Crescent City, California
This prison’s purpose is said to be housing the ‘worst of the worst’ in terms of male prisoners showing violence. A lot of these prisoners are serving life sentences in this jail.
52. San Pedro Prison, La Paz, Bolivia
In this prison, the guards are police officers whose only concern is keeping the inmates in the prison. Order is kept sometimes by means as violent as stabbing.
53. Neve Tirza, Ramla, Israel
This prison is a women’s-only prison, with cells that are around 13 square meters. The cells include a toilet and a shower. Every one of these cells contains around 6 women.
54. Bordeaux Prison, Montreal, Canada
Bordeaux Prison in Montreal, Canada, was built between the years of 1908 to 1912, and today it is responsible for housing from 1,000 up to 1,500 inmates.
55. Altiplano Prison, Almoloya De Juarez, Mexico
This prison is a maximum-security federal prison, with walls that are close to 1 meter thick, and due to all of this was once considered impenetrable.
56. Kashimpur Central Jail, Gazipur, Bangladesh
In this jail in Bangladesh, there are around 2,000 inmates, and it is actually the biggest prison in all of Asia. All current prisoners of this prison are male.
57. The Federal Correctional Institution, El Reno, Oklahoma
This Federal Correctional Institution located in El Reno, Oklahoma, is a facility that has medium security. Its inmate count is around 1,000 prisoners, all of which are male.
58. Desembargador Raimundo Vidal Pessoa Penitentiary, Manaus, Brazil
The Desembargador Raimundo Vidal Pessoa Penitentiary is based in Brazil and it is an extremely dangerous prison based on the uprising its had in the past.
59. Bang Kwang Prison, Bangkok, Thailand
This prison has been given the nickname the ‘Bangkok Hilton’, but is a prison nothing like this name might suggest. In fact it epitomizes the harsh realities of incarceration.
60. JVA Fuhlsbuettel Prison, Germany
The JVA Fuhlsbuttel prison in Hamberg, Germany, is home to long-serving prisoners who have a lot more luxuries than some other prisons in the world.
61. Sollentuna Prison, Sweden
This facility is a correctional prison in Sweden which provides its inmates with private cells. In these cells is a comfortable bed, as well as a separate bathroom attached.
62. Pondok Bambu Prison, Indonesia
You might mistake this women’s-only prison for a modern studio apartment. This facility, with prisoners living what could be labelled ‘luxurious’ in comparison to other institutions.
63. Maison D’Arret de Bois-D’Arcy
This prison opened when originally planned to be a detention center. It opened in 1980 as a remand center. It used to have a first floor unit for minors which is now closed.
64. Calhoun County Jail, Morgan, California
This facility is a secure prison in California that houses inmates who may be awaiting their trial or final sentencing. Some of the inmates may also be serving their sentence.
65. Mutukula Prison Farm, Uganda
Unlike many prisons worldwide, this low-security facility in Uganda operates as a prison farm. This low security prison in Uganda is small by many of the world’s prison standards.
66. Kirinya Main Prison, Jinja, Uganda
This is Uganda’s second maximum security prison located in Jinga. Its prisoners include criminals who are waiting on death row following their official criminal sentencing.
67. Establecimiento Carcelario de Reclusin Especial, Colombia
This prison houses over 100 inmates, which might be considered small by comparison to others, but this is actually over its official capacity of 50.
68. Georgia State Prison, USA
This Georgian State prison contained male inmates convicted of a life sentence. It was a maximum security facility which served the Georgia Department of Corrections.
69. Centre Penitentiaire de Lille-Annoeullin Prison, France
This prison in France is home to a courtyard where inmates are permitted to sunbathe. Some inmates housed here include notorious, well known gang members.
70. Attica Correctional Facility, New York
This facility is a maximum-security prison based in New York, and has actually been party to more than one huge, uncontrollable riots in its time.
71. Danli Prison - Honduras
This is not a prison where the weak are able to survive. In fact the very toughest inmates are used and are armed to act as enforcers of the prison.
72. Piotrków Prison - Poland
Again, conditions here are extremely hostile. The prisoners have to stay inside of their cells for 23 hours every single day with only one hour outside per day.
73. El Hongo - Mexico
Prisons in Mexico have a reputation for a reason, they are very hard environments and only those people that are tough enough can survive the time inside.
74. Porto Velho - Brazil
This is a renowned prion due to it holding two of Brazil's leading drug gangs captive here: the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) and Comando Vermelho (Red Command). Image Source: avaznews
75. Zhytomyr - Ukraine
Inside Zhytomyr prison is it a totally hostile place, there is a skeleton crew in charge of enforcing the prison rules and order amongst dangerous inmates.
76. Bomana - Papa New Guinea
Bomana is a prison located in Papa New Guinea and it is known for its terrible conditions. It is constantly on the bring of chaos as the prisoners riot.
77. Belize Central Prison - Belize
Belize Central Prison is located in Belize. It is different from many other prisons on the list due to its prioritising of rehabilitation through the power of God.
78. La Reforma - Costa Rica
La Reforma prison located in Costa Rica is a huge facility with 3 separate divisions to it; a maximum security, medium and low security wings.
79. Narco - Colombia
Narco prison in Colombia has a huge problem: it is rife with drugs. The institution is searched frequently not only by the prison itself but also outside authorities.
80. Tacumbú - Paraguay
Tacumbú has also previously been called one of the most dangerous places in the world. In fact, in order to survive her and pay their own way prisoners search through the trash.