Their Name Seems Fake

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Okay, well this might be a little difficult to work out, after all people all around the world can have the most unique or the most common names out there. But if someone new meets you and they have a fairly average or extremely unique name then it could be a sign of an undercover cop.
Accidentally Use Their Real Name

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Even though undercover cops can be pretty well-trained and they don't make errors that often, every now and then it could happen. You might call them by their fake name and they don't reply or they might hear their real name and look over. Always watch out for any difficult signs.
They Have Forged Documents

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If someone was a criminal and one that was high up in their little scheme then they would likely want to check someone's documents before trusting them. Although the forged documents an undercover cop should be perfect a lifelong criminal might be able to catch out a liar.
They're Wearing A Wig

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In order to try and protect their real identity an undercover cop might go through a little makeover before they head out into the real world. Often this can result in them dyeing their hair OR some choose to have an authentic looking wig. You might be able to spot a fake hairdo!
They Have Contacts In

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Another way that an undercover cop might try and hide their identity is by using contacts in their eyes to change their eye colour. Although this seems a little superficial any change might help. Although any change might also be able to help a criminal signify who you really are.
Well-Groomed Hair

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One of the first hints that you can get when trying to catch out an undercover cop is an obviously well groomed hair cut. Traditional haircuts that you should be looking out for are shaved heads or military haircuts. Don't make an assumption too early though, they might just like it that way.
Unusual Facial Hair

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It isn't just wigs that undercover cops might use to hide their real identity but also some fake facial hair or unusually trimmed facial hair instead. You obviously wouldn't expect them to appear clean shaven, but some scruffy facial hair can also be quite an unusual sight to see.
Oversized Jackets

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If someone appears to be wearing an oversized jacket or one that's extra long then it might be a sign of an undercover cop. They often wear long jackets in order to carry all their essential tools without needing to attract too much attention. There could be a gun or other equipment hidden in there.
Keeping Hands In Pockets

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Another common sign that someone might be an undercover cop is if they don't tend to keep their hands out of their pockets. By keeping a hand stuffed in a pocket it can probably suggest that they have a weapon hidden in there and officers are taught to always be prepared for conflict.
They Don't Suit Their Clothes

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Undercover cops often wear some fresh new clothing, like hooded sweatshirts and sports apparel in a way to try and blend in to the crowd. Whilst you shouldn't instantly think that this is suspicious, it can create quite the awkward and unworn look that might raise some worries.
Bulky Cargo Pants

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Just as some cops will wear an oversized jacket to hide any equipment, they might also choose to dress in some bulky cargo pants too. The many pockets that these items of clothing offer can allow them to hide things like handcuffs, pepper spray, flashlights and badges that they might need.
They Don't Fit In

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Depending on your environment at the time of the moment you think you've spotted an undercover cop, you might be able to single them out. For example, if you see a middle-aged man at a bar suited to the younger generation then you might be able to sense something could be off.
Questionable Habits

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Often, an undercover cop will have a backstory that they have to follow and occasionally cracks might arise. For example, if you were to spot a middle-aged man ordering a water at the bar or something like a seltzer then you might begin to suspect that something isn't right.
They Slip Up In Their Accent

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In order to try and cover up their tracks an undercover cop might choose to put on a fake accent or be forced to if their 'character' is meant to be from a different location. The thing is, even if you're trained to speak a different way you might slip up every now and then and give up your real accent.
Their Backstory Doesn't Check Up

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Another aspect that a career criminal might check out on someone suspicious is there backstory. If an undercover cop isn't able to maintain his backstory to the smallest detail every time they discuss it then the criminal is probably going to pick up on that pretty instantly.
Social Media Seems Fake

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In the current day and age pretty much everyone is expected to have some numerous social media pages, so the job of an undercover cop has become more difficult. For an officer to appear believable they'll need to have months if not years of social media history to back them up.
Disposable Phones

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No one normal runs around with a disposable phone anymore these days, unless they have something to hide maybe? An undercover cop will need to be able to prove that they can be reached, meaning that they'll probably also have to have an additional phone to communicate with criminals.
They Don't Know Enough About Their Job

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Part of an undercover cop's new life is that they'll have an entire new job they have to pretend to work in. This could be anything in relation to what it is they're trying to investigate. So if you notice they're struggling even though they claim to have been working in this role for a while you might want to run.
They're New To The City

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Often, an undercover cop will, when talking to people they want information from, claim to have travelled from a different state or city. Although this shouldn't be an instant red flag, it is also unusual for a person to seek out criminals and give them personal info like that.
You Spot A Hidden Camera

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In order to try and gather evidence in an undercover operation a cop might be wearing or using a hidden camera somewhere on their body. Although they are obviously hidden, if you know what you're looking out for then you might be able to quickly spot them. Maybe it's a little pen or button.
Switching Cars A Lot

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The average person isn't going to be driving more than one car very often, maybe two if they're lucky. So if you spot someone driving different cars in a quick period of time then you can pretty much assume that they're either one of two things: either they're rich or they're an undercover cop.
Dodgy White Vans Outside Your Home

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You know that old television and film stereotype? When criminals look outside their bedroom window and they see a white van outside their home. Although this seems stupid, sometimes undercover cops really do normal looking vans in order to try and spy on people they're investigating.
The Outline Of A Weapon

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Obviously, an undercover officer is going to need a weapon of some variety in order to keep themselves safe, so every now and then you might be able to spot the outline of a gun or defensive weapon beneath their pants or their shirt. You can usually spot them easier when they bend over.
Using Cop Language

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Cops are trained to use very specific pieces of language when communicating with fellow officers or criminals. When they're undercover they'll try and avoid this but every now and then they might let something slip. At this point you might be able to assume they aren't who they say they are.
Dark Tinted Windows

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One of the common things you should be looking out for in search of undercover cop vehicles is dark tinted windows. Police vehicles are allowed to be tinted darker than the traditional car on the road and they are made so that other drivers or people won't be able to spot them inside.
Oddly Friendly

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If you run in to someone you've never met and they're being oddly friendly then you can probably consider this to be a big red flag. You probably wouldn't try to have an extensive conversation with a stranger so maybe you should trust your instincts and understand it's a little suspicious.
Asking A Lot Of Questions

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Just as someone talking to you a lot after you've just met is a little suspicious, you might become even more wary if they start asking you questions too. By simply asking your name or your age it can become clear that they're trying to get some information out of you. Maybe try and avoid that!
Numerous Antennas On Car

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The roof or trunk of a vehicle owned by an undercover cop would might have an odd number of antennas on top of it. The issue for cops is that their isn't a great way to hide these, they might even be retractable so if you were a criminal this is something that you might want to watch out for.
Hidden Flasher Lights

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If you didn't already know, it's illegal for anyone that isn't a cop to drive a vehicle with emergency lights on them. Many undercover cop cars will have a hidden set of emergency lights either at the bottom of the windshield or hidden within the grill, check if you're a little suspicious.
Push Bumper On Car

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If you spot a car with a push bumper, also known as a crash bar, then you might be looking at a vehicle used by undercover cops. These are used in order to prevent damage in case the car has a collision; this collision could be something like forcing another vehicle off of the road!