They're Charming

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Psychopaths often have quite a captivating ability to charm people (or their victims) towards them without much effort. Their personality appears to be so energised and you can often feel as though you've hit the jackpot. But be aware that there might be a switch at one point.
Inflated Ego

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One of the most common aspects of a psychopath's behaviour is their inflated sense of an ego. They might enjoy degrading and belittling you because they feel like they're in a position where they can do that. In their eyes, they're at the top of the food chain and other people can't act the same way.
Manipulative Behaviour

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One of the most significant warning fans you'll come across with a psychopath is their manipulative behaviour. They will have a need to try and deceive a partner in as many ways as possible to hide their overall agenda. You might end up doing a load of things you never wanted.
Lack Of Empathy

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One of the hallmarks of a psychopath is their inability to actually empathize with other people. Although they can create superficial shield of concern for your feelings, they might ultimately consistently fail to actually understand or acknowledge your real emotions.
Insincere Emotions

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Sometimes the interactions and emotions that a psychopath might show you can come across as being quite superficial and overwhelmingly emotionless. They might end up treating someone they're supposed to love badly and someone they hardly know better because of the power or money they might have.
They Might Not Acknowledge Your Wants

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Commonly, a psychopath might force you to push your needs and desires to the back of the relationship, whilst also expecting you to only think about theirs. Essentially, they'll feel as though the entire relationship should be based around them and not a balance between the two of you; like going to the bar with their friends without you doing anything!
They Make Impulsive Decisions

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Psychopaths tend to live their lives on the edge and can make some impulsive and risky decisions without actually having any thought about the consequences. These impulsive actions can even end up having quite an effect on yourself or other people who find themselves around them.
They Lie About Everything

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Dishonesty is another very common trait found within psychopaths; they always seem to be skilled at weaving a load of intricate lies in order to serve their own interests. If you catch them lying about significant or even superficial things then you might want to take this as a serious warning sign.
They Have A History Of Break-Ups

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A psychopath is very likely to have a tendency to keep to small short-term relationships instead of trying to find someone to be with for the long-term. They might tell you they can't live without you one day only for the next day to seemingly become tired of you and not want anything to do with you.
They Can't Keep Their Friends

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Another common thing found amongst psychopaths is their inability to maintain any form of long-lasting or meaningful friendships. Although they might seem great when you first meet them, if they have no friends then it might be a sign that they have some social difficulties.
Childhood Behaviour Issues

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Although if you meet someone later in life you won't know about this, childhood behavioural problems can be an early indicator of a psychopath. This could be anything from early signs of aggression to issues in school; they could continue further on in to their adult lives too.
They Have A Criminal Past

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For some psychopaths, one of the most glaring signs might be a history in criminal activity. Although they might do a lot to hide this from you, if they have a record of legal issues then not only do you need to be careful around them, you probably want to second guess your relationship too.
Playing The Victim

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One form of manipulation a psychopath might try and use against a partner is when they play the victim. This is usually effective if the person they're talking to is especially caring. Their whole goal in this situation is to try and force others to have compassion for them, even if they did make a mistake.
Trying To Exploit Others

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Many people often refer to psychopaths as being somewhat like parasites when it comes to their behaviour with other people. They might try and take advantage of your resources, whether that be your money or maybe even the devices you have without offering anything in return.
They Want To Control You

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One of the things that a psychopath will always try to do in a relationship is take control of everything within a relationship. The goal is often to try and dominate their partner's life and dictate pretty much all of your choices. Try and get out of a relationship like this as soon as possible.
Trying To Separate You From Friends

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Psychopaths will often try and isolate their partners from their friends and family as a way to increase the control they have. Instead of them having a support network to fall back on, they will instead have no other option but to fall back on to them for support and advice, just what they want.
Constant Mood Swings

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Unsurprisingly, a psychopath can have some quite unstable emotions and this can usually lead to some rapid mood swings that are usually quite unpredictable. This can create quite a chaotic and distressing environment for both you and the other people that are around you.
Frequent Job Changes

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Psychopaths can often struggle with maintaining there employment for long periods of time, in the same way that they can't keep relationships either. If you've noticed that your partner struggles to remain on a consistent word path then it could indicate some psychotic tendencies.
Being Physically Aggressive

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One of the most severe warning signs that you might be dating a psychopath is if they get physically aggressive with you. They might turn to violence in situations where they feel they need to regain some control. All forms of aggression should be taken extremely serious so try and get some help.
They Always Want To Know Where You Are

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A psychopath might also have an unhealthy obsession with your whereabouts and constantly try to monitor where you are at all times. You shouldn't have to put up with your partner trying to follow your every movement and if they are doing so it could be a sign that they're a psychopath.
Trying To Love Bomb You

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Psychopaths often tend to start a relationship with an intense period of love bombing where they keep trying to shower you with affection and gifts. It can be easy to fall for this, but with time they might end up becoming more emotionally distant. This is an obvious sign of love bombing!

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Gaslighting is a well-known manipulation tactic used by many people, including psychopaths, to make your doubt your own sanity. They might deny some of their past actions and make you question your own perceptions of life. This can be quickly recognised and you should dip if possible.
They Have No Long-Term Goals

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Not only do psychopaths often have limited long-term relationships or job prospects, they might also appear disinterested in their future too. This is a clear sign that they have no responsibility and they only want to think about what can benefit them in the short term instead.
They're Reckless With Money

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You can often spot a psychopath as they're usually quite incapable of being careful with their money and this can often lead them to feeling financially desperate. This further adds on to their lack of future goals, if they have money they'll want to spend it, so try and keep yours to yourself!
Always Blaming Others

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They're also very likely to have quite an immature response to having problems with their friends, family or romantic interests too. Instead of allowing to try and agree with other people's issues, they might instead choose to try and shift the blame on to you no matter what's happened.
They Hide Secrets

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It's fine for us to keep secrets sometimes, there's nothing wrong with keeping some information in to ourselves occasionally. However, they can tend to withhold some information that really shouldn't have been. This can be a way for them to try and deceive you.
Insensitive Towards Others

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A psychopathic partner might be very likely to try and intentionally make their partner feel inferior to them. They might do this by trying to make you believe that you aren't worth thinking about or maybe you aren't worth them spending their time trying to help you.
Hypersensitive Toward Themselves

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In comparison to their insensitivity towards others, they can also be extremely hypersensitive when it comes to themselves. They might become increasingly annoyed during periods in which they're criticized or challenged even if they would do that to everyone else too.
They Have No Morals

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A psychopath will either have very poor, or even no morals which can be quite a negative feature for someone to have. If they're constantly lying, stealing or disrespecting you amongst other negatives and they think about gain for them only it should be a huge red flag for yourself.
They Buy You Random Gifts

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Psychopaths often try and groom you into believing that they love you, by this, I mean that they might try and use gifts they've bought you as a way to force you into feeling that they love you. The surprise of gifts is a way for them to try and make you submit or accept what it is they want.