Here’s Why We Should All Put Our Microwaves In The Trash

By Lynsey 1 year ago

Risk of fire

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Yes, that's right! Microwaves can be one of the most dangerous appliances you'll have in the kitchen unless you know how to use them properly and what can and cannot go inside them. Because they are so concentrated and powerful, one wrong item, or leaving something in there for too long, could result in a fire.

Radiation leaks in to food

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Over the years, microwave radiation has been heavily discussed. Some say the radiation leaking in to your food is of a harmful level, however after other studies say this amount is actually quite small and nothing to worry about if you're only microwaving occasionally.

Radiation leaks in to the room

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As with radiation leaking in to food, there is a risk of radiation leaking in to your home with improper use of your microwave. To prevent this, ensure your microwave is well-maintained, the door shut properly and if it starts to malfunction that you stop use immediately.

Say goodbye to metal cutlery

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So, believe it or not, when your parents said not to put metal in the microwave when you were a child, they were correct. Thin metals, like that of aluminium foil are a major fire risk - so if you're thinking of reheating your last night's leftover, maybe think again!

You can't use metal containers

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So no metal-based food coverings like foil, but no metal item whatsoever actually. Microwaves do not like metal containers you might have stored your food in, nor do they appreciate metal cutlery. All will cause sparks or flames if left unattended so you have to think carefully about what you're using!

They melt plastic

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Not all plastics are suitable for the microwave. This means if you have a microwave you should be checking each plastic container you use to make sure it won't melt when in use. This matters with Tupperwares you've decanted your food in to but also important if you're thinking of just whacking in a snack you picked up from the grocery store - check the packaging!

They can cause volcanic explosions

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If you happen to find yourself without a kettle and think heating water in the microwave is a good idea, think again! Heating water can be incredibly unpredictable and a little like a volcanic eruption: one minute the water is lukewarm and the next, it's boiling over filling your microwave with a hot mess.

They are unhygienic

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Convenient they are, hygienic ... no so much. Even if you cover what you're reheating, chances are there will still be some spillage. If you happen to be one of those crazy, live-life-on-the-edge kind of people, who doesn't cover their meal when heating... well, expect a mess that unless you clean up immediately, will become a nightmare to clean and certainly unhygienic.

They require real consideration where they are placed

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Microwave is that annoying appliance that can't just be placed anywhere in your kitchen. It needs careful consideration to avoid it overheating or risk of fire! It cannot be near a window for risk of being in direct sunlight and it needs to be in a spot where there is plenty of ventilation - so squashed up against a wall won't work either.

The flavour of food changes

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It really does! Microwaves cook your food too rapidly that they don't allow the flavours to slowly develop. This means you'll end up with meals that taste much more bland than you remember, meaning you then have to cover your meal in extra salt and sauces - not great for your health!

The look of food changes

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Nothing you pop in to the microwave ever comes out looking the way it did when it went it. It almost always comes out looking much more nasty! The microwaves are so intense that any food won't stand the chance of staying intact. So, if you're after warm ugly food, they are for you! If you're after something to warm your food to impress guests, maybe consider eating slowly in the oven...

Microwaves reduce nutrients in food

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Everyone wants to be eating the most nutritious food - I mean, that's why we eat isn't it? So when you bung your tasty, nutritious meal  in the microwave, you're not only loosing the look of your food, the taste of your food, you're also killing off the nutrients. You might as well decide to chomp on some lettuce instead or better yet, a piece of cardboard!

They can damage your eyes

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Looking directly in to a microwave when it's on will cause damage your eyes. An innocent 'I just want to check my food is cooking okay or not boiling over' can result in long-term damage to your eyes so maybe consider simply opening the door to check your food instead.

Not ideal for those with pacemakers

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If you have a pacemaker, microwaves might not be the best appliance for you to own as it is said that the microwave emissions they expel can interfere with the transmissions from you device. To avoid any unwanted interruptions, anyone with a pacemaker should stay six feet away from their microwave when in use.

You could burn yourself

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Microwaves are an efficient appliance, sometimes too efficient. If you haven't check the container you're using is microwave safe, it will overheat and burn your hands when you try to take it out. As well, even with regular stirring, your food can be prone to uneven cooking meaning you might encounter cold spots, but also extremely hot spots too, scolding your mouth if you're not careful.

They are too convenient

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Microwaves are designed to be quick. They are perfect for those nights where you're rushing around and need a quick microwave meal to eat but without the admin of cooking. However, they can be too convenient, making you rely on them too much - this leads to an unhealthy lifestyle and no need to ever really cook.

Microwaves kill creativity

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Learning to cook is a skill that should be introduced at a young age as it's so important to know where your food has come from, how to cook it correctly and how to make delicious meals. If you rely on a microwave, you will spend less time cooking and experimenting with ingredients and flavours.

They are comfortable for those who hate cooking

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Some people in the world simply hate cooking. They see it as chore and actually find it quite a stressful task to think about what to cook and then having to cook it. For these people, microwaves are ideal, however you'll never learn to cook unless you try and you never know, you might actually like it in the end!

You can't microwave breastmilk

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In those early days with a newborn, time is limited and you may be tempted to call upon the microwave to make your life easier when preparing bottles. However, microwaves are not advised to use with little babies as you cannot guarantee the milk is being warmed up evenly. It's then hard to know if it's too hot which can lead to scolding.

Re-heating food in them is tricky

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Microwaves are intended to re-heat your food rather than cook an entire meal from scratch. This said, they can be unpredictable and the heating process uneven. Aside from potential scolding risks, this can also cause food to not be cooked properly meaning you may be eating raw food or food that will make you poorly.

They can contaminate food

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There is no real way to separate food in the microwave and rather they are designed to cook everything in one dish. This can lead to food contamination if you're not careful. The condensation that rises up inside of the microwave can also run the risk of running in to your food meaning your food is contaminated with the chemicals from the shell of the microwave.

You can only cook limited food in there

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Believe to or not, you actually can't reheat or cook every item of food in the microwave. Foods like kale are so dry that when in the microwave they can actually spark and start a fire! Other foods like eggs can explode too! So, maybe cooking with your microwave isn't as simple as you first thought.

You can't use styrofoam

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You wake up post night out, with an almighty hangover, and all you're excited to do is re-heat your kebab or leftovers... but you can't. Microwaves don't like the styrofoam your takeaway comes in so you have to first decant it in to a microwave safe container. A lot of effort for you when you can barely get out of bed.

You can't use travel mugs in there

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There's nothing worse than a cold tea or coffee so you decide to pop it in to your thermal flask, only to be so busy that it goes cold in there too! You might be inclined to quickly stick the thermal flask in the microwave to heat it up a bit but that won't work unfortunately - microwaves don't like travel cups!

They are expensive to run

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Not only are microwaves expensive to run because they use a lot of electricity (especially if you become reliant on it for every meal), but they are also expensive in that you have to buy new containers that are microwave safe to ensure you have no melting or exploding episodes.

They can be fun and exciting for children

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If your child can reach the microwave, chances are you've come to use it to find some random item - toys, car keys etc - hidden in there. Children love to hide things in appliances and microwaves are no different, except that if you don't notice and you turn it on, it can be a hazard.

The take up an annoying amount of space

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Microwaves are not the most subtle kitchen appliance and if you have a small space to work with, they can be tricky to place. They are bulky and large, rectangular and inconvenient. Often the door only opens one way so placing them in your kitchen can be awkward.

Disturb kitchen decor

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A kitchen is the heart of the home and it is where most of the attention to detail goes. If you want a microwave, you'll find that they aren't the nicest things to look at and can make the decor of your kitchen feel off. Perhaps consider, hiding it behind a cupboard if you're desperate to keep but value your interior design.

They need replacing often

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Microwaves, if not readily serviced, wiped and maintained will create a fire risk. They are used often and therefore will show signs of wear and tear more. This means they need much more maintenance and servicing which can be really annoying if you're after a low-maintenance appliance.

Using a microwave means more plastic packaging

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In the current world we live in, there is a huge push to reduce the amount of plastic being used. Microwaves naturally encourage you to use microwave meals which means your household plastic usage will be hugely increased. Not to mention the extra usage going in to your recycling bin, meaning potential overflows if your bin is not collected regularly.