1. Toe Nails With Slightly Sunken Indentations

imagesource/womenshealthSunken toenails with indentations may be a sign of chronic iron deficiency or aenemia. If you find that you have concave toenails, it could be due to high altitude, trauma or exposure to petroleum products. May sure to always check with your doctor if you notice any differences in your body.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Hairless Feet Or Toes

imagesource/redditThis could be a sign of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
“Signs of PAD can include decreased hair growth on the feet and ankles, purplish toes, and thin or shiny skin,” says Suzanne Fuchs, DPM, a podiatric surgeon in private practice at Luxe Podiatry in Palm Beach, FL. Around 6.5 million American over 40 are affected by PAD.
3. Frequent Foot Cramping

imagesource/medicalnewstodayIf you're exercising enough and drinking enough water, you might want to up your intake of potassium, magnesium and calcium, supplements like these can really help!
“For relief, soak feet in a warm foot bath and stretch your toes toward your nose, not pointing down,” says Dr. McAloon.
4. Sores That Won't Heal

“Many, many people with diabetes are diagnosed first because of foot problems,” says Reid. When blood doesn't get to a wound, the skin doesn't heal properly and that's how diabetic blisters and ulcers start. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms then just go & see your doctor.
5. Constant Cold Feet

imagesource/medicalnewstodayWhat it could mean: Hypothyroidism. If you're over 40, you could have a sluggish thyroid without knowing it, so if you're constantly struggling to warm your feet up, then this could be the issues. Hyperthyroidism can also cause hair loss, fatigue, unexplained weight gain and depression too.
6. Thick, Yellow, Downright Toenails

imagesource/preferredfootandankleclinicSigns of a fungal infection are thick, yellow, downright toenails. People with autoimmune diseases are more at risk of developing fungal infections if they're taking immunosuppressant medications. Other medications can also increase the risk of developing fungal infections too.
7. Numbness In Both Feet

imagesource/certifiedfootandankleclinicPeripheral neuropathy or a pinched nerve could be the reason why you're experiencing numbness in your little trotters. If you're experiencing neuroma, or numbness in only one foot, you could just have a pinched nerve. likely caused by years of wearing tight shoes.
8. Stiff, Sore Toe Joints

imagesource/creakyjointsAccording to John Hopkins Medicine, signs of Rheumatoid arthritis typically start in the small joins or the hands and feet. If you have persistent achyness or swelling, talk to your doctor about seeing a rheumatologist. It's always better to consult your doctor when you notice any changes in your body, however small.
9. Dry, Flaky Feet
imagesource/verywellhealth“Thyroid problems cause severe dryness of the skin,” says Marlene Reid, DPM, a foot specialist at Family Podiatry Center in Naperville, Illinois.
“When we see cracking on the feet, or if moisturizer doesn’t improve dryness over a few days, we usually refer patients to their primary doctor to make sure their thyroids are okay.”10. An Painful, Enlarged Toe Nail

imagesource/rapidcareemergencyroomFoods high in protein ca trigger a rise in uric acid in your body, which in turn, results in Gout.
“You’ll see the deposition of the uric acid in the joint, most commonly the big toe or the ankle,” says Bob Baravarian, DPM, a podiatric foot and ankle specialist. If it's not gout, there are many other possible causes of toe pain.
11. Red Lines Under Your Toenail - Usually Small Ones

imagesource/clevelandclinicSmall red lines under the toe nail could be broken blood vessels known as splinter hemorrhages but it can also be a sign of endocarditis which is an infection of the heart's inner lining. So if you notice this little splinters and you haven't experienced any trauma to the nail, then keep an eye on it.
12. Clubbing Of The Nail

imagesource/wikipediaThe symptom of clubbing is often associated with lung cancer, chronic ling infection or heart conditions caused by birth defects or infection of the lining of the heart valves. Clubbing occurs when theres a lower amount of oxygen in the blood which causes rounder, wider fingers and toes.
13. Pits In Your Toenails

imagesource/newsmedicalIf you find little grooves or ridges in your toenails, you may have nail psoriasis (an autoimmune disease that makes skin patchy and irritated). 5% of the population with nail psoriasis do not feel the affects elsewhere on their body. Other symptoms include white patches and horizontal lines across the nails.
14. Bunions. Bunions. BUNIONS

imagesource/peninsulaorthopedicThis could just be an inherited faulty foot structure and are merely aggravated by inappropriate shoes.
“The first foot bone drives toward the middle of the body, and you see the bump,” explains Dr. McAloon. The only way to correct this issue is surgery!
15. Yellow Toe Nails Can Be A Sign Of Fungus Or Pedicure Overloads

“Yellowness can also happen naturally with age,” says Dr. McAloon. If you're finding brittleness or flaking, you probably have a fungal infection like athlete's foot - which is very easy to get rid of. Go down to your local pharmacy for some medication or or check out some home remedies.
16. The Inability To Lift The Front Part Of Your Foot

imagesource/danpreeceThe paralysis or weakness of the muscles that lift the food cause the inability to lift the front part of your foot. This could be a sign of a number of underlying disorders like neurodegenerative disorders, MS, stroke, cerebral palsy, polio and ALS as well as other muscle or nerve disorders.
17. Your Toes Are Red or Blue

imagesource/medicalnewstodayNow we've all heard of Raynaud's disease which is a disorder of the blood vessels supplying the kin and certain parts of the body like the toes and fingers become number and turn blue when exposed to cold temperatures. This can happen even when your under stress, so make sure to cover up when you're outdoors.
18. The Dreaded Ingrown Toenails

imagesource/mersinsistemIngrown toenails are a common complaint and occur when nails have an excessive curve, have been cut badly or through injury and compression. Untreated toenails may require surgery to correct the condition if they end up infected or bleeding. Ingrown toenails can also ruin any chance of wearing nice open toed shoes in the summer, and nobody wants that, do they!
19. Numbness & Tingling
imagesource/health"One of the first symptoms of MS is often a numbness or tingling sensation, sometimes in your feet," says Julie Fiol, RN, director of MS information and resources at the National MS Society. Numbness and tingling can be a sign of MS and Fiol explains that one foot may have a different sensation that the other.
20. Restless Feet At Night

"Restless feet and legs at night is often a signal that you have an iron deficiency," says Arielle Levitan, MD, a physician of internal medicine and co-founder of Vous Vitamin LLC. Try taking a daily vitamin and schedule an appointment with your physician if the problem carries on.
21. Spider Veins & Varicose Veins In Your Ankle

"Clusters of tiny blue and red blood vessels in the inner ankle may indicate an underlying problem [that's] not visible to the naked eye," says Nisha Bunke
, a vein specialist at La Jolla Vein Care in San Diego, California. If left untreated, venous reflux can lead to blood clots and hemorrhaging.
22. Darkening Of The Skin Around Your Ankle

imagesource/veinspecialistsDarkening around the skin around your ankle can be a sign of a chronic venous insufficiency.
"This [symptom] usually occurs in the inner ankle and can worsen to involve the lower portion of the leg," Bunke says.
"Over time, the skin becomes firm, dry, eczema-like, and itchy and can even break open, causing a venous leg ulcer."23. Cracked Heels

imagesource/absolutefootandankleclinicOne symptom of cracked heels is linked to the health of your thyroid.
"Skin that is cracked over the heels is a classic sign of an underactive thyroid," Platt says. However, other symptoms can include weight gain, depression, muscle aches and fatigue.
24. Green Toenails

imagesource/michiganfootdoctorIf you're noticing that your toenails are going green, it may be due to chloronychia - this is caused by the bacterium
Pseudomonas aeruginosa which presents itself when the foot is exposed to water or certain soaps and detergents. It can be treated very easily with medical soaking or keeping the nails dry.
25. Swollen Ankles Can Be A Sign of High Blood Pressure
imagesource/verywellhealthHigh blood pressure has the heart working over time. Fluid builds up in the lower legs and ankles causing them to become swollen. You should go to see your doctor and get it checked out if you're unsure of what's going on. It's always better to be safe than sorry!
26. Never Ignore Brown Streaks In Your Toenail

imagesource/healthlineA black or brown toenail could be a sign of subungual melanoma which is a form of skin cancer. If you've not had any injuries to your feet, then get your feet checked out. If the streak increases in size or doesn't heal, make am appointment with a dermatologist.
27. Burning In Your Feet

imagesource/podiatryhealthlineAnother symptom of neuropathy, PAD, peripheral neuropathy is to have burning feet and this can be due to diabetes or other factors. Burning feet can also be due to nerve damage in the legs from athlete's foot, however, it's often caused by PAD, so go and get checked if you're noticing these symptoms.
28. Feet That Are Really Painful To Walk On

imagesource/NHSDiscomfort in your feet when you walk can be caused from malnutrition, including a vitamin D deficiency, a problem with absorbing calcium or anorexia. Women over the age of 55 with these pains, may need a bone density exam so just go and check in with your doctor to see what they say!
29. Black Or Dark Toenails

imagesource/torbayfootcareBlack or dark toenails are usually a sign of injury, if you've hurt your foot and bruised under the toe nail, it can cause the change in colour. However, bruises under the toenail can cause a fungal infection or a sore that can become infected. If you do have diabetes though, you should get your discoloured nails check out.
30. Heel Pain Can Be A Sign Of Plantar Fasciitis

imagesource/medicalnewstodayIf you get a sharp pain in the bottom of your heel when you get out of bed or stand up from your seat, it could be a strain from the ligament that supports your arch. Podiatrists will tell you to easy up on your workouts and to rethink your footwear. Make sure to stretch each day & it should ease up, but with things like this, it's always best to consult your doctor.
31. Pale Toenails

imagesource/mrfootdr"They can also be caused by malfunctions in the liver or heart, or poor nutrition, so it is important to get this issue checked out," Podiatrist, Dina Gohil says. " If your nails are mostly white with a narrow pink band at the tip, it could be a condition called Terry’s nails. This can be due to ageing but it could also indicate diabetes and kidney, liver or lung disease."
32. White Spots In Your Nails

"They can be down to injury or micro trauma to the nail such as hitting it against a hard surface or bending but not breaking the nail," she says. "This is not a cause for alarm in healthy individuals. Simply wait for the spot to grow out and then clip it off." In rare cases if nails go entirely white, it can be a sign of Leukonychia.
33. If Your Toe Nails Have Gone Black

imagesource/torbayfootcareBlack nails are usually a sign of trauma.
'The bleeding underneath means that the nail appears black,' the podiatrist explains.
'This will normally grow out on its own, but if it does not then it may be a sign of a more serious issue.'34. Small Cysts That Grow Near Your Cuticle

imagesource/medicalnewstodayIf you've found a small cyst growing near or on the cuticles this may be an indication of arthritis. These cysts can be benign (not cencerous) but it's always best to address any health care professionals if you find any changes on your body. No matter how big or small.
35. Scaly Red Patches That Impact Your Fingers Or Toes

imagesource/Having scaly, red patches around your nails can sometime point to Psoriasis. Consult your doctor or dermatologist - other symptoms of psoriasis are indentations, beau's lines, skin thickening, white areas, black lines and redness.
36. Smelly Feet

imagesource/refinery29Everyone get smelly feet from time to time, it's normal when you think that your feet have over a quarter of a million sweat glands. But when your feet constantly smell or that you can put them in a pair of shoes and they smell will linger it can mean that you have a fungal infection.
37. Cramping In Your Feet

imagesource/youtubeCramping tends to be relatively harmless so theres usually no need to worry.
“If your calves or balls of your feet are cramping, you might have a nutritional deficiency, like a lack of sodium, potassium or magnesium,” Podiatrist, Bodell says.
38. Swollen Or Sore Feet

imagesource/medicalnewstodaySwollen or sore feet can be the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis so if you aren't pregnant, been in hot weather or sat on a long flight, keep an eye out on them. Swelling can occur due to
“a build up of fluid in your tissues due to a lack of movement, circulatory problems or kidney and liver issues”.39. Crumbly Nails

imagesource/diamondskincareToenails that are discoloured and crumbly can often be a sign of fungal infection but if the infection is at the nail bed it could mean that your toe has experienced some trauma to the area. Treatment can be found at that pharmacy with an oral or topical anti-fungal.
40. Spoon Shaped Nails

imagesource/RCPjournalsIn this case, the nail resembles the shape of a spoon and becomes concave. Spoon shaped nails are usually a sign that you've got an iron deficiency/anaemia. If you notice you toenails changing shape or colour, always keep an eye on them and visit the doctors if the change is sudden.
41. Here's What Your Feet Say About Your Personality

imagesource/healthlineEveryone has different shaped feet, but there are numerous types of shaped feet and they all have special meanings behind them. Carry on reading to find out what the shape of your foot actually says about your personality...
42. The Egyptian Toes

imagesource/timesofindiaOne of the most general foot shapes is the Egyptian Toe, A.K.A. ''The Stretched Foot'' and is a fairly common foot type which is characterised by the big toe being the largest, and the rest of the toes tapering off at a 45 degree angle. Do you have this foot shape?
43. The Roman Toes

imagesource/jarganjoshIf your first three toes are the same height and the last two are in descending order then you have what is known as the Roman Foot! People with this foot shape are usually outgoing and positive as well as being passionate especially when it comes to exploring.
44. Peasant Toes

imagesource/hopytapyPeasant Toes, sometimes known as ''Square Feet'' are when the toes are all practically the same length which gives a "square-like" appearance. The people with this shape foot tend to be rational and reliable. They're great people to have around you!
45. Flame Toes

imagesource/pintrestThe Flame, or Greek foot is when the second toe exceeds the length of the big toe, and all the other toes. Those with flame toes tend to be natural born leaders who rarely get stressed out and glide their way through difficult situations.
46. Inability To Separate The Little Toe

imagesource/capoeiraSolely about whether or not you can separate your little toe without the help from your hands/tools. It means that you are a loyal companion who loves having a routine to follow & if you can't separate your littlest toe without the help of a handy tool it's really nothing to worry about.
47. Ability To Separate The Little Toe

imagesource/healthlineAs you might have already guessed, those that have the ability to separate their smallest toes have completely opposite personalities to those who can't! They're more free spirited and laid back with more of a care free attitude towards life.
48. An Extra Small Toe

imagesource/redditSimilarly to the Egyptian Toe, the only difference here is that the pinky toe is smaller than usual. People with this shaped foot tend to be quite secretive when it comes to their personal lives, they keep their cards close to their chest and take a while to really open up.
49. Wide Set Toes

imagesource/healthlineKnown as the ''travellers foot'', these feet have evident gaps between the toes or can be easily stretched far apart. People with wide-set toes are more often than not, obsessed with travelling and yearn to throw themselves into an unforgettable adventure.
50. Stretched Toes

imagesource/athleticopysicalNot to be confused with the Egyptian Toe, stretched toes are when the big toe is clearly distanced from all the other toes. Very independent and love doing things for themselves, people with this foot shape also hate being indoors & told what to do.