Here’s What It Really Looks Like Inside The Chapel Of Rest

By molly atherton 10 months ago

There's An Open Coffin...

Image source PinterestOne of the things people worry about the most is paying their respects to the deceased when they are in an open casket. Will they be dressed, will they have been embalmed and will they look bad if it's been a while since they have died?  Rest assured that the corpse will have been cleaned, dressed and groomed.Original content sourced from

Body Cut To Fit

Image source US WeeklyWhen James Hines' wife visited him in the chapel of rest, thankfully he was not in an open casket.  Turned out his legs were cut off so he could fit into the coffin.  The terrible act was discovered as whispers were spreading within the community and his body was exhumed to see if it was true.  Yes, it was!

Empty Plates For Funeral Wreaths

Image source Laura PetersFuneral wreaths are extremely personal and there are no rules about suitability apart from the obvious which is that they can't be distasteful.  Funeral flowers spelt out, such as Mum', 'Dad' and the deceased's name are the most popular, as are football themed flowers if they were big football fans of a particular club.

Coffin Storage

Image source Laura PetersThere is always a large supply of coffins available, particularly in winter when funeral homes tend to be much busier than in the summer months.  There are various styles to choose from and environmentally friendly caskets have become more and more popular over the past few years.

Flower Cards

Image source Laura PetersChapels of Rest are always prepared for every eventuality regarding funerals.  To ensure the smooth and efficient running of the funeral home, they always hold a large supply of flower cards for every named relative they deal with.  This is very reassuring for the family members.

Coffin Altar At Crematorium

Image source Laura PetersThis is probably one of the most upsetting parts of the funeral for the mourners, knowing that their loved one is about to be cremated and everything feels so final.  The family will have been talked through the process but it will still be extremely emotional and is the time when it hits them that the deceased has really left them.

Crematorium Altar

Image source Laura PetersOne of the questions that funeral directors are often asked is whether the coffin is cremated along with the deceased and the answer is that it does.  It is the Guiding Principles For Cremation law that the coffin containing the body is placed in the cremator before cremation commences.


Image source Laura PetersIt is imperative that every single arrangement of the deceased is fully documented so as to avoid any mix-ups of the wrong corpse being placed in the coffin.  A form with the deceased's details is taped securely on the casket so it doesn't fall off and it also allows the funeral home to be clear as to how many spare coffins they hold at any one time.

Deceased Is Prepared For Flight

Image source Laura PetersOften, for religious reasons, the deceased is flown home to their place of birth.  In order for the coffin to travel, it has to be nailed down and be triple-secured to make sure it survives the flight and arrives in the country in the same state it left the funeral home.  Coffins are transported in the section underneath the plane and can only be handled at the reached destination by a registered funeral director.

Embalming Room

Image source Laura PetersEmbalming is regularly carried out for the following reasons.  Firstly, to stop the spread of infection or contamination, then to slow down the deterioration process that the body naturally experiences and lastly so the skin tone can be restored to enhance the appearance.

Before Embalming

Image source Laura PetersIt may sound strange (although everything will sound strange when preparing a corpse) but, to make sure each step is carried out in an organised fashion, 'B.E.' is written on the sole of the deceased's foot to show it still has to be embalmed (it stands for 'before embalming').

Final dressing

Image source Laura PetersIt is a very delicate and personal experience to dress the deceased before viewing in the chapel of rest.  Some religions prefer to have their own special designated person who will wash and dress the deceased and it is seen as a great honour to be selected to do this.

Fleet Of Cars Cleaned

Image source Laura PetersThe funeral cars need to be spotless before they carry the deceased to his[her final resting place and are washed after every funeral journey.  Particular attention is paid to the windows where the floral tributes can be clearly seen on top and at the side of the coffin.

Extra Clean

Image source Laura PetersOnce the vehicles have been thoroughly cleaned, they are inspected by the driver of the hearse and he will check that all the chrome work of the vehicle is gleaming.  It's not a  case of being critical but that he is well aware that all eyes will be on the vehicle on the day and it's out of respect for the deceased's family.

Mourners' Wreaths

Image source Laura PetersFollowing the next of kin's instructions regarding the funeral must not be taken lightly or amended without their permission.  Small details such as the exact placing of flowers should be carried out as per the mourner's wishes.  There may be a sentimental reason why they want something done in a particular way.

Control room

Image source Laura PetersThe control room is situated behind the crematorium chapel and this is where the music and curtains are operated.  When the family of the deceased discuss the funeral, they may already have in mind what music they want played.  The deceased may even have discussed it before their death along with any other wishes they have.

Crematorium Furnaces

Image source Laura PetersThe cremation furnace is also known as an incinerator or cremation oven.  Cremation is carried out at a temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius and the intense heat helps reduce the body to its basic elements an dried bone fragments.  It all happens very quickly to avoid heat loss.

Cremated Remains

Image source Laura PetersMetal objects and some prosthetic body parts, as well as personal effects that have withstood the heat after cremation are buried in consecrated ground before the deceased's ashes have been processed.  A prayer is recited before the remains are put into the ground.

A Prosthetic Hip Joint

Once cremation has taken place, the sensitive task of separating the ashes of the deceased from items that have not burned, is carried out.  It is quite common for prosthetic hip joints and steel plates, particularly from older persons, to be found amongst them.

Sikh Kirpan

Image source Laura PetersIn the Sikh religion, cremation, as opposed to burial of the body, is more usual and the ashes are submerged into a river.  If any items on the deceased's person have failed to be cremated, these are also placed in the river.  This was the case of a Sikh man who was cremated with a miniature symbolic religious sword.

A belt buckle

Image source Laura PetersSometimes the deceased sets out the exact wishes for their own funeral.  This may include music, type of casket and how they want to be dressed when they leave this earth.  After cremation, this person's belt buckle survived the intense heat and was buried in religious consecrated ground.

Guilty For Not Visiting

Image source InsiderSome family members and close friends may opt out of visiting the deceased at the chapel of rest. The main reason is that they are worried about showing too much emotion or scared of how their loved one will look.  It's a personal choice whether to go and not an obligation.


Image source religionhost.comIt's very common to feel uncomfortable going to a chapel of rest to pay your respects if you are an atheist.  Don't write it off before you have a good think about why you're going. Remember that you're not taking part in a religious service but are saying goodbye to someone who meant a lot to you and you might just feel a little bit better for doing so.

Here's what happens in a crematorium... 1. Identifying the Deceased

Image source EverplansIdentifying the body usually involved a close family member, sometimes supported by a friend as it's traumatic, confirming the deceased is their loved one.  Once this has been clarified, a metal identity tag is placed on the foot of the body and will remain in place throughout.  It will be put with the remains for final verification.

2. Official Permission

Image source TapmartThe crematory must have official permission to move forward with the cremation.  This entails the person who is making the final arrangements completes the paperwork which will authorise the crematory to proceed.  This documentation will ask for information regarding the type of container the crematory should use and who will pick up the remains.

3. Preparing the Body

Image source EverplansPreparing the body is something the crematorium can handle on its own and involves cleaning and dressing of the body.  Jewellery and other items are taken off for the loved ones to keep unless there is a special request for the deceased to wear a particular piece.  Any prosthetics or mechanical devices are removed to avoid a reaction.

4. Moving To The Cremation Chamber

Image source aCremationThe cremation takes place in a specially designed furnace and is referred to as a cremation chamber or retort.  It is exposed to extreme temperatures up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, leaving behind only the ashes.  Following the procedure there is a cooling period which will be required before the remains can be handled.

5. Checking The Remains

Image source Scientific AmericanAfter the cremation, the remains are inspected for any metal remnants that may be left behind. This can be the result of items such as screws, pins and joints the deceased had surgically placed during their life. Metal is removed by hand or with strong magnets and t is often sent for recycling. The cremated remains are then ground down by a special processor into the final resulting ashes.

6. Transferring the Ashes

Image source The GuardianUnless otherwise specified, the remains are placed in a sealed plastic bag which is then housed inside an urn or another container.  The family will then be contacted to pick it up and take it home.  The handing over process is dealt with extremely sympathetically as it is such an emotional procedure.

7.  How Long Is The Process

Image source Funeral InspirationsCremation is considered more efficient than traditional burials and can be completed in a shorter length  of time following a death. Depending on factors such as the size and weight of the body, the type of container holding the body and the efficiency of the equipment installed, the actual cremation procedure takes around 2-3 hours.

8. What Is a Cremation Chamber?

Image source WikipediaThe cremation chamber is basically an industrial furnace designed to hold a single body.  It is lined with fire-resistant bricks which hold in the intense heat.  Modern cremation furnaces are computerized and automated, fuelled with natural gas, diesel or propane.

9. How Many Types of Cremation Are There?

Image source Dignity MemorialCompared with traditional burial, cremation does not require the body to be embalmed which can be quite an expensive process.  There is also no need for a large burial plot.  There are 3 types of cremation, direct cremation, liquid cremation and green cremation.

10. Direct Cremation

Image source Urns For AshesDirect cremation is a process where the remains are transferred directly to a cremation centre with no funeral service taking place beforehand.  This is the cheapest form of burial as there is no funeral service, no wake and no casket purchase.  Most families will arrange a memorial service for family and friends to pay their respects.

11. Liquid Cremation

Image source NHPRThe process of alkaline hydrolysis is an alternative to flame cremation. The combination of the water, heat, alkali and pressure causes a reaction that speeds up decomposition and leaves behind only bone fragments and a sterile liquid.  This flameless process results in about a third more remains than flame-based cremations.

12. Green Cremation

Image source Basic FuneralsAlkaline hydrolysis is considered a “green” alternative to burial. Once drained of all the remaining bone fragments, the resulting sterile solution can be recycled through the wastewater treatment system. Many environmentally conscious individuals are now opting for alkaline hydrolysis instead of the conventional procedure because of its environmental benefits.  Because there is no flame, green cremation eliminates any concerns regarding mercury emissions and reduces the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses.

13. What Happens To The Body During Cremation?

Image source Orthodox TimesThe different types of cremation use different technologies to affect the body. In the' 'traditional' flame-based method, the body is placed into a cremation chamber that reduces the body to bone fragments using flame and heat.  The funeral directors will talk through every step with the relatives.

14. How Does Combustion Take Place?

Image source GrungeCombustion burns off tissue, body fat, organs and some container materials such as Secondary combustion continues to work on the remaining inorganic particles usually from the container. The gases (carbon dioxide and water vapour) discharge, leaving bone fragments to be pulverized into ashes.

15. What type of container is used for cremation?

Image source WikipediaWhile there are special caskets designed for cremation, the container can also be a simple cardboard box. The only requirements are that the container must be combustible, non-toxic and sturdy enough to hold the weight of the body.  The family will be talked through the options.

16. What type of container is used for the remains?

Image source Cremation InstituteThe crematorium will typically place the remains in a sealed, airtight bag or container. This can then be placed inside any receptacle or container.   The family must be sure to follow burial regulations for their city/country,  if  the remains are to be buried in the receptacle.

17. What happens to the remains after cremation?

Image source Stuart Wiltshire Glass OutletCremated remains can be moved easily and be put, for example, by a memorial bench, sculpture or tree plot.  The ashes are often scattered in an area which had meaning for the deceased.  They can even be made into a gem, similar to a diamond and be worn by the deceased's nearest and dearest.  This can give great comfort to the mourner.

18. What are human ashes made of

Cremation SolutionsCremated remains consist mostly of bone fragments along with residue that will have been left from the container and anything else from the incineration.  Family members are often very hesitant at seeing the ashes but will actually gain great comfort from knowing they can keep the ashes close to them.

19. How much ash is there after cremation?

Image source Cremation SolutionsClose relatives of the deceased, particularly an older next of kin, may worry about how much the ashes weigh and will they be able to take the weight of the urn.  Depending on the body and the process used by the crematory, there are usually between 3 and 9 pounds of remains.

20. Do bodies move during cremation?

Image source ResearchGateThis might sound weird but, if a body is burned at a low enough temperature and very soon after death, movements are possible.  However, because of the efficiency of modern cremation chambers, the body immediately begins its dissolution, and movement is unlikely.

21. Do you have clothes on when you're cremated?

Image source ABCMost crematories allow the bereaved the option of dressing their loved one prior to cremation although clothing choices must be completely combustible. This is especially the case when there is a viewing or other ceremony prior to cremation.  Where there is no viewing, the deceased will e cremated in either a sheet or the clothes they were wearing on arrival.

22. Do they burn the coffin at a cremation?

Image source CozartThe coffin (or whatever type of container selected to hold the body) is burned along with the body.  As this is the case, families may choose either a cardboard casket or a very simple wooden one, much less elaborate than one used to bury a body directly into a grave.

23. Do they cremate multiple bodies at once?

Image source WikipediaWhilst different crematories abide by their own rules and they may differ from country to country, one thing is set in stone and that is that all cremations performed will be on single bodies.  In fact, in the States, if more than one body is cremated at the same time, it is a criminal offence and involves a jail sentence.

24. What are religious views on cremation?

Image source Neptune SocietyThe views on cremation are as varied as the religions themselves.  Christianity was opposed to cremation for many years although it has now become as popular as burying the coffin in a grave.  The Eastern Orthodox Church forbids cremation outright as does the Jewish religion.

25. Coffin Altar At Crematorium

Image source Laura PetersThis is probably one of the most upsetting parts of the funeral for the mourners, knowing that their loved one is about to be cremated and everything feels so final.  The family will have been talked through the process but it will still be extremely emotional and is the time when it hits them that the deceased has really left them.

26. Control room

Image source Laura PetersThe control room is situated behind the crematorium chapel and this is where the music and curtains are operated.  When the family of the deceased discuss the funeral, they may already have in mind what music they want played.  The deceased may even have discussed it before their death along with any other wishes they have.

27. Crematorium Furnaces

Image source Laura PetersThe cremation furnace is also known as an incinerator or cremation oven.  Cremation is carried out at a temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius and the intense heat helps reduce the body to its basic elements an dried bone fragments.  It all happens very quickly to avoid heat loss.

28. A Prosthetic Hip Joint

Image source Laura PetersOnce cremation has taken place, the sensitive task of separating the ashes of the deceased from items that have not burned, is carried out.  It is quite common for prosthetic hip joints and steel plates, particularly from older persons, to be found amongst them.

29. Sikh Kirpan

Image source Laura PetersIn the Sikh religion, cremation, as opposed to burial of the body, is more usual and the ashes are submerged into a river.  If any items on the deceased's person have failed to be cremated, these are also placed in the river.  This was the case of a Sikh man who was cremated with a miniature symbolic religious sword.

30. Metal Buckle

Image source Laura PetersSometimes the deceased sets out the exact wishes for their own funeral.  This may include music, type of casket and how they want to be dressed when they leave this earth.  After cremation, this person's belt buckle survived the intense heat and was buried in religious consecrated ground.

31. What happens after a cremation service?

Image source Nottinghamshire LiveYou might think that once the coffin goes behind the curtain, it immediately enters a furnace and burns.  Actually, by law, crematoriums have up to 72 hours to burn the body although they usually start the process within 24 hours of the body being received into their hands. The first step is for staff to ensure nothing has been left in the coffin that shouldn't be in there.

32. Deceased Has A Pacemaker

Image source HealthlineSecondly, and perhaps most importantly, they confirm that the deceased definitely doesn't have a pacemaker.  If a pacemaker happened to explode in the furnace, it could lift the machines, which weigh over 20 tonnes, seven inches into the air - that would be frightening.

33.  What Temperature Is The Cremation Furnace?

Image source WikipediaA gas-fuelled flame brings the temperature inside up to between 800 and 1,000 degrees Celsius.  In fact, it is so hot that a machine which has been turned off on Friday evening, will still be over 300 degrees on Monday morning.  This gives you an idea of the extreme heat of the equipment.

34. Where Are The Bodies Burned And For How Long?

Image source QuoraThe deceased is wheeled into one of the two machines.  If an individual body part is being burned, because it has been part of a post-mortem process or it has been left to science, it is burned on its own and not with other people's organs.  Staff (because it was needed for a post-mortem or left for science) it is burned on its own, not with other people's organs.  Staff use a spy hole to check it has finished and that there are no visible flames.

35. What About Tooth Fillings?

Image source QuoraDuring the process, waste particles are sucked away and filtered to stop mercury from teeth fillings getting into the atmosphere.  Relatives are not normally told of this procedure as they can find it upsetting and they are already dealing with the death of their loved one.

36. How Much Do Ashes Weigh?

Urns NorthwestThe ashes, which should have the consistency of sand, are collected with a rake and left to cool for about an hour.  The final weight can vary hugely, depending on bone density but it is usually around the same weight as the deceased's birth weight which sounds quite spooky.

37. What Doesn't Burn?

Image source QuoraPeople are often surprised by the amount of remains that they get back after a body has been cremated.   They half expect it to be a small quantity.  None of the bones burn and they are all left as they cannot evaporate.   They are reduced in size to a granular consistency.

38. Navel Does Not Burn

Image source Medical News TodayThe ashes that remain are collected in vessels that are made of brass or clay.  Very few people will actually be aware that the belly button (navel) of the deceased does not burn or turn into ash.  It remains hard and in the same shape as it was on the human body before death.

39. Skull Broken During Hindu Cremation

Image source The Indian ExpressIn the Hindu cremation ceremony, the fire is left to burn itself out and this can take days.  In that time, the body is transformed to ashes and the family hope the skull explodes to release the soul to heaven.  If it does not crack, once it has cooled down, the oldest son splits it in two.

40. Do Human Ashes Smell?

Image source Popular MechanicsIn the majority of cases, cremated remains are odourless although they may have a slightly metallic scent.  Some people have been known to remark that the ashes smell like incense.  However, it is most common for the ashes to have no distinct smell at all.

41. Can You Get DNA From Ashes

Image source QuoraIn most cases, positive identification cannot be established with commercial cremation. This is because DNA does not survive the cremation temperature.  Analysis of the remains can only determine whether they are consistent with the life history and accompanying materials of the deceased.

42. Gold Fillings Are Not Removed

Image source WikipediaAt a traditional Khmer funeral, for those of Cambodian descent, a gold or silver coin is often put into the mouth of the deceased before the body is cremated.   They believe that if they do this then the dead person can bring wealth to the family through their everlasting soul.

43. Body Gets Drained Before Cremation

Image source Mental FlossOne of the processes of preparing a deceased person for cremation involves draining their body of blood and it is removed from all the blood vessels with special equipment that the funeral team use.  This is another procedure that is not mentioned to the family as it is distressing.

44. What Colour Are The Ashes?

Image source WikipediaAshes are grey or grey-brown in colour, as a rule.  The colour of a person's skin has no bearing whatsoever on the colour of the ashes.  It is the metals that are absorbed into the bones from the environment that affects the colour.  Occasionally, ashes can be dark grey.

45. What Happens If You Open An Urn?

Image source QuoraOpening an urn for the first time can be both frightening and distressing as the relative might not know what to expect, even though the funeral director will have told them.  There will be a sealed plastic bag inside the urn which contains the ashes.  They can be clearly seen through the bag.

46. Ashes To Diamonds

Bored PandaCarbon is used to create all diamonds both lab-grown and natural diamonds. Because of this, a memorial diamond can be made by extracting the carbon from the cremated ashes.  The diamond is then made into a ring or necklace so the deceased can stay close to the person they have left behind.

47. Can Dogs Smell Human Ash?

Image source Good HousekeepingAs we said earlier, ashes do not have a distinct odour but specially trained dogs can easily identify the remains from the smell.  If a person has sadly lost their life in a house fire, at up to 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, our canine friend will be able to pick out the human ashes.

48. Keeping Ashes At Home

Image source Poppy's FuneralsEven though the practice of keeping ashes at home is legal, most people prefer to scatter them at a place where the deceased had experienced happy times when they were alive. Having said that, it's not uncommon to see an urn kept on a bedside table or mantlepiece.

49. Does The Body Sit Up During Cremation?

Image source Get UrnsDue to the heat and the muscle tissue, the body can move to an extent where it is almost sitting up although this, obviously, does not happen inside the coffin so will not be visible to the mourners.  It was thought to be a myth that the deceased sat up but it has been scientifically proven.

50. Does The Body Feel Pain During Cremation?

Image source Cambridge News
When someone dies, they don't feel anything any more, so no, they don't feel pain.  Cremators are quite used to family members of the deceased asking questions like this and are specially trained and sympathetic in answering them.  They can be a great comfort to the mourners.  A cremator will explain that the body is put in a warm room and turned into ashes. It is a peaceful and painless process.