1. Strangely... your breath might get worse...

Diets with no carbohydrates have been directly linked to bad breath. As the body produces ketones for energy in the absence of glycogen, these ketones are removed through urination and exhalation. The exhalation of these ketones can lead to bad smelling breath.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Great! Your risk of diabetes might decrease

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, therefore cutting out carbohydrates will significantly reduce your chance of developing diabetes. Good alternatives to eat can be lean proteins, such as fish and chicken as well as removing sugary drinks.
3. Oh dear... Your Energy levels Could Drop

As humans we need energy in order to perform everyday tasks, whether that's walking your dog or driving to work. Without carbohydrates we lack the fundamental energy source, making you less productive and sluggish throughout the day.
4. You'll spend more £££ on food

Carbohydrates are most often the cheapest foods on your plate. By cutting these from your diet, you're becoming dependent on fats and proteins for energy, which are typically more expensive in the vast majority of supermarkets. This is even more noticeable with the ongoing cost of living crisis.
5. You might just get a worse night's sleep

When your body is hungry it can't relax, so when it comes to settling down for bed you may take longer to sleep or even be unable to sleep. Researchers have also proven carbohydrates are responsible for 2 brain chemicals, tryptophan and serotonin, which are involved in sleep.
6. You may struggle on the toilet

If you thought removing carbohydrates would reduce your time on the toilet then you would be mistaken. No-carb restrictive diets can be very low on fibre. Fibre is important for digestion since it helps maintain bowl regularity. Removing carbohydrates from your diet can therefore lead to constipation and digestive discomfort
.7. Believe it or not! You may lack some vitamins/minerals

When removing carbohydrates from your diet, you may lack in vitamins and minerals. Potassium, B vitamins and vitamin C are just 3 examples. It is important that you maintain a healthy balance and have a variety of foods to ensure you don't go deficient in any vitamin/mineral, which potentially could lead to health complications.
8. Your cravings will slowly start to take over EVERYTHING!

By completely restricting carbohydrates from your diet, your body will instantly begin to crave what it is missing. This ultra-restrictive diet is not only unsustainable but can lead to eating disorders and an unhealthy relationship with food. Many people could not cope and would begin to mentally deteriorate.
9. You may improve heart health

Removing carbohydrates from your diet has been linked to an improvement to your heart health. Very low-carb diets have been proved to reduce blood triglyceride levels. Elevated triglyceride levels can increase your risk of developing chronic heart disease.
10. Your diet will be boring

Completely removing carbohydrates from your diet will drastically limit your options when it comes to eating. The foods your body craves and enjoys, such as crisps or cookies are no longer on your menu. You will become restricted to bland, unappetising foods which you just won't want to eat.
11. Your teeth will be healthier

Eating a lot of simple carbohydrates can be very damaging for your teeth. When sugar reacts with plaque on your teeth it forms acid. This will slowly break down the enamel which causes your teeth to rot, leading to fillings or even having your teeth removed.
12. You'll eat carbohydrates without knowing

When we think of foods containing carbohydrates, we typically think of rice or pasta, however many foods which you wouldn't expect still contain trace carbohydrates. Continuing to eat fruits and vegetables may lead you to carry on eating carbohydrates without knowing.
13. You'll suffer at your workouts

Carbohydrates when eaten are broken down into glucose. Your muscles need glucose when performing strenuous activities in order to keep themselves fuelled up. By removing carbohydrates completely from your diet, your body has lost its quickest form of gaining energy, leading to a serious drop in physical performance.
14. Your body enters a state of ketosis

Ketosis is a process that happens when your body doesn't have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead your body burns fat and makes things called ketones which we can then use instead for energy. You may have heard of ketosis before if you have looked up on different methods of losing weight
15. You Could Begin To Lose Weight

Carbohydrates provide the body with its main source of energy. With many people conscious about their weight, cutting out carbohydrates are an easy way to lower your calories. The majority of people are over consuming carbohydrates, leading them to store excess fat.
16. You can start to get headaches

Headaches are pretty common and most people will just put them down to stress or tiredness, however removing carbohydrates from your diet could also be causing them. If you're use to eating lots of sugar, the main withdrawal symptom would be constant headaches. Studies suggest severity of headaches increases with lack of carbohydrates.
17. Your muscles will start to cramp

When you remove carbohydrates from your diet, your body could be deficient in potassium and magnesium which can lead to muscle cramps. Potassium, magnesium and sodium are responsible for muscles contraction and other processes vital to muscle and nerve function.
18. Removing carbs from your diet isn't safe for everyone

For some people, completely removing carbohydrates from their diet would be dangerous. If you're on any blood sugar or blood pressure moderating medication you should not go on a no-carb diet unless you speak to your health practitioner. Those already suffering from diabetes would be under risk too.
19. Your appetite will be reduced

Studies consistently suggest that people who remove all carbohydrates from their diet will reduce their appetites. By eating more proteins and fats they change their metabolism to cope with eating less foods, whereas when eating carbohydrates your body tends to need more food to function.
20. Your memory will become less sharp

Just like your body, your brain also requires energy from carbohydrates to function. A study from Tufts University on over weight women proved that feeding them a no-carb diet worsened their working memory and visuospatial memory compared to their counterparts.
21. Your belly fat can reduce

Limited research has begin to suggest that diets with no carbohydrates are better than low calorie diets when it comes to burning belly fat. Belly fat is some of the most stubborn fat to remove and can't always be removed by just exercising or eating in a calorie deficit.
22. You'll eat less processed foods

By removing all carbohydrates from your diet, you also removing the vast majority of all the processed foods in your diet. Processed foods are typically loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates which are directly linked to diabetes and other diseases. You'll also be increasing the number of whole foods you are eating.
23. You'll experience mood swings
Pensive sad boy teenager with blue eyes in a blue shirt and jeans sitting at the window and closes his face with his hands.
Just when you thought there was enough negatives to removing carbohydrates from your diet. If you remove all carbohydrates form your diet, your body may not be producing enough serotonin which is the bodies 'feel good' hormone. You will begin to have noticeable changes in your mood and overall mental health.
24. You may develop clearer skin

Is your skin covered by pimples? If so removing carbohydrates from your diet may benefit your skin. Sugar and empty carbohydrates have been linked to worsening your skin and promoting acne. A high sugar diet can trigger hormones that produce oils which clog your pores, as well as causing inflammation on the skin.
25. You will have to drink lots of water

You could well find yourself drinking a lot more water than usual once you remove all carbohydrates from your diet. Carbohydrates retain water when in your body so removing them will also cause you to reduce water retention, making you need to drink more water then previously required.
26. Your liver could worsen

When you remove all carbohydrates from your diet, your fat intake will increase in order to fuel your body. Having too much fat to digest can put stress on your liver, and if you have any underlying health issues you may be in a spot of bother.
27. You'll discover healthy alternatives for carbohydrates

With the number of food alternatives increasing all the time, your options for zero-carbohydrate foods will adequate over the short term. Replacing rice for cauliflower rice or bread for soy bread are some of the few options you can include for some variety in your diet.
28. You may not want to reintroduce carbohydrates again

As we know, each person has different preferences. Some might not be able to go without carbohydrates, some on the other hand may prefer it and find it works for them. If you cut out all carbohydrates for weight loss reasons and you lost weight, you may want to continue with no carbohydrates.
29. You will have to be more creative making meals

As humans we need around 45% to 65% of our energy from carbohydrates. When you decide to remove them from your diet it fills a void that must be replenished from something. You may find yourself planning your meals more carefully now and experimented with different cooking options in order to keep yourself entertained.
30. You'll realise its not a very good idea

Reading through the many negatives in the list, you will probably have come to the conclusion that completely removing carbohydrates from your diet is not only very unsustainable, but comes with a number of health complications that outweigh the benefits. Although there are some short term health benefits, the long term effects are still not well known.
31. You'll Drop The Water Weight

Carbohydrates make us retain water in our body - which is not a bad thing it keep the body hydrated. But, when you ditch the carbs you will drop this water weight. So you may notice yourself instantly losing the pounds. As soon as you start eating carbs again this water comes back.
32. You May Feel Dizzy

There are some nasty side effects to dropping out the carbohydrates completely. One of these is that you may feel dizzy. Your body functions best with some carbs so adjusting will take a while. The sensation should be temporary and not last too long however.
33. You May Feel Fatigued

It's common knowledge that carbohydrates give us energy. So, it makes sense that if we cut these out of our system we will feel fatigued. Your body will learn to use other energy stores. So, this feeling of fatigue may be temporary or it could stay.
34. You May Initially Bloat

This is a side effect that many people don't factor in because they usually think you will instantly get slimmer. But this is not the case. Your body will be eating more of other foods which contain more gas that carbohydrates so you may look a little bloated for a while.
35. You Will Consume More Fat

If you are not consuming carbohydrates you have to eat other things. Which naturally, have more fat in them. You may be eating healthy so this could improve your good fats but naturally its most likely you will be having more bad fats too. And, saturated fat intake should be no more than 5% to 6% of your daily consumption.
36. You May Experience Mood Swings

Our moods may also be affected when we stop having any carbohydrates. It can make you feel more up and down and your body may not stabilise your mood as effectively. This is a problem which can e temporary but it can also last the entire no carb period.
37. Kidney Problems Can Worsen

If you already have kidney problems then cutting out the carbs from your diet is definitely not a good idea because doing so can make them worse. It is not good for our kidneys in general and so anybody with problems already should take this into consideration.
38. It Could Make Anxiety Worse

It has been shown that people with low-carb diets over time had less serotonin (the molecule of happiness) in their brains than those who were on low-fat diets. Healthy serotonin levels help fight against anxiety and depression. So cutting them out won't give you that boost anymore.
39. It Can Dehydrate You

Carbohydrates store water in our bodies and so when these are removed a lot of our water retention goes. It can lead the body dehydrated so you have to be careful to drink extra water and stay properly hydrated if you are considering no carbs or the keto diet.
40. You May Look More Toned

When you cut out the carbohydrates from your body you will find that you do drop some fat or you are left looking a little bit more toned. This is one of the only motivations for people cut carbs due to the host of problematic side effects when you do.
41. You could develop diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is a condition where the small pouches in your large intestine get inflamed and infected. This usually only happens when you not only cut out the carbs from your diet but when you have an increase in protein. It can leave blood as a sign too.
42. It Might Reduce Your Hormone Production

Cutting carbs may reduce your hormone productions. Hormones are essential for pretty much everything that goes on in our bodies. They control the functions of everything including your mood. So this is an issue you have to take into consideration.
43. It Could Lower Your Sex Drive

This is something that is a continuation from the previous point - it's to do with hormones. The decrease in hormone production can lead to a lower sex drive. For example in men, your production to testosterone may dwindle, leaving you with less of a sex drive than before.
44. Your Immune System Will Weaken

Carbs in our diet help with our gut, our hormones...and a whole host of essential functions for our body. So when we aren't fuelling our body with any carbs of course your immune system may weaken and you may find yourself more prone to catching viruses.
45. You May Lose Hair

Now this is a side effect that nobody expects. But, it has actually become quite a common thing that when someone stops eating carbs and starts doing the keto diet they may notice their hair start thinning or even losing weight. This can be reversed.
46. You May Be Nauseous

For a while when you cut out carbs you may find yourself feeling nauseous and a little bit sickly. After all, carbohydrates are a normal and good part of a natural and balanced diet. The body needs them to function properly. So while you adjust, this is a side effect.
47. Skin May Worsen

When you cut out carbohydrates, you interfere with the bacterias in your gut which are completely necessary for our digestion. But, when you drop carbs from your diet it can mess up these bacteria and poor gut health is directly linked to skin problems.
48. Nails Can Get Weaker

In a similar vain, your nails may get weaker you may find that they are snapping more easily and they may feel brittle. This is again is all to do with our gut bacterias. Which, are responsible for keeping our nail health good too as well as helping us digest our food.
49. It Can Help Those With Epilepsy

People have been using the keto diet now for around 100 years, as a way to treat or lessen the symptoms of their epilepsy. It can especially be useful in children who don’t respond well to their epilepsy medication. Another option is cutting out carbs from the diet.
50. You Might Get 'Brain Fog'

Brain fog is a temporary state once you cut out carbs. You may feel like you cannot think properly so do not be alarmed this is directly linked to you removing the carbs from your diet. This is just another way your body tells you that cutting out all carbs is not natural.