1. You'll Shed Water - no feeling bloated

Image source Live ScienceThanks to phthalides which is a compound in veggies, credited with removing excess fluid, celery's natural diuretic effect will help to flush water from the body. If you're feeling puffy, don't overdo it on buying supplements and instead load up on cruciferous vegetables such as celery, to assist in beating the bloat.Original content sourced from femanin.com
2. You'll Burn Calories - with no effort!

Image source Puppy ToobCelery is credited as being one of the only foods that cause you to burn more calories than you take in! At only 10 calories per stalk, this is due to the thermic effect of food on food. The amount of calories it takes to digest and absorb celery is greater than the actual calories in the stick!
3. Will Help You Stay Hydrated - and feeling energised

Image source Medical News TodayAs a source of electrolytes, celery will help move water into your cells so it will hydrate you naturally. If you are feeling quite thirsty, it's a sign you need some hydration for your body so keep some cut and washed celery in the fridge and munch away, as well as regularly drinking water.
4. Your Blood May Be Thicker - what a bonus

Image source Eat This, Not ThatYou will find Vitamin K in most green vegetables and this is responsible for slightly thickening the blood and helping improve blood clotting and celery is high up on the list. Therefore, this improves the body's ability to deal with minor cuts via blood clotting.
5. You May Lower Blood Pressure - too easy!

Image source Daily ExpressPotassium is one of the best electrolytes known for managing blood pressure. Eat veggies such as celery that are rich in potassium and try to keep your salt intake to a minimum. Follow this path and you may notice you can lower your blood pressure purely with your diet.
6. You'll Be More Regular - piles will be a thing of the past!

Image source wikiHowCelery is high in fibre and can help improve digestion. A cup of raw celery contains as much as 25 grams out of the 38 grams, which is the recommended dosage to keep you regular. This means no forcing for the bowel to empty and so reduces the risk of uncomfortable haemorrhoids.
7. Celery can help fight cancer cells - and it's all natural

Image source HealthlineAntioxidants are essential in helping to reduce the risk of cancer and celery contains apigenin and luteolin. They help neutralize cancer-forming cells in the body and restore damaged cells, being powerful agents. Introduce celery into your daily food intake, either as a snack or even to crunch when you're feeling peckish, making dinner.
8. Anti-Inflammatory - without side effects

Image source HealthlineCelery contains particular non-starch types of polysaccharides which are thought to give it its anti-inflammatory benefits. It also contains antioxidants which fight against free radical damage, a major contributing factor to inflammation and chronic diseases such as cancer and arthritis. For those who have ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, they may benefit from eating celery because the antioxidants in it have been shown, and used, to treat those conditions.
9. May Help Repair Damage At Cellular Level - this is really good!

Image source QuoraCelery contains more than a dozen different types of antioxidants such as flavonoids, vitamin K, and lunularin. These antioxidant nutrients can assist in relieving oxidative stress and aid our bodies in removing damage. The green stalks may provide protection for cells, blood vessels and organs.
10. Regulates Body Temperature - keep your cool

Image source The GuardianCelery’s high water content and the electrolytes that are naturally present in it, can help to regulate the body temperature. This is achieved by both hydrating and cooling your body down on a very hot day or in a particularly humid atmosphere. So simple to try.
11. May Help Prevent Ulcers - extremely painful condition

Image source Daily MailCelery may help prevent ulcers because it contains a certain type of ethanol extract that protects the lining of the digestive system. Studies have shown that celery greatly increases amounts of gastric mucus in the stomach lining, vital in the protection against ulcers, rips and tears. This is especially true for people who suffer from low or insufficient levels of gastric mucus.
12. Helps Prevent Urinary Tract Infections - can cause falls in the elderly

Mostly AmelieCelery is similar cranberries in that it stimulates urine production while also helping to reduce uric acid levels. This makes it an excellent aid for helping to prevent and fight against urinary tract infections as well as other bacterial infections in the reproductive and digestive tracts.
13. Full Of Goodness - to make you feel good!

Image source Verywell FitCelery is rich in vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index. By eating the crispy stalks you could benefit from vitamins A, K, and C, plus minerals like potassium and folate. It also has a slow, steady effect on blood sugar levels so could stop you reaching for unnecessary sweet treats during the day (and giving you a sugar spike).
14. May Help Osteoporosis - so improve quality of life

Image source Women's HealthChronic inflammation has been linked to many illnesses, including arthritis and osteoporosis. Celery and even celery seeds have approximately 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that can offer assistance in protection against inflammation in the body.
15. Celery - Antioxidants Galore!

Image source Everyday Health Celery is a great source of important antioxidants which protect cells, blood vessels, and organs from oxidative damage. It contains vitamin C, beta carotene and flavonoids, as well as over 12 additional kinds of antioxidant nutrients - all found in a single stalk. It’s also an amazing source of phytonutrients, which have been shown to help reduce instances of inflammation in the digestive tract, cells, blood vessels and organs.
16. Alkalizing Effect - may neutralize acidic foods ....

Image source Daily ExpressWith minerals such as magnesium, iron and sodium, celery can have a neutralizing effect on acidic foods. As well as this, these minerals are necessary for our essential bodily functions. Get washing and cutting up a few stalks today and see if you notice the difference -we are very optimistic
17. May Improve Cholesterol!

Image source PinterestBeing so rich in fibre, eating celery every single day reduces your level of LDL cholesterol, also known as 'bad cholesterol,' which clogs the arteries. One study has shown that consuming 4 stalks of this green veggie each day can reduce LDL cholesterol by about 7 percent.
18. Eye Eye - keep those peepers healthy

Image source ForbesIf you are suffering from ophthalmological diseases, try applying celery tea to the affected eyelids. Pour boiling water over seeds and allow to cool before dabbing on the area. Research has shown this solution may reduce the risk of cataracts. Either ay, your eyes will look bright so well worth it.
19. It Helps Repels Mosquitos - oh that itch is unbearable!

Image source Gardener's PathIf you’re fed up with scratching yourself to within an inch of your life every summer because of mosquito bites, then help is at hand. Celery oil, available at most health stores and supermarkets, rubbed sparingly on exposed areas, can aid in keeping those 'biters' away.
20. Clean On The Inside - it's a gut feeling ....

Image source HealthlineBesides being delicious when used as a crudity and especially tasty when spread with natural peanut butter or home made tomato salsa, celery's rich fibre content makes it a detoxification agent for the gut. Every part of the celery can be used to flush out the toxins.
21. Liver Health .... look after your organ!

Image source Letty's KitchenResearch studies are always trying to find cures or relief from symptoms using natural sources and when they hit on something, it's big news. Investigations showed that a combination of celery, barley and chicory may promote better liver health.
22. Low In iron - you should start eating celery!

Image source Medical MediumA flat tablespoon of celery seed contains 17 percent of the recommended daily value of iron, which is a huge boost for any at-risk groups or those looking to increase their haemoglobin levels. A few crushed seeds in a home made vegetable soup is highly recommended.
23. Foetal Health - safe for baby

Image source Styles At LifeCelery is known for its richness of folate, an important mineral for the development and health of foetuses. Lack of folate in the diet, for mum to be, has been attributed to problems such as memory loss and excess fatigue (more so than by being pregnant).
24. Pancreatic Cancer - minerals in celery may assist

Image source LybrateCelery contains both apigenin and luteolin, which are flavonoids that have been linked to the possible destruction of pancreatic cancer cells. Natural properties have been used for thousands of years and may be a useful addition to medical treatments.
25. Menstrual Discomfort - it's a pain

Image source Organic SoulCelery may ease menstrual discomfort to some extent. We know it is a diuretic and helps with bloating during menstruation because of its high water content. Celery tea, made with hot water and celery seeds, can be a soothing drink to take during heavy flow days.
26. May Help Male Infertility - could improve sperm count

Image source Infertility NaturopathResearch has shown that celery is high in male pheromones, androstenol and androsterone, so acting as a natural aphrodisiac. It may improves male fertility and sperm count although studies have only been carried out on rodents up to the present time.
27. Alzheimer's - possible reduction in brain tangles

Image source HomecareassistanceCelery contains a compound called BuPh. A recent study showed that this compound could possibly prevent the accumulation of brain plaques and tangles which cause Alzheimer’s disease. Along with medical breakthroughs happening right now, this may be putting a positive slant on a very cruel and distressing disease.
28. Nutrition Galore!

Image source PinterestCelery is literally steeped in nutrition and whether you wish to eat it for a particular reason or just for general wellbeing, it's worth pointing out the goodness of the green stick of magic. It is rich in calcium, copper, sodium, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc. It also contains fatty acids and Vitamins A, K, C, D and E. It doesn't stop there. B vitamins such as riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are also present. You must be convinced now!
29. May Help Asthma Symptoms

Image source Pulse TodayConsuming celery every day shouldn't be any big deal or chore and it could reduce asthma symptoms. Vitamin C, which is present in the veggie, can help prevent free radicals from damaging any organs and hopefully lessen the severity of conditions such as asthma.
30. Healthy Living - Let your insides look as good as your outside!

Image source PinterestIn conclusion, you now know that celery is full of nutrients and tastes good on its own or as a dip! Regardless of this fact, incorporate it in salads, stews, soups and snacks. It's cheap, gives a crunchy texture to everything and when you've finished eating, chew on some raw celery to clean your teeth!
31. Weight loss - it may help maintain a healthy weight

Image source aliexpressCelery is thought by many who have conducted studies that it may help regulate our overall weight and keep us at a healthy weight. This is a great tip if you are struggling in this area and want to know some healthy snack ideas that will help assist you.
32. May calm you down - relax!

Image source dealdshereviewsSo, it turns out that celery may help us to relax and keep calm. Now this is something everybody needs from time to time when facing stress. It is to do with the plant hormones found in celery which are thought to have a natural calming effect on our bodies.
33. Could increase libido - boost your sex drive

Image source PinterestIf you are looking to increase your libido and boost your sex drive, then maybe eating more celery will help you out! There is something called androsterone found in celery which is also found in testosterone. So, maybe you'll notice you have a sudden boost.
34. Might improve heart health - keep your ticker healthy!

Image source safety servicesHearts are so essential to our well-being and healthy that any way we can keep it healthy is good to know. And celery may do just that. It is thought that it contains many properties which have been linked with better heart health, so this is a good step to try.
35. May boost memory - stop forgetting things

Do you every struggle to remember things? Or find that you can't remember past memories? Well, it is no guarantee, but some think that eating celery could help with this because of the nutrients it has. The properties of celery have been linked with the things essential to keeping our memory healthy.
36. Some say it boosts energy - no need for coffee!

Image source workerAnyone in need of a boost of energy? Yes, that's most of us sometimes. Apparently, introducing celery as a regular feature into your diet may provide us with that little bit of extra energy. So, if you're feeling in a slump...start adding celery into the mix instead of relying on coffees.
37. May help with Crohn's

Image source everyday healthCrohn's is an autoimmune disease which can be very debilitating and cause horrible side effects to the person. Some people have suggested that the kinds of things in celery (vitamins, properties etc) could help against some of the symptoms that Crohn's sufferers face.
38. May fight against the effects of drinking too much alcohol

Image source mentalflossOf course, drinking too much alcohol is not a good thing and it has a very detrimental effect on your body. It is thought by some that the properties in celery may help fight against the effects of this and help keep you healthier. It's definitely worth a try.
39. Could help with anxiety

Image source thehardtimesSo many people suffer with anxiety and often remedies are not natural. Adding celery as a regular item in your diet may help improve anxiety. This is because it contains apigenin, which is a flavone - that is associated with helping to reduce anxiety
40. May prevent cramps

Image source NewYorkPostCramps are painful, in whatever capacity you have them, be it cramp in the leg or stomach cramps. Some people are prone to it. Well, eating celery on the regular could help you out and you notice that by eating much more celery, your experience with cramp lessens.
41. Aswell as twitches

Image source The Hard TimesNot only may it reduce your cramps, but it may also reduce bodily twitches if this is something that you regularly experience. Bergapten is a kind of Dihydrostilbenoids which sounds totally complicated but it to do with our metabolic health - and may mean that your twitches will lessen.
42. Some suggest it could help with psoriasis

Image source dermatology timesPsoriasis is a skin condition which makes patches of your skim go red and itchy. While there is no way to totally get rid of this medical condition diet can have an impact. And so may celery in particular. Eating celery may help you improve the symptoms of your psoriasis.
43. And you may heal better

Image source PinterestHow fast we heal is often a good indicator of our overall health. But it can be that some people are naturally fast or slower healers. There are ways to help it though. And one way may be through eating more celery- see if it helps your small wounds heal faster than before.
44. It is thought to help absorb calcium

Image source lauraschoeCalcium is such an essential part of our bodily health. Sometimes it is not that we don't consume enough celery - it may be that we cannot absorb it into our body properly. According to some research celery could help us absorb the calcium that we need into our body.
45. May help strengthen bones

Image source fitnessandhealthmattersIn a similar vein, for the last reason of helping calcium absorption and other properties of celery - it may help us to strengthen our bones. So, if you want to keep your bone health good then perhaps adding celery into your diet could be a good way to do this.
46. Could help with breastfeeding

Image source AsiaoneBreastfeeding for many women is extremely difficult, and for others it is not a viable option. Sometimes the problem is the secretion of milk (producing milk). And celery may actually increase the secretion of milk in breastfeeding ladies making it easier to come out.
47. Improve metabolism

Image source nutritionforceOne way you may help improve your metabolism is by eating celery. Not only can it help burn calories, but it can improve your metabolism by speeding it up and helping it to consistently help maintain our weight - not just help with one time weight loss.
48. Could help prevent tumours

Image source middleeasternportalThere is a property in celery which is called a flavone. This particular flavone is called luteolin and luteolin is thought to be able to help prevent against tumours. So, eating celeries which include this may also help in preventing against tumours.
49. May maintain skin health

Image source PinterestWe all want glowy skin. And it's not just to do with the moisturiser you use, or the fancy highlight that you might apply. The glowy skin should come from within. celery may help maintain your overall skin health so that you could notice a visible improvement.
50. Provides good salts

Image source ayurdevumGood salts is not something we often hear because we are so often told about how bad salt is and that we should avoid too much salt. But there are good kinds. For example, the kind in electrolytes. And celery may contain these good salts which are important for our bodies.Here's What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Celery Everyday