1. Fridge - It Should Last You 12 Years... AT LEAST!
According to the United States Department of Energy, your fridge will last you approximately 12 years. There are numerous signs to show that your fridge is dying - food going bad too quickly, excess frost and the level of noise that comes out of your fridge, either too much or too little. Image Source / Whirlpool
2. Dishwasher - A Decade Of Your Dishwasher
The average life expectancy of a dishwasher is 10 years. From the 7 year mark, if your dishwasher needs repairing it may be more cost effective to get a new one all together. Newer models are more eco-friendly and will help reduce water and energy bills. Image Source / Good House Keeping
3. Microwave - 10 Years Old and Unheated Food Will Indicate Replacement!
At around 10years old, your microwave could be on its way out. This is case for most other smaller electrical items found in the kitchen. The biggest indicator to replace your microwave is if your food doesn’t cook/heat through properly in the recommended timings. Image Source / IStock
4. Herbs and Spices - It’s All In The Taste
Herbs and spices are definitely overlooked when it comes to expiration dates. Although they do not necessarily go bad or make you sick, they can lose their potency and flavour over time, so depending on the type, should be replaced every 1 - 4 years. Storing in a cool place will help maximise their life. Image Source / 10Best
5. Cutlery - Can Last A Lifetime!
How often you should replace your cutlery is all down to you. Proper care and TCL can allow your cutlery and other small kitchen utensils to last a lifetime. This can be achieved by using gentle cleaning products, not soaking your cutlery in water for too long to avoid rusting or eroding. Image Source / ProCook
6. Tupperware - Glass Is The Way Forward
The lifespan of your food containers depends on the types of material they are made from. Plastic tupperware presents very clear signs of needing replacing, for a few different reasons. The scent of the food previously stored in them or the stains of any tomato based sauces are two signs. Image Source / Allrecipes
7. Chopping Board - Material Dependant, 1 - 10 Years!
Similarly to your food containers, the material of your chopping boards will depend on how long it will last before being side-lined for a replacement. A wooden chopping board, with proper care, can last up to 10 years; however, a plastic chopping board should be replaced on average, every year. Image Source / Mishry
8. Dish Sponge - Regular Replacement Needed!
We use dish sponges daily, for a variety of different objects that carry a variety of nasty bacteria. For this reason alone it is recommended that you replace these every 2 weeks, or before they develop an odour or begin to fall apart. A dirty sponge will not clean effectively. Image Source / Business Insider
9. Non-Stick Pots and Pans - Should Be Replaced Every 5 Years
Your non-stick pots and pans should be replaced, on average, every 5 years. This is a strict time frame as left any longer to deteriorate could pose a huge health risk. In order to make a pan non-stick, a coating of Teflon is added and when this starts to break down, it will release toxic chemicals. Image Source / Foodal
10. Tea Towels - Multi-Use But High Maintenance
Tea towels (or kitchen towels) are so widely used on a day to day basis, whether it's to dry your dishes, wipe down surfaces or integrated into cooking. This means that they get exposed to so many different types of bacteria that they stand a high chance of being passed over to other objects and surfaces. Image Source / Cambridge Baby
11. Bath Towels - They Stop Doing Their Job After 2 Years!
The main purpose of a bath towel is the dry us once we’re clean, so it is vital that our towels are clean too. It is recommended that you wash them after 3 uses and replace them completely after around 2 years, when they are less likely to thoroughly dry you and can be home to invisible germs. Image Source / Argos
12. Toilet Brush - Breeding Place For Bacteria, Watch Out!
Due to the nature of a toilet brush, it is vital that they are thrown out and replaced every 3-6 months. This is so that when it is in use, bacteria isn’t being spread around your toilet. You should stick to this time frame so that your toilet brush is replaced before it starts to smell or discolour. Image Source / Dunelm
13. Bath Mat - Quality is Key!
Your bath mat is something that soaks up water, day in, day out. In a humid environment this can cause bacteria to fester in the mat so it is recommended that you wash it once a week and replace it once every 2 years. A good quality bath mat with regular care will show significant difference to a cheap one. Image Source / Rockett St George
14. Loofah - Replace Every 3 Weeks For Maximum Cleanliness
As we know, ladies in particular, our bodies don’t mix well with unwanted bacteria and loofahs and other cleaning sponges can be a breeding ground for them if not replaced regularly. If you want to avoid an infection or rash, it is advised to change out your loofah for a new one every 3 weeks. Image Source / Women’s Health
15. Shower Curtain - 2 Changes A Year Will Do!
The beauty of a shower curtain is that you can interchange them to suit your style and switch up the aesthetic of your bathroom. However, if you’ve had the same shower curtain up for 6 months or longer (be honest with yourself!), it’s definitely time to interchange for a brand new one and get rid of the old. Image Source / Juniqe
16. Toothbrush - Replace Every 3-4 Months For Your Pearly Whites
To maximise the effectiveness of the average toothbrush, they should be replaced every 3 - 4 months. At this stage, the bristles of a toothbrush will start to become worn out, thus losing effectiveness. Your toothbrush sat in a pot in the bathroom will also gather bacteria over time. Image Source / History
17. Makeup Brushes - Wash Regularly And Replace Every Few Years
The daily use of make up brushes on your face will build up bacteria very quickly, so should be washed weekly; unwashed makeup brushes are linked with acne prone skin, as the germs that live in your brushes are transferred right on to your face and straight into your pores. Image Source / Peace With The Wild
18. Mops - Floors Are Only As Clean As Your Mop
Your floors are only as clean as your mop head, so as soon as it’s looking dirty, its time to replace your mop head for a new one. If your mop is too worn and overused, it will not clean your floors effectively. Aim to replace your mop head every two months to get the most out of it. Image Source / The Spruce
19. Pillows - When They Don’t Fluff Like They Used To...
The blanket rule for how long you should have your pillows before replacing them is 1 - 2 years and there are many signs staring you in the face when you need to ditch them. When your pillow doesn’t look, feel, or fluff the way it did when you first bought it then it’s time to wave goodbye to it. Image Source / Hanse Textilvertrieb
20. Pillow Cases - Multiple Signs That Your Pillow Cases Need To Be Replaced
A pillow case should be switched out and washed weekly, but should be replaced completely when you see fit. Common sense prevails so general signs of wear such as discolouration and thinning of the material are all signs to replace your pillow cases. Image Source / Getty Graphics Studio
21. Bedding - You Get What You Pay For
Similarly to your pillow cases, good quality materials will last you longer in the bedroom! Paying out for your bed sheets will last you up to 5 years if you take good care of them; all variation of bed sheets show the same signs of wear so keep an eye out. Image Source / John Lewis
22. Mattress - A Bad Nights Sleep Is The Biggest Sign
No one mattress has the same life span, but as an average, your mattress should be replaced every 8 years. The signs that your mattress is in need of a refresh is when it starts to sag or smell - or simply that your sleep is insufficient. We spend much of our lives on your mattresses, so it's vital it's a good one. Image Source / Dreams
23. Rug - Foot Traffic Is The Biggest Factor In Replacement Time
The typical lifespan of your rug is varied from 5 - 10 years and is heavily dependant on many different factors. The foot traffic on your rug will determine how long your rug lives for; a shoes off house will have longer lasting rugs. Proper maintenance will allow your rug to live to its maximum. Image Source / Amazon
24. Couch - You Can Double The Lifespan Of Your Couch With Correct Care
The common couch should last on average around 7 years but will a study structure and great care could last you double that. With lots of sitting, your sofa will eventually start to sag and materials will show signs of wear such as fraying and cracking of leather. Image Source / The New York Times
25. Office Chair - It Should be Replaced Every 7-8 Years
Although every chair is different, they should all see you through 7 - 8 years. Wear and tear, like most other household items, is the biggest indicator that they need to be replaced but office chairs that are past their best can start to effect your posture. Image Source / Steelcase
26. Curtains - A Change In Style, Smell And Colour Means They Have To Go
Curtains are pretty low maintenance and should last at least 10 years. Just switch them out as your style changes or if they’ve overstayed their welcome; stains and bad odours are a sign of a curtain replacement. Clean twice yearly and upkeep their cleanliness with fabric sprays. Image Source / The Spruce
27. Throw Pillows - You Can Get 1-2 Years Out Of Them
The amount of life you can get from your throw pillows is dependant on how (and what) they are used for. Throw pillows that are used solely for decorative purposes will last for one to two years if used frequently as they will begin to lose shape and fluffiness. Image Source / Bob Vila
28. Smoke Detector - Safety Is Key, Replace After 10 Years
Much research has been conducted into the longevity of the average smoke detector and has concluded that a replacement should occur every 10 years, regardless of whether it is a hard-wired or a battery operated device. Regular tests should be carried out on your smoke detector to eliminate health risks. Image Source / The Washington Post
29. Bra - Keep Supported With A New One Every 6 Months
It is recommended that you replace your bra every 6 months, however with proper care they can last much longer. Putting your bra on improperly and harsh washing methods can cause the band to over stretch and become unsupportive. The same size bra isn’t always sufficient over time so get measured every year. Image Source / The Conversation
30. Door Mat - A Long Lifespan Of 6 Months - 5 Years
Replace your door mat every 6 months to a year; obviously foot traffic dependant, the bristles of your door mat will break down if it sees a lot of footprints so will eventually stop doing its job in keeping dirt out. More durable door mats such as urethane mats can last up to 5 years. Image Source / The Spruce
31. Fire Extinguisher - Make sure you're safe, replace every 5 years
A fire extinguisher is one of those household items that you cannot just replace when it looks to be getting a little old. A fire extinguisher is there for safety and is a lifesaving object. Therefore, it is very important to have it checked every five years - no less.
32. Water Filters - Keep it clean for clean water
With a water filter, if it is not clean then it means the water you are drinking is also not clean. So, it's very important to keep on top of it. You should replace it every 6 months. And, if it is a water filter jug or a free-standing water cooler then these inevitably need replacing more frequently.
33. Cosmetics - When they're no longer caring for your skin
Cosmetics are often something that people keep in their make up case or drawer and completely forget to check the dates - just replacing it when it runs out. It it is good to change it every year or two so check the dates, otherwise the product you are putting on your skin may not have the right effects.
34. Reed diffusers - Need changing regularly
Reed diffusers are a lot easier to know when to change it because they will run out, the liquid will be used up and they will stop emitting a smell. It is important though to keep the reeds clean as they can attract dust and bacteria because they are damp. Then, change every 3-4 months.
35. Air filters - To keep your air clean change every 3 months
Again, air filters are important for keeping our air as clean as possible and so after some time it is important to change it. After every couple of months, you should replace you air filter. Living in places with heavy pollution, it will get much dirtier much faster and so it also depends on where you live.
36. Air fresheners - Smell fresh and change every couple of months
With an air freshener it is easy to have them lying around in your cupboard for years and forget to check the date. However, it will no longer work effectively after this time. If you want an air fresher to do its job properly then you should do it every couple of months.
37. Washing machine - After 10 years it could cost more to keep it
Washing machines, after around a decade, will start to run less effectively and less efficiently so they won't be doing the job as thoroughly any more. It may also be costing you more to run because it is not as efficient as the later models which are constantly improving.
38. Shower liner - Wash regularly and change twice a year
Shower liners harbour a huge number of bacteria because they are continuously damp making it a breeding ground for bacteria. It is therefore recommended that you wash the liner regularly, around every month and disinfect afterwards. Then, every six months it is time for a new liner.
39. Bath toys - Disinfect and change often to keep your little one safe
Bath toys can be a source of joy for little ones but they also require regular attention to ensure they remain safe and hygienic. Due to the warm and damp environment of bath time, these toys can become breeding grounds for bacteria and mold. It is crucial to disinfect bath toys every week.
40. Running shoes - After running 300 miles they are due a change
Running shoes are great for a while but then the comfort as well as the support goes. It is recommended that after around 300-500 miles it is time to replace them. Once the interior support goes, they can actually damage your feet and joints if you continue running without the correct support structure.
41. Carpet - Carpet can last up to 15 years with good keeping
Carpets can last for around 5-15 years depending on how well you take care of them. If you consistently clean the carpet, then it will stay good for longer and can last up to 15 years. Sometimes they start to show signs of wear and tear, especially if you have pets or children and then it is time for a replacement.
42. Medicine - Make sure you stay in date!
If the date has rubbed off and it has been more than a couple of years, it is definitely time to replace the medicine rather than to use it until it is all gone. It is very important to look at the dates to check whether the medicines are still safe to take.
43. Polishing rags - After a couple of years it's better to get fresh
Polishing rags are used consistently to get up all of that dust and grime around the house. So, they need washing weekly to make sure that they stay safely clean and are not too unhygienic. Then after a couple of years it is time to replace them with new ones.
44. Yoga mat - It needs changing more often than you think
Yoga mats do not last for a very long time and actually need replacing around every couple of years. First of all, they will start to lose grip. Secondly, they are used with feet standing on them frequently as well as having sweat transferred to the mat, so better to keep them for a maximum of 2 years.
45. Vacuum bag - It's better to change it every 6 months
If you do not replace your vacuum bag regularly, then you will notice that your hoover is not picking up dirt effectively which will leave you frustrated! They need replacing around every six months for efficient vacuuming - and to keep the vacuum bag from getting too dirty.
46. Hairbrush - Get rid of bacteria regularly
Hairbrushes are brushing our heads every day and they can become full of hair product as well as bacteria which form from the skin on the brushes. Keep them clean by disinfecting with some soap or lemon water. Then change the brush after 6 months to a year.
47. Garbage disposal - After a decade you need a new one
Getting a new garbage disposal is a big instalment. There is no need to update regularly, maybe after 10 years, according to experts' recommendations. You'll know when the right time is because it starts to clog and will then not function as effectively as it used to.
48. Coffee maker - It's time for a new one after five years of use
After around five years of regular use, the internal components of a coffee maker, such as the heating element and pump, may start to wear out, impacting the machine's brewing performance. Mineral deposits from water, coffee oils and residue from brewed coffee can accumulate inside the coffee maker.
49. Wooden spoon - Get new ones every five years!
Wooden spoons are easy to clean and are of course cleaned after every use. Yet, because of the wooden material, it is good to replace them after every five years because of the fact that wood can absorb liquid and it forms little cracks which cannot properly be disinfected.
50. Cups and mugs - They can last around 20 years or more
Cups and mugs can pretty much last as long as you want because of the material they are made from which makes it easy to clean and disinfect them. In fact, it's probably highly more likely that they will break before it is physically necessary to replace them.