1. BEWARE: Ignoring Infection

Image source: redditEye infections never usually goes undetected, if you have one, chances are you would know about it! Red, swollen, sore, and discharge from the eye are all signs that you have an infection. If you pass on a quick visit to the ER, it can lead to blindness... or even DEATH!Originally sourced from Femanin.
2. You Might Have Diabetes - it can be detected through eye examination

Image source Daily ExpressBlurred vision may simply mean you need glasses but you should get your eyes checked in case it's something more serious, such as cataracts or macular degeneration. It could even be diabetes which an ophthalmologist may be able to detect during your eye examination, based on irregularities in your retina.
3. You May Be Very Stressed - eye twitch

Image source Fraser EyeStress can manifest itself in lots of different ways, from an upset stomach to poor sleep quality but also, if you develop a slight eye twitch, this could be your body telling you that you need to get some rest and relaxation and learn to manage your stress levels, maybe with the help of a health professional.
4. Your Blood Pressure Might Be Too High - it's in the eyes

Image source Daily ExpressBesides putting you at risk of heart disease and strokes, untreated high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels in your retina. This is known as hypertensive retinopathy. You won't be able to see the effects in the mirror but your health professional will be able to spot the damage during your eye test.
5. Your Cholesterol Could Be Too High - run risk of a stroke

Image source Arthur Hayes OpticiansIf you see a white ring around your corneal arcus (that's the medial term for the iris), you should visit your ophthalmologist as well as your GP. This might just be a sign of ageing but could be an indication of high cholesterol which in turn could lead to an increased risk of a heart attack or stroke.
6. You Have Allergies- are you rubbing your eyes all the time?

Image source InsiderIf your eyes are extremely dry and the skin around them is looking worn, you might be unconsciously rubbing your eyes too often. This can cause the eyelid to become looser or even saggy, giving the appearance of wrinkles. Are you rubbing them because you're allergic to pollen or dust and this is causing the eyes to dry out? Over the counter remedies are available to sooth these issues s don't ignore them.
7. Your Retina Could Be In Danger - do you see little specks in your vision?

Image sour Everett & HuriteYou may have experienced those little specks that move around your field of vision. They can be present for weeks on end and then disappear, only to come back at some stage. These are eye floaters which are not serious in themselves but the small specks could be a sign of a tear or detachment of the retina.
8. Puffy Eyes - you may be sleep deprived

Image source Florida EyesIf you notice that your eyes are red and puffy, you might assume it's down to an infection and you may start applying eye drops to alleviate the issue. It could well be a sign that you are tired, simple as that. Lack of sleep can make your eyes more irritated and red.
9. You Are Getting Too Much Sun - overdoing the rays

Image source All About VisionWhen you sunbathe or are, indeed, out in the sun, you should always wear sunglasses to protect your peepers from sun damage which comes from the ultraviolet light from the rays. Not protecting them could cause yellow or white patches on the side of the iris, called a pinguecula.
10. You Could Have Jaundice - eyes not as white as usual

Image source Banyan Treatment CenterIf the whites of your eyes are looking a bit yellowy, this could very likely be a warning sign that there is something going wrong in your body. It might be jaundice which occurs when the yellow compound formed from the breakdown of red blood cells can't be filtered by your liver. This turns the skin and the eyes yellow.
11. Eye Strain - too much time on the computer

Image source Optician TrainingMost of us spend ages on our electronic devices, whether it's for work or pleasure. You probably were not aware that too much screen time could cause your eyes to strain. This might result in 'dry eye' where the eye tries to make up for being too dry and produces tears which you will be dabbing all the time.
12. You're Straining Your Eyes - not the same as eye strain

Image source InsiderBroken blood vessels can look alarming but for the most part they are simply a sign that your eyes are working overtime. This can be as a result of coughing or extra straining when visiting the bathroom, due to constipation. The blood-red in the eyes can look alarming but t does not indicate any eye disease.
13. You May Have A Vitamin A Deficiency - no tears if you cry

Image source WikipediaIf your eyes suddenly feel as dry as the dessert, it is possible that you could be experiencing a decrease in tear production. Excessively dry eyes occur when the body cannot produce enough tears and this has been linked to possible deficiencies in vitamin A. A simple solution is to get your eyes checked and take a vitamin supplement.
14. You May Have A Blocked Tear Duct - don't cry about it

Image source Daily MailIf you have found yourself crying more than usual and yet nothing traumatic has happened to cause you to do so, then it could be that you have a blocked tear duct. This prevents your tears from draining properly, resulting in watery and irritated eyes. It's very common in newborns and can easily be dealt with by an eye doctor.
15. You Might Have An STD - are you experiencing eye pain?

Image source eMedicineHealthUveitis is the inflammation of the middle layer of the eye that has the blood vessels. This red irritation can signify a whole host of infections and conditions. One of them is if you have a sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS and you might be experiencing blurred vision, redness, blurred vision and light sensitivity.
16. You have Abnormal Eye Movements - they dart around

Image source Liverpool NewsIf your eyes feel like they are darting back and forth without you attempting to move them, then you should see your doctor pretty quickly. It could be an indication of a lesion on your ocular muscles or it may be nerve damage. Once it's diagnosed, a treatment plan can be discussed.
17. Your Eyes Are Bulging - don't put off that eye appointment

Image source MedicineNetSudden bulging eyes may be a sign of a potentially dangerous condition which is called Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). It is a serious, progressive and vision-threatening auto-immune disease which is rare but could lead to blindness. However, it might be a less serious condition caused by an over-active thyroid which is known as Graves' Disease.
18. Pressure In Your Eyes - may be serious

Image source AtlantaWhilst headaches can cause pressure around the eyes, pressure that affects your eyeballs directly is a symptom that you should not take lightly as there could be an inflammation behind the eyes due to Thyroid Eye Disease or a tumour. Once your eye doctor has examined the eyes, it could also turn out to be an infection.
19. Pain In The Eye - don't neglect it

Image source For EyesIf you have a sensation of pain in your eye , don't ignore it and try to forget about it. It could be a foreign object in there which is easily dealt with by using an eye wash but it might be a more serious issue in your sinus cavity, behind the eye. Book that eye appointment right now.
20. Your Vision Goes Away For A Minute - may be migraine

Image source Diamond VisionFor people who suffer with migraines, a sudden loss of vision could be a regular occurrence. However, if you do not suffer from these, it could mean something more serious. It could be an indication of a lesion on your ocular muscles or nerve damage. This issue could lead to a potential stroke so get diagnosed as soo as you can.
21. Vision Goes When You Stand Up - don't wait and see

Image source HealthgradesA sudden loss of vision when you stand up from a seated position isn’t something you should ignore. This temporary loss indicates there may have been a momentary loss of blood flow to either the eye, optic nerve or brain. Low blood pressure is sometimes the diagnosis for this symptom.
22. Your Vision Fluctuates - clear and then fuzzy

Image source Eyeweb SafetyIf you feel like you are seeing things clearly one moment and everything looks fuzzy the next, then it's time to book an eye examination. It could be a case of needing glasses but could possibly be a sign of diabetes or other systematic disease.
23. You Have Sudden Double Vision - and it's not the drink

Image source Review Of OptometryDouble vision should not occur unless you have had three too many at the pub. It doesn't come on for no reason so seeing a health professional is a must. Possible reasons having double vision is a tumour, a bleed or swelling so a diagnosis should be pursued straight away.
24. You Have Redness And Sensitivity - only in one eye

Image source RedditA sudden aversion to light, along with redness, could be an indication of uveitis which is a type of inflammation that affects the uvea, the layer of the eye under the white part of the eye. Conditions diagnosed with these symptoms include multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
25. You have A Fixed Spot In Your Vision - medical emergency

Image source The GlobeAn immobile spot in your field of vision could easily be a medical emergency that you should not wait to have treated. Optometrists can detect brain tumours, malignant melanomas and other cancers at the back of the eye that cause changes in someone's field of vision.
26. Your Eyes Are Crossing - seek professional help ....now

Image source Family EducationYou don’t have to worry about your eyes getting stuck that way if you cross them on purpose - that's an old wives' tale! However, if you find that they’re crossing on their own accord, you should seek professional treatment. In children, it's almost always benign but in an adult, it could be evidence of elevated intracranial pressure or a stroke.
27. A Sore That Doesn't Heal - eyelashes fall out

Image source InsiderBasal cell carcinomas can show up in strange places including the eyelid, where it often causes a sore which does not heal and there may be loss of eyelashes. Although not usually fatal, they can cause disfigurement and blindness. If you have concerns regarding the above , get yourself sorted with an appointment.
28. Red, Swollen Eyelid - might be nothing

Image source RedditThough this might look like a tumour under the skin, it's actually nothing more than a blocked oil gland which is called a chalazion. It's a hard, painless mass which appears over the course of a few days and is particularly common in people who have oily skin.
29. Lesions On The Retina - can even show colon polyps

Image source Retina Image BankIt's surprising to know that lesions on the retina can open a window to your colon. This symptom could indicate a sign of Gardner Syndrome. The syndrome can manifest itself by multiple polyps in the colon, extra teeth and bony tumours of the skull. It is a rare condition and usually genetic.
30. Cloudy Eyes - everything looks misty

Image source Vision Eye InstituteWhereas many illnesses can be diagnosed through examination of your eyes, when your peepers are making everything you look at appear foggy, it's probably not a serious health condition. It could well be due to a cataract in the eye, a clouding of the lens and it can be corrected with surgery. This condition mainly affects older people.
31. An Eyelid Sore That Won't Heal: It Could Be Skin Cancer

Image source: thelancet.com
If you have a sore on your eyelid that doesn't seem to be going away, there's always a chance that it's basal cell carbinomas, which is a skin cancer that results in sores on the body. These sores can also appear on the eyelid, and may also result in loss of eyelashes. If you leave it long enough without getting checked, it could result in blindness or worse - so get it checked out!
32. Droopy Eyelids: Autoimmune Disease

Image source: reddit.com
You might have thought both of your eyelids are drooping because you've had a long day or missed out on sleep last night - but if eyelids on both eyes are drooping, it could be a sign of an autoimmune disease called myasthenia gravis. One of the main symptoms of this disease is muscle weakness, including in the eyes.
33. Shocking Levels Of Inflammation: Could It Be AIDS?

Image source: reddit.com
The retina reveals lots of health problems and conditions, which is why it's so important to go to regular eye doctor appointments to get down to the nitty gritty of what's going on in those places you can't see (ironically). If your retina is showing
huge signs of inflammation, it could actually be a symptom of HIV/AIDS.
34. Pupils Which Are Different Sizes: Horner's Syndrome

Image source: reddit.com
If you look in the mirror and think you're going mad because your pupils look two different sizes, see a doctor! This condition - also coupled with droopy eyelids - could be a main sign of Horner's Syndrome, which can also be an indication of risky tumors or aneurysms in the neck. Also why it's always worth checking your eyes on the daily!
35. Changes In Eye Tissue: Marfan's Syndrome

Image source: reddit.com
Changes in the eye tissue can obviously only be detected by an eye doctor who can take a closer look, and if this is picked up during an eye exam, it could be a symptom of Marfan's Syndrome. This disorder affects the tissue in the body specifically. This syndrome can be very risky if undiagnosed, because it's commonly linked to a weak aorta of the heart, and people who have it may also be very skinny.
36. Change In Vision: Metastatic Cancer Traveling From Somewhere Else In The Body

Image source: reddit.com
Even if you don't have cancer anywhere near your eye, you can actually have symptoms manifest in your eye from cancer elsewhere in the body - called metastatic cancer. It can first show up in the eye before anywhere else, and it's common in women who have breast cancer or men who have lung cancer, though of course it can show in other types of cancer.
37. Ingrown Eyelashes: Too Much Bacteria!

Image source: reddit.com
If you have an overly oily or dirty face, bacteria build up is going to make eye inflammation more likely -and ingrown eyelashes can be a result of this. So if you're wondering why you're suffering from ingrown eyelashes, you might want to upgrade your skincare routine! This bacteria build up could also be caused by things you can't help, like skin conditions.
38. Small White Bumps Under The Eyes: Dead Skin Buildup

Image source: reddit.com
These small white bumps on the skin are called Milia, and they're very common under the eyes - though you can get them in other areas of the body! They're mainly caused by dead skin cells deciding to stick around under new skin and going all white and bumpy. Milia can also be caused by skin damage, like through a rash or too much sun.
39. Headaches: You May Need An Eye Test

Image source: reddit.com
With most of us just trying to get a good night's sleep and eat right (and failing), it's easy for most people to ignore a simple headache as part of life. But if you're getting headaches regularly it might be time to book an eye test if you haven't for a while. Headaches can be one of the symptoms you might need glasses - or at least an eye check! Always worth it.
40. Skin Infection: Dirty Eyebrow Brush!

Image source: seventeenmagazine.com
When you're regularly putting makeup on your eyes and eyebrows, and using a spoolie brush, you're putting your eyes, face and skin more at risk of infection if you don't clean your brushes regularly. There was one such case recently when a young women got a pimple near her eyes, popped it and it turned out to be a Staph infection from a dirty eyebrow brush. Go clean those brushes right now guys!
41. Pink Eye: Sharing Makeup Brushes!

Image source: reddit.com
You should never, ever share cosmetic brushes - period. If you're sharing brushes like eyeshadow, mascara or eyebrow brushes in particular, you're putting yourself at more risk of eye problems, infections and issues. Pink eye is one of the many symptoms that can come from you sharing bacteria-ridden makeup brushes!
42. Stinging Eyes: You're Using The Wrong Makeup Products

Image source: healio.com
Even if you're doing your utmost to keep your brushes clean and never share, you could still be using the wrong makeup products. If you're having stinging and redness from eyeliner, mascara or eyeshadow, you could be having a bad reaction to the makeup products you're using - so try to swap them or stop, and see if it clears up!
43. You're Hallucinating: Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Image source: dailystar.com
Nobody wants to admit the fact they're seeing things that aren't there - but we need to talk about it! If you're hallucinating - specifically geometric patterns, or even seeing people and animals - it could actually be a sign of Charles Bonnet Syndrome. The main thing is you
know the things you're seeing aren't real, so you know to get checked out. This is a very rare condition, and unfortunately there's no cure.
44. Weeping Blood: Hemolacria

Image source: reddit.com
Sounds like something from a vampire teen drama, doesn't it? But if your tears are coming out with blood in them, it could be a sign of Hemolacria, which can happen after an injury, or if something is stuck under your eyelid. Other causes could be blood problems, but it's all stuff a doctor will be able to help you with!
45. Slow Loss Of Vision: A Rare Condition Called Retinitis Pigmentosa

Image source: reddit.com
If you're struggling with gradual vision loss, you might start thinking it's just a part of getting older or you need stronger glasses. But in very rare cases, it could be a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, which results in slow loss of vision, trouble seeing in the dark, loss of peripheral vision and even color loss.
46. Egg-Yolk In The Eye? It Might Be Best Disease

Image source: reddit.com
Obviously we don't mean actual egg-yolk, but this is the best way to describe the type of texture and appearance of this kind of gunk in your eye - which could actually be a symptom of Best Disease. This could result in damage of eye cells and distorted vision. It's a very rare condition, and there isn't a solid treatment for it yet!
47. Central Vision Loss In One Eye: Optic Neuropathy Eye Disease

Image source: nbcnews.com
It takes something big for you to lose the whole of your central vision in one eye! If this happens - and it won't be painful, so there's that - it's a sign of something called Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. It often goes on to make you lose vision in your other eye, too, but it'll start with only one. It could take a few years before it affects both eyes.
48. Pupil Off-Center: Could You Have Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome?

Image source: reddit.com
This syndrome can actually have more than one symptom, and while an off-center pupil is a sign of it, so is a very thin iris. You might even have an iris that has holes in it that look like you have more than one pupil! You may also be struggling with other things like sensitivity to light or needing certain glasses or contact lenses.
49. More Than One Pupil In Both Eyes: Polycoria

Image source: reddit.com
Polycoria is a condition where your eye has two or more pupils in it - which could be obvious or very small. Rather than resulting in super duper vision which you might think if you have extra eye capability, it actually results in poor vision because of each pupil muscle trying to dilate. At other times, 'false' polycoria can happen with a hole in the iris that looks like two pupils!
50. Pain When You Move Your Eye: Speak To Your Doctor About Optic Neuritis

Image source: reddit.com
If you're having very painful eye movement, and maybe even coupled with your vision being blurred, this could be a sign of swelling on the optic nerve, which is also known as Optic Neuritis. It could be caused by another problem or disease, or maybe even an infection. Your eyes should never hurt when you move them, so always get it checked out!