You Loose A Cup Of Sweat A Day

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That's right, every single day we loose a cup of sweat. This amount does not even account for a workout, so if you hit the gym as part of your daily routine then you are likely to loose even more. This is a pretty gross fact we all need to come to terms with.
2% Of People Have An Unruptured Brain Aneurysm

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A brain aneurysm is essentially a massive bleed on the brain, that usually results in a stroke and then death or severe disability. 1 in 50 people in the United States are a ticking time bomb, and have a bleed on the brain waiting to pop any day now.
The Devil's Bible Is A Real Thing

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In the late 16th century a monk is said to have abandoned god and made a deal with the Devil instead, and subsequently the Devil's bible came into being. The Devil's bible shows how the monk made the deal, and what Satan promised him in return for his soul.
Brain Eating Amoeba Live In The Water

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In some bodies of stagnant water, there lives an amoeba that will literally eat your brain. The amoeba is so small that you can't see it with the human eye. It swims up your nose and gnaws away at your brain, eventually paralyzing and killing you painfully.
We Will Eat 10 Spiders

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We have all heard this, but it is actually true. Over the course of your lifetime, you will actually eat 10 spiders. Most of these will be consumed whilst you sleep, but sometimes on manages to fly in there and get eaten before it is too late, for example if you are on a run.
Your Bed Contains 10 Million Dust Mites

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That's right, the saying 'don't let the bed bugs bite' is actually based on a lot more truth than most of us are happy to accept. In your bed right now, there are millions and millions of tiny, microscopic mites. They don't bite you, but it still feels haunting.
You Swallow Two Cups Of Snot A Day

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Even if you aren't currently suffering with a cold or the flu, every single day you swallow around 2 whole cups of your own snot! This gross fact is something that we all do, and is your bodies natural way of dealing with too much spit, snot and saliva.
The Dust In Your Home Is Skin

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Chances are that some surfaces in your home are covered in a thin layer of dust. You may have even seen dust settling before your eyes. The dust you can see is actually mostly made up of human skin, which naturally flakes off you and the people you live with all day.
A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Real

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That's right, one of the most horrific and terrifying films of all time is based on the true story of Hmong refugees, who, after fleeing to the United States because of war and genocide in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, suffered disturbing nightmares and refused to sleep.
Frogs Can Kill 15 People With Spit

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The golden poison frog is one of the most toxic creatures on earth. Despite its minute size, this frog is a killing machine. You could hold the golden poison frog in the palm of your hand, but i wouldn't as it has enough poison to kill fifteen people!
Russia Has Haunted Radio Stations

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This goes all the way back to the days of the soviet union, but these haunted stations still exist. Some say the stations are manned by ghosts of Russians killed in the gulag, others say it is simply audio leakage from other stations. Either way, it sounds pretty creepy.
Horned Lizard Fires Blood From Its Eyes

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Loosing blood is a common cause of death in the animal kingdom, however the horned lizard actually shoots blood from its eyes when under attack from a predator. This causes the lizard to look as though it is crying blood, which you have to admit is pretty metal!
We Have Explored 10% Of The Ocean

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We actually know more about outer space than we do about our oceans. That goes to show exactly how vast and deep the deep blue sea actually is. We are still currently discovering new species in our oceans, some of which live miles and miles under the surface.
Your Eyelashes Are Covered In Bugs

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Tiny mites actually eat the dead skin which falls from your eyes, and they call your eyelashes home. These mites are microscopic, so you cant actually see them, and they are so small that you cant feel them. Still, it is nice to know you have lots of little pets...
Some Fish Have Human Teeth

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One of the more disturbing discoveries from the depths of the ocean is a fish.... with human teeth. The new species of fish was discovered recently, and shocked fishermen who found it sporting a pretty impressive set of human gnashers. How weird is that?
Some People Don't Sleep For Months

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Some forms of insomnia can lead to the sufferer to not sleep for months on end. This is of course hell for the person with insomnia, and whats worse is that it can come and go to anyone. One day you could be fine, the next you wont be sleeping for almost a year.
Children Hear Voices

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Many children report to their parents that they hear voices. Parents are often quick to dismiss this, until the children tell them something they could not have possibly known. This terrifying trait often subsides a little as children age, but is still pretty spooky.
Makeup Contains Lead

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In the 18th century, many men and women from wealthy backgrounds liked to wear makeup to make them look as pale as possible. In order to get the desired effect, the makeup was laced with lead, which is of course deadly and horrible for your skin as well.
Locked In Syndrome

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Locked in syndrome can happen to anyone in a coma, and is more common than you might think. Over 50% of people in a coma recall hearing voices and being aware of their surrounding, even feeling immense pain after an accident and not being able to beg for help.
A Headless Chicken Lived For 18 Months

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A headless chicken named Mike lived for 18 months after being decapitated. This happened because the farmer who cut off his head missed his spinal cord, and the same thing actually happened frequently to humans when executions were a common punishment.
Your Mug Has Poop On It

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Just like your mobile phone, your favorite mug definitely has particles of poop on it. Your morning coffee may be a little darker than you expect due to airborne particles, as well as particles that get transferred from unclean hands onto your kitchen surfaces.
Murder Hornets Live In Your Roof

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Murder hornets are like wasps on steroids. Murder hornets are more than 10 times bigger than a normal bee, and can take out entire hives just on their own. They get their name from the super painful sting, and they love to live in a nice warm roof space.
The Disturbing Mutter Museum

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The Mutter museum is one of the worlds most fascinating museums, as it is home to several human mutations from history. In this museum, you can see how a tumor or gunshot affects a human skull, how conjoined twins are born and even how the elephant man lived.
There Are Hundreds Of Bodies On Everest

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On Mount Everest, there are hundred of dead bodies. Many people die up their due to the extreme cold, and rapidly changing weather conditions. Due to the cold and lack of oxygen, the bodies can not be recovered, so they stay up there preserved by the cold forever.
Pets Will Eat Us When We Die

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There have been hundred of accounts of pet cats and dogs eating their owners when they die. The pet obviously isn't being fed anymore if their owner is dead, resulting in them eating the owners body to stay alive. Weirdly, they always eat the face first!
Vampires Are Real

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Twilight was actually a documentary? Well, not really, but vampire moths are real. They get their name as they suck the blood of animals and humans under the cover of darkness. They also have some pretty mean fangs, and look quite devilish at nighttime.
People Used Skulls As Cups

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Before we could grab a cup from the grocery store or just out of the cupboard, people used to use the skulls of dead relatives to drink from. Heads were hollowed out, and the skull was broken to make a nice cup to hold mead or ale. Kings even used the skulls of enemy's.
You Shed 40lb's Of Skin

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Over the course of your lifetime, you will shed over 40lb of skin. The skin flakes off naturally every single day, and does not normally cause pain.Of course, sometimes we loose a large chunk of skin in an accident, but most of the skin comes off easy.
Safety Coffins Are Real

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Even today, many people are concerned about being buried alive. To combat this fear, some coffin companies put a bell on the outside of the coffin which can be operated by the person inside. This was brought into popularity after the plague hit Europe.
Pigs Will Eat A Body

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Pigs will eat almost anything, including a dead body. Numerous murder suspects have been caught in the act of disposing a body by feeding the victim to pigs. This is actually one of the best ways to dispose of a body, as it is almost impossible to trace the person.