Tom Holland - Harry Potter

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Tom Holland has been all over our screens lately, in everything from hit Marvel movies to the new Spiderman movie, in which his starred alongside his girlfriend Zendaya. Holland's charming British accent would be familiar to fans but a welcome update.
Millie Bobby Brown - Hermione Granger

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Millie Bobby Brown really hit stardom when she starred alongside her child actor co-stars in the Netflix show Stranger Things. Millie Bobby Brown would be a great reincarnation of Hermione Granger, and would fit right in to the Hogwarts wizardry universe.
Thomas Brodie-Sangster - Ron Weasley

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Although he does not sport the signature ginger mop of hair, Thomas Brodie-Sangster would be the perfect replacement for the iconic character played by Rupert Grint. Brodie-Sangster has always had a baby face, so would be able to play the role for years.
Cole Sprouse - Draco Malfoy

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After rising to fame on the Disney channel, Cole Sprouse, alongside his brother, was on all of our television screens almost daily. He would make the perfect Draco Malfoy replacement, as his piercing eyes are spot on for getting across the Slytherin style.
Jenna Ortega - Bellatrix Lestrange

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Another star of the Disney Channel is Jenna Ortega. More recently, she undertook the role of Wednesday Addams in the Netflix show Wednesday. Jenna nailed the spooky role, making her the only candidate to play the role of the mischievous Bellatrix Lestrange.
Timothee Chalamet - Voldemort

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Timothee Chalamet is know for that sharp, angular jawline. It is what attracts most people to him, but could also be used to strike fear into our hearts. Can you imagine how scary Chalamet would look if he was made up to look like the dark lord himself, Voldemort?
Samuel L Jackson - Professor Snape

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Some pretty formidable characters have been played by the iconic Samuel L Jackson in the past. Now, as he gracefully steps into the older among the Hollywood stars, he would be the perfect man for the job to play the daunting role of Professor Snape!
Sandra Bullock - Professor McGonagall

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There seems to be no replacement for the exceptional job done by the original person cast for this job, Maggie Smith. Sandra Bullock seems the only person fit to take over the job, as she has received numerous awards for both her acting and her producing.
Finn Wolfhard - Neville Longbottom

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Yet another star of Stranger Things is Finn Wolfhard. The character Neville Longbottom was made out to be a little overweight and dorky, but Finn could take the role in a new direction and have Nevllie the target of bullying for the opposite reasoning.
Margot Robbie - Ginny Weasley

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Recent star of the new Barbie movie, Margot Robbie would make a perfect addition into Hogwarts if she played the role of Ginny Weasley, sister of Ron Weasley. Margot would of course need to affect a British accent, but i'm sure she can manage this task.
Morgan Freeman - Professor Albus

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Professor Albus is a character we all know thanks to his voice that demands attention. Who else has a more recognizable tone than Morgan Freeman, an actor whose voice was literally used to play the voice of God. He seems like the perfect fit for the role.
Jennifer Lawrence - Luna Lovegood

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Jennifer Lawrence has been on our screens, both on TV and in movies for decades now. She would make the perfect Luna Lovegood, and would look like a little bit of a more grown up version than the iconic character, who was originally played by Evanna Lynch.
Shaquille O'Neal - Hagrid

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Hagrid is known on site thanks to his larger stature and his bubbly personality. If a remake of the movies was just based on personality and height, then Shaquille O'Neal would be the only man to play the role of Hagrid, and i think he would do a great job!
Penn Badgley - Dean Thomas

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Penn Badgley has been imprinted in our mind as a bit of a creep thanks to his amazing work on the hit Netflix show, You. Deep down, we all know that Penn is a really nice guy, which would make him the ideal person to be in charge of the Hogwarts School!
Freddie Highmore - Dudley Dursley

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Who else could play a Dursley buy Freddie Highmore. We have already seen his skills as a fantastic surgeon on show, The Good Doctor, so now it might be the best time to see how he shapes up as a Wizard. This could end up becoming a great career move for Highmore.
Johnny Depp - Sirius Black

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From Captain Jack Sparrow to Willy Wonka, the characters played by Johnny Depp have always had a slight undertone of a father figure. This caring and compassionate attitude would make him the perfect person to Godfather to our protagonist and star, Harry Potter.
Liam Hemsworth - Cedric Diggory

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Cedric Diggory tends to rely on his reputation to do the talking rather than his physical attributes or wizarding skills. Liam Hemsworth could bring a bit of muscle to the role, making him a more well rounded character which could bring a new plot to the story.
Peter Dinklage - Professor Filius

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Professor Filius was originally played by Warwick Davies, and to keep the role familiar looking Peter Dinklage would make a good addition onto the set. He has already shown the world his prowess as an actor thanks to his role in HBO show Game Of Thrones.
Tom Hanks - Argus Filch

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The loveable character or Argus Filch could only be played by Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks has been a standalone star for generations now, and he would be more than capable of filling the boots of previous actor to play the role of Argus Filch, David Bradley.
Channing Tatum - George Weasley

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The Weasley brothers are known for being cunning pranksters, and not really known for their muscle. Why not change up the role and make one of the brothers Channing Tatum? He is still known to be cheeky, but he has the arms to back up his brothers. I don't think anyone would complain!
Zac Efron - Fred Weasley

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If Channing Tatum were to play one of the Weasley brothers, then the other twin needs to be just as cheeky and just as muscular. Who else would be right for the role other than Zac Efron. Zac hasn't been on our screens as much lately, so this could be a good move.
Tom Hardy - Seamus Finigan

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Seamus Finigan doubted Harry upon his arrival at Hogwarts, but soon learned of Harry's amazing natural powers. The role could be best played by an actor like Tom Hardy, who is known for his skill at playing more tricky and nuanced roles. This could be a great match.
Christian Bale - Arthur Weasley

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Christian Bale might be the perfect cast for the head of the Weasley family clan. The role will need to be undertaken by someone with a strong personality who also has the ability to put all others before themselves, meaning Bale would be a great fit.
George Clooney - Remus Lupin

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Our defense against the dark arts professor needs to be someone who is calm in the face of danger and able to pass on their wealth of knowledge. George Clooney is known to be ice cool, and would make the ideal teacher to help the students of Hogwarts.
Jennifer Aniston - Sybil Trelawney

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Sybil Trelawney is known for a couple of things, her iconic frizzy hair and thick jam jar glasses. Jennifer Aniston does not normally spring to mind for a role like this, as she normally plays more glamorous characters, but it would be great to see her in this role.
John Faverau - Alastor Moody

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Thanks to his signature wandering eye, the face of Alastor Moody has been burnt into all of our memories. Who else would play this charismatic cast member but John Faverau, known for his role as the big main character in lots of well renowned movies.
Cameron Diaz - Dolores Umbridge

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Half-blood witch and a British Ministry of Magic bureaucrat Dolores Umbridge is the thorn in the side of the entire Hogwarts school. Having previously played teachers in other films, who else could don the signature pink jacket but actress Cameron Diaz?
Kevin Hart - Garrick Ollivander

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Travel down to Diagon Alley and you may well just bump into the knowledgeable Garrick Ollivander. This is unlike any role ever played by Kevin Hart, but he would be able to put his own spin on the character and really take it into his own hands well.
Kate Winslet - Pamona Sprout

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Pamona Sprout is known to pull no punches, and thanks to her signature British accent Kate Winslet would fit this role perfectly. Kate would really be able to get the character across in a new way, with a subtle nod back to the original Pamona Sprout.
Snoop Dogg - Harry Potter

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Okay, so Tom Holland would make a great fit for the character of Harry Potter, and of course Daniel Radcliffe did a great job when he first started playing this role. I know it would be ridiculous, but wouldn't it be great to see rapper Snoop Dogg in a wizard robe?