1. Oily Fish, Like Salmon And Sardines

image source: reddit.com
One of the most talked about foods for brain health has to be fish - and oily fish at that. The Omega-3 Fatty Acids are very important for brain health (and overall health). If you don't eat fish, this can be why Omega-3 vitamin supplements are key for your diet, to make sure you're still getting the good stuff for your brain!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Whole Grains

image source: reddit.com
Making a switch from white to whole grain has a host of health benefits, with brain health and memory being just one of them. Making sure you have whole grains like brown bread, brown rice and brown pasta means you can benefit from the perks they'll have for your memory!
3. Eggs

image source: reddit.com
Eggs are packed full of vitamins and minerals which are good for your brain power and memory. It's a great source of Vitamin B, and so easy to have in your diet with many ways you can cook eggs, and a fast cooking time for those on-the-go. It's these B vitamins in particular that your brain will thank you for!
4. Berries

image source: reddit.com
There have been a few studies into how berries can effect the brain, and eating more berries has been linked to improved memory in women. Berries have a lot of great vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C, which will help your overall health as well as your brain.
5. Green Tea

image source: reddit.com
You've probably already heard of the wonders of green tea for your health - and your gut - and it's actually the Chinese who believe that green tea is a powerful ingredient for good memory! Green tea is packed full of antioxidants which could have a host of great benefits for your body and brain.
6. Almonds

image source: reddit.com
Nuts in general are great options for a healthy diet, with benefits for your body and brain. So if you're having any kind of nuts, it's bound to be a good thing. Almonds in particular have a good offering of vitamin E, which has been known to 'clean up' brain health.
7. Quinoa

image source: reddit.com
Quinoa is a great addition to a healthy diet focusing on fiber, and a good option for vegans and vegetarians! Quinoa is a fantastic source of iron, which is really important in your diet for boosting healthy blood flow, which of course keeps your brain oxygenated and working smoothly!
8. Dark Chocolate

image source: reddit.com
If you're a chocolate fan, you may feel guilty every time you eat a bar (or two), and even though we know dark chocolate is the healthiest, some people do think it tastes the worst, sadly. But dark chocolate is full of anti-oxidants, which is good news for your brain!
9. Pomegranate Juice

image source: reddit.com
Your day wouldn't be complete without some sort of healthy fruit juice in it! So why not let it be pomegranate juice? Pomegranates are full of anti-oxidants, and while you can eat them as they are, it's a little trickier to avoid the seeds, so ready-made juice is an easy option!
10. Avocados

image source: reddit.com
We don't need to tell you about the health benefits of avocados, seeing as they're all over every single influencers Instagram page! But it's not just a fad, because avocados do have important health benefits. With their high vitamin and mineral content, high Omega-3 fatty acid for brain power and low cholesterol, they're a perfect option!
11. Coconut Oil

image source: reddit.com
There are many benefits of coconut oil, but we're not talking about putting it on your hair and skin here. Coconut oil can be used in cooking as a healthy replacement for olive oil, butter or cheese, and it can help to increase blood circulation to the brain. There have also been studies into coconut oil reducing the risk of dementia.
12. Legumes

image source: reddit.com
Legumes are one of those veggies that you may feel 'meh' about taste wise, but can't deny their health benefits. All the stuff that tastes bad is good for you at the end of the day, right? Legumes contain complex carbs which can help with brain power, and perfect coupled with beans...
13. Beans

image source: reddit.com
Speaking of! Beans are a great source of protein, fibre and complex carbohydrate, making them a diet staple for meat-eaters and veggies alike. The carbs allow for a slower release of glucose in the bloodstream, as well as giving a healthy dose of B vitamins - all good news for the brain!
14. Broccoli

image source: reddit.com
Broccoli is one of those green food items you'd likely avoid as a kid - but realise how good for you they actually are as an adult. It's a super food when it comes to your overall health, but particularly your brain - that's because broccoli is packed full of everything you need for good brain function.
15. Chia

image source: reddit.com
Chia seeds are something you can so easily sprinkle into any meal - or just eat as they are - and reap the health benefits. Like other seeds and nuts, they're packed full of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which - as we've mentioned - are super duper for your brain power! They also have a ton of other nutrients.
16. Red Cabbage

image source: reddit.com
Cabbage is a vegetable that's very good for you, even though it might not be globally appealing. Red cabbage can be a little more tolerable than any other type, and it's a good idea to give it a go because it's packed full of antioxidants that can help your health and brain power.
17. Rosemary

image source: reddit.com
The benefits of rosemary for your brain are so powerful that there have been studies suggesting that even just sniffing this herb and breathing it in can help your brain! So make sure you have a batch to sprinkle on your food and enjoy benefits that include anti-oxidants.
18. Spinach

image source: reddit.com
There's a reason Popeye ate so much, after all. Spinach is yet another leafy green vegetable that can do your brain a whole lot of favors. Studies have shown that people who don't eat spinach are more at risk of memory loss and dementia than people who do.
19. Sunflower Seeds

image source: reddit.com
A pack of sunflower seeds is easy to buy and carry around with you for healthy snacking, or to mix in with your meals! Sunflower seeds are full of great stuff for your brain, including B vitamins, proteins and those Omega-3 Fatty Acids that your brain will thank you for.
20. Tomatoes

image source: reddit.com
Lycopene is an antioxidant found in many different foods, but it's found in high amounts in tomatoes. This particular antioxidant has been linked with improved memory function (and it's also a great mood booster, so always a plus!). Tomatoes can easily be added to most recipes!
21. Walnuts

image source: reddit.com
Walnuts are great brain-boosting foods that can easily be eaten as snacks. They can help give your working memory a good ol' boost, and can help to improve your brain power in general. Walnuts include antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids, so you know you're always getting the good stuff!
22. Peanut Butter

image source: reddit.com
When you're trying to plan a healthy diet, you might never have thought a jar of peanut butter would be classed as a pro for your health! But actually, peanut butter is full of good fat rather than bad fat. It provides a lot of the good fatty acids that you can also find in oily fish.
23. Ginger

image source: reddit.com
Ginger is a huge source of antioxidants which are going to benefit your brain. The great thing about ginger is that you can incorporate it into your diet in many ways, to give your brain a boost. You can drink ginger tea, or you can use ginger root to include in healthy recipes!
24. Red Wine

image source: reddit.com
You might be surprised to learn that we're plugging alcohol for a healthy brain, but bear with us here! Red wine - in moderation and not on a weekend binge - has actually been shown to boost memory and brain performance. So as long as you're careful with your intake, you don't have to feel guilty about drinking it!
25. Ginkgo

image source: reddit.com
Have you ever heard of this herb before? Well now's the time to learn about it if you want to help your brain power out! It's actually known as the 'brain herb' because of its abilities to stimulate the brain. It can also help with unhealthy cholesterol buildup that can block your brain.
26. Beets

image source: reddit.com
You can't beat beets when it comes to giving your brain a helping hand. Brain memory and performance can be improved by beets because of the high level of nitrate in this food - nitrates can help the blood vessels to function more healthily, so your brain gets an increased supply of blood flow!
27. Turkey

image source: reddit.com
You don't need to wait for Thanksgiving to have this healthy, brain boosting meat! Turkey has a high content of a particular amino acid called L-tyrosine, which is then converted to dopamine - and dopamine is that feel good factor that can improve mood and help your brain to perform better!
28. Shrimp

image source: reddit.com
If you're a fish and seafood lover, then you'll want to make sure you're also getting shrimp in your diet as well as oily fish. Shrimp is a great detox food for your brain to help its capabilities. It can also help your brain's learning capacity, due to the high amount of healthy fatty acids and antioxidants.
29. Mushrooms

image source: reddit.com
Mushrooms are a great food stuff, and especially for vegetarians looking for a healthy meal choice. Mushrooms are packed full of antioxidants, which is excellent news for your brain power, and for your health. Doesn't matter how you cook them, you'll still get the benefits!
30. Anything Packed With B Vitamins!

image source: reddit.com
B vitamins are essential for making sure that your body is able to function how it should, and that includes your brain and memory! Take the time to research some foods that have a high vitamin B count (like leafy green veg) or make sure you're taking vitamin B supplements if you need to.
31. Foods That Will Improve Your Eyesight! Carrots

image source: reddit.com
Carrots are probably the number one veggie that people think of when it comes to eyesight - did you ever get told as a kid that they'll help you see in the dark? Carrots are packed with vitamin A, which is a key vitamin for eye health - amongst other health benefits!
32. Sweet Potatoes

image source: reddit.com
Any orange colored fruit or veg is going to be a bonus for your eyesight, so that's a good way to remember it! Sweet potatoes are also great for healthy vision. Sweet potatoes actually provide even more vitamin A than carrots do, so you definitely should include these in your diet!
33. Apricots

image source: reddit.com
Another orange fruit, apricots are ideal for snacking, healthy lunches and good eyesight! They also include the vitamin A, which is not only good for your vision being in working order, but it also benefits you're whole immune system, too - so you could be feeling better, as well as being able to see yourself feeling better in the mirror!
34. Fatty Fish

image source: reddit.com
Fatty fish are just a good all rounder, to be honest - we mentioned they're great for your memory and brain power, but did you know they're also great for healthy vision? Fatty fish, like trout, mackerel and sardines, are packed full of omega-3 fatty acids - and the area in your eye near your retina needs a particular type of fatty acid.
35. Eggs

image source: reddit.com
Sure, they look like two eyes if you make them sunny side up, but they also actually do help your eyesight, too! Eggs are loaded with vitamins and amino acids, and all of these will keep your eyes healthy. To reap the benefits, it can be good to have two eggs at once for a healthy dose - however you'd like to cook them!
36. Spinach

image source: reddit.com
Spinach is a staple meal option, especially for vegetarians and vegans, and it's also good news for your eye health. Spinach is so easy to include in pretty much any recipe - just dump it in the pan! Spinach is full of vitamins A, E, B, C and the minerals zinc and iron.
37. Dairy Products

image source: reddit.com
If you're not a vegan, then standard milks, yogurts, cheese and other dairy products can be great for your eyes. If you're a vegan, you'll need to look for dairy alternatives which are packed with the same vitamins! Milk and yoghurt include calcium, vitamin A and zinc.
38. Nuts

image source: reddit.com
Nuts are a great healthy snack, and you can also chuck them in the frying pan of whatever you're making that day. They're also great supporters of healthy eyesight! They have healthy fats in them, and also vitamin E. Studies have shown that vitamin E could help to reduce risks of cataracts in older people.
39. Kale

image source: reddit.com
Kale is like the best friend of spinach - you can either have one or the other, or pair them together! Which do you prefer? Kale is loaded with all the same vitamins and minerals as spinach is, which is great news for your eye health. The lutein in kale helps defend against age-related cataracts.
40. Whole Grains

image source: thefreshloaf.com
If you've been keeping track of healthy eating tips, then you'll already know that whole grain is the recommended alternative for a lot of reasons - but did you know it also applies to eye health? Whole grains include zinc and vitamin E, which are two important ingredients for good eyesight.
41. Oysters

image source: reddit.com
Oysters aren't just an aphrodisiac you know! Oysters are chock-full of zinc, which is there to help improve eye health. And, as we know, fish contains those all important fatty acids, and shellfish is no different - so these are a good option if you don't like fatty fish like salmon.
42. Red Bell Peppers

image source: reddit.com
Although the green peppers are the best in terms of how long they keep, red peppers are actually the best option for eye health benefits. That's because red bell peppers are full of the vitamins A, E and C, which all protect eye health. These peppers also have lutein, which helps fight against cataracts.
43. Broccoli

image source: reddit.com
Another healthy eating staple, broccoli can also help for better eye health! Just like bell peppers, broccoli has those all-important vitamins A, C and E, as well as lutein, which means it supports good vision and also protects against any age-related degenerative eye conditions.
44. Citrus Fruits

image source: reddit.com
Citrus fruits - like those trusty lemons and oranges - are loaded with vitamin C. As well as having numerous other health benefits, vitamin C is actually very helpful for good eye health! Vitamin C can help to protect the blood vessels in your eyes, as well as sweep out toxins.
45. Sunflower Seeds

image source: reddit.com
We know by now that snacking on seeds and nuts is a great healthy option compared to chocolate and cakes (unfortunately) but sunflower seeds in particular are a great option if you're looking (scuse the pun) for healthy eyes. The good stuff in these seeds helps to reduce inflammation and flush out toxins.
46. Beans And Legumes

image source: reddit.com
Beans and legumes are a great supply of zinc and something called bioflavonoids, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and to enhance the properties of vitamin C. This means consuming a healthy dose of beans and legumes will help to prevent things like cataracts.
47. Purple Sweet Potato

image source: reddit.com
Did you think sweet potato only came in orange? Don't be deterred if you can only find purple sweet potatoes at your local store! These are still ideal for good eye health. They still contain lutein and antioxidants which can help to keep your eyes away from toxins.
48. Turkey

image source: reddit.com
If you're a meat eater, then turkey is one of the best meats you can eat in regard to your eye health - so make sure you're not saving it just for Thanksgiving! Turkey is in high supply of zinc, which is great news for your eyes and body. It also helps with the creation of melanin, which can help protect your eyes from UV damage.
49. Tofu

image source: reddit.com
Tofu is a go-to for most vegetarians and vegans, and the good news is it can also help your eyes stay healthy as well as be a great source of protein. Firm tofu contains zinc, omega-3, amino acids and selenium, and the soy will be a good dose of vitamin E, too!
50. Oatmeal And Fortified Breakfast Cereal

image source: reddit.com
Fortified breakfast cereals will be packed with good stuff that you need, so if you're eating a bowl of cereal or oatmeal every day, you're doing your eyes a favor. You can reap the benefits of whole grain breakfast cereals, as well as pairing your oatmeal/cereal with other things like seeds, nuts and berries on this list to give your eye health more of a boost!