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The mighty jaguar is one of most well known and popular felines in the animal kingdom. These truly frightening and deadly creatures have the strongest bites of all felines. With their spotted look some people often mistake these wonderful animals for leopards but these great predators, unlike leopards, are found in South American more specifically in rainforests. Jaguars are incredible predators who hunt all kinds of animals such as monkeys and deer, as well as aquatic animals due to their great ability to move in water.Original content sourced from

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Coming in as one of the most well known and the fastest deadly cats on this list the cheetah is animal that is primed to kill prey at ease. These cats have one of the fasts working metabolisms and uses this to great effect as they use their stored energy incredibly efficiently. The Cheetah can reach staggering top speeds of around 80 miles per hour and can reach 60 miles per hour in just three seconds! This blistering speed means that they can easily out run their prey and take them down with ease making them a top predator.

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This fierce looking cat is a real danger in its environment. Using its cunning skills and graceful agility the leopard is well known for its ability to dominate its domain and poach prey from other deadly animals such as hyenas and lions. One of the leopards greatest advantages is its superior ability to climb trees which means they can take the spoils of their hunt to the high terrain unchallenged by other predators meaning they can enjoy their food in peace. These cats are not the biggest but they are definitely very deadly.
African Lion

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Arguably the proudest and most respected deadly cat on this list the lion is very dangerous and vicious cat. The lion is a very powerful and skilled hunter which makes it a real threat to the prey living in the savannah. But the big factor that makes the lion most deadly is that it has a large pack mentality as when they are in need of food they hunt as a pride. They are also very cunning and slick when it comes to hunting using strategies such as stalking their prey and hiding in the bush so that they can ambush their prey.
Snow Leopard

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These truly breath taking felines are most frequently located in the mountain ranges of Central Asia. Due to how well climatized to their environment they are they are often hard to find in the wild and makes them one of the most elusive felines on the planet. These powerful creatures use their thick white coat to blend into the snow and can grow up to 8 feet. These truly dominate cats typically hunt smaller animals such as goats and sheep but if they feel threatened or are desperate for food they will tackle larger animals.
Bengal Tiger

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One of the most well known and popular large cats on the planet the tiger is very well known and the Bengal tiger is one of the most common but deadly breeds of the species. Often compared to the lion because of its immense size and great power but the this cunning creature also comes with the added bonus of have great climbing skills and intelligent hunting abilities. Due to their daunting presence and deadly nature the tiger is a threat to not only prey but also to other predators are threatened of this territorial animal.

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Another cat that is known more for their agility and speed rather than their brute force. These very majestic cats are know more as ambush predators that like to take their time to sneak up on their prey with slight movements before finding the perfect moment to pounce and capture their prey. This patience of this wise cat is one of its most important skill meaning that it is happy to wait as long as they need for the perfect moment to capture their prey. Due to their deadly nature they can be quite competitive with other big cats.
Siberian Tiger

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Another member of the tiger family the Siberian tiger shares many of the same qualities as the bengal tiger remaining one of the most deadly and powerful animals in their habitat and are often even considered the most powerful species of tiger. These tigers are native to Russia as well as the Northeast of China and same parts of North Korea. Despite being a very dangerous and feared predator the Siberian tiger can find itself prey to other fierce animals such as large bears which are know to catch and kill young tiger cubs.

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The bobcat is one of the smaller cats on this list but that does not mean that this innovative and creative creature is certainly one of the most deadliest cats that you can encounter on this planet. These wonderful animals only weigh around forty pounds and are often known as a greater danger to domestic animals such as dogs, cats and other pets but also a great threat to human life. Know to most commonly occupy North America the bobcat strikes fears into many Americans. Due to the mass fear they create amongst humans they are definitely considered very deadly.
Clouded Leopard

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The clouded leopard is a truly breathtaking animal that is most commonly found in the dense forests of South Asia and China as well as in the Himalayas. These ferocious animals hunt many different kinds of prey like primates such as gibbons, macaques as well as small deer and boars. They use all of their stealth and agility to track down and stalk their prey, taking their time to find the best opportunity ambush their prey. Once they have captured their prey it only takes one deadly bite to kill them due to the might force of their jaw.
Iberian Lynx

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The Iberian lynx is a very distinctive member of the feline family with its unique head and ear shape. This wonderful cat can be found in the mediterranean woodland and maquis thicket and unlike other cats require a constant and sufficient supply of water. The Iberian lynx is a most deadly predator to rabbits, ducks, small young deer and some small birds. They do not need much food to survive so they may only capture one duck or rabbit per day. These deadly cats are also endangered as they have be known to be hunted by man.

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This youthful looking feline can often be construed as a weaker member of the feline family but the Caracal is known to be incredibly powerful with a wide range of emotions which can cause this particular cat to become hostile at a moments notice. This brilliant feline can be very intense and intimidating due to power but also due to the very distinctive hissing sound they produce. The caracal attacks prey such as birds, rodents and other small mammals. Due to this it is illegal to own a caracal as a pet.
Eurasian Lynx

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Another truly deadly and dangerous cat is the mighty eurasian lynx. This feline can be found all throughout Northern Europe as well as Asia. Their white and grey coat acts as a great camouflage for them in snowy conditions as well as in the rocky conditions of mountain ranges. The eurasian lynx is a very efficient and successful hunter in the wild targeting more common and smaller animals such as foxes, rabbits and hares. These deadly creatures have also been know to attack humans on rare occasions.
Sunda Clouded Leopard

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This very elegant and agile cat spend most of its time roaming different rainforests and climbing trees to find a place to settle and eat the prey that they have captured. The Sunda clouded leopard is know to be from Borneo and Sumatra. This leopard like many other wild cats are endangered and is seeing its population vastly decreases. The Sunda clouded leopard can be distinguished from other leopards due to them being darker and having smaller cloud markings and their paws are paler and almost white in colour.
African Golden Cat

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The African golden cat enjoys spending its time in different rainforests ranging from west to central Africa. Alongside other cats in this list that live in grassland and forests they are endangered due to the increasing amounts of deforestation. This particular cat faces its greatest threat is the people living in the Congo Basin as they would often hunt these cats to for bushmeat. These animals are still quite deadly using their speed and agility to hunt down rodents, birds and even small monkeys and small antelope.
Fishing Cat

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These stealthy and highly athletic felines are great menace to many prey that it encounters. This cat, although small in size, is incredibly dangerous and filled with power and are known to grow up to thirty five pounds. These cats should not be kept as pets due to their displays very erratic behaviour and aggressive nature they can be a real danger to humans. However, this cat is very aptly named as its prey mostly consists of fish due to their great swimming ability as well as small animals such as chickens.
Andean Mountain Cat

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The Andean mountain cat can be recognised as one of the smaller but yet stockier cats which is mostly recognised by its long bushy tail and ash grey fur. The colours of this particular cat will indicate its age displaying smaller and darker markings if it is a young and they become bigger on adults. These cats like some others on the list are endangered and are often hunted for their fur. These angelic and stealthy cats primary prey is the mountain vizcacha as well as water fowl, reptiles, small birds and mammals.

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This very elegant cat has a very majestic and beautiful look but do not let this fool you into thinking this cat is not a very intimidating and deadly member of the feline community. This cat can be most commonly found in Africa and are found in hotter environments such as saharan countries. This cat uses its spotted look to try and blend in and hide in its habitat so that it can capture its prey without a fight. Despite its deadly nature this cat is a protected species and is the only member of the leptailurus genus.
Asiatic Cheetah

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This species of cheetah is one of the most endangered species of cheetah which is native to Iran, it can also be found in the Caspian region, Transcaucasus and northern South Asia. These cats are the quickest and one of the most dangerous animals in their region and prey on all different types of animals such as goiteered gazelles, sheep, goats, chinkara and cape hare. Just like other species of cheetahs the asiatic cheetah uses its stealth and speed to overcome their prey and ensure they cannot escape.
Pampas Cat

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The pampas cat is another feline which is at great risk and considered an endangered species and is on the IUCN Red List. These cats live in scrublands, Forrest's and grasslands in South America. The main risk to these beautiful creatures is deforestation which is set to cause further decline in the pampas population in the future. These cats tend to live up to 16 years. The pampas cats main food source is small animals like rodents, guinea pigs, and due to their incredible ability to climb trees many different species of birds.
African Wildcat

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This cat can grow to around 30 inches in body length and often weigh between six to fourteen pounds making it slightly larger than domestic cats. These cats are native to Africa as well as areas of west and Central Asia. It has also been know for these cats to be sent to specific parts of India and China. The African wildcat prefers to live in very hot environments such as deserts, savannahs and other open terrains such as grass lands and hills. These small powerful creatures are deadly to rodents such as mice, voles and rats.

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This beautiful feline is one of the smaller cats in the world residing from Central and South America. This cat loves to spend time in thriving and illustrious Forrests that are teaming with life. These animals are best known as nocturnal animals who often like to spend their time in solitude amongst the trees. The margay hunts small animals such as squirrels, reptiles and other amphibians as well as eggs that they find in trees. These cats are best known for for being illegally hunted and caused a mass reduction in their population.

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The manual is one of the furriest members of the feline family which makes it incredibly difficult for other mammals to attack it. They also grow to be quite wide ranging from 46cm to 65cm in body length and and a huge 21 to 31cm tail. The manual can be located in areas that consist of hot deserts, rocky mountain ranges and grasslands in many particular countries such as: Turkmenistan, Russia, Nepal, India, Afghanistan and China. They often use caves and crevices for shelter during winters and try and create a den that will support them through the cold weather.
Marbled Cat

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Best known for their black spotted look the marbled cat is most commonly located in Southeast Asia in the vast range of forests and grasslands as well as the eastern parts of the Himalayan mountains. These cats do not grow to be very large and its looks are often resemble that of the a domestic cat. These small deadly animals primarily feed on animals found in trees such as birds, squirrels, fruit bats and rodents. These agile felines also feed on different water features such as fish, lizards and frogs.
Rusty Spotted Cat

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Another cat that can look harmless and rather cute due to it being one of the smallest cats but these looks are quite deceiving. These felines can only be found in the grasslands and moist forests of India or Sri Lanka and are considered as vulnerable due to their limited population. Like many small cats the rusty-spotted cat is an incredibly stealthy and agile feline which allows it to easily access higher terrain through climbing trees. They use these athletic abilities to catch different types of small birds, rodents and reptiles.
Canadian Lynx

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This large fluffy feline is most commonly found in North America in areas such as Canada, Alaska and more northern areas of the continent. This deadly cat is most recognisable for its long and dense coat, its large paws which are perfectly suited to the snowy climate that they live in and their small triangular shaped ears commonly tipped with black fur. These cats who are deadly to the other animals living in their habitat are more frequently feared by humans as they are very hostile animals and very dangerous due to their great climbing and swimming abilities.

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Do not be fooled by the cute look in this small fluffy cats eyes as the oncilla are considered one of the most dangerous cats in the world. These brilliant cats can be found in a vast amount of countries ranging from Central America to Brazil. These cats are more often seen during the night and are very solitary animals with a keen ability for climbing which helps to capture prey such as lizards, birds, and small rodents as, like many cats, it stalks its prey until it finds its prime opportunity to pounce. However, due to deforestation these cats are now endangered.
Domesticated Cat

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With their cute, fuzzy looks and their playful nature the domesticated cat can be construed as quite civilised but they can also be considered quite dangerous or even deadly at times. Due to how trust worthy and appealing they can be quite deceiving however when they manage to be freed of their homes they are often on the hunt looking for different forms of foal such as rodents and birds. They will often walk around their community looking for any live prey that they can find to help fuel their lust for blood.
African Leopard

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This very sinister and frightening looking animal comes in as one of the most deadly cats to be found on the African plain. They are very climatized to their habitats being able to endure the intense heat of Africa. Due to their great power they can take on most animals they encounter include gazelles, zebras and other smaller animals. Their great speed makes them a difficult predator to avoid and leaves the slower animals incredibly vulnerable. Due to their dark skin they are great at hunting during the night.
Pallas's Cat

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The Pallas's cat is a very fury and fluffy feline and has a very cute but fierce look to them. Their fur is the longest and thickest coat of any cat. This firm coat makes it hard for predator to attack the Pallas's and pierce its skin and due to their brilliant protective coat this allows them to opportunity to get closer to their opponents so that they can injure them. This cat is also amongst one of the smallest on the list but is easily distinguishable due to its grey fur and bushy tail and is a wild cat.