Wake Up To Whimpering

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This might not be a noise that anyone wants to get used to, but in some situations it'll have to be just that! Many mornings for a new dog owner will begin with the sound of your dog whimpering, scratching or barking at your door as they try to let you know they're ready for the day.
Letting The Dog In The Yard

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One of the first things you'll do pretty much everyday is open the door to your yard allowing your little four-legged friend (and you if you want) to take in some of that crisp and fresh morning air. You're letting them in to their favourite place to be, the outside, where there's a load of scents and sights for them.
Buying Lots Of Dog Food

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You'll have to get used to trips to the pet store as a new dog owner and you'll have to work out which of the brands and which type of food your dog likes the most. You might be spending a little cash, but you'll want to make sure they're comfortable; you might even get them some treats.
Feeding The Dog

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Yep, you obviously have to feed the little one with the food you go out and buy. Mealtimes, for a dog (and some of us), are some of the most anticipated times of the day and you'll always be greeted by your dogs eager eyes fixated on the bowl and a wagging tail. You'll be amazed at how quickly they gobble it down.
Try To Build A Bond

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You'll want to try and build as strong bond as often as you can with a new dog and pretty much every day you'll realise the connection growing. This can be done by simply spending time with the dog and you might even be able to create some memories that will live with you forever.
Getting Used To Picking Up Poo

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This is probably one of the things you'd want to avoid doing with a new dog, but it's also something you have to get used too. It's not glamorous, but you'll go out in to your yard or on walks with your pooper scooper and reluctantly bag up your little friends poo until you can dispose of it.
Cleaning Up Messes The Dog Has Made

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Unfortunately, when it comes to a new pup, they're always going to be making some form of mess in your home. This might be a toilet incident, but they can also spill things and chew others just to put the cherry on top. Get used to cleaning up after your dogs for the foreseeable.
Introduce It To The Neighbourhood

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W-A-L-K. The one word you can pretty much guarantee will send all dogs absolutely crazy! That just shows how much they enjoy getting out the house, so imagine how it feels for a pup or new dog to explore their new neighbourhood for the first time ever. You're building for the future.
The Dog Pulling On The Leash

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That doesn't necessarily mean that the first few walks will go incredibly smoothly though! On most occasions, your dog will become quite eager when it comes to pulling on the leash. They aren't trying to misbehave here, they're just very excited to get out and explore. They'll learn eventually.
Basic Dog Training

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Every dog owner will go through the early period of trying to train their dog the basics. I'm talking about the simple commands, things like sitting or staying, which can begin to instil good behaviour. And with some time you'll begin to see a gradual understanding incline between the two of you.
Positive Reinforcement With Treats

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Just like us humans, dogs often learn faster when they know they're going to get something beneficial for them at the end. With the temptation of knowing there is a bag of treats for them to get into they'll be much more likely to choose to follow your commands for the future.
Brushing The Dog's Fur

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You might think of this too much, but you'll probably spend a lot of time stroking your dog, so you might as well get a proper brush to do it. Not only will you be helping maintain your dog's coat but you'll also help your little friend chill out and relax as you help soothe them.
Finding Fur Everywhere

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However, with brushing your dog's fur, you'll end up having to clean up after yourself too. Every dog will end up shedding fur as they go, and you'll pretty much start finding stray hairs on everything from clothes to your furniture. You might want to start getting that lint roller out soon.
Work On Crate Training

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If you choose to keep your dog in a crate overnight then it might be quite difficult in the early stages for them. You'll have to help them understand that this is a safe place for them to sleep and try and make them realise it's for comfort and not somewhere you're trying to confine them.
Find Out The Best Diet For The Breed

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I mentioned before that you'll be buying a lot of dog food when you've got a new dog, but you need to make sure that you're picking the right one. You'll be checking all the labels for nutritional values just to make sure that the food offers the best nourishment for their individual needs.
Monitor Water Intake

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You begin treating your dog like a new baby once they come in to your life and one of the many aspects you're always keeping an eye on is their water intake. You'll always be checking the bowl to make sure they always have fresh, clean water in order to keep themselves hydrated.
Playing Fetch

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When you think about playing games with a dog, one of the first ones that always comes to mind is fetch. It might be quite a basic game, but their is an enthusiasm that never waivers from the side of the dog when they know they're going to be getting some exercise and spending time with you.
Meet Other Dogs

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One thing you might want to do when you get a new dog is introduce them to some of the other dogs in your neighbourhood. The best way to do this is by heading to parks where there is a huge community and they might even be able to make a couple of friends (you might too!).
Introduce To Friends And Family

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It isn't just other dogs that your little four-legged friend will need to meet, but also your own friends and family too. You probably never have to be worried as they'll always be excited to go and meet new people. They'll be looking forward to forming bonds with a whole other group of people too.
Check For Signs Of Illness

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You'll become unconsciously worried about your dog even if the dog isn't actually showing any signs of illness. You'll quickly become knowledgeable of the way they act and any slight deviations from this will have you checking for illnesses online or getting worried for what is often no reason at all.
Practice Leaving Home To Prevent Separation Anxiety

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One of the hardest parts of building a relationship with a new pup is having to get them used to you leaving home for work or other necessities. As a new dog owner you might want to start with small trips to the shop and slowly build them up until they're much more comfortable.
Teach Them Proper Etiquette

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Just as you'd begin teaching your child manners early on in life, you'd also be trying to teach the same kinds of things to your dog too. You'll want to stop them jumping on the furniture and barking at people walking past the windows. It might take a while though so be patient.
Let Them Rest

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Amidst all of the very interesting activities your dog will be getting up too, they'll also need to take some periods of rest. They might just need a little nap in the corner of the room or wherever they can put themselves basically. You'll probably enjoy the little periods of rest too.
Take Lots Of Photo's And Videos

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Another way you might treat your new dog similarly to how you'd treat a baby is by taking a load of photo's and videos. You'll always be armed with your phone ready to capture the cutest moments your dog offers and you'll also be able to show them off on your social media pages too.
Attend Training Classes

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If you're struggling to train your dogs well yourself or you don't know what you're doing as a new dog owner then you might choose to attend some classes. In doing so, your dog will be able to quickly learn some obedience and embark (no pun intended) in mastering new commands and how to behave.
Plan Feeding Times

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I already mentioned before that your dog will always be anticipating their meals, so you might want to create a feeding schedule. By doing so you'll have a ritual and your dog will roughly know when they're going to get fed. You're the boss here so make sure it's your decision.
Try Out Different Walking Routes

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Dogs obviously always want to go out and explore, so why not try and take some different routes in each of your walks. Every single path will offer your dog some new scents and signs to enjoy and you might even find something that keeps you just as, or more engaged than your friend.
Enjoy Some Cuddles

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One of the best aspects of having a dog is the love and affection that you'll permanently be being given. Dogs are some of the most cuddly animals and they'll always enjoy nestling up against you. You should always cherish these moments of togetherness that help grow the bond.
Hearing Too Much Barking

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Barking can get quite infuriating, especially if you're not used to hearing it already. New dogs can often bark regularly as they attempt to become accustomed to their home and so they can bark at pretty much everything. It's down to you to work out what it is they're trying to say.
Look For Doggy Day-Care

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For those of you who are often out of the house for long periods of the day it might be worth going out of your way to find a place for your little one to spend the day. There are a load of day care centres out there for dogs so find the right one and let them play whilst you're out earning.