Wall Street's Brokers Make Millions

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The world of stock trading is vastly changing and seriously intense. But job of a stock trader is most commonly known for the great amount of wealth that is associated with the role. Money is the biggest incentive in the world for any job let alone a job that could make your wildest dreams come true in only a few years. If a trader commits to the role and puts in the effort then they will earn enough money to retire at the very young age of 30 leaving you to enjoy a very happy retirement as traders earn on average $250,000 to $500,000.
Stock Trading Is Like Boxing

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The world of work is a constant battle and can be very difficult to tackle. The world of stock trading has been often compared to a very dangerous and difficult fight against some of the worlds best like Mike Tyson. However, in the trading job you cannot see who is throwing the punches which can make it hard to fight against and succeed. Trading is set up this way so that anyone can enter and have the same chance of succeeding as more experienced traders and is meant for those who want to push themselves and truly find a job that challenges them.
Large Profit Margins Are Fake

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As with any job the main goal of stock market trading is to make the most profit as possible and hopefully help those who are successful to become wildly rich. Many different stock market traders may often claim to have made an eighty to ninety percent profit margins to try and entice traders to work for them but this is often a lie. People do this to draw others into buying their stocks. These profit margins may leave traders losing out on profit and not making as much as they expected. American traders often say an 80% profit margin is maximum.
The Market Has No Feelings

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The glorious job of a stock trader is one that many enjoy and one where someone can really thrive. It can take a lot of time and effort to compete with the many millions of people who believe that they can find the one trade that will bring them their great fortune. But this job comes with a large amount of pressure and the market itself comes with its own dangerous and can be an unruly and threatening environment. The market does not care about how educated, responsible or wise you are the market will change at an instance and take your money.
The Different Types Of Brokers

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Being a thriving and successful stock broker can be a challenging but a really rewarding career that comes with a vast amount of financial benefit. The job comes with different roles which can leave people confused as to which type of stock broke you need to contact to get the best deal, which can often lead into brokers hands as it gives them the prime opportunity to deceive and take money from clients. if you select the wrong type of broker then you can end up paying a great amount in brokerage fees and lose out on some profits.
Don't Believe What You Read In The News

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The world of trading and stocks is a constant unknown even to those who are veterans in the field of stock trading as the market is forever changing taking millions of dollars away from any who dared to take it on in mere seconds. The ability to avoid this at times is often inevitable demise and loss of money can be difficult to handle and is often down to people receiving false information about how the market may change. The most common source of wrong information is the news often causing people to make rash decisions of their investments.
Do Not Trade With Stop-Loss

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The use of stop loss is a common feature of the stock trading world and is something that the most deceitful and selfish stock traders may not want you to know about. Stop-loss is the system in place that essentially protects the broker from losing all of their money on one of their trades. It records the amount that you spend when you purchase a stock and will alert you if that stock falls below price and may even cash out on the stock if it is going to lose you all of your money. This protection is something you really should not trade without!
Technical Analysis Isn't Important

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Being a stock trader comes with a great deal of challenges and can really put your mind to the test when you are trying to work so it is highly important that you are very well educated in the technical aspects of the job to help you in your endeavours. But something that experienced traders may not what you to know is that your technical ability isn't the most important attribute of a successful trader. It is more important that a trader has strong money management skills so that they are never in financial danger and understand the psychology around trading.
The Continued Overpriced IPO

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One of the biggest secrets that the stock trading society may not want you to know is the scepticism behind IPOs. An IPO is an Initial Public Offering. This is the process of a stock or a company going from private ownership to public ownership and their is often a lot of notice given in this process. What makes IPOs a bad investment is that although it seem like a good opportunity due to them being presented to the general public with a lot of notice it can cause a lot of people to buy them therefore taking away their value.
The Falls Can Deceive You

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The trade market is one that is constantly changing and does not leave you with any time to think about the trades that you might make, meaning that a trader must completely rely on their gut instinct and react in a split second when an opportunity presents itself. So it is crucial you know what causes changes in the market and a secret that most traders do not want you to know is that when their is a fall in the market it does not money that the stock is plummeting and you're going to lose all of your money it can simply mean someone has sold a small portion of their stocks and is a brief dip.
Trading Brings A Sense Of Independence

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Stock trading comes with a whole host of benefits with the main incentive obviously being the mass amounts of money up for grabs if you are able to find the right trade at the right time. But what stock traders may not want you to know is some of the other benefits that comes with the role such as being able to work by yourself unencumbered by the distractions of others. You can also have the joys of working from wherever you want and be comfortable while you take on the mass terror that is the stock market.
Trading Is a Rollercoaster

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Life as a stock trader is often portrayed as a life of luxury where you make millions upon millions and are able to to whatever you please with your time. Traders are often viewed as overwhelmingly happy people without any worries but this is not always the case. A secret that may put you off seeking a career as a stock broker of Wall Street is that the profession is truly a roller coasters as there will be times where you make large sums of money and encounter great success but there will be many moments where you find yourself at a loss.
It Is Best That You Be Yourself

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When you think of stock trading and life on Wall Street you may often think about looking at the thousands of computer screens that display your trades and entering them in once you have bought them. watching the tv looking at how the market is progressing and finding the rapid changes but this is not all there is to trading. A key part of trading is convincing people to buy certain stocks and ensuring that the customer trusts and believes in you to gain the right stock for there investment so it is important to be yourself to make a connection with them to build that trust.
There Is Endless Amounts Of Work

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When you think about the world of stock trading you often picture people going to work for the usual hectic nine to five shift where people give their all and then when the clock strikes to signal the end of the shift you head home to relax and enjoy some time to yourself. But this is far from the truth and something a stock trader won't want you to know is the work never stops. Due to the unpredictable nature of the stock market, stocks can rise or plummet at anytime without warning so even when you're at home you need to keep a keen eye on the market.
Traders Must Stay Connected

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Life as a stock trader is first and foremost an extremely stressful one filled with endless amounts of work and huge sense of fear surrounding their potential income as the market can change at any given moment and leave many traders to suffer devastating losses. This is why it is important for all stock traders to have continuous and unbreakable connections to the market whether that is through the internet, their phones or even on paper trades. The average trader will have multiple internet providers and computers so that they can always stay alert.
It Takes A Lot Of Commitment

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It is no lie that the world of trading can bring a person endless fortunes and can help them achieve financial stability as well as a wealth of happiness to those who put in the time and dedication to learning the market and becoming very skilled at picking out the right stocks and trades at the perfect moment to receive the best financial agin. But traders may not want to tell you that in order to succeed you must be prepared to commit yourself for a long period of time and put in extremely long and tiring hours in order to gain their desired success.
All Stock Brokers Are Rich

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Through the use of media such as the news continuously reporting on the mass amounts of profits that are being made on stocks and also through the different television shows and movies such as Wolf Of Wall Street it is easy to gain this preconceived assumption that all stock traders are rich and they live grand lives of mass luxury. Well although it may not quite be true to the extent of Jordan Belford rich but most stock traders do receive a large income but it can range from $36,000 a year to more than $208,000 a year in the US.
Stock Brokers Wear A Uniform

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There are many different perceptions of the world of trading and also around what the work place conducts tis like in different trading centres such as Wall Street but one thing they all have in common is the wealth of profits that they produce on a daily basis. Well it is a good thing that they all have profits in common as money is what you'll need to be able to fit the dress code. Yes, a secret that traders keep is there is actually a dress code for trading. Traders are expected to wear formal attire typically in the form of suits.
A Broker Must Beat The Market

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As with any jobs stock trading comes with its difficulties but when it comes to trading they are really up against it. Stock trading is a difficult job to take on due to the ever changing markets and all of the unpredictable external factors that can cause great difficulties for traders. The secret that a lot of stock traders may not want you to learn is that as hard as you may try you may never be able to beat the market and therefore you must be smart with the choices you make and come up with the best mathematical formula to tackle the beast that is the stock market.
All Stockbrokers Work With New York

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When you think about stock trading and stock markets your mind instantly connects it with the infamous Wall Street and more importantly the Big Apple, New York. Therefore, many people in the world gain the false preconception that if you are to make great amounts of money in the world of trading then you must do this from New York. Well there is a secret surrounding trading that counters this argument. You can actually trade from anywhere in the world as long as you have a phone and internet connection, even from your own house.
Traders Are Greatly Happy

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The world of stock trading a very rewarding profession and is a brilliant way for you to try and make a good healthy living that is not hindered by financial woes. Well this is very true if you are looking for the type of life that you see promoted in the iconic movies such as The Wolf Of Wall Street and Trading Places then maybe stock trading is the profession you have been looking for. If you are willing to put in the large amounts of time that you need to be successful then it is likely that you can live a rich and very joyful life in the trade.
Traders Come From Rich Families

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We know that being involved with the stock trade brings you a vast amount of wealth and happiness as well as the very challenging and difficult nature of the role due to its unpredictability and ever changing hours. So because of these difficulties and the perceptions of the people who work in stock trading you expect them to come from rich families who can afford the best possible education so that they can learn how to cope with this treacherous environment. But this is not true you can gain the education you need from any school no matter of your income.
Trading Is Like Betting

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The world of stock trading is one that is forever changing and evolving due to the millions of different external and internal factors that effect the valuation of a stock and its profitability therefore it can be quite unknown as to whether or not you will actually be able to make a profit at all on the trades you are making. So it should not come as a surprise to learnt that on of the biggest secrets that stock traders are keeping from you is that at they do not 100 percent know if they can make profit on your investment and it is almost as uncertain as betting.
Traders Must Cut Bad Trades

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It is no secret as to how difficult it is to become a successful stock trader due to the vast amount of obstacles that a person can face when trying to conduct a trade. It takes a great deal of training and skill to ensure that you are in a position to make the large profits that all stock traders dream of when entering the profession. This is why it is crucial to learn this trader secret. A hidden gem of advice for traders is to know when it is time cut yourself loose from a bad trade before it causes more damage to your profits.
Wall Street Isn't As Crazy As You Think

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Wall Street has always been know as quite the chaotic environment which can be hard for the general public to build a clear idea of what really goes on inside the walls of the infamous trading centre in New York or even in any trading centre across the world. Many imagine that all stock traders must live lives of endless drugs, drinking and extravagant parties like the ones that are presented in movies such as The Wold Of Wall Street. But this is not the case. The majority of stock traders live quite sensible lives and look after themselves so their minds are sharp and ready for work.
Most Traders Are Honest

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There is a certain atmosphere and dark dishonest connotations attached to Wall Street and all stock traders in general due to the continued advertisement of traders fooling clients into invention money into trades that are only beneficial fro the broker and not the individual spending the money. This is further promoted in movies like The Wolf Of Wall Street where the focus is on how brokers trick their clients. But a secret that traders may want more people to know is that most of them are honest hard working people who want what is best for you.
The Best Traders Aren't Based In New York

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When you think of trading you instantly associate it with the world famous trading spot of Wall Street and the overwhelming amount of money and fame that it has brought to the city of New York and has become a sort of unofficial capital of trading for the entire world and this is where most would expect to find the best traders who will make you the most profit. But a secret that Wall Street do not want you to know is that this is not true. You can find a world class trader anywhere in the world as typically they are self employed due to the profits they make.
Liquidity Is Important

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There are many different ways to approach the stock market in order to weed out your competition and increase your own profits so that you can fund the life that is advertised to you through movies and television shows. Well a secret that these traders will not want you to figure out is that liquidation can be a traders best friend. First a trader will force a stocks price down by having smaller traders purchase them and wait until the market is at its most vulnerable and then strike taking as many stocks as possible at a low price and selling them for more.
Buying Too Many Shares Can Be Bad

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The world of trading is one of the most exhilarating and unpredictable jobs you can stake due to the continued unknown factors that effect the prices of stocks and the external factors that cause their prices to rise and fall so rapidly. In the ever changing market that is stock trading a secret that other traders may not want you to know is that it can be risky to purchase too many stocks at one time even if they are at a low prices as there is not grantee that their price will rise and then become profitable therefore you are better off buying smaller amount of shares in more companies.