Dangerous Products Parents Should Think Twice Before Buying

By Nick Hadji 12 months ago

1. Crib bumpers

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Crib bumpers were invented to stop babies from hurting themselves on the hard sides of a crib in case they roll over and bang themselves, particularly their heads. But, crib bumpers turned out to be more dangerous because babies can roll over and can be suffocated by themselves. This has happened several times and they are now deemed unsafe by health professionals.Original content sourced from Femanin.com

2. Button batteries

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Button batteries aren't something you wouldn't buy unless you needed them, but it's definitely something you should think twice about and consider if you REALLY do need them. The size of them is the size of the windpipe of a baby meaning that if a baby puts it in their mouth then they will not be able to breathe and it could lodge itself inside their throat.

3. Balloons

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Balloons may look pretty, but they're something that perhaps you should actually avoid when you have small children. Not only are they super harmful to the environment, but these chemicals from the plastic are also released into the air. And, if a balloon pops and your child swallows the plastic it can become stuck in their throat or inside them if it is ingested.

4. Laundry detergent pods

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Laundry pods may seem to be the parent's dream, making the never-ending washing load just that slight bit easier because all you need to do is to put them straight in. But, they are super toxic and could be fatal if ingested by a child. And although they come with a 'childsafe' lock, sometimes these break or aren't properly attached and the texture and colors can be deceptively attractive to children.

5. Small magnetic toys

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Every child is fascinated by magnetics even though the physics of it goes straight over their head, it feels like an educational toy. But magnets are another super dangerous toy if they are swallowed because they can cause massive internal problems. They are also often small, and a natural instinct of a child is to put things in their mouth. If you buy magnets, get very big ones.

6. Drop-side cribs

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Drop-side cribs seemed to be another creation of convenience for parents. But the consequences were not foreseen when these came into circulation. There have tragically been 32 deaths since 2000 in the USA due to drop-side cribs and babies injuring themselves or suffocating because of them. So, think twice and check safety regulations before buying a crib!

7. Walkers

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Walkers CAN be a great and fun toy for your baby that also helps to teach them to walk more confidently. But often parents use walkers as a diversion so that they can distract their children and keep them entertained whilst they finally get a second to do some of their jobs. But, there have been several terrible accounts of baby injuries or even fatalities when babies have even fallen down the stairs due to being on a walker.

8. Trampolines

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Trampolines similarly can be the most fun toy ever, whilst also being the most unsafe. Just think twice before you purchase and consider if your child is old enough, and whether you will supervise all of the trampolining activities. In the USA the majority of injuries that are suffered by children each and every year are those that happen on the trampoline!

9. Plastic products

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Vintage toys were predominantly wooden, but modern toys started to be churned out in the masses and the majority were plastic. But plastic contains harmful chemicals and it could be considered a health hazard to consistently expose your child to this. Especially considering children naturally taste and chew their toys! Think twice before you buy plastic and try and get wooden toys where you can.

10. Co-sleepers

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Co-sleeping has been happening since the beginning of time. But now, health officials recommend that parents do not co-sleep, due to the number of infant deaths that occurred when a parent would roll onto their baby and they would be suffocated. The rise in the horrific instances, of course, led to information having to change so that co-sleeping and now co-sleepers are not recommended.

11. Flammable pyjamas

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Before you buy your child or baby some pajamas or clothes, double-check that they are quality materials that are made in line with safety concerns. Don't purchase flammable clothes for your children as in the case of an accident it could be fatal. It is always important to consider the materials and the safety of clothing rather than just looking at the appearance or price tag.

12. Toy weapons

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Toy weapons seem harmless and many male children or children, in general, seem to be attracted to toy weapons and so it is hard not to allow them. Or family members will buy them as presents and it's hard to enforce a no-weapon rule. Bot for one, they can be dangerous and make the child play more aggressively. It also isn't good to desensitize your child to weapons.

13. A pacifier

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Pacifiers are named as such for exactly this reason, they pacify children who may be grizzly, crying, or wanting some comfort. It seems like a harmless option to give your baby a pacifier. But actually, they may do more harm than good. Recent research has suggested that children who use pacifiers from being a baby may have more dental problems. Pacifiers used from a young age may actually change the entire formation of the child's mouth.

14. Toys with propellers

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Toys with propellers are much more common now that technology and flying technology are becoming more and more popular. Yet with the rise of propellor toys comes more accidents with children. The was one particular account recently of a child who had to severe damage to his eye after a propellor toy he'd been playing with got to sloe to him and caused a cut.

15. Heavy-lidded storage boxes

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As a parent when you are getting storage boxes, look for the ones with a safe closing feature so that when a child lets go, it closes slowly and cannot land on the child's fingers or injure them in any way. Heavy storage lids are a continuous problem with children who cannot close them properly and end up getting their hands trapped inside causing, in some cases, bad injuries.

16. Toys with strings

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Things like yo-yos are a blast from the past and they have serious nostalgia attached to them, as do other vintage toys. Whilst string is less common in toys today, it does still exist. But it can be dangerous when children get string wrapped around themselves and so as a parent, think twice about toys with string as it could have unforeseen dangers!

17. Lollipops

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Lollipops can be extremely hazardous. They sometimes do not hold to the lollipop stick and can come loose in the child's mouth which can be a choking hazard, especially because of the size and shape of the lolly which is similar to the size and shape of a child's windpipe. It can be a choking hazard so it is always better to opt for a different candy option instead!

18. Sleep positioners

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Sleep positioners were another product created with the mindset of helping baby and parent, they were intended to help your baby sleep safely. Yet after some tragedies where babies had suffocated in the sleep positioner, they are among many products that may sound appealing, however. you should definitely think twice before you consider buying them!

19. Bumbo seats

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Bumbo seats are another thing that as a parent you should think twice about purchasing before you unwillingly put your baby in danger even though all you are trying to do is do your best. In the USA there have been multiple deaths over recent years that have stemmed from babies being in bumbo chairs which has led to a declaration of advice that they should not be purchased.

20. Car seat toys

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Think before buying car seat toys to add to the car seat of your baby. You may think that it is a good idea to be able to keep your baby occupied during car journeys (which can be super hard as parents), but unless they have been released by the car seat company they may not have been tested under several different situations. For example, if they have been sold by the car seat company they are crash tested to check their safety.

21. Crib tents

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Crib tents are put over the crib to help your baby sleep, reduce distraction and create a cozy space while keeping pets or other children out of the way. Yet they are not super safe. In some instances, they have contributed to serious accidents or even fatalities. In some cases, babies have suffocated and they also leave the baby out of sight meaning that when something is wrong it is harder to detect.

22. Sling-style baby carriers

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Sling-style baby carriers have been used for centuries in similar styles. But their popularity has surged in recent years due to their convenience and the fact that a mother can get about their everyday jobs, having two hands-free. But their structure can sometimes mean that the baby isn't in a safe position and their breathing can be inhibited. There have also been accounts where the sling is not secured properly and the baby falls out.

23. Plastic kid's jewelry

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Plastic kid's jewelry seems to attract children on a whole different kind of level. As soon as they see those bright vivid colors and pink sparkling glitter it's all 'Mom can I have one!' But before you give in to their unwavering requests, they are not the safest toy or form of entertainment you could purchase. For one, as we previously mentioned they contain harmful chemicals and plastics, and also they are choking hazards due to the small pieces!

24. Talcum powder

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Talcum powder has been viewed as a baby necessity for decades until the last few years when research suggested that there was a link between using talcum powder and cancer. Now as a parent, you want to avoid buying any product that could be harmful, the problem is knowing what is safe. If you can avoid talcum powder then do, as it isn't really a necessity and there are other ways around it.

25. Super sour/sweet candy

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The candies which a super strong flavor are usually the ones that we should think twice about...what ingredients are actually in these sweets. Sour, sweet, or very brightly colored, strong-flavored candies are probably not the healthiest. In some cases, they are packed full of harmful chemicals and additives which can have a harmful effect on your child. Check the ingredients before you buy them!

26. Marbles/ small games with balls

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Marbles and small balls are always a risk with children as they obviously pose a choking hazard. The best thing to do is actually avoid purchasing these entirely until your child has grown up. They are not worth the risk because all children are compelled naturally to put things in their mouths as a part of the learning process. But putting things like marbles in their mouth could be fatal.

27. Hoverboards

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Hoverboards have actually been banned in some states due to the sheer amounts of accidents. It's not hard to imagine why. A small balancing board that hovers in the air while a child (or adult) balances on it, it was essentially a recipe for disaster but we could see the allure. Despite being banned in some areas this does not mean you can't get hold of them - but seriously think before you do.

28. Shoes with rollers

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You may have heard about the dangers of shoes with rollers in them. And although they were a huge craze and they were super fun, they came with a LOT of accidents. Because they were on the back of the heel, many children fell backward when out of control and it can lead to severe damage including spinal injuries which led to them being deemed unsafe.

29. Super loud toys

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When you buy loud toys for your children your first thought may be that 'these are going to get really annoying very soon'. But what you may not have considered is the fact that it could be damaging your baby's ears or decreasing their sensitivity to sound which may mean that they find it more difficult to tune into more subtle sounds. So consider your child's hearing before purchasing novelty loud toys.

30. Vintage baby equipment

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Vintage is becoming the new modern because there has been a surge in recent years toward wanting everything vintage. And the baby sector is no different. But, be careful when you acquire vintage baby equipment such as cots. Double-check first to be sure that they still fall in line with today's safety guarantees, they may do, however, it's good to be sure so that you don't unwillingly buy unsafe furniture or toys.