Third Wheeling

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It does not matter who you are, where you're from, what you look like, what your star sign is! You've been there, I've been there and we both had absolutely no fun whatsoever. Being the third wheel SUCKS! Oh, look at you two, so loved up.... why did you invite me out again? Yeah this is the worst one, cancel the rest of the list, it doesn't get worse.
Sleeping Alone

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Sleeping on your own does have its benefits i'll admit. You get the whole bed to yourself so you can starfish to your heart's content. You also have spare room to bring a four legged friend into bed for some cuddles. Unfortunately, sleeping alone is quite cold and pretty lonely. Nothing compares to being the big (or little) spoon and drifting off to sleep.

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Okay, pretty obvious, but it's a bit harder to have meaningful romantic relationships if you are single. No one wants to get stuck in a loop of one night stands, and although sometimes you've gotta check your own oil, a romantic fling with a loved partner is just special. We all need that special person we can be intimate with, hang on in there singletons, there's someone for everyone.
Lack Of Touch

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Physical touch like holding hands or linking arms is a physical need for human beings. Since the days of caveman, humans have been neurologically wired to want the touch and feel of another person. Skin on skin contact is very important and the best way to bond, this is the reason that skin to skin contact is recommended between new parents and their babies.

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When you're deep into the single life, managing money is important. Rent is expensive, a food shop requires careful consideration and a night out needs some financial planning. Although you aren't limited by someone else's schedule, you are limited by how much money you bring in as you don't have that dependable person in your life to lend you some cash.

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Laughing is another thing that is deeply imprinted into human beings. Laughing is actually good for our health, both physically and mentally. When you're with a partner, you know what tickles the other, so end up with the giggles frequently. When single, it's hard to get that intimacy other than with friends, or by making yourself laugh. Yeah, not really a well relied upon comedy technique...

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Kids are usually a sign that a relationship was in a good place at one point. Many people decide to have children together as they are sure they want to be with their partner for years to come. Of course, single people can adopt children, but agencies would rather a child go to a two parent household, so this can be a difficult or long winded process for singles.
Moving House

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All the boxes, all that packing. Its enough to give anyone the shudders. Moving house is well renowned for being one of the most stressful things we will ever need to do in our lives. It's costly, time consuming and living out of boxes is miserable. A partner to help you pack stuff up not only helps speed the process along, but it's also nice mentally having someone helping out.
Car Trouble

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Picture the scene, your car breaks down. Who do you call to pick you up? Who is going to take you too and from the mechanics to collect and drop off your car. You can ask friends and family, but we always end up feeling burdensome. Having a loyal partner with their own car is obviously a privileged position, but it's nice to have someone there in this situation.

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Thanksgiving is a great time for family to gather, and for that one specific aunt to peck your head about why you are still single. 'When are you bringing someone to thanksgiving, time isn't slowing down you know'. Shut up. Thanksgiving can be torturous on your own, everyone is drunk enough to think they can get in your business, but not drunk enough to throw up slump in a corner.
Going To The Bar

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Going to the bar with friends is great, sometimes it's even better than going with your partner. However, it's nice to know you have someone to come home to. When you're single, you can often end up bombarded by other singletons who are trying out all their best moves on you. Some bars also tend to harbor creeps, even worse for the single friends among us.

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Going to the movies alone isn't the worst thing in the world, it's always dark in there and if you slip out of the theater first then no one needs to know. Snuggling up on the couch with that certain someone and sticking on a romcom is a perfect way to end the weekend. If you do that when you're single, its normally the perfect way to finish a bottle of wine. Or three.
Doing Dishes

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I am aware that this isn't that bad. No one has died due to a pile up of dirty dishes (that i'm aware of). But it's just such a small irritating thing, you don't want to wash one bowl and one glass, but they also just look stupid and messy in the sink. When friends come round, the level of washing up skyrockets, and it is not a situation you have trained well enough for.
Going For Food

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Grabbing a bite to eat on your own is great to be fair. I love it, the peace and quiet (and sneeky-ness) of getting yourself a big mac behind your partner's back. Bliss. It can be irritating for singles however, as it just becomes an expensive ordeal. paired with the fact that food normally ends up wasted, its just not worth the hassle and cost for the reward.
Bad Relationships

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People normally end up single due to a bad relationship, or fear of being stuck in one. Many single people are at different points in life, making a relationship where both people are just as invested difficult. Bad relationships may also put people off dating altogether, pulling a potential match from the dating pool for a good few years!

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Another perfect way to express love and get some of that much needed physical affirmation is by a hug. Humans have been hugging from day one, be it for love or for warmth. A long embrace is a nice way to show someone how much you love and appreciate them, and it's something that has sadly died down since the Covid 19 pandemic that overtook the world in 2020.
Computer Problems

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What does every relationship have? A spender and a saver? A planner and a spontaneous type? Nope and nope. Every relationship has one person who can seamlessly pair a printer to the computer, and one person who compares the process to major brain surgery combined with rocket science. When searching for a new partner, find one that knows their way around a PC.
Keeping Pets

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Some pets, like fish, are pretty easy to care for. They pretty much look after themselves. However, if you want a more high maintenance pet like a cat or dog, then that extra pair of hands comes in handy. The pet is left alone for less of the time, they can get out for more walks and normally (if they're sneaky) end up getting a few more treats out of it.

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Everyone likes a night at the club. Drinking to excess is of course dangerous and a partner can be by your side to look after you just in case you get in a bit too deep over your head. A good friend is a god send, but your partner is pretty much obliged to hold your hair back whilst you throw up. Gross, but it's part of the package they signed up for!

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Family is a tricky one. Some family members want you to meet someone, others like you being the cool single one. Moms and Dads react differently depending on who you take home, and no matter who you bring through the door, they're getting judged hard from the first second. Families are judgey, but deep down they really want the best for you in the long run.

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Work is another weird one. We've all seen that failed office relationship and how sour and tense it can end up in the office. You don't want that. Lots of people do meet at work, if i can just make one recommendation, try and get some space when you can. Its nice in the beginning working with a partner, but can be grating for the pair of you a few months in.

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A good gym buddy is worth their weight in gold, and a partner who likes the same things as you is normally willing to be that buddy. Even if your partner isn't a fan of the gym, its always good to know that they'll have you some food and fresh clothes ready for when you get home. Going to the gym alone is also kind of daunting, so try and take at least a friend when you can.

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Your partner knows you better than anyone in the world, meaning they normally get you just the right gift. Some certain friends may know you well enough to get you a great gift or throw the perfect surprise party, bit don't get me wrong, it's rare. Being single makes attending birthdays kinda awkward too, unless you get a date for the event, but that can be tricky.

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Ugh, feeling under the weather just sucks. The last thing you want it to be running around, making you own chicken soup and tucking yourself under the covers. When you aren't feeling great, that special someone can really perk you up and getting you back to 100%. On your own, the process can take days and days longer, meaning you end up feeling extra miserable.

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Concerts are one of lives best experiences. There's nothing quite like live music being blasted from a huge speaker stack. Its a great way to spend an evening and it's the perfect excuse to party into the night. Going to a concert solo can feel a little strange, as you often end up surrounded by loved up couples singing their favorite songs in tandem.

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Christmas is arguably the king of the holidays. It's a time for families to gather, which unfortunately leads to probing questions about your private life. Christmas leads to families being squished together, sometimes for days on end and it can lead to a melting pot that eventually erupts. Winter walks with the love of your life are always idyllic, so get partnered up for the holidays.

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A restaurant dining experience is best shared with someone you love. Go Lady and the Tramp style and share some spaghetti with your new interest, or indulge in some aphrodisiac oysters. Eating in a restaurant alone can be quiet empowering, but sharing a conversation over dinner is food for the soul. Why not take someone you like to a place that you love?

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Chores chores chores. They aren't fun but we all do them. With a partner, the two of you can smash out a whole days worth of housework in just a couple of hours. When working on your own, it can take days. The plus side is that living alone means you can keep a lid on your mess, and keep things nice and tidy as you go through the day.
Driving Alone

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A nice romantic drive through the countryside just turns into a bit of a long slog of a drive when you're on your own. Share some car snacks with your chief navigator, or jam out to your favorite tunes. A cross country road trip is best enjoyed with that special someone, where you can experience drive in diners and spectacular views of nature.
Sharing A Playlist

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A bit of a 1908's trick, sharing a curated playlist with somebody you love is always a nice gesture. Being a single Pringle means that you get to make a specially thought up playlist for just one person, yourself. Listening to some tunes on your own is a great way to chill out, and its a nice way to escape from the day to day. Maybe somethings are best enjoyed alone.