Going To Work

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Going to work can cause a little stress and anxiety, especially if the job you are going into a new place of work or a new role. It is totally normal to feel a little overwhelmed at work, and the feelings can grow worse if your job is quite stressful.
Leaving The House

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Just getting yourself out of the door in the morning might seem normal for most people, but for sufferers of anxiety it can be a scary experience. Leaving the house for any reason can be daunting, so try and give yourself an easy routine you can follow.
Practicing Your Food Order

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Anyone who suffers from anxiety knows the feeling of reciting your fast food order before you pull up to the window, gripped by the fear of making a mistake and embarrassing yourself. This is something that is super common and you will do in every restaurant.
Using Public Transport

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Using the public transport network like buses and trams can be a little bit overwhelming, especially if you don't use them on a regular basis. There seem to be a number of unwritten rules when it comes to public transport, so it is something you need to get used to.
Making A Call

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When the phone rings and you don't know who is at the other end of the line, a wave of panic can wash over you. This feeling is super common, and more experienced by the younger generations. Weird, as these are the kids who have been brought up with phones...
Loosing Sleep

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Feelings of anxiousness cause you to lie awake at night, worrying about problems that may not even exist. The lack of sleep can actually contribute to your anxiety and make it worse, so it ends up becoming a never ending cycle of tiredness and mental torment.
Repeating Yourself

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Being asked to repeat yourself when you suffer from anxiety is a nerve racking experience. Even worse is needing to ask someone else to repeat what they have just said. If you don't hear them that second time, then you can't ask again, the awkwardness is too much.
Waiting For Friends

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Waiting for your friends in a public place like outside a building or in the school canteen can feel quite awkward. Deep down you want to stare at your phone and ignore the world around you, but you need to keep you eyes up so you can escape with your friends.
Heading To The Park

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Heading to the park alone can feel a little weird. The park is usually full of families, kids playing and people walking their dogs, so heading their on your own can make you feel like you stand out. If you keep yourself to yourself, then you'll have a great time.
Group Projects

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Heading into a group project is the idea of hell for a lot of people who suffer from anxiety. The group project is the first time that many of us actually realize that we are suffering from anxiety, as the idea of speaking in front of the class is terrifying.
Unread Emails And Messages

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What could be worse than a seemingly never ending task? Tackling your mountain of emails or unopened messages can be a long and boring task, but once everything has been replied to you will end up feeling so much better, like a weight has been lifted.
Speaking To A Mechanic

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Anyone who drives their own car knows this feeling all too well. You need to take your vehicle to a group of people who know everything about it, meanwhile you know nothing. The mechanic might as you seemingly simple questions that you can't answer, so embarrassing!
Bouncing Your Leg

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Ah, the infamous leg bounce. If you have ever noticed that when you take a seat, your leg begins to bounce uncontrollably, then you probably suffer from anxiety. This is a common coping mechanism, and is actually a form of self soothing for many people.
Peeing More Often

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If you are feeling panicked and anxious, then you might actually find yourself experiencing physical symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is needing to pee more often, it is as if your body is trying to get rid of the horrible feelings of anxiety.
Going To School

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You time in school is described by many as the best days of your life, but for a lot of us they can be filled with worry and stress. School is absolutely full of people, and the sheer number of other students can become a little bit too much to handle.
Wearing The Wrong Outfit

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Deciding on your outfit of the day can go one of two ways. Either the outfit is acceptable, or it is the worst thing you have ever put on in your whole entire life. Picking your outfit for the day can be a stressful experience and even induce a panic attack.
Trying To Explain It To People

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If someone know that you suffer from anxiety, then having to explain it to them becomes a painful experience. A lot of people don't understand how anxiety affects us on a daily basis, and offer helpful advice like, 'can't you just not be anxious?'...
Sitting In Traffic

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Nobody enjoys sitting in an endless row of seemingly never ending traffic. The process of sitting there, getting irritated and wound up isn't nice for anyone to have to experience, but it can actually bring on a panic attack if you suffer from anxiety.
Expressing Your Opinion

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Building up the courage to express how you really feel about something can feel like you are being forced to sing on a stage in front of thousands. That is to say, a little bit uncomfortable. In order to help with anxiety, try and be confident in this situation.
Biting Your Nails

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Yet another physical symptom of dealing with anxiety is biting your nails. This is a really common coping mechanism, and a simple way to tell if someone is dealing with some stress and anxiety. This is a super hard habit to break, and normally lasts a lifetime.
Tripping Up

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Tripping up and falling over something like a curb or something on the sidewalk is normal, and it happens to everyone at some point in their lives. However, if you suffer from anxiety the crippling feeling that everyone just saw you fall is horrible.
Making A Mistake

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We are all human, and mistakes are natural, but sometimes they get the better of us. We end up replaying the mistake over and over in our minds, in some cases it eats you up inside. The feeling of guilt can be overwhelming, so try and relax yourself.
Grinding Your Teeth

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If you suffer from stress and anxiety, then you will know the pain of waking up with your jaw aching and your teeth feeling like they are going to fall out of your head. Not only is it painful, grinding your teeth can actually make them brittle and do damage.
Breaking Something

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If you live alone, then breaking something like a glass or a vase is no big deal. When you live with a partner or in a house share, then braking an inanimate object leaves you feeling upset and guilty. These feeling are totally normal, but made worse by anxiety.
Watching The Same TV Show

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If you find yourself watching the same show over and over again, then you may be subconsciously dealing with some form of anxiety. Watching something familiar is a way to cope with the stress of everyday life, and is seen as a sort of safety blanket.
Getting A Call

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We all know the feeling of getting a call you weren't expecting, and wondering what the person could want. If you suffer from anxiety, then answering the phone can become a really big deal. The feelings of worry can overwhelm, to the point you miss the call!
Jumping To Conclusions

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When you are dealing with some severe anxiety, then jumping to conclusions is an everyday occurrence. Usually, you feel like people are against you and things will always go wrong for you. This in turn makes the anxiety worse, and is a tricky cycle to break.
Finding Things To Worry About

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This is a problem especially for anxiety sufferers who live alone. When you live alone or work from home, little problems become huge and it is almost like you try and find things to make problems from. This is a common trait for people who are anxious.
Panic Attacks

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A panic attack can be a consuming experience, leaving you feeling tired, sick and with a sore head. Panic attacks can come on at the drop of a hat, and it is hard to say what can set off a panic attack. There are many ways to deal with panic attacks, like aromatherapy.

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If you are naturally an anxious person, then you are likely to overthink unless you have someone to discuss your problem with. This is a common issue which can lead to a number of further issues, like panic attacks, migraines, nightmares and sleepless nights.