Daily Struggles Only Intelligent People Will Understand

By Rylee 1 year ago

Hate Small Talk

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Intelligent people don’t care about the small details of everyday life. So, small talk is always a part of the day they dread. When that guy at the bus stop says, “Quite the weather, huh?” They never know what to say to kill the conversation without appearing rude.

Overanalyze Things

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In the 2010 movie, “Social Network,” Mark Zuckerberg is portrayed as intelligent and analytical. In one scene, his girlfriend asks him what they should order, and he explains an algorithm he created to determine the best menu. As an intelligent person, you probably obsess over making perfect choices, and you must analyze simple things like what to have for lunch.

Overwhelmed by Expectations

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When everyone in your circle knows you’re intelligent, they always expect you to solve their problems. They’ll come to you with a problem outside your field but expect you to “work your magic!” However, you always make it work, boosting their expectations even further.

Get Bored Quickly

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In the modern world, many intelligent minds find themselves trapped in white-collar jobs. You probably do a repetitive task at work for hours on end. As a result, you get bored easily and crave an intellectual challenge that will keep your brain active.

Correcting People

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When you’re intelligent, you get annoyed when people don’t have their facts right or make grammatical mistakes. It often comes as second nature to tell them, “No. Brazil is not in Asia!” This might portray you as annoying, but deep down, you want everyone to speak correctly and factually.

Hard On Yourself

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Because they are critical, they criticize everything and everyone, including themselves. Even when they achieve a great milestone in everyone else’s eyes, they feel like they could have done something better or differently. It turns them into perfectionists.

Never Fit In

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As an intelligent person, your interests sound weird or boring to everyone else. So you never blend into any group. When everyone else wants to go to the bar for a drink after work, you’d rather be in your house reading a good book. It eventually creates a sense of individualism, allowing you to develop a character and interests.

Few Friends

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You’re very selective about the people you spend time with. You find it hard to hang out with people who don’t challenge you emotionally and intellectually. As a result, you have a small but tight circle of friends that you might keep throughout your life.

Few Hobbies

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Since you don’t hang out with many people, you don’t pick up many hobbies. You don’t like sports, fishing, and other popular activities. Instead, you find one thing you like and turn it into your whole personality. If you like comic books, you have an insane collection of countless action figures and posters. You also attend every related event.

Careful About What You Say

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Their analytical brain enjoys solving problems. They think before speaking. Therefore, they take their time before expressing their opinion, weighing the consequences of their words. You also seem shy to others who say whatever pops up at the top of their heads.

Struggle to Communicate

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As an intelligent person, you might have difficulty explaining things to ordinary people in simple language. You’ll often find yourself using more words than necessary to explain what you consider simple concepts. As a result, you avoid pointless chats and only communicate what you need to.

Don’t Always Welcome Criticism

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Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory is an example of how everyone thinks intelligent people behave. He’s quick to criticize people but never accepts criticism, even when it’s constructive. As an intelligent person, you’re furious when people you consider less intelligent try to correct or criticize you.

Take Too Many Risks

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Your constant thirst for knowledge and new experiences can lead to tempting risks. For example, you’d like to know what’s inside your computer, so you open it without experience repairing it. This results in many losses and accidents in your pursuit of knowledge.

Never Get Your Priorities Right

Image Source: RedditIntelligent people treat everything with equal importance. As a result, you might have difficulty prioritizing tasks when you don’t have enough time to do everything. As a result, you might be hardworking but still miss important deadlines and opportunities.

Feel Misunderstood

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As an intelligent person, you often have abstract opinions and interpretations of the world. It often leads to misunderstandings, especially when discussing sensitive subjects. Therefore, you’re always careful about how your ideas will sound to others.

Managing Emotions

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Most intelligent people have a hard time dealing with complex emotions. A simple setback might make you throw a tantrum and ruin your day. On the other hand, you might also struggle to deal with grief and letting go of loved ones because you’re extremely attached to them.

Hard Time Relaxing

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Do you ever shut your brain off for a weekend and just relax? If not, then you’re probably very intelligent. You are afraid of getting outside your comfort zone. Even when you’ve done everything right, you’ll still obsess over what might go wrong, ruining any chances of relaxing and having fun.

Overwhelmed by Complex Situations

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Since you’re used to having a solution for everything, you’re frustrated by situations beyond your control. You hate running out of options and letting things run their course. It reminds you that you’re only human, and not everything will work out how you want it to.

Don’t Trust People Easily

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Your overanalytical personality never allows you to give new people the benefit of the doubt. You’re always looking out for signs that could prove that this person you just met is untrustworthy. It takes them a long time to find out enough about someone to judge them.

Often in Your Own Head

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People often have to snap you back to reality because you always think of the craziest possibilities. You always fantasize about dramatic outcomes, even in the most boring situations. As a result, you often appear to be in your little world inside your head.

Get Frustrated When You Can’t Learn Something

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As an intelligent person, you impress everyone with how quickly you can learn new things. As a result, you’re always frustrated when you can’t learn something you want fast enough. It’s even worse when people you consider less intelligent learn faster than you.


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Most people consider work a chore and can’t wait to leave the office. But when intelligent people find something they like doing, they go all in. You’ll often leave the workplace later than everyone else and arrive hours earlier. Sometimes, your boss might even have to give you a mandatory vacation.

Your Relationships are Unstable

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It’s difficult to find someone with your unorthodox interests and tastes. When you finally do, one argument over intellectual differences might end the whole relationship! As a result, you’ll go through many relationships, but it will last forever when you finally find the right person.

Workplace decisions

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At work, most people will take orders from their superiors without thinking twice. That’s not the case for you. You always wonder, “How will this decision affect other people?” This might make you unpopular with your seniors at work.

Restless When Idle

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Your brain is always craving a challenge. So you feel restless when you’re forced to relax and do nothing. You always want to be active, which turns you into a workaholic with little social life. As a result, some might view you as snobbish or self-absorbed.

Afraid of Embarrassment

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Since everyone respects you for your intelligence, you have a serious reputation to guard. Therefore, you’re always worried about doing something dumb and losing everyone’s respect. It turns you into an uptight and serious person who never does anything fun.

Often Distracted

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Your curiosity is insatiable, and you’re intrigued by little things that everyone else considers insignificant. For instance, you might watch a horror movie with a friend and spend the whole movie thinking about the impressive cinematography and makeup.

Always Trying to Find Yourself

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You always ask yourself, “Why am I here?” and battle the age-old question of the meaning of life. You’re obsessed with finding your place in society and what you can do to leave a mark. As a result, you might become philanthropic to leave a legacy in the world.

Need to Know Everything

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Your insatiable thirst for knowledge compels you to learn everything about everything. So, you have difficulty balancing the depth and width of your knowledge. For example, you read a lot about computer science but would also like to learn anatomy or geology.

Never Reads Instructions

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You like teasing your brain and forcing it to come up with solutions. So, when you buy that new IKEA desk, you toss the instructions into the garbage and decide to build it like Legos. While this helps you keep your mind active, you take too much time completing simple tasks.