The Constant Fear Of Legal Consequences

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A criminal lifestyle is one that is lived in constant worry and fear of the many different legal consequences that can occur. When you live your life constantly outside of the law it can be very hard to push the thoughts of being arrested out of your head and more so the fear of having to appear in court and try to defend the crimes that you have committed and make the jury believe you.
A Life Of Crime Can Ruin Your Reputation

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There are various different consequences for living a life of crime that affect the way you live but one of the worst consequences is the damage that it does to your reputation. When you pick up a sentence from the court it can be hard to change people's opinions of you and the damage it does to how people view you, which in turn will affect a criminals abilities to get a job or build relationships.
Criminal Life Places A Lot Of Pressure On Loved Ones

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A life of crime is one that holds many different and severe consequences for the person who commits the crimes but we do not often hear about the strain and pressure that this places on the criminals family. When a family member commits a crime it can be hard fro them to deal with this and not turn them in especially when police come and ask them for information or even to testify in court.
Previously Convicted Criminals May Experience Legal Bias

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The validity of the justice system is continuously questioned and there is a lot of pressure on officials to make the correct judgment and maintain neutral in all cases. But this is often viewed as not being the case when previously convicted criminals are involved in the court process. Previous convictions often lead to a criminal facing more severe sentences by a court of law.
Criminals May Face Heavy Financial Instability

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Due to the heavy demands of criminal life and the consequences of a criminals previous actions it can very difficult to gain a good level of financial stability after coming out of a criminal lifestyle. The reason financial stability is hard to come by is that money can be quite inconsistent and is never guaranteed. It can be extremely difficult to get a job if people know of your criminal activity.
You May Experience A Disrupted Family Life

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Family lives are always very difficult due to the many different lives and personalities that are involved in holding a family together and the strength that it takes. Family life is quite important for people to maintain mental and physical health as it offers a safe space but for criminals this is not always the case as it can cause strain in the family as members may not want to associate themselves with a criminal.
There Is A Limit On Their Future Prospects

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A criminal life is one that many always view as altho it can be dangerous it can be quite a treacherous one. Due to the many risks that are involved in a criminal life it can be hard to think about future prospects and build towards them. A criminal record can stop a person from getting a mortgage and even more struggles with trying to gain employment.
A Criminal Life Can Cause Serious Strains On Relationships

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One of the biggest parts of anybody's lives is the relationships that they gain and have through their lives but for a criminal this can be incredibly difficult to build and maintain positive relationships. Due to the high demand on a criminal lifestyle and the unpredictability it can be very dangerous to build personal connections as it may put that person in a lot of danger.
You Will Find It Extremely Hard To Maintain Trust

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The life of a criminal comes with many downfalls and one that is quite hard to take is the ability to maintain trust with the people around you. Due to the uncertain nature of a criminal lifestyle it can be hard to trust the people you work with as you never know if they will keep your secrets or even turn on you whilst engaging with criminal activity or turn you into the authorities.
Criminals Are Often Lacking A Reliable Support System

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Support systems are a very crucial part of all of our lives and help us get through the many difficulties that we face every day but it is not that easy for criminals. Where many of use will turn to partners, friends, families and associates for our support system this isn't not always possible as it is very difficult to trust those around a criminal due to their lifestyle and the fear of being caught.
Criminal Activity Can Stop A Person From Gaining Education

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A life of crime can start at any point and can vary in severity but one thing that young people who adventure into a life of crime has in common is that this can heavily damage the education that they receive. By putting criminal activity first then a young person may not gain valuable knowledge that will help to guide them through their lives and stunt their personal development.
It Can Be Very Difficult To Manage Your Time

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Time management is a skill that we all try to master to ensure that we get the most out of our day as we possibly can. But it can be extremely difficult for a criminal to develop and sustain good time management skills as they can rarely be certain of the time that they have before they may be called to conduct a job and therefore can be hard for them to commit to timings.
Criminals Often Build Unstable Alliances

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The criminal world is a very tentative one and is often unpredictable so it is very important that you are cautious about the people you meet and the people you work with in order to protect yourself. It can be hard to build a good alliance as you never know if a person has your back or is looking to steal your score and betray you. People may build alliances just to gain power from you so be very wary.
There Are Mass Amounts Of Moral Dilemmas

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It can be very very difficult for a criminal to navigate their life and remain mentally stable about the various amount of crimes that they are committing. The life of crime can cause a person to do a lot of different morally challenging tasks such as violence and even murder. These actions can cause a person to question why they are doing these things and if it is the right thing for them to do.
It Can Be Very Hard To Leave Crime Behind

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The life of crime is a hard one to put in a person's past once they have served their sentence and dealt with the consequences of their actions due to the very dangerous nature of the lifestyle. When you try to leave the criminal life behind often people who you engaged with may seek you out to get you to engage with more criminal activity and may even use violence to do draw you in.
A Criminal Life Can Cause A Strained Mental State

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A person's mental state is one of the most important things as this is responsible for out abilities to build relationships and keep our lives running as we would like. But through criminal activity it can be hard to maintain a good mental capacity due to the mass amounts of unknown factors that go with the criminal lifestyle. This often causes people to become unstable and constantly question everything that they do.
A Criminal Can Often Struggle With Substance Abuse

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When you live a life of crime it can be hard to predict what your life will be like, many like to picture and are motivated by the idea of a life with lots of money and freedom to do whatever they want and this idea can often lead to the abuse of different substances. This is common amongst criminals to venture into different drugs as they tend to bring a sense of thrill to their lives and then lead to addiction.
You Feel As Though You Have No Freedom

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The life of a criminal is one that is very uncertain and very hard to predict or even describe at times. But when engaging with criminal activity it can limit the places which you visit and the things that you do due to the fear of being caught. Freedom may also be lost after they have severed their time as people will constantly question them and may not want them to be around.
Criminals Spend Their Days In Constant Fear

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When you have already been convicted of a crime in your life or you have been recently released from prison it can be extremely difficult to not live your free days in constant fear of being tracked by police officers for different crimes that happen around you as well as being caught by other criminals who may feel like you are a rival in their area or ones that you may have been crossed by.
There Is A Large Lack Of Stability With A Criminal Life

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Upon engaging in criminal activities you may have to commit these acts at ay time of day and react to whatever is asked of you or happening around you. Difficult jobs may require you to travel long distances or even continuously move homes. This brings a lack of stability to your life and can be very difficult to keep on top of as well as being unable to build a personal life.
There Is A Constant Pressure On You

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There is a very high demand on criminals when they are out in the world or trying to participate in criminal activities and it can be quite hard to deal with and cause a large build up of pressure. A criminal will feel the constant pressure of possibly being caught by the authorities and then ending up being put in prison. They are also under pressure to succeed in order to live their lives.
You Live With A Constant Sense Of Paranoia

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It can be very difficult living with the constant thoughts and memories of the crimes that you have committed and all of the other criminals and things you have done through your life. You can really struggle after coming out of prison with paranoia and it can cause a lot of mental issues such as fear of the people around you betraying you especially people from your criminal life.
Criminals Face A Large Lack Of Privacy

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Criminals lives are often held under a microscope due to the actions that they are or have committed in their time and this often leads to them feeling as though they have a huge lack of privacy. When a criminal are in prison they often feel as though they have no privacy due to the constant check ups as well as living in cells which allow all around them to view what they are doing.
There Is A Huge Health Risk To Criminal Life

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When you are participating in different criminal activity it can be very difficult not to think about the health risks that come with it. Depending on the level of crime you are committing you may face unknown and dangerous environments and people that could cause very serious health issues. You may also end up in jail and face some truly horrible conditions while in prison.
You May Feel Like You Are Being Isolated

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The life of a criminal can be a difficult one and can cause you to have many different issues in your everyday lives and one of the biggest struggles in life is being isolated. Criminals can often send themselves into isolation because they have built a lack of trust in their life style and are used to being very secretive and often then struggle to build any real relationships.
Life As A Criminal Is Incredibly Unpredictable

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The presentation of criminal life may seem quite a very straightforward one when you are debating engaging in a life of crime but that cannot be further from the truth. When you live a life of crime you can never be certain about any aspect of your life. You will not know when you will next gain money or what jobs you may be tasked with doing and places you will have to visit to conduct these activities.
It Is Going To Be Incredibly Difficult To Build A Future

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People often view living a lavish life as a criminal and reek the many rewards that may come with it such as a vast amount of money and gaining a rich lifestyle. But it can be hard to build a savings and purchase items such as a car and a home for their families with this money as there job and the source of the money will come under scrutiny and may lead to them being caught.
They Live In Constant Uncertainty

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The life of a criminal is a very unpredictable one and can cause a person to live with a large amount of uncertainty about their lives which can make living quite daunting and stop them from doing a lot of things that they would like to do in their lives. They will often find it hard not to question the things that are in their lives and be sure that they will stay the same and not change.
There Is A Very Limited Access To Healthcare

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While living our normal lives we may not really question our access to healthcare and feel as though doctors, hospitals and paramedics will be there for us when we need them but it is not so simple for a criminal. Due to the nature of a criminals life if they seek out healthcare for injuries or just general illness they may risk being caught by authorities.
You Are Constantly Vulnerable To Violence

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It is widely know how dangerous a life of crime is and the various amount of risks that a person will face when engaging with criminal activity. One of the biggest risks to a criminal is the physical one in the form of violence. This violence can come from other criminals and people they encounter when trying to pull off a job but also from the police especially in very dangerous scenarios.