1. A crochet frog with boobs

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Now why anyone would think to even make such an item in the first place is beyond us. A crochet frog: cute. But then the creator clearly thought something was missing from this plushie and decided to add two crochet boobs! At least it seems that the buy found himself a bargain for $1 (no guesses needed as to why) and he actually seems to be very happy with the purchase!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. A journal day by the account of pooping

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Perhaps somebody saw a 'Love, Love, Love' journal and thought it looked cute we'll take it to the garage sale with absolutely no idea that one of their family had a full day-by-day account of their pooping habits. This really is more information than you should ever discover about someone, never mind a stranger. But the weirdest thing of all is that it did really sell, for 3 dollars.
3. A block of wood painted with 5000 coats

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
A true marvel was discovered at this garage sale. A block of wood which had become acquainted with all the different paints possible. 5000 coats of paint and painted by Pete himself. Why Pete had painted the wood so many times makes no sense because you can't even use the colors as a reference point when trying to decipher a color scheme. But somebody bought it...eventually.
4. A newlyweds sign depicted by children

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
This has got to be one of the strangest things ever found at a garage sale.. and one of the worst. It's a sign for newlyweds and the words 'stay out, no matter what you hear' are clearly hinting at some intimate activity in a kinda creepy way. But the worst is the picture, which is two kids playing dress up as bride and groom! Did it sell...of course not.
5. A urine sample letter

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Amidst a whole collection of peculiar items, somebody found a very unexpected item in the midst, a urine sample letter. Even if the urine sample came back negative which was clearly good news, this letter shouldn't really be shared outside of their own home. Yet now somebody else has this letter sitting in their own home, with no idea of who the recipient is, proudly declaring the results of a random person's bodily fluids.
6. Jesus playing soccer

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Here's another very quirky find at the garage sale extravaganza, it's a painting of Jesus playing a game of soccer with a bunch of children. Of all the things we can learn from the bible, Jesus's soccer skills weren't among them. An iconic painting depicting Jesus himself with the athletic prowess of Cristiano Ronaldo dribbling the ball. This fine piece sold for $7.
7. The devil on the toilet

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Another item that stirred up a lot of curiosity was a very peculiar painting: a devil sitting on the toilet! He's sat looking slightly embarrassed, a cheeky grin on his face, dropping his wicked duties to go for a well-needed bathroom break. It's amongst the craziest and strangest finds at garage sales and it sold for $10! Maybe this is taking pride of place in someone's bathroom as we speak.
8. A tin foil 'safety' hat for cats

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
This is a truly bizarre garage sale find. It's a tin foil hat to 'help keep kitty safe'. The best thing of all is we've got a real-life demonstration of a cat wearing this bizarre invention. It looks more like a shower cap with holes for the cat's ears. And while it may be utterly useless, it's definitely a good comedy find. This garage sale find really did sell for $2.
9. Terrifying baby statues

(Image source: Buzzfeed)v
This is surely one of the craziest things that's been found at a garage sale, these are completely terrifying and slightly disturbing. It's a VERY strange collection of anthropomorphic baby gargoyles in a series of disturbing facial expressions with animal bodies. This is an insight into the seriously twisted mind of whoever created these strange creations.
10. A bunch of seashells with eyes playing cards at the table

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
If you heard this description of seashells with googly eyes sitting around a shell table playing cards, without a demonstrative image you'd probably be very bewildered. That being said, the item itself is still completely random and strange. Despite this being a crazy find, there's something kinda endearing about it that clearly made someone want to buy it.
11. A plastic photo of Will Pharrell

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
I mean, who wouldn't want a laminated picture of Will Pharrell? Someone's literally googled a photo of Will Pharrell, printed out a tiny version, put it in the laminator, decided they don't want it, and sold it at a garage sale for 25 cents. Now this photo of Will Pharrell is surely tucked in someone's pocket right now somewhere in the world, a prized possession!
12. A disturbing version of Frozen's Elsa

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Someone's managed to take a wholesome Disney movie and make it seriously creepy with an updated version of Elsa. Someone's made some home-done adjustments to an Elsa souvenir and painted the bottom red (we think it's supposed to be fire) and drawn some black paint or pen dripping from her eyes. What happened to the Elsa from Frozen we all know and loved?
13. A tennis ball chair

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
What a find! A chair made entirely of tennis balls. Okay, so this piece may not exactly fit with the home decor but it's certainly a one-of-a-kind object. Whoever made this actually does have some real skill. And somebody out there had obviously found the purchase of their dreams in this chair as this was snapped up by a buyer for a large sum of $200! They must have truly wanted it!
14. A picture of seagulls with deadly eye lasers

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
'Repainted thrift store art', we can see what happened here. It was a peaceful vision of some seagulls flying over the houses and somebody clearly thought it wasn't exciting enough. So they took their own paintbrush and decided to add some laser beams from their eyes which set the houses on fire. It seriously went from peaceful to disturbing with just a few strokes of the brush.
15. A cup styled as the inside of a mouth

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
There's clearly a trend for the gruesome and horrifying items at garage sales. This is without a doubt the most terrifying cup we've ever seen. Inside the cup has been modeled as the inside of a mouth, including the teeth and even the tonsils. But what makes it especially gross is that the mouth looks bloody and weirdly realistic. It's not what we'd want to sip our cup of morning coffee from, put it that way.
16. Veggie clown

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Here amongst all of the weird and wonderful finds at the garage sale is a painting of a clown...made up of different veggies. With a tomato nose, and leeks for hair, a corn collar, and a green bean outfit it's probably one of the most unusual pieces of art we've ever seen. If you don't like clowns and you don't like veggies this is probably your worst nightmare.
17. Taxidermied squirrel butt

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Yes, you read that correctly. A taxidermied squirrel would have been bad enough, but this is JUST the squirrel's butt. The description says 'Oh so funky, taxidermied squirrel butt. Conversation piece'. They weren't wrong, it would definitely create conversation. We can only hope that nobody bought this piece for the $64 dollars it was being sold for.
18. Campbell's scary soup boy

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Since when was Campbell's iconic soup boy so scary? Now this garage sale oddity is a vintage piece, so you expect it to look a little bit worse for wear... but not unrecognizable. But the way it's started to crack and peel makes the once loveable mascot look nothing less than terrifying. His hollow eyes make his one joyful expression look totally helpless and terrified.
19. Van Camps' terrifying pork and beans

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Here's another crazy find. If there was one way NOT to tempt you to eat Van Camp's pork and beans it would be this advert of a little boy giving probably the most creepy expression we've ever seen. This advert is nothing less than terrifying. What's clearly meant to be an endearing cheeky smile, actually makes us want to run for the hills. This sold for $15.
20. A gnome, a cat, and a unicorn

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Here we have a garden gnome (holding a gun) and a cat on the back of a blue and pink unicorn. It's a totally random souvenir and if nothing else if this was sat on your living room mantelpiece you'd surely open up the floor for a lot of questions. What is it? Why do you have it? And why is it such a random collection of things? And WHY is the garden gone carrying a gun?
21. An urn for the ashes of an ex-husband

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
It's a fairly strange set of circumstances where you'd need an urn for the ashes of your EX husband. So it does make you wonder how someone came to own such an object. It also makes you question the person who bought it, because there's no way you could picture yourself in such a situation where you would come to need such an object - clearly, the person who purchased it!
22. An utterly odd vase

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Here we have another crazy find, a handmade cow vase. But instead of focusing on the cow's head, it's a close-up of its udders which does make it look slightly strange. But if you're a fan of cows and you want a fun if not weird addition t your home decoration then why not. One person clearly really wanted this as they bought it for the full requested $35.
23. Someone's old cast

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Ah, someone's old cast...just what we'd been hoping to stumble across at a garage sale, someone's old and very sweaty cast. The thing they've been wearing for weeks on end, their bare skin sweating day after day and now it's being sold at a garage sale for $8 dollars. Was this snapped up? Certainly not. In fact, nobody bought this and it sat at the garage sale till the very end with no takers.
24. Cabbage dog

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Garage sales really open your eyes to all of the weird and wonderful objects that are out there that you just don't see on a daily basis. It seems to be a place where people take the strangest things they own. A ceramic cabbage dog for example...just why? Okay, it's kinda cute in a very strange way but why is it made to look like a cabbage dog with four leek legs?
25. A disturbing book...

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
One of the craziest things found at a garage sale was a book titled 'Things to make with human skin'. The book thankfully, was a comedy book. But at first glance, you'd be very alarmed and any normal reaction would be to swerve the entire garage sale store and run for the hills. But that's clearly not what somebody thought when they swooped in on the find and purchased it!
26. Elmo stuffed in a jar of pickle juice

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Does anyone else feel that Elmo being stuffed into a jar of pickle juice feels slightly sadistic? Elmo, the beloved and nostalgic childhood favorite from Sesame Street has been submerged in pickle sauce and labeled 'pickle me, Elmo'. Where do people get these strange ideas from? And why would anybody want to sell this at a garage sale, nevermind actually buy it!
27. A huge teddy with a very tiny face

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Now this garage sale find is crazy but cute. It's a ginormous teddy with a very disproportionately small face which makes it look a little bit strange but somehow in a very cute way. The person selling this clearly knew that this strange teddy would pull at somebody's heartstrings because they attached a price of $20 dollars t it and it was taken up immediately!
28. Rat clock with laser eyes

(Image source: Buzzfeed)
Another crazy find amongst many was this rat and mouse clock. The rat has laser eyes which when the clock moves, it strikes a mouse at every hour. It's quite a menacing image and the clock is captioned 'just one bite' adding to the macabre aesthetic. You'd probably assume that nobody would want this or have bought it. However, you'd be wrong. The clock did actually sell!
29. Bog monster

(Image source: Pinterest)
So this bog monster is put inside your toilet so that it pops out whenever you open your lid. You can see the appeal, if you're trying to potty train, peeing on the monster would be a sure way to add interest. And, you can also see the appeal of terrifying an unsuspecting guest when they lift the lid to go for a pee and a red bog monster appears and scares them silly.
30. Holy toast cutter

(Image source: Pinterest)
The holy toast is clearly a pun, the bread is shaped into a figure of the holy ghost. And the description is the 'miracle bread stamper'. Now some people would probably find this joke in poor taste and very distasteful, others see it as a harmless bit of fun. And it turns out that the holy toast cutter was deemed a popular if not crazy choice at the garage sale.
31. How about these disturbing things found on Facebook marketplace? This hot dog 'sculpture'
image source: buzzfeed.com
There's no shortage of weird second hand sculptures out there, and while we agree that art is subjective, this one takes a particular type of person to really appreciate it. Namely, the type of person who doesn't mind paying money for a second-hand raw hot dog that's been made to look like two figures holding hands. And based on the description, we'd like to see the rockstar hot dog.
32. A wreath of dead insects
image source: buzzfeed.com
In its defence... there are people out there who enjoy taxidermy or who like preserved insect displays. So this... sort of makes sense, we guess? It could also be a great prop for Halloween, but Halloween props are usually fake and not actually made from the rotting bodies of insects that were once alive... It might not be half as bad if the insects in question were actually more pretty to look at.
33. Fake hands for a bike seat
image source: buzzfeed.com
We actually don't know if this is the most genius thing we've ever seen, or the worst. When you think about it, the shape of the hands at the back would actually offer a nice 'cupping' support for your behind that might make riding your bike a little comfier. On the other hand - heh - it's weird and we don't know why someone even thought of this in the first place.
34. A Dorito in a jar

image source: buzzfeed.com
Behold - not just a normal Dorito, but a premium Dorito in a jar. What makes it premium? We have no idea. Maybe the fact it's in a jar. But ignoring the fact that you can easily do this yourself at home (why would you want to?) then this looks like a pretty good deal. What would you do after you bought it though? Keep it and stare at it? Eat it? Dance around it?
35. Some questionable bottles
image source: buzzfeed.com
We've all been there in a desperate circumstance when we need to pee and our only option is a bottle. What's more than questionable about this, though - and believe me, we have A LOT of questions - is why a son living at home, presumably with a working family bathroom, would decide to pee in these bottles instead of actually using a functional toilet.
36. All the dryer lint you could wish for

image source: buzzfeed.com
You have to at least respect this person for avoiding a fire hazard and making sure to empty the lint from their dryer every time. But then you lose pretty much all that respect by the fact they're not only trying to sell the lint, but at the extortionate price of $250. Or is that the going rate for lint these days? We wouldn't know. Belly button lint might satisfy some weird people, but this?
37. These 'brand new' drawers
image source: buzzfeed.com
It's actually amazing how the minds of some people work - that they thought they could label these as brand new and people would believe it. Did they think we wouldn't notice the obvious graffiti on them? The fact they're actually in a bedroom - being used - and that they look like they're completely worn with a million knobs missing? They weren't wrong on 'needing painting', though...
38. An autopsy table
image source: buzzfeed.com
If this is a genuine morgue worker who happens to be allowed to sell this to a collector - hey, there are worse things, maybe they have an exhibit of creepy horror props or something - maybe it makes sense. But if it's just a random person... so many questions. Has it been used before? How did they get their hands on it? Why are they selling it? WHY WOULD YOU WANT IT?
39. It just needs a little TLC

image source: buzzfeed.com
One thing that can be said about this person is at least they're honest - the item is exactly as described and they're not trying to sugar coat it. But for the sake of a couple of dollars, why are they even trying to sell it in the first place? And how can that fake tree have lost so many leaves like that? It must have had a pet cat climb up it and treat it roughly or something!
40. Second hand KFC
image source: buzzfeed.com
Ah yes, just what we all think every time we order a KFC Zinger burger: "You know what would make this taste so much better? If someone else had taken a bite out of it first!". Chances are it's going to be cold by the time you get it, but hey, for that bargain price of three times as much as a brand new one would cost you, how can you say no to this?
41. Hitler artwork

image source: buzzfeed.com
We don't know why anyone would want artwork of Hitler in their home, but this one has a lot of questions needing to be asked. Was he made into a skunk as an insult, or a celebration? If the former it could be a funny piece to have, but we have to wonder why a skunk in the first place... and why such a high price tag. Although 'antique' might cover it...
42. A USED coffin
image source: buzzfeed.com
We don't even need to say anything else about this do we, because the grim title speaks for itself - but we're gonna anyway. We need to know why grandpa doesn't need it anymore, and where he's gone now?? We know the sad fact that funerals and coffins can get extremely expensive, but is buying second hand really the answer? There's frugal and then there's this.
43. Whatever this is
image source: buzzfeed.com
It's pretty bad when even the seller doesn't have a clue what they're selling. What would you call this? It looks like a giant papier mache head that was made for a kid's school play or something. Which school play? We have no idea, but we imagine something terrifying. If it's someone giving their own personal style of art a go and looking to sell, then good for them... good for them.
44. A special kind of Pokémon card

image source: buzzfeed.com
If there's one card we all knew was missing from our prized Pokémon card collection, it has to be THICC Charizard, didn't it? Because the normal Charizard just doesn't quite cute it with that normal looking behind. Because if you were going to customize a Pokémon card, why wouldn't you let it be known that this particular fire Pokémon is giving 200 squats a day?
45. Jason Statham as a cheetah
image source: buzzfeed.com
I'm sorry, Jason Statham as a WHAT NOW? At first glance the one on the left doesn't look anything like Jason Statham, but then you have to admit... the one on the right with the side profile does kind of look like him, doesn't it? Regardless of whether it looks like the shaven-headed action hero or not, why on earth would someone want to put his head on a cheetah?
46. A doll's head

image source: buzzfeed.com
If horror movies have taught us anything, it's a) you shouldn't have picked this up in the first place, b) definitely don't sell it, and c) PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FOUND IT RIGHT NOW! We don't have to be experts in the occult to know that thing is definitely cursed. Or at the very least extremely unsanitary to have in your home, and pay for the privilege, too.
47. Fake teeth and a matching case

image source: buzzfeed.com
It seems like an absolute bargain to say you also get the handy case with it, too... or maybe it would only be a bargain if you got the full set of teeth instead of just the front four. But if the buyer's words are to be believed, it's a worthy investment because it let him eat a ton of food and never let him down. Bit suspicious why he's willing to part with it, then...
48. You're a dentist, Harry
image source: buzzfeed.com
Book readers will agree that there were many things missing from the Harry Potter movies. One thing that was absolutely NOT missing was Harry having his glasses made out of real human teeth. But for some reason this person thought that would be a highly creative idea, and then sell it for £25 in the UK. We definitely prefer the old glasses...
49. Bag of air

image source: buzzfeed.com
Forget the fact you can breathe air for free - or even bag some up yourself - because now you can pay the attractive price of only $500 to have this bag of air readymade for you! At the very least you have think this would be a celebrity breathing into a bag or something, because there's nothing else that could justify this being sold - or that price tag... Yikes.
50. Gaming chairs can get expensive...
image source: buzzfeed.com
Buying second hand furniture is always a risk - you have to be prepared to clean upholstery or give wood an update. What you might not have expected to sort was... uh, well this. Sure, it's great to see they've got many happy gaming hours out of this chair, but someone who's willing to pay $350 for THAT - and we're not going to describe it - has serious problems.