1. Baskin Robbins

Image source Courtesy of Baskin RobbinsBaskin Robbins is best known for its delicious ice cream in amazing flavours. Putting that aside, did you know there's a hidden message in the logo? If you look closely, you'll see a number 31 in the initials which is the number of flavours the company were offering in 1953. That's 31 flavours - one for each day of the month!Originally sourced from Femanin.
2. Apple

Image source Courtesy of AppleWhy does the tech giant’s logo have a bite taken out of it? The reason is quite logical. The designer made the bite mark to scale so that if a smaller logo was being used on a different Apple product, it would still look like an apple and not be confused with a cherry.
3. Amazon

Image source Courtesy of AmazonWhat do you think the arrow means at the bottom of the logo? It's not there for fun - the arrow represents the variety of stuff (from A to Z) that you can purchase on Amazon. Some of the items are so far fetched but there is always someone who wants to buy them!
4. FedEx

Image source Courtesy of FedExThe FedEx logo looks pretty normal at first glance, so it’s easy for anyone to miss the hidden message. If you look carefully at the space between the E and the x— it’s an arrow pointing forward and this suggests accurate and speedy delivery. That's th message FedEx want to pass on.
5. Dell

Image source Courtesy of DellThe sideways E in the Dell logo is not just a creative way to set it apart from all other logos. Michael Dell announced that the main goal of his company was to 'turn the world on its ear.' It’s been said he started with an E. He certainly made an impact, that's for sure!
6. Toblerone

Image source Courtesy of TobleroneIf you’ve ever had this delicious Swiss chocolate bar (we know you must have, even if it was at the airport, where they have the giant ones!), you’ve seen the mountain on its logo. So why is there a bear on the left side of the mountain? Well, it' the official symbol of the Swiss town of Bern which is the original home of Toblerone.
7. Wikipedia

Image source Courtesy of WikipediaWikipedia is a huge source of information and there’s a good reason why the site’s puzzling logo isn’t complete. The unfinished globe, made of puzzle pieces with characters from different languages, represents the 'incomplete nature' of the company’s mission to be the go-to information portal — and the fact that it's site is built on user submissions that can never be complete.
8. Tostitos

Image source Courtesy of TostitosDid you think the dot over the 'i' was just to give it a bit of colour? It's actually part of a hidden and creative message. The red dot is a bowl of salsa! The two 't's' are people and the yellow triangle in the middle of them is a chip. It's all supposed to represent people grouping together to share a snack of chips and salsa (queso).
9. Goodwill

Image source Courtesy of GoodwillYou probably assume that the logo contains a smiling face to represent how good it feels to clean your house, donate items, and recycle your clothes. In fact, the face is just a larger version of the 'g' in the word 'Goodwill' which appears at the bottom of the logo.
10. Tour de France

Image source Courtesy of Tour de FranceDoes the yellow circle represent the sun? No, it doesn't! It’s actually a bicycle wheel. The 'r' in 'tour' is a person and the 'o' in 'tour' is the back bicycle wheel. There have been different logos over the years but this recent one was designed to be quirky and it is!
11. London Symphony Orchestra

Image source Courtesy of London Symphony OrchestraOn first sight, it looks like the three-letter abbreviation was written out in a fancy font but this isn't the case. Not only is the logo an abbreviation of the London Symphony Orchestra but it also represents a conductor! The 'L' and the 'O' are the arms. how clever!
12. Wendy's

Image source Courtesy of Wendy'sThe Wendy’s logo looks straightforward but don't be fooled as there is a hidden message in it. There's a secret word hidden in the collar of Wendy’s blouse. If you look closely, you will notice the word 'Mom' written in the collar of her top.
13. Pinterest

Image source Courtesy of PinterestYou may think this logo is cut and dried, with a capital 'P' placed in the middle of the bright red circle. However, the company’s signature 'P' also doubles up as an illustration of a map pin. According to CNBC, the designers of the Pinterest logo didn’t want to add the visual of an actual pin but the final look came together organically.
14. LG

Image source Courtesy of LGAre the 'L' and 'G' configured into a smiley face, the face of a happy LG customer? No! Eagle eye point out that if you tilt your head to the side, the smiley face actually looks like a modified version of Pacman. Perhaps it's an ode to the beloved arcade game character and the earlier days of personal technology. According to LG, the logo stands for the world, future, youth, humanity, and technology.
15. Formula One

Image source Courtesy of Formula OneWith this earlier Formula One logo, you get a really strong racing flare with the bold 'F' and modern red flame motif and you might feel the need for speed. Just as the FedEx logo uses negative space to its advantage, the same can be said for Formula One. Look between the 'F' and the red flames. The '1' in Formula One is clearly present in white.
16. Unilever

Image source UnileverConsidering the Unilever logo is everywhere, you’d think we would have looked deeper at the design. Most people just notice the letter 'U' and its decorative motif. Upon further inspection, you’ll see the Unilever 'U' uses symbols related to its extensive product range. That’s definitely a cool way to encapsulate what the company covers under its umbrella.
17. Adidas

Image source Courtesy of AdidasWith 'Adidas' in lower case and bold type, most people would focus their attention on the company name. Those diagonal stripes have meaning - they are intended to look like a mountain, he type of mountain that elite athletes would push themselves to climb against all the odds.
18. Hope For African Children Initiative

Image source Courtesy of HACIYes, the logo definitely includes the outline of Africa, but if you look at the orange and yellow sections carefully, you’ll clearly see the silhouettes of an adult and a child. It's a very sensitive design that speaks volumes about the charity itself. Pat on the back for this one.
19. Milwaukee Brewers

Image source Courtesy of Milwaukee BrewersThis logo has since been updated but the Milwaukee Brewers still sell gear with the above design. It’s very popular with fans, probably because the design gurus put a lot of thought into it. A lowercase 'm' and 'b' form the glove, using the team’s initials in a creative way.
20. Beats By Dre

Image source Courtesy of Beats by DreThe A1 sound quality of Beats by Dre speakers and headphones speaks for itself, so you may think this simple logo is just a lowercase 'b'. That's not quite true as the circle that surrounds the 'b' represents a human head. The 'b' is meant to show someone wearing the headphones.
21. Sony Vaio

Image source Courtesy of Sony VaioIt looks like the designer got fancy with their fonts when crafting the word 'Vaio' but there is a meaning behind that original look. Sony wanted the logo to represent the integration of analogue and digital technology. The 'V' and 'A' were drawn to show an analogue wave. The 'I' and 'O' represent binary code a language of ones and zeros).
22. IBM

Image source Courtesy of IBMThe IBM logo looks like it was printed on an old fashioned printer with its horizontal lines! That is not the intention behind the logo, though. It turns out that hose horizontal lines symbolize the equal sign, representing IBM’s dedication to equality. Well thought out, that one.
23. Gillette

Image source Courtesy of GilletteThis font looks sporty, with the slanted style lending itself to the idea of speed. Those slanted letters are angled that way to give a 'razor sharp' feeling. The 'G' and the 'I' have been cut to symbolize Gillette's signature product. The designer certainly had a razor sharp mind!
24. NBC

Image source Courtesy of NBCThis logo features a colourful peacock but the six feathers have meaning: They represent the original six divisions of the network, which was the number there were at the time of the design. Also, the peacock’s head is facing to the right which is meant to symbolize the network’s eye on the future.
25. Ray-Ban

Image source Courtesy of Ray-BanYou may think the logo shows the company’s name in a script font and provides a fashion-forward feel. Famous for its designer sunglasses, Ray-Ban actually incorporates a subtle illustration of a pair of shades in the 'B'. Turn your head sideways to see it. Cool!
26. Hyundai

Image source Courtesy of HyundaiIt’s a jazzy-styled 'H' for Hyundai. It's slanted to insinuate speed, or maybe not. This logo is meant to represent two people shaking hands. One is the salesperson, and the other is the satisfied car customer. The logo is subtle but effective with it's hidden meaning.
27. Museum Of London

Image source Courtesy of Museum of LondonThis logo is colourful with a great design which serves as a backdrop for the museum’s name. The design of the Museum of London logo was to pay made to pay homage to London’s geographical expansion through the years. It begins with a layer of how Roman London looked and finishes with Future Outer London!
28. Washington Capitals

Image source Courtesy of Washington CapitalsVery patriotic with an eagle in red, white and blue in this logo for Washington D.C.’s NHL team. There’s something hidden that you may not have noticed before. In the negative space at the bottom, you’ll see a silhouette of the Capitol building which is a nod to the team’s hometown.
29. Roxy

Image source Curtesy of RoxyThe female fashion line, part of the Quiksilver brand, has a logo which was designed to attract its desired demographic. On closer inspection, though, you can see the Roxy heart is made up of two Quiksilver logos, moved around to form the shape. I'm loving this!

Image source Courtesy of CISCOInitially, this logo looks as simple as you can get. The networking company’s name is plain as day under a line motif but there’s more to this logo. Those blue stripes represent an electromagnet as well as the Golden Gate Bridge and paying homage to Cisco’s namesake San Francisco. Once you see the bridge in those lines, you wonder how you ever missed it!
31. My Fonts

Image Source / WikipediaMy Fonts is exactly what it sounds like: a great online tool for finding your perfect font to use. With this logo, the 'my' in the name is actually styled like a hand, which obviously plays into the 'my' as well as giving the idea that you can 'get your hand on' whatever font you'd like!
32. Picasa

Image Source / Wikimedia CommonsPicasa used to be the image tool and editor for Google, and its logo looks like a simple camera to a lot of people. But if you look a little closer, the negative space in the middle of the camera shutter is actually a house! This is to give the idea that Picasa is the 'home' of all your photos and where your files live. 'Casa' is also Spanish for home!
33. Eighty 20's

Image Source / CrowdspringThe meaning behind the logo for this South African analytics consultancy is going to be missed by a lot of people - and not because you're stupid, but because you'd have to be really good at math to even notice what it means. That's because the squares on the logo represent the binary pattern for 1010000 and 0010100 - which means... eighty and 20.
34. AG Low

Image Source / Iain ClaridgeWhen you look at the logo for this construction company, you may just think (understandably) that it's a simple, fresh-looking logo that's straight to the point with the company name. But the way the name is laid out is done in the same way as the floorplan of a home would be!
35. Galeries Lafayette

Image Source / WikipediaFor an upscale department store in France, you'd expect everything this logo is giving off: the elegant and formal feel to it, the fancy font... But there's something else going on here, too. Can you spot it? The Eiffel Tower is hidden within the letter 'f'!
36. New Man

Image Source / Wikimedia CommonsThis logo maybe isn't anything special in the grand scheme of things, even though you can tell it's well-made and fresh for the French clothing brand it's advertising. But the visual trick with this one is actually being able to read the logo the same way upside down. This is to show the brand's clothing is multi-purpose.
37. Greenlabs

Image Source / LogopondThis digital marketing and online solutions company may not be immediately representing what they're doing with this tree logo, because at first I would have thought something to do with the environment. But the tree is supposed to reflect that they're a 'green' tech company, and the top of the tree actually reveals a brain, referencing their know-how.
38. BirdLove

Image Source / LogopondThis is a logo for a Vietnamese coffee shop. It's a simple and clean logo, with only black and white used, and a simple heart symbol. This is all supposed to give a more 'classic' feel to this coffee shop, and the heart symbol is to show the love for their brand. But hidden in the heart did you also notice the two flying birds?
39. Gamecube

Image Source / Creative BloqThis logo is so satisfying for those with a techy and gamey brain (and those without). It just looks good! The Gamecube logo is quite obviously a cube within a cube, referencing the name, but it goes further than that with the outer cube making the G around the inner cube, and the negative space then showing a C.
40. Yoga Australia

Image Source / RedditAt first look, this just appears to be a simple yoga pose - which is obviously perfect for a company advertising yoga. But if you look closer, you can see that the space between the person's arm and leg in the yoga pose is actually the outline of Australia!
41. BMW

Image Source / WikipediaThe BMW logo is one we all know but have probably never given much thought to. But actually, there's a reason behind the colour choice of blue and white: the colours come from the Bavarian flag. It's also thought the logo is supposed to be the blades of a spinning propeller, which would be a shout out to their aviation history.
42. The British Blind Sport

Image Source / British Blind SportThis charity helps blind and partially-sighted people to play sports, and its logo reveals the British flag - no surprise there given the company name and location - but if you actually give it a closer look, its in the shape of an eye, with the blank space in the middle being the pupil.
43. LionBird

Image Source / LogopondThis logo actually has such a simple idea behind it but its also done amazingly well to mess with your mind. The fact that both the lion and the bird from the company's name are there but different people will notice one or the other first. Both animals also represent something about the company: the lion is about the attack, and the bird is about the power.
44. The Swan And Mallad Restaurant

Image Source /BehanceThis logo is a work of pure art and beauty, so you'd think it would be part of a gallery or luxury brand rather than a restaurant. But that's also the idea, because the elegance of the logo lets you know the calibre of food you're in for! The black mallard is shown in the negative space of the swan, and then the swan itself is the '&'!
45. Spartan Golf Club

Image Source / LogopondFor this golf club, you at first see a logo with a person playing golf and taking a swing. Nothing spectacular about that for a logo, right? Well, look again and you'll see that the overall profile reveals the helmet of a Spartan soldier!
46. Schizophrenic

Image Source / Logopedia - FandomThis logo uses emoticons in a very simple way to send a very powerful message. When you look from left to right, you can see a sad face. But when you look from right to left, you can see a smiley face. This represents the nature of schizophrenia in a visual way.
47. United States Cyber Command

Image Source / WikipediaIt may come as no surprise to learn that this government organisation has a hidden meaning in its logo! And it's very easily missed. In the golden ring is a very long code of letters and numbers. The code was once cracked and it revealed a section of the company's mission statement, which relates to file integrity.
48. Carrefour

Image Source / Logos-World.netCarrefour is the French word for 'crossroads', which is also symbolised by the thing in the logo you might have missed: namely, the two arrows on the left hand side and right hand side! You can also easily miss the hidden 'C' for the brand name, which is in the negative space between.
49. Sun Microsystems

Image Source / CrunchbaseThe logo for Sun Microsystems, the technological company, at first looks to be a diamond made up of squiggly lines. But look closely and you'll see it's made up of 'u's' and 'n's'. You can see that some of them are stacked on top of each other, too, to create the letter 's' - and altogether this shows 'sun'!
50. Pittsburgh Zoo And PPG Aquarium

Image Source / WikipediaThis logo looks like a simple tree, which would make complete sense for a zoo that deals with the outdoors and wildlife. But the illusion in this logo is with the two animal profiles you can spot in the negative space: the gorilla and the lion facing each other to reveal the types of animals you can expect to see at the zoo!