1. Change In Personality

Image source: reddit
When you first met, it was all smiles and charm but as the relationship has developed you've noticed a massive change in their personality. They no longer act as they once did and it seems like you might be dating a completely different person! This is where you should start to realise something is
wrong...Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Controlling

Image source: indiatimes.com
Has your partner become sulky? Do they constantly argue with you or stop speaking to you randomly? If this sounds like your relationship then it could be a sign that your love is fake. No partner who loves you should treat you so poorly or try to control you in any way!
3. No Self-Love

Image source: brightonjournal.co.uk
One of the clear signs of fake love is if your partner says that they love you but they can't even love themselves! No one is perfect but your partner should want to treat you the same way that they would like to be treated and someone who can't see their worth can't truly love someone else.
4. No Growth

Image source: fin-torial.blogspot.com
Genuine love between two people should nurture the growth in their life and
not hinder it. If your relationship is hindering your personal growth and your partners then it is not love at all. Happy and loving relationships should encourage you to be more mature and responsible.
5. Doesn't Trust You

Image source: reddit
True love between two people should inspire complete trust. You should feel absolutely fine with your partner being anywhere in the world surrounded by whomever without fear of betrayal. If your partner doesn't trust you and is constantly jealous then they don't respect you or love you enough to see that you would never do something like that.
6. Cruelty

Image source: pinterest.com
Fake love can be cruel and it doesn't care how much it can hurt someone...true love inspires compassion and kindness! If your partner is
unnecessarily cruel to you and doesn't treat you well then it's time to get them out of your life for good! You shouldn't feel like you're being stabbed in the heart!
7. No Patience

Image source: reddit
Okay so we can all get a bit hot-headed from time to time but if your partner is blowing up at you over the smallest of things then there is something definitely wrong that isn't being addressed. Fake love won't have patience and it will be angry, dismissive and snappy. Anyone who truly loves you will always be patient and there to help you!
8. Broken Promises

Image source: pinterest.co.uk
When the relationship started your partner was always saying all the right things, but did their words ever actually match up to their actions? The reality is that people who aren't in love will always break those promises that they made to you -
You deserve better!9. Doesn't Understand You

Image source: Reddit
It's not love if your partner doesn't understand who you are deep down inside! A loving partner should be able to know you inside out and also make the effort to get to know you. People who pretend to love you aren't interested in getting to know you that well and will always keep you at arm’s length.
10. No Future

Image source: pinterest.co.uk
Whilst true love will always look to the future and will try to build a life together, fake love will remain stagnant. Someone who isn't in love with you will avoid having serious conversations and you will feel like the relationship is going nowhere, especially when they can't even be bothered making short-term plans!
11. Makes You Feel Unattractive

Image source: pinterest.com
Sweetie any partner who makes you feel unattractive isn't the one! People who fake being in love normally have low self-esteem issues and are looking to bring down their partner so that they feel better about themselves... being in love means you aren't just attracted to their looks but also their soul -
don't forget that!12. No Communication

Image source: monstersandcritics.com
Communication is key to any successful and loving relationship. No matter how bad the relationship gets if the couple is in love they will still be able to talk to each other and work things out. People who aren't really in love won't be bothered to work on their communication skills.
13. Things Have Become Routine

Image source: Instragram.com
If you've been together for a long time it is easy and understandable to
fall into routines and it can sometimes seem like being in a bad relationship is better than being in no relationship at all...but this isn't true! I know the world seems scary when you're facing it alone but being trapped in a loveless relationship isn't any better...
14. They Put On A Show

Image source: pinterest.co.uk
One tell-tale sign that your partner is faking their love, is how they act in front of others. They might change their personality when in their social group, maybe they show you way more affection when in front of yours? or better yet they act like you aren't even in a relationship -
Major red flag alert!15. Can't Handle The Truth

Image source: hallofseries.com
It's never easy to accept when you might be wrong about something but if your partner is afraid of hearing the truth then they aren't truly in love with you. For a relationship to grow we need to accept home truths that we might not like…but any person who honestly loves you will accept them and will try to better themselves for you.
16. Only Interested In Money

Image source: youtube.com
If prioritising money and other material things come before your happiness then they don't love you! Money stresses can be difficult but it is important to understand when your partner is just struggling and when they just see you as just some sort of cash machine.
17. They Are Unkind

Image source: youtube.com
Anyone who can hurt someone they
"love" physically or mentally is not actually in love at all. If your partner is always subjecting you to lies, bad manners and unkindness then they are faking their love for you. You don't deserve to be treated this way and it is not how a person in love acts.
18. Disrespectful

Image source: instagram.com
A real test to see if love is fake or real is looking at how your partner respects you. Ask yourselves some questions like how do they talk to you in front of others, do they support you or make you feel good?...if the answer is no then it isn't love. Just remember that if you don't respect someone you can never love them.
19. Not Forgiving

Image source: reddit
True love means being able to forgive your partner when they've done something wrong. If your partner isn't able to move past rough patches or their issues with forgiveness then it's a sign of fake love. Being in love means you are willing to work on any issues and want to forgive your partner.
20. They Are Insecure

Image source: reddit
It is important that romantic partners must feel loved and respected to feel secure in a relationship. However, a clear sign of fake love is when the relationship is torn apart by
insecure feelings! Insecurity can manifest in many destructive ways and can create an unhealthy relationship that isn't based on love!
21. Not Humble

Image source: who.com.au
A sign of fake love that you may not recognise is when your partner isn't humble. Partners who never listen but always talk, put others down to make themselves feel better and regard themselves more than their loved ones, are only after attention and recognition... meaning they have no time in their heart for you!
22. Won't Make Sacrifices
Image source: elfarandi.com
Sometimes in life, we all have to make compromises but it shouldn't feel like a chore if it benefits your loved ones...fake love will not make these kinds of sacrifices. Any loving partner should want to change bad habits or negative attitudes to improve your relationship not hinder it!
23. They Don't Believe In You

Image source: blondwayfarer.com
Supporting and uplifting your partner is an important part of any happy relationship. You should want to show off your partner's achievements and give them your support. Only people who aren't in love show no interest in your successes and don't believe in you.
24. Unemotional

Image source: who.com.au
When you don't love someone you're not interested in getting to know them on an emotional level. You keep them at a distance and never try to delve deeper into the relationship by being emotionally inanimate. If this sounds like your relationship then please realise that your relationship isn't true love.
25. No Intimacy

Image source: reddit
Having a strong intimate connection between two people is a true sign of love but when the relationship lacks this it means that the love can
never thrive. Without intimacy, you can never truly know if your partner is in love with you or feel secure in the relationship.
26. You've Changed

Image source: realitytitbit.com
You know deep down inside that your partner might not feel the same way about you as you do...this lack of affection is driving you crazy and you've noticed you're trying to change yourself for them. You must understand nobody who loves you would want you to change...they love you for who you are!
27. Always You That Initiates

Image source: pinterest.co.uk
A major sign of fake love is when you're always the one who is initiating things! It is always you who starts all the conversations, plans date or reaches out and it is never the other way round. This can be incredibly frustrating, hurtful and just downright disrespectful -
know your worth!28. Unreliable

Image source: pinterest.co.uk
Lack of accountability and responsibility in a relationship is a clear sign of fake love. If your partner isn't fully in love with you then they try not to put as much effort into your connection and is completely fine with just cancelling plans with you all the time.
29. Things Are Never Easy

Image source: mirror.co.uk
Is your relationship always on the brink of disaster? Or do you constantly feel like you might break up over the tiniest things? Faking love in a relationship usually results in turmoil because your partner will never have the patience or affection needed to resolve conflict healthily.
30. You've Got A Gut Feeling

Image source: tvfanatic.com
Ultimately, the best advice I can give is always to listen to your gut! Your gut instinct is to try to subconsciously tell you that there is something off with your relationship. Don't waste any more time on someone who isn't in love with you...
You Deserve Better!31. It feels like a hole where love should be
image source: reddit.com
You just can't put your finger on it, or maybe you've not let yourself admit it, but there just feels like a gap where something is missing - and it's a pretty big gap, because it's what genuine love is supposed to fit into it. When everything is fake, it never really feels complete.
32. Everything feels very surface-level
image source: reddit.com
Your relationship might also feel very shallow. You might feel like you're putting on a front, or everyone thinks you have the perfect relationship when you're out and about with friends and family, but it all feels very different behind closed doors. It feels very superficial.
33. You've never had a deep conversation
image source: reddit.com
What can also make it feel like a shallow relationship is the fact that you've never really had a deep conversation - about your lives, the world, the universe, or even something deep and meaningful about your favorite TV show! When you stop and think about it, you've only ever had shallow conversations.
34. It feels like it's all based on sex
image source: reddit.com
Now, fake love doesn't mean that you can't have a physical relationship, or that the physical relationship can't be good. You might have a great sex life, but that's all there is to it - so if it feels like this is all there is, it's a sign it's nothing deeper or more special than a physical relationship.
35. You don't feel good about yourself
image source: reddit.com
When you're in love - and know someone loves you - it can make you feel empowered and happy. You don't have time to be insecure, because what would you have to feel insecure about? But a fake relationship will have you feeling pretty bad about yourself. Maybe because deep down you're thinking what you might have done wrong to make them fake their love for you.
36. You feel lonely even when you're with them
image source: reddit.com
You can feel lonely in relationships even when you're sat right next to your partner - and feeling lonely is a key sign the relationship isn't working. Not only that, it can be a sign of fake love. Because even though they're faking all these sentiments of being your person, you can feel all alone - because there's no love there.
37. It's more about companionship
image source: reddit.com
Relationships based on companionship can of course work - you can love and respect someone without it being overly romantic. But fake love can come from the idea of one person being so scared of being alone that they just 'settle' for anything to have a companion.
38. You've realised you don't know many personal things

image source: reddit.com
If you've never had a deep conversation, chances are you don't know many personal things about each other either! Relationships should be about learning and growing with the other person and getting to know all these personal things about each other - so if that's missing, it's a sign.
39. You've changed yourself a lot for them
image source: reddit.com
People in relationships can change for the better, or make compromises, but you shouldn't ever fundamentally change who you are as a person. Someone who loves you would never expect you to change - they'd love you for who you are - so you have to ask yourself why you've felt the need to make these changes.
40. It always feels like it's one conversation away from ending

image source: reddit.com
You know that feeling you get when you just know something is coming to an end and everything is about to change? It might not officially end, but you just have that feeling
all the time, no matter what. You should never feel that way in a healthy and happy relationship with real love!
41. You're never a priority
image source: reddit.com
If someone truly loves you, they're going to make you a priority. Sure, it's not always possible if something unavoidable comes up, like an unexpected work emergency, but it's more about them trying their best to make you priority. If you're easily disposable to them, they don't love you.
42. They big themselves up on social media
image source: reddit.com
Fake love likely comes from fake people in general - people who like to act different depending who they're talking to, or pretend their life is a certain way. Social media is the perfect tool to give an illusion about what your life is. This person might use social media to feed their ego!
43. And they post everything about your relationship on there
image source: reddit.com
Another thing they likely do too is post about your relationship a lot on there - this is to give the illusion you're madly in love when you're not. They have to fake it for social media, after all. So they might pressure you into posting photos of gifts they buy you, or trips they take you on.
44. You don't plan for the future
image source: reddit.com
Anybody in a serious relationship and in love is going to plan for the future - because they want a future with that person. You might have noticed that no plans have been made and that you even feel like there isn't a future deep down in the pit of your stomach! You might not even get as far as planning for next weekend.
45. And they avoid any conversation about it
image source: reddit.com
Not only do you not plan for the future, but talking about it is completely impossible. If you tried to raise the subject, they'd just wriggle out of talking about it. You can still love someone and be a commitment-phobe, but the problem is if they 'fake' all this happiness, excitement and love only to say 'uh no' when it comes to the future.
46. You don't argue

image source: reddit.com
Arguing is actually healthy for a relationship, and it means you love each other because you care enough to get angry or worked up about something. You need to argue to get it all out and move out. So if you don't argue, it can be a sign it's because you just don't care enough.
47. And it's likely because you don't communicate about anything, either
image source: reddit.com
You can't have arguments if you don't communicate about your wants and needs either. Arguments can usually arise from where you feel things are lacking, or issues you have. If you don't communicate, nothing is going to come up, and if you don't even want to communicate, you likely don't love each other anyway.
48. You're indifferent about everything
image source: reddit.com
Indifference comes next after not caring enough to argue and not wanting to communicate. Being indifferent doesn't equal true love - you can't be indifferent about something you're supposed to care so much about! It's a big sign of fake love you need to watch out for!
49. You don't really know who their friends and family are
image source: reddit.com
People in love will want to share their special person with the other people they love in their life: friends and family. There comes an inevitable point when you'll meet the important people in your partner's life. If this never happens, this 'love' is actually just pretend.
50. 'Boredom' is the general vibe
image source: reddit.com
Sure, couples hit rough patches where everything can feel a bit stale even if you love each other. But if you're combining boredom with everything else on this list, it can't really be called true love. You shouldn't even feel bored with the person you're madly in love with!