Welcome to the culinary rollercoaster where the land of the free meets the land of the forbidden! From burgers so towering they defy gravity to snacks that pack a punch, we're diving into the wild world of American foods that have been handed a one-way ticket out of other countries. Forget your passport; it's time to explore the flavors that made Uncle Sam both proud and slightly concerned. Buckle up, because this gastronomic journey might just leave you craving!
Artificial Blueberry!
It's a tale as unsettling as it is colorful. While those vibrant blueberries might catch your eye on the shelves, their hue isn't as innocent as it appears. Behind the picturesque facade lies a troubling secret: the artificial coloring used to achieve that shade is a product of petroleum.

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Although very pretty, the artificial coloring in artificial blueberry is really not good for you! The blue dye that is used to color it is derived from petroleum! Studies have also shown that it has been linked to nerve-cell degeneration, brain cancer, and hyperactivity! Because of that, it has been banned in Norway, Finland, Austria, France, and the U.K.!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
Froot Loops!
Ah, the colorful world of breakfast cereals—a realm where every spoonful offers a burst of artificial hues that could rival a painter's palette. Froot Loops, with their vibrant loops of sugary goodness, might seem like a childhood dream come true, but lurking behind that rainbow of colors lies a concerning reality.

Image Source: Reddit
Froot Loops have an absolute shedload of artificial coloring in them! The amount and the specific dye used in froot loops can inhibit nerve-cell development! That could be why Norway, Finland, Austria, France, and the United Kingdom have banned it! They have also banned Fruity Pebbles for the same reason!
American M&M's...
Ah, the world of M&M's, those delectable little chocolate treats that seem to have a passport to every corner of the globe. But here's the twist—while they might bear the same iconic name, each country has its own exclusive formula for these colorful candies.

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You can definitely find M&M's in other countries, but something I didn't know was that every country has its own specific formula! The formula used in America uses blue dye #2 which is very bad for human consumption! Unfortunately, M&M's have a history of not adding great substances to their formulas!
Ah, the beloved salmon, a fish that swims its way onto plates across the globe, often celebrated for its health benefits and exquisite taste. But not all salmon are created equal, especially when it comes to their origins—specifically, whether they're wild-caught or farm-raised.

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Salmon is mostly ok in other countries, but only as long as it is not farm raised. Salmon that have been farm-raised are fed chemicals to make them look better. As well as this, they are also given a load of antibiotics and other drugs that just are not safe for humans! They are most strict on it in Australia and New Zealand!
Maraschino Cherries...
Red dye #40, the crimson culprit in our culinary world, has sparked quite a heated debate across continents. This seemingly innocent dye, responsible for painting cherries and a myriad of treats a luscious red, has a darker side lurking beneath its vibrant facade.

Image Source: Reddit
Another food coloring issue that has been banned overseas is red dye #40. Countless people are allergic and it increases your risk of cancer! Whilst these cherries are the main culprit, you can also find Red #40 in grenadine and cherry pie mix. For this reason, it has been banned in many European countries!
Chewing Gum...
Chewing gum, that delightful little mouth workout loved by many, has found itself in a sticky situation across the globe. While its popularity knows no bounds, the reasons for its ban in various countries paint a rather interesting, albeit contrasting, picture.

Image Source: Reddit
Chewing gum is great! However, lots of countries have banned it for different reasons! The UK, Japan, and others have banned a chemical called BHA which can be used in it and other countries have banned it because they can't stop people from spitting it onto the ground... gross
The seemingly innocuous grain that serves as a dietary staple for millions worldwide, rice, comes with a surprising twist—one that involves a potentially hazardous element: arsenic. Ground metal arsenic, known for its ability to be absorbed readily by plants, particularly raises concern in the world of rice cultivation.

Image Source: Reddit
Unfortunate;y, yes, even rice is on the list! Rice has a high risk of containing ground metal arsenic, which is easily absorbed by plants! The use of pesticides and inorganic arsenic makes even rice a carcinogen and dangerous to children and infants. Rice is monitored but some places are still not happy with it and so have banned pesticides and arsenic completely!
Fat-Free Snacks...
Olestra, hailed as a breakthrough in the world of low-fat foods, once held the promise of guilt-free indulgence. But as it turned out, this synthetic fat substitute came with a laundry list of drawbacks that overshadowed its initial appeal.

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For a long while Olestra was thought to have been an incredible invention! However, it comes with its downsides... found in many fat-free foods, Olestra or Olean makes your body unable to absorb vitamins! It can also cause cramps and bowel issues and has been banned in the United Kingdom and Canada!
It's a classic tale of temptation in the produce aisle—the allure of those flawlessly polished apples, glistening under the store lights. But here's the not-so-rosy truth behind that picture-perfect appearance: it often comes at a cost, one that involves a cocktail of chemicals keeping those apples looking pristine.

Image Source: Reddit
Unfortunately, the better looking the apple, the more likely it is to have a mixture of chemicals keeping it looking that way! These chemicals are dangerous to your body! The European Food Safety Authority has recently blocked American apples due to links with various cancers... Jeez, how d'ya like them apples?
Sugar Cane!
The agricultural landscape in the United States harbors a controversial secret: the use of Atrazine, a herbicide that's been virtually shown the door in most other parts of the world. This potent chemical boasts multiple applications in crop management.

Image Source: Reddit
Banned in most of the rest of the world, crops in the States can still be treated with Atrazine... this is a herbicide that has many uses but has been known to cause birth defects, reproductive tumors, skin sensitization, and muscle degeneration. Atrazine also easily leaks into water supplies and interferes with wildlife! It is most commonly found in Sugar Cane!
Chocolate Milk...
Ah, the nostalgic comfort of a cold glass of chocolate milk—a childhood favorite for many. However, the sweetness in that beverage might come with an unexpected twist. Some brands opt to use carrageenan, a seaweed-derived ingredient, to add texture and thickness to their chocolatey concoctions.

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There's not a lot better than a cold glass of choccy milk, although there really could be loads of things better... Some brands use carrageenan, which is a type of seaweed that is commonly used in many types of food but research shows it causes inflammation and can lead to heart disease, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's!
Frozen Dinners!
Ah, the convenience of frozen dinners—those quick and easy meals that come to the rescue on busy days. But hidden within these time-saving packages lies a concerning ingredient: azodicarbonamide. This compound isn't just confined to frozen meals...

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Frozen dinners are just one of the things that azodicarbonamide can be found in! It can also be found in bread, pasta mixes, and packaged baked goods! It is used to bleach flour and foamed plastic like the soles of your sneakers... it doesn't sound the safest does it? Well, maybe that's why it's banned in Australia, the UK, and most European countries!
Ah, the surprising world of condiment controversies, where even a humble bottle of ketchup can find itself in the crosshairs of culinary conflict! In France, known for its reverence of food culture, the ban on ketchup in elementary schools might seem like an unexpected twist, but it's all part of a larger mission to preserve and promote their rich gastronomic heritage.

Image Source: Reddit
Ketchup, really? Unfortunately, yes! This one isn't quite as serious as the others though luckily! As it turns out France takes their foods so seriously that they have banned ketchup in elementary schools because it was hindering their food culture, for their health and so that the children could get used to national French recipes so that they can keep being handed down the generations!
In the whirlwind of modern baking, where time often feels like the most elusive ingredient, some bakers turn to shortcuts to speed up the bread-making process. Enter potassium bromate, a chemical that promises to expedite the bread-baking journey.

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For bakers who don't have time to bake bread the good old-fashioned way, they use a chemical called Potassium Bromate. This chemical, however, has been linked to kidney damage, cancer, and nervous system damage! It is no surprise at all that potassium bromate is banned in Europe, Canada, and China!
Potato Chips!
In the intricate world of food preservation, there's a silent guardian called butylated hydroxytoluene, or BHT, often working behind the scenes to extend the shelf life of various food products. This synthetic antioxidant might not grab headlines, but its role in keeping foods fresh for extended periods is undeniable.

Image Source: Reddit
Butylated hydroxytoluene or BHT is mostly used to preserve food, keeping it fresh so that it can be sat around for a long time before the consumers eat it. It is generally considered safe in the United States, however, not everywhere considers it safe since data has shown it can be a carcinogen.
In the quest for leaner, protein-rich pork, the use of ractopamine emerged as a popular solution in American pig farming. This feed additive works wonders by promoting protein synthesis and reducing fat content in pork. On the surface, it might seem like a win-win, but...

Image Source: Reddit
Pork in America sometimes has something called Ractopamine used to increase the protein synthesis in pork by reducing the fat content. This doesn't sound terrible, right? Well, studies show that 20% of pork still has remains of ractopamine still in the pork in the store, and for that reason, American chicken is banned in 160 countries across the world!
The global dairy landscape holds a complex secret: the use of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in American dairy farming. This synthetic hormone, a lab-engineered version of bovine somatotropin (BST), takes center stage in efforts to boost milk production in cows.

Image Source: Reddit
Many countries don't allow not only cheese but any American dairy products to be sold. This is because of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) which is a synthetic version of BST and is injected into cows to increase milk production. It is currently banned in 30 countries around the world because of its increased risk of various cancers.
The American approach to poultry farming raises some serious feathers in the global arena, notably concerning the practice of feeding chickens arsenic. Yes, you heard that right—arsenic, a toxic substance, finds its way into the diets of American chickens. But why, you might ask?

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Ok, no, chicken is not banned in other countries, however, the way that Americans do chicken has been banned in many other countries! American chickens are often fed arsenic, which makes the meat appear pinker and fresher. Arsenic is literally a poison and can kill you if you eat too much.
High Fructose Syrup...
The sweet syrup you're referring to is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an omnipresent sweetener that has stealthily made its way into numerous processed foods. This concoction of pure fructose and sugar has become a mainstay in the modern diet, sweetening everything from beverages to baked goods.

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This kind of syrup is in a lot of our foods. It is a sweetener made from pure fructose and sugar, and can cause major health issues! Conditions like type 2 diabetes have skyrocketed because of this ingredient, and places like the United Kingdom and other European countries have strict restrictions on it!
Papaya, Corn, and Soy!
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have sparked a global debate, stirring controversies about the safety and ethical implications of altering the genetic makeup of our food supply. These engineered foods, created by manipulating the genetic material of plants or animals, have faced significant scrutiny in various parts of the world.

Image Source: Reddit
These foods are called GMOs which means they are basically genetically modified foods! They are banned in several nations including Russia and the EU has a ban on American corn, soy, papaya, and any foods that have been genetically engineered! The reason is that they have been linked to organ damage, tumors, birth defects, and other very serious side effects...
Palm Oil...
Palm oil, a ubiquitous ingredient found in numerous food products, from peanut butter to the beloved Nutella, has become a center of attention due to its dual impact on both human health and the environment. While it adds texture and richness to foods, the consumption of palm oil has been linked to potential health risks.

Image Source: Twitter
Palm oil is in many foods like peanut butter and Nutella, however, it is not the best for our bodies! It can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. That being said, it also has a major effect on our world as the use of palm oil is a huge factor in deforestation, and that is actually the reason why it has been banned by the EU!
Ah, the creamy indulgence of Coffee-Mate—a delightful companion to the morning cup of joe. But behind its allure lies a controversial ingredient that has led to its ban in several countries, sparking concerns about its impact on heart health.

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Coffee-Mate is meant to be a great add-on to your coffee, but is banned in many countries, including Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland! Why? I can hear you asking, well, it's because of something called hydrogenated soybean and cottonseed oils! These have been linked to heart disease!
Diabetic Baked Goods!
The allure of artificial sweeteners, seemingly offering a guilt-free way to satisfy our sweet tooth, has faced considerable scrutiny and regulatory actions in the European Union, highlighting concerns about their safety and potential health impacts.

Image Source: Reddit
Not just baked goods that are targeted toward diabetic people, but any kind of artificial sweeteners are not good for our bodies! Sweeteners such as Acesulfame K, Sucralose, and Saccharin among others have been banned by the EU, and they have even had discussions on whether to ban them completely!
Pre-Packaged Ground Beef...
The convenience of pre-packaged ground beef often comes with an unsettling secret: the inclusion of a product known as "pink slime." This term refers to a meat product created from beef trimmings that undergo a process to reduce fat content, but its production and use have raised serious concerns.

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However easy it is, many types of pre-packaged ground beef use something called pink slime... this lowers the fat content, however, it means that the meat is exposed to ammonia gas or citric acid to kill bacteria. This is not regulated and can cause significant issues in humans! It is banned in Canada and in the European Union!
Processed Meats!
Processed meats, cherished for their convenience and savory taste, harbor a controversial ingredient that has sparked concern and led to their ban in certain countries. Enter sodium nitrate, a type of salt that lends that distinct smoky flavor to processed meats but has stirred up significant health-related apprehensions.

Image Source: Reddit
Among many reasons why processed meats are not good for our bodies, the reason they are banned in other countries might surprise you! It is not because of the process, but instead because of sodium nitrate! this is a type of salt that gives that smoky flavor and has been linked with cancer, so... yep, you guessed it, the EU banned it!
Boxed Mac And Cheese!
The beloved boxed mac and cheese, a quick and comforting meal for many, harbors a secret that's stirred up considerable concern—namely, the inclusion of certain additives and food coloring, notably yellow #5 and #6. These vibrant colorants, while enhancing the visual appeal of the dish, have triggered a global conversation about their potential health risks.

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Many brands of boxed mac and cheese use additives and food coloring and dye, specifically, yellow #5 and #6. These coloring agents can cause hyperactivity, increased cancer risk, and allergic reactions and so are banned in Austria, Norway, and other European countries!
Stevia, a natural sweetener derived from the Stevia rebaudiana plant, has been a subject of scrutiny and debate regarding its safety. However, it hasn't been outright banned by the EU. In fact, the EU has approved the use of certain purified extracts of Stevia as a sweetener in food products.

Image Source: Reddit
Along with all the artificial sweeteners that were banned by the EU, Stevia, a natural sweetener was also banned! The reason was that there is research that shows that stevia could increase the chances of certain cancers, and can bring on male infertility as well! Stay away chaps!
The use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) or recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in dairy farming has sparked considerable debate due to concerns about its potential health implications. rBST is a synthetic hormone used to increase milk production in cows.

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It is becoming less and less common in America, but some dairy farms still use rBST in their milk. However, rBST has been linked to a variety of health conditions, including high rates of mastitis in cows that contaminate the milk with pus and antibiotics... not so shocking that it has been banned in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the EU!
Trans Fats...
Trans fats have been a notorious presence in many processed foods due to their ability to extend shelf life and stabilize flavors. However, their impact on human health, particularly cardiovascular health, has raised significant alarms.

Image Source: Choice
Trans fats are cheap and preserve foods for longer, however, they are known to increase the bad cholesterol levels in your body and decrease the good cholesterol levels in your body! This means strokes and heart disease is more likely! The EU has banned trans fats from any foods!
Mountain Dew!
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) has been a longstanding ingredient in certain American sodas, including Mountain Dew, serving as an emulsifier to create a consistent beverage texture. However, its use has raised considerable concerns about potential health risks.

Image Source: Reddit
So maybe not super surprising as Mountain Dew isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but something that's been used in American sodas for decades is brominated vegetable oil! This ingredient is flame-retardent and in some cases can cause skin lesions, memory loss, and nerve problems... may be a good thing it's banned in Europe and Japan!
Gatorade, a popular sports drink renowned for its electrolyte-replenishing properties, has faced restrictions in certain countries due to the inclusion of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in its formulation. This same additive has prompted concerns about potential health risks.
image source: reddit.com
Gatorade is a sports drink staple in the US - you can't imagine a world without Gatorade, right? Well, some countries have to! Because in Europe and Japan, this drink is completely banned. That's because of the brominated vegetable oil we just spoke about that's also found in Mountain Dew!
Wheat Thins
Wheat Thins, a beloved snack in the United States, contain an additive known as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). This compound serves as a preservative, extending the shelf life of the snack. However, concerns surrounding the safety of BHT have led to restrictions on Wheat Thins in various countries.
image source: reddit.com
Wheat Thins are a very popular snack in the US, but you won't be able to find them anywhere if you're planning a trip to the UK, Japan or Europe anytime soon. This is because of a chemical found in them called BHT, which some countries don't want to take the risk dealing with!
Little Debbie Swiss Rolls
Ah, the iconic Little Debbie snacks—delicious treats adored by many for their spongey texture and irresistible sweetness. However, these snacks faced a roadblock in countries like Norway and Austria due to the inclusion of certain dyes that raised concerns about their safety.
image source: reddit.com
What did Little Debbie ever do to Norway and Austria? They're the perfect sweet snack when you're craving something spongey, but they're banned in these two countries because of a certain dye that was found in them. Originally it was just the dye that was banned but Norway and Austria just thought heck, let's go all in.
Ritz Crackers
Ritz Crackers, renowned for their irresistible taste and crispy texture, contain trans fats, which have raised concerns about their potential impact on human health. Trans fats, often found in partially hydrogenated oils, are known for their ability to prolong shelf life and enhance flavor and texture in many processed foods, including crackers.
image source: reddit.com
Ritz Crackers are delicious and addictive - and that's probably because of all the trans fats they contain. Those trans fats are also the reason they're banned outside of the US, in certain European countries. It makes sense why some countries would want to limit trans fats for health reasons!
Frosted Flakes
Frosted Flakes, a beloved breakfast cereal, contains an additive called butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). This compound serves as a preservative, helping to extend the shelf life of the cereal. However, concerns surrounding the safety of BHT have prompted restrictions or bans on Frosted Flakes and similar products in certain regions like Europe and Japan.
image source: reddit.com
So that chemical we spoke about that was in Wheat Thins, BHT? That's also the issue that some countries have with Frosted Flakes, and the reason they might be banned in certain places: namely, Europe and Japan. The BHT acts as a preservative in a box of Frosted Flakes.
The vibrant and flavorful Skittles, loved for their rainbow of colors and fruity taste, contain certain artificial dyes, including yellow 5 and yellow 6. However, these specific dyes have raised concerns about potential health risks, prompting regulatory actions in countries like Norway and Sweden.
image source: reddit.com
Some countries aren't able - or willing - to taste the rainbow! Norway and Sweden have put a full ban on this very colorful candy snack because of certain dyes they contain, including yellow 5 and yellow 6. When you think about it, Skittles are so artificial in color, taste and plastic-ness! So it's no surprise.
Any Citrus Sodas
The vibrant hues of some American sodas often hint at the inclusion of brominated vegetable oil (BVO), an additive that helps in stabilizing flavors and creating a consistent texture, especially in citrus-flavored sodas like Sun Drop.
image source: reddit.com
You can usually go off how artificially bright a soda is on the shelf to know whether it's likely banned in countries outside of America! Bright yellow sodas like Sun Drop - and basically any citrus sodas - have brominated vegetable oil that's banned in other countries.
A Bunch Of Other Breakfast Cereals
Like Frosted Flakes, other popular breakfast cereals such as Honey Bunches of Oats and Honey Maid S'mores contain the additive butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). This preservative, intended to extend the cereal's shelf life, has come under scrutiny due to concerns about its potential health effects.
image source: reddit.com
Frosted Flakes isn't the only breakfast cereal taking a hit in other countries - and while there are more efforts to make healthy versions of breakfast cereals that you don't have to worry about, certain cereals like Honey Bunches of Oats and Honey Maid S'mores will also be banned because of the BHT additive.
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Convenience foods often contain preservatives to extend their shelf life, and some additives have raised concerns about potential health risks. In the case of Hungry Jack's Mashed Potatoes, certain preservatives within the product have been linked to health concerns.
image source: reddit.com
We all know that convenience foods are usually pretty bad for you - bad enough to be banned in some countries! Products like Hungry Jack's Mashed Potatoes are considered to possibly have carcinogenic preservatives in them, and this is banned in the UK and Japan.
Packaged Bread Rolls And Buns
Potassium bromate is an additive commonly used in packaged bread and baked goods to improve dough elasticity and produce a better final product. However, concerns about its potential health risks have led to its restriction or ban in several countries, including the UK, Canada, and Brazil.
image source: reddit.com
Packaged bread products are full of preservatives, because they're needed to keep the bread fresh for longer - but because of this, they might contain some problematic ingredients that can be banned in certain countries. The culprit is an additive called potassium bromate, banned in the UK, Canada and Brazil.
Popular American Foods That Other Countries Find Gross! Twizzlers
Twizzlers, a popular American candy known for its bright red color and chewy texture, can vary in taste preference among individuals, both within and outside the US. While they have a dedicated following among Americans, Twizzlers might not resonate as positively with some international consumers.
image source: reddit.com
Twizzlers are a popular bright red American candy that lots of natives find very delicious - people outside of the US? Not so much. Twizzlers have been described as too plasticy and too artificial. And apparently it's the cherry flavor that goes down the worst compared to strawberry!
York Peppermint Patties
It's fascinating how taste preferences can vary across cultures! York Peppermint Patties, a quintessential American treat renowned for its combination of dark chocolate and a refreshing peppermint filling, might not always align with the taste preferences of individuals from other countries.
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people in other countries aren't a huge fan of anything tasting like mint. There are a lot of mint confectionaries on the market of course, but York Peppermint Patties are an American staple that apparently doesn't go down too well with some foreigners, who think it tastes like toothpaste!
Corn On The Cob
Food perceptions and associations can vary widely across cultures. While corn on the cob is a staple at American barbecues and a quintessential part of the summer grilling culture, its interpretation and significance can differ in other parts of the world.
image source: reddit.com
Now, corn isn't exclusive to America, of course, as people in the UK particularly enjoy corn on the cob and sweetcorn, too. But corn on the cob is definitely associated with a big American BBQ paired with some meat - and to some foreigners, this is more like 'pig food' than human food! Sort of like how someone would look questionably at a 'rabbit food' lettuce leaf.
Candy Corn
Candy corn, with its iconic tri-color design and association with Halloween festivities in the United States, is indeed a polarizing treat, even among Americans themselves. While it enjoys popularity as a nostalgic seasonal candy, its flavor and texture aren't universally adored, and this sentiment extends beyond the borders of the US.
image source: reddit.com
Speaking of corn! This one is of the sweet and very unhealthy variety. Candy corn is very popular, especially as Halloween candy in the US, but to some people from other countries, it's a bit... er - disgusting. The thing with this one is that even the majority of Americans agree it tastes awful!
Indeed, dumplings hold a revered place in Chinese cuisine, celebrated for their various fillings, delicate wrappers, and cooking methods. The anticipation of tasting dumplings in America might arise from the desire to experience this beloved dish in a different cultural setting.
image source: reddit.com
Dumplings are a staple if you're Chinese or a fan of Chinese cuisine, which is why you might look forward to tasting dumplings during a visit to America, too. But Chinese people - and indeed other foreigners - are usually very disappointed with the US's version of a dumpling.
Root Beer
The use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) or recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in dairy farming has sparked considerable debate due to concerns about its potential health implications. rBST is a synthetic hormone used to increase milk production in cows.
image source: reddit.com
Root beer is a hugely popular (and refreshing) drink in the US, but to the rest of the world it can often be ignored because it tastes like 'medicine' with quite an offputting flavor. People of the UK have a similar tasting drink - Dandelion and Burdock - which is a VERY acquired taste, too.
Hot Pockets
Hot Pockets, often hailed as a convenient and quick meal option, have gained popularity for their ease of preparation. However, their heat distribution during cooking and resulting temperature inconsistencies have led to mixed reviews, both domestically and among foreign consumers.
image source: reddit.com
Hot Pockets are the ultimate 'I can't be bothered cooking' snack, but that doesn't mean they're going to be delicious pieces of gourmet cooking. Apparently, the issues that foreigners most have with this particular product is not so much the taste, but the burn potential: it burns the roof of your mouth on the outside, while being stone cold in the inside!
The Chicken And Waffles Combo
Chicken and waffles, a beloved dish in American cuisine, marries the savory goodness of fried or roasted chicken with the sweet, comforting taste of waffles. This unique combination offers a delightful contrast of flavors and textures that has gained a dedicated following among Americans.
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Some people from other countries are completely nonplussed about the American tradition of putting savory chicken and sweet waffles together. We know that the balance of sweet and savory can sometimes work perfectly, and in this case it does - to Americans, at least!
Canned Cheese
Canned cheese, often found in aerosol cans for easy dispensing, has its place as a convenient snack option, but its flavor and texture might not always align with traditional cheese experiences. While it offers convenience, many Americans and individuals from other countries might agree that it doesn't quite capture the essence of real cheese.

image source: reddit.com
Canned cheese is convenient, and mostly disgusting (a lot of Americans would agree) but to some foreigners, it can be a travesty! We know that if you
really want to enjoy cheese you should buy a delicious block of it and prepare it properly - but where's the fun in that when you can just spray it on the top of a cracker?
Hershey Chocolate
Chocolate preferences can indeed vary widely across cultures, and while Hershey's is a widely recognized brand in the United States, its taste profile might not always align with the preferences of individuals from other countries, particularly those accustomed to different types of chocolate.
image source: reddit.com
If there's ever an insult to chocolate, it's Hershey's - at least, that's what most foreigners think. Some Americans would agree they're not the best chocolate has to offer, but they'll do to satisfy a craving! There are definitely better chocolate flavors out there in the world, though.