Airplane Food From Around The World

By molly atherton 10 months ago

Ryanair - Ireland

Ahhh, the traditional Irish breakfast. A soggy potato patty, inedible sausage, shriveled mushrooms and some some of unknown white pudding.Image Source: InstagramWhilst Ryanair claim that its breakfasts are "the perfect option to fill up and start your day with", we are feeling a little bit nauseas at the thought of stomaching this first thing.Original content sourced from

SpiceJet - India

Ok, we are not exactly sure what this one is... but we know for sure it's not something we'd enjoy. SpiceJet seem to have served raw sausage,Image Source: Instagramhash brown and omelette. How could they have got it so wrong? but hey, at least there's some water to wash it all down with!

Air Europa - Madrid

HELLO delicious looking pizza! Air Europa clearly know how to satisfy their customers. We don't really have any complains about this one,Image Source: Instagramhowever, of course, the TINY pizza could be SO much bigger! But at least there's a nice bottle of red to wash it all down!

Qantas Airways - Australia

Served in a sustainable carboard box (a good start!), what once may have been a Shepherd's Pie, now resembles something entirely unrecognisable.Image Source: InstagramWith brown bits of meat, an odd mash like substance and overcooked peas, the whole thing just isn't quite right.

Norwegian Airlines

Norway is known for being one of the healthiest countries in the world, serving the freshest, most nutritious dishes. This airline has let the country downImage Source: Instagramserving this unidentifiable pile of slosh that is, apparently, chicken and mash. It's fair to say the gravy doesn't make things any more appealing either.

Air France

Couscous salad, peanut chips, oily dressing, potato puree, Camembert. It sounds so fancy! Whilst this meal may look the part, apparently,Image Source: Instagramthe taste wasn't quite as expected. The mashed potato tasted fake, the bread was not yet defrosted and the dessert still had frozen strawberries on.

Eva Air Hello Kitty Jet - Taiwan

How adorable is this! Eva Air runs a Hello Kitty themed services that travels to eight destinations across Asia. The theme runs through theImage Source: Instagramwhole flight, starting with the check-in screens and your boarding pass. Nothing escapes the branding, including the mealtimes!

Malaysia Airlines - Kuala Lumpur

Forget about the food... The crockery that is serving these dishes is INSANE! It just make it looks SO much more appealing!Image Source: InstagramNo more cardboard or plasticky taste that's ruining your food, this presentation is the real deal - they even have a butter dish!

TUI - England

Spot the difference between the delicious-looking 'all day English breakfast' and the squashed omelette, dry sausage and well,Image Source: Instagramcan we really call them beans? I'm not so sure. We really just can't imagine trying to eat this brekkie on an empty stomach...

Jet2 - Wales

Anyone for a salad sandwich? No takers? We can't say we're surprised. With the remains of a tomato, an old piece of cucumber and a quarterImage Source: Instagramof a lettuce leaf, this sandwich would certainly not be at the top of our lists for lunch. The worst bit? There's absolutely no butter on the bread.

Lufthansa Airlines - Germany

Lufthansa Airlines really do give their customers the best experience from start to finish. With seared tuna on a bed of salad,Image Source: Instagramcured ham with parmesan topping and a tasty looking bread and butter pudding, we're definitely ok with travelling with them!

Vanilla Air - Tokyo

Another airline who've got the right idea are Vanilla Air. Japanese airlines really are the best! Despite being such a low cost airline,Image Source: Instagramthey know that their customers appreciate good food. This bento box for lunch is only €8.00 and included a miso soup too.

Uzbekistan Airways

Is it chicken? Is it pork? We are not entirely sure. All we know is that this horrendous looking dinner really was served by Uzbekistan airlines.Image Source: InstagramDavid Cann, the receiver of this meal, said: "It was billed as chicken with aubergine and pasta, which sounded promising. It tasted like an assortment of cardboard packaging..."

Iran Air - Tehran

We've never seen sandwiches so beautifully presented. Good job, Iran Air! Also that chocolate mousse desserts definitely looks like itcan be demolished within seconds. With salt, pepper, sugar and all the condiments, this dish gets a solid 7/10!

Turkish Airlines - Istanbul

WOW! Whilst we've absolutely not a clue what is being served here, it certainly looks the part. With salad, olives, cheese sides,Image Source: Instagramdessert, lemonade, bread and mayo as side dishes too, there's no way that we'd go hungry here! It's all about the presentation, too, right?

Air China - China

We have to admit, some of these do dishes look a little odd and the bread does look a little bit dry and the salmon is drowned in soy sauce.Image Source: InstagramIt might be the pale blue tray that makes the food look a bit like it might be served in a hospital, rather than on an airplane journey.

British Airways - England

Could this be any more quintessentially British? A cuppa, a scone with cream and jam, perfectly square sandwiches and delicious freshlyImage Source: Instagrambaked cake! Oh and not forgetting a nice bottle of wine for after you've supped your tea. British Airways really do know how to treat us!

Hawaiian Airlines

This meal is one of the only vegan dinners that are served on airlines - and it looks a solid 3/10. The salad, bread and veg look incredibly bland,
Image Source: Instagram
but the tofu curry actually looks pretty tasty. Oh and those water packets, can we just have a bottle next time, please?

Singapore Air

This beautiful breakfast is getting the seal of approval. With fresh fruit, pastries and croissant to choose from, if you're still feeling hungry
Image Source: Instagram
after that (or just greedy!), why not enjoy the delicious looking curry with special fried rice. What a treat! This is better than what you'd eat at home!

Vietnam Airlines

This meal is presented so nicely, but it does strike us that there's really not much on the plate. Cue hunger mode. Is that half a piece
Image Source: Instagram
of cucumber on the plate? It might look pretty, but there's no doubt in our minds that our bellies would be rumbling after this.

Japan Airlines

Again, there's not much of a dinner here. It mainly consists of white rice and half a boiled egg (come on, just give us the whole thing)
Image Source: Instagram
which, although looks fluffy and tasty, is not exactly going to satisfy our hunger for a long haul flight. Still at least the crockery is pretty!

Qantas Airlines - Perth

Apart from the very dry piece of bread without any butter (which we'd definitely still eat anyway), this actually looks like a super healthy,
Image Source: Instagram
fresh lunch to have! Lots of colour, lots of nutritious flavours and enough to fill us up. We'd rate this a solid 9/10!

American Airlines - Philadelphia

This whole meal seems like it's straight out of a packet. With Jacob's crackers, Dairylee dunkers, bread and cherry crumble cake all still
Image Source: Instagram
in the wrapper, it doesn't exactly scream fresh. Still the meatballs look edible and the rice looks OK. A 5/10! Which isn't actually all that bad...

Alaska Airlines

One of the best meals we've seen so far. Looking very posh, even the dressing is in it's own adorable miniature bottle. With a crispy
Image Source: Instagram
feta salad, freshly baked bread on the side and a well-presented main meal, Alaska Airlines have certainly impressed here!

ANA (All Nippon Airways) - Switzerland

WOW! There's no mistaking this dinner as being served in first class only. Never have we seen such a big tin of caviar! This 5 star meal looks
Image Source: Instagram
like it's been served by a Michelin star chef - in fact, it probably has! We don't want to even begin to think how much this flight cost...

Iberia Airlines - Spain

This might not look that tasty, but that really is froe-gras being served there. With soup, salad and pate to choose from, this airline
Image Source: Instagram
does really spoil its customers. 10/10 for crockery too. Just one thing... is that really just one grape for dessert?

Korean Air

Dim sum in the sky is pretty special, especially when it looks THIS good! Not only is there plenty of it to go round so we wouldn't be left
Image Source: Instagram
hungry, it also looks utterly delicious! From noodles to curry to fruit platters and pastries, this meal leaves nothing to be desired.

Japan Airlines

WOW! A five start meal in every way! Beautifully presented, delicious looking, lovely crockery and champagne to top it all off -
Image Source: Instagram
as if it couldn't get any better! The only unfortunate thing is this meal is part of a business class service, which means that it's probably thousands!

Qatar Air - Dubai

The customer who took this revealed: "I was really looking forward to flying Qatar, as I never had before. I was initially really impressed
Image Source: Instagram
with what was set down in front of me — it looked like a very substantial and filling breakfast. But when I had my first bite, it was not what I was expecting."

TUI - England

Spot the difference between the delicious-looking 'all day English breakfast' and the squashed omelette, dry sausage and well, can we
Image Source: Instagram
really call them beans? I'm not so sure. We really just can't imagine trying to eat this brekkie on an empty stomach...

Lion Air - Indonesia

Presentation is clearly not something of a priority here. Plus the main dish looks like more rice in comparison to the little bit
Image Source: wiki
of meat and sauce and vegetables.  The side salad looks fairly standard as well as the fruit. But, where's the dessert? And we don't mean the yoghurt.

Jet Airways - India

The first thing that we notice here is that there isn't that much food. Okay, the curry looks quite good. But then after you've finished
Image Source: nationsonline
the trio of different melons i think you'll be left craving something sweet. The drink also looks highly unnapetizing.

Finnair - Finland

If we were on this Finnair flight, we'd be happy. What speaks to us the most is definitely that slice of chocolate cake. And, eggs
Image Source: buzzfeed
and steak for breakfast is very luxurious indeed and not just your standard breakfast by any means. This has to receive around 7/10.

Simply Aviation - Estonia

The colours are bright, the chicken casserole looks good and the mash looks creamy and the green beans unusually do not look over boiled.
Image Source: buzzfeed
That being said, apart from the main dish which looks okay, the rest of the meal looks highly bland and unsatisfying to eat.

Air Canada - Canada

This Air Canada meal scores around 6/10. The main meal actually looks pretty good to eat and it has sauce so it is not dry like many
Image Source: buzzfeed
plane meals. The fruit salad has kiwi, strawberry and orange which is also a lot more exciting the standard apple and grape.

Bangkok Air

This does not look appetizing at all. One, it looks completely dry. Two, it also looks very tasteless. But also, it is hard to actually distinguish
Image Source: insider
what the foods are. We are not inspired by this Bangkok Air in flight meal and would probably have to rate it around 3/10.

Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines are not providing a very interesting meal here. It also looks a lot less fresh than some of the other meals as a comparison.
Image Source: elledecor
For example, everything here looks like it definitely comes with that horrible plasticky taste. No thank you... we'll go with an empty stomach we think.

Emirates - Dubai

It's no surprise that Emirates pulled it out of the bag in terms of the in flight meal. This salmon fillet dish looks really good and you even get
Image Source: brightside
a side of pasta salad. If there was a nice dessert to go alongside it then this would be a very good meal indeed - but alas, it's not to be!

Egyptair - Egypt

This chicken curry looks fairly tasty. That is a generous portion of chicken in proportion to vegetables and rice and there's some
Image Source: nationsonline
sauce hiding underneath. But, the three cucumber slices as a side salad is definitely letting down the rest of the meal.

Fly Jamaica - Jamaica

This main dish looks pretty good. Some kind of delicious looking stew with seasoned potatoes and green beans - not bad at all.
Image Source: Airratesnet
It definitely looks one of the least mass produced meals and the one that resembles home style cooking the most which is definitely appreciated.

Virgin Atlantic

There's something about the colour of the stew that is a little unsettling. Then again, for a meal having stew rice and veg and a bowl
Image Source: Insider
of pasta salad is not something to complain about. There's no doubt that you'd be left feeling nice and full for the flight.

ITA - Italy

Okay this looks really good. That pasta has to be one of the best meals on here. Its ravioli in a very tasty looking tomato sauce.
Image Source: Wikipedia
In flight or not...we could eat this and be very happy. The dessert portion could do with being a little bit bigger however.

Cathay Pacific

This meal looks very fancy indeed. A lot of the illusion comes from the presentation but the stew looks tasty and that swirled chocolate
Image Source: airlinemeals
dessert looks extremely good.  The side salas also offers a lot more than the standard lettuce and tomato too. Not a bad effort.

Air Tahiti Nui

This is the breakfast meal on Air Tahiti Nui. That omelette has definitely been over cooked and it looks like it would be prettyrubbery to eat. Everything also looks a little bit dry. But, you certainly wouldn't be hungry after this breakfast at least.

Thai Airways

Now this looks like one of the best meals because it does not look bland. that a big piece of raw fish? It's certainly not for everyone
Image Source: Insider
but for sushi and sashimi lovers it would go down a treat. However we have to say, raw fish on a plane does seem a little bit risky...

Ana Air

Okay so there is definitely something very satisfying about looking at this in flight meal. The neatness of the separate compartments,
Image Source: Insider
everything is square and in place. It's also very colourful and healthy looking and you even get big king prawns - delicious.

Royal Jordanian Airlines

10/10 for presentation and we are definitely appreciating the rolled cotton white napkin in place of a standard piece of tissue paper.
Image Source: Ranker
The colours are also very vibrant and that drink looks appetising. It's a veggies dream. For meat eaters...not so much.

Philippine Airlines

This is what is served on the Philippine Airlines. Here is a typical Hungarian goulash, with a side of rice and some (very bland looking boiled
Image Source: Ranker
peas and carrots). But, the goulash does look flavoursome. And that cheesecake does look good. Presentation is a little bit lacking.

United Airlines

So this looks pretty much like a square container filled with mash...with the odd bit of spinach peeking through. Is it calling out to us?
Image Source: Ranker
Definitely not. Oh and there's also a side of spinach and nuts... Healthy but it doesn't look the most exciting.

Qantas, First Class

This first class offering from Qantas airline also comes backed by famous chef Heston Blumenthal - and he knows what he's talking about.Image Source / DeliciousThis steak sandwich is a passenger favourite in first class - and apparently there was even uproar when it was almost removed from the menu.

Thai Airways, Business Class

This delicious meal from Thai Airways is designed to be filling but light so that you don't feel too bloated for the rest of your flight.Image Source / DeliciousIt's an aromatic noodle broth with a light omelette on the side. And it definitely makes a difference eating something light when you have a very long flight!

All Nippon Airways, Business Class

Food on ANA (All Nippon Airways) flights is always spoke of positively, and here you can see why. This is a traditional Japanese bento styleImage Source / Deliciousmeal for business class flyers, created by a 3-star Michelin chef Toru Okuda. Even just one of these dishes would be enough!

Emirates, First Class

No matter who you're flying with, a first class meal is never going to be a disappointment. Here in first class on an Emirates flight, you haveImage Source / DeliciousDom Perignon served before your delicious meal of canapes, confit duck and curried pineapple, poached prawn and guacamole tartlet, finished off with truffle arancino.

Singapore Airlines, Suites

With Singapore Airlines, you can enjoy your own suite in their private cabins. Here is revealed the selection of suite meals you canImage Source / Deliciousexpect (which you're also able to book in advance before you fly). The suite meal options include lobster thermidor, Cantonese roast duck and king prawns.

Scandinavian Airlines, Business Class

This option looks quite simple considering it's business class, but the quality of food appears top notch. It includes marinated salmon,Image Source / Deliciousa selection of cheese and wine alongside beef tournedos. It's also served up on Danish-designed crockery!

Air France, Le Premiere Class

Cheese, cheese and more cheese! With this flight, you don't just have cheese as a side option, you have a whole course of it served.Image Source / DeliciousBy the looks of it you can expect a huge variety, too, including the most smelliest - which is ideal for being inside a small plane cabin!

British Airways, First Class

Traditional British food is an acquired taste, but when you're flying first class, you can expect the very best. You can enjoy English afternoon Twinings teaImage Source / Delicious(of course) served alongside sandwiches, petit fours, and scones, and for main meals, a delicious fillet of beed, rosemary jus, and asparagus.

Etihad, First Class

And this is only the breakfast! This wake up selection on Etihad airlines includes first-class (both the cabin and the food) eggs,Image Source / Deliciouswhich you can even request how you would like cooked, toasted soldiers, fresh pastries, pancakes with banana and blueberry, and of course the perfect cup of coffee.

Etihad, First Class

And just to finish off this first class journey with this airline, how about this first class dessert taster selection, too? That's if you'veImage Source / Deliciousstill got room later on after all those delicious pancakes. All of these look like the perfect amount of sweet desserts.

Qatar, First Class

For this airline's first class service, you can expect the finest caviar service in their first class cabin. The Osietra caviar is served alongsideImage Source / InsideFlyer UKsalmon and blinis, and it's even served on a crystal plate. You can expect a glass of Krug champagne, too. Is First Class complete without champagne?