1. Britney Spears

Image Source/ Little LaamaBritney Spears has been in the headlines for a large number of reasons over the past few years and even many years before that. It is not lost on her fans that she hasn't aged as naturally as she might have done. But Britney, unlike some other celebs, does own up to her cosmetic enhancements.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Jennifer Aniston

Image Source/ Bright SideJennifer Aniston is a major girl crush. If you haven't seen her in Friends then you will have seen her in the hundreds of other famous films she is in and I think we can all agree that she looks incredible! She is only 50, but doesn't even look that. Although, it seems to be not all natural ageing...
3. Jocelyn Wildenstein

Image Source/ Screenshot MediaA Swiss socialite known for her HEAVY plastic surgery. She looks unrecognisable now compared to her younger self. The 82 year old is now likened to a cat... I'm not sure if that's what she was aiming for. She is definitely the most extreme comparison of this bunch!
4. Jennifer Lopez

Image Source/ The SunJennifer Lopez is another star who looks fantastic for her age. Better known as J. Lo, the singer and dancer has never held back when it comes to her revealing outfits, and why would you if you looked like her!? Now married to Ben Affleck, here's how she might have aged if times were different.
5. Nicole Kidman

Image Source/ AnabelThe American Australian movie star is ranked amongst the highest paid actresses in the world. So she can definitely afford a good plastic surgeon! She used to be married to Tom Cruise and the two of them were definitely a power couple back in the day.
6. Amanda Holden

Image Source/ The MirrorAmanda Holden is always on our TV in jaw dropping dresses that we could never pull off. She might be nearly fifty, but that doesn't seem to be stopping her! Who knows whether she just has really good genes or if she has had a bit of help along the way to maintain her youthful looks.
7. Tess Daly

Image Source/ The SunTess Daly is a UK television queen and is another one who always looks fabulous. Known in the tabloids for her rocky marriage to Vernon Kay, she never really seems to have aged a day at all! She definitely knows how to wear a bold enough to turn heads!
8. Renee Zellweger

Image Source/ Bright SideOur favourite actress! Best known for playing Bridget Jones, she has collated many film related awards over the years for her work. She is also known for her girl next door looks and never fails to look amazing. Here's a prediction of what she COULD look like today.
9. Salma Hayek

Image Source/ Bright SideSalma Hayek comes from a wealthy oil family, so even before she became a famous and successful actress, she had the very best ageing techniques at her disposal! Many celebs never admit to having any work done, but even if it's not plastic surgery it's fancy facials and creams that keep them all looking youthful.
10. Cate Blanchett

Image Source/ DiplyProclaimed to be one of the finest actresses of her generation, Cate Blanchett is a natural beauty. And to me it looks like she is one of the few who has aged naturally! Or as naturally as you can when you're absorbed into the world of Hollywood. What do you think?
11. Catherine Zeta Jones

Image Source/ Bright SideNow this woman is an icon. Catherine Zeta Jones is always turning heads. She doesn't look like she has aged a day! Although, I wonder if it's her husband who just makes her look more youthful. Jones is married to Michael Douglas who is 25 years her elder.
12. Kylie Minogue

Image Source/ The Bright SideKylie Minogue has a lot of successes under her belt. She has been an actress and a singer and everything in between. Another success she deserves credit for her is her good looks! She never fails to look amazing and definitely never looks her age! We all need her secrets...
13. Cher

Image Source/ Bored PandaA lot of celebs seem to be scared of ageing! Cher strikes me as one of them... This is what it's predicted Cher would look like if she aged naturally. I think I actually prefer the natural look!? But everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin!
14. Dolly Parton

Image Source/ Bored PandaDolly Parton is an iconic female hero lets be honest. Her predicted natural ageing makes her look like the grandma we would all love to have! Dolly Parton is one who cannot possibly deny having any plastic surgery done... some things are better left alone!
15. Donatella Versace

Image Source/ Bored PandaA famous name within the fashion world, although not someone you may have seen photographed too often! Donatella Versace is the founder of Versace, and she is 67 years old. Someone has definitely intervened somewhere along the line as here is a picture of what she could have looked like if she aged naturally...
16. Goldie Hawn

Image Source/ Bored PandaGoldie Hawn is another icon. You genuinely wouldn't believe her age. She is 77!? Although I think you can tell she has had some work done! Plastic surgeons have predicted another version of what she could have looked like, so they obviously suspect some surgical enhancements too..
17. Madonna

Image Source/ Daily MailMadonna is probably the most well known example of 'age is just a number'. She still acts and dresses how she would if she was 30 years younger! This has attracted some younger men over the years but some of her fans say she has gone too far now and that her face is almost unrecognisable.
18. Priscilla Presley

Image Source/ eBaum's WorldPriscilla Presley was married to the one and only Elvis Presley! Elvis died in 1977 so it's crazy to think she is still around, although she is not as old as that makes her sound! Priscilla was only 14 years old when she met 24 year old Elvis... a controversial relationship. So she is still around at 77 and looking amazing!
19. Joan Rivers

Image Source/ Bored PandaJoan Rivers sadly died in 2014 at the age of 81. But she was known for her plastic surgery and had a generous list of procedures performed. This is what she could have looked like if she had never gone under the knife and was maybe still around today...
20. Barry Manilow

Image Source/ Bored PandaBarry Manilow isn't short of hit songs to perform. He also isn't short of a little bit of help towards keeping his youthful looks... He may never be too forthcoming about any work he has had done, but at 79 years old, we think he might have dabbled a little if you compare to what he COULD have looked like.
21. John Travolta

Image Source/ Bored PandaAnother male celeb who seems to be getting younger rather than older... He has had a variety of looks over the years and is currently adopting a bald look, although whether that is out of choice we are not sure! Here's a prediction for what could have been...
23. Demi Moore

Image Source/ DeMilkedDemi Moore certainly doesn't look her age! She's been in too many films to name and also has her fair share of famous exes. Aston Kutcher and Bruce Willis! Whatever work Demi Moore may or may not have had done, she still looks great for 60 years old!
23. Lisa Rinna

Image Source/ Bored PandaLisa Rinna is an American actress and more recently a TV personality housewife. She is also married to the famous Harry Hamlin. She doesn't appear to be a stranger to having a little nip and tuck here and there. Whatever floats your boat and all that...
24. Burt Reynolds

Image Source/ Bored PandaBurt Reynolds was the OG seventies sex symbol. He starred in many classic movies and his legacy still lives on even after his death in 2018 when he was 82 years old. Burt Reynolds always denied having any plastic surgery, but a lot of fans suspected otherwise. Take a look at these predicted pictures of him...
25. Amanda Lepore

Image Source/ Screenshot MediaAmanda Lepore started her career as a Club Kid but has been a model, actress and singer since then. She has also gained a lot of experience in the plastic surgery department... There's no denying this one, they are just not the kind of looks you end up with from ageing naturally.
26. Carla Bruni

Image Source/ Bored PandaCarla Bruni has been a supermodel and a singer. She also married the president of France. How's that for a resumé? You can only imagine how well a supermodel will age! Some people would definitely argue that she didn't need any plastic surgery at all and has over done it.
27. Melanie Griffith

Image Source/ Bored PandaMelanie Griffith has many great films under her belt. She is also the famous Mum of Dakota Johnson! The 65 year old looks great, but has definitely had a few turns on the plastic surgery wheel. Not unlike the others on this list! Here's what she may have looked like if things were different.
28. Daryl Hannah

Image Source/ Bored PandaDaryl Hannah is an American actress and wife of singer, Neil Young. It's reported in the tabloids that Hannah has had at least eight different cosmetic procedures, including fat injections, whatever they are!? Surely no one is desperate enough for those...
29. Joan Van Ark

Image Source/ Bored PandaJoan Van Ark was the star of TV show Knots Landing. She's 79 now and leads a quiet, private life. She is only pictures by paparazzi occasionally but you could definitely argue she doesn't look her age. I think she might have had some help with that though.
30. Mickey Rourke

Image Source/ Bored PandaMickey Rourke is a former actor and boxer, who has starred as the leading man many times. The American is 70 years old and has had his fair share of plastic surgeries over the years. Although, they were done to fix a multitude of injuries sustained as a boxer and some previous botched surgeries.
31. Gretchen

Image source/ wowgossipsFamous German actress Gretchen has starred in many different roles. She, along with many before her and many after her got herself quite a lot of surgery done to try and prolong the look of youth. But, what's up with ageing naturally? She would still look great.
32. Sylvester Stallone

Image source/ wowgossipsSylvester Stallone raised a lot of eyebrows when he went for multiple surgeries, drastically changing his face irreversibly. And, many people questioned his decision. But, hopefully he himself was happy because that's all that matters! He would look great natural however.
33. Christie Brinkley

Image source/ wowgossipsHas this model even aged? Christie Brinkley looks still in her youth. Oh, the power of surgery. It literally can make you look any kind of way. But look on the right, here she is with no surgery and she looks completely gorgeous in all her natural glory.
34. Vanessa Williams

Image source/ wowgossipsVanessa Williams (the famous singer, designer and actress) has that giveaway mirror effect, ironed out forehead without a SINGLE crease, telling us that she's had Botox and other work done. And, she looks good, but she also looks great without surgery too.
35. Courtney Love

Image source/ wowgossipsNow everybody is free to choose whatever they like for their own body. But, is it just us who thinks Courtney Love would look amazing natural? If this picture is anything to go by...she'd be just as stunning now as she ever was with no unnatural procedures whatsoever.
36. Katie Price

Image source/ wowgossipsKatie Price is one of the most renowned women for plastic surgery. First, there was the breast augmentation and then the reversal, and then another augmentation and so on, Now, there's a constant strive towards looking as young as possible.
37. Sharon Osbourne

Image source/ wowgossipsSharon Osbourne year after year miraculously (or not so miraculously in fact) looks younger and younger. With a little (or a lot of help) from her plastic surgeon. For some reason her natural picture has increased the size of her jaw somewhat.
38. Jennifer Grey

Image source/ wowgossipsJennifer Grey is a famous American actress. She's starred in multiple movies and is often in the spotlight. She, like many other movie stars has had her fair share of plastic surgery to try and make herself look younger - which it has done. Then again, she looks great natural too.
39. Janet Jackson

Image source/ wowgossipsJanet Jackson is a famous singer, songwriter as well as an actress and a dancer. She was born in 1966 and by looking at her now, you'd never be able to tell her real age. That being said, she looks really amazing on the picture without plastic surgery!
40. Kris Jenner

Image source/ wowgossipsKris Jenner is the famous momager of the Kardashians. And, since their looks and image are pretty much their main selling point, Kris does not hold back when it comes to plastic surgery. She's had multiple procedures to look the way she does right now - younger then ever!
41. Now For Some Women Who Have Embraced Aging Naturally... First Up It's Sarah Jessica Parker

Image Source / SliceThe problem with appearing in a show like Sex and the City that's been going for years and years is that people are going to judge the aging actresses more harshly - but Jessica Parker's natural looks are still just as stunning. She even embraced her natural grey hair for the return of her role as Carrie.
42. Andie MacDowell

Image Source / SliceActress Andie MacDowell is another Hollywood stunner who has fully embraced her natural grey hair - and she looks fantastic for it! MacDowell's career as a model as well as an actress meant she's been under more criticism for her looks as she's gotten older, but she doesn't look anything but stunning.
43. Taraji P. Henson

Image Source / SliceActress Henson has truly embraced what it means to age gracefully - and she's not going to let it scare her. To be fair, she doesn't look a day over 30 most of the time, so if this is her aging naturally then she needs to teach the rest of us how it's done! Apparently not caring what other people think can keep you looking young.
44. Iman

Image Source / SliceFashion model, actress and businesswoman Iman has spoken about how important it is not to let the pressures of aging (or society's pressures about aging) get to you mentally. Physically, her main tip has to be to take care of your skin. Most people neglect good skincare routines these days when they turn to Botox and other surgery jobs.
45. Meryl Streep

Image Source / SliceMeryl Streep has been on our screens since forever, which obviously means she's older than she looks - because she looks amazing for her age, let's be honest. She hasn't let her age hold her back from continuing her career (and we than her for it). And it's probably that state of no longer worrying about it that helps keep her looking young.
46. Kate Winslet

Image Source / SliceWhen you kickstart your career playing the beautiful young Rose in Titanic, then there are going to be many lifelong critics who compare your looks to back then. Kate Winslet has had all that during her career, with people even complaining about how 'normal' she looks - well yeah, that's what happens when your face isn't filled with Botox.
47. Halle Berry

Image Source / SliceHalle Berry just never seems to age, and she's proving that time and again both with her stunning looks and her movie roles, where she lets nothing hold her back. She played an MMA fighter on screen at 54 years old - while also looking nowhere near 54 years old with that flawless skin! She's doing something right.
48. Salma Hayek

Image Source / SliceSalma Hayek has actually thanked her meditation routine to having a positive outlook on aging - and apparently being that relaxed can help you to still look young, too. She attributes her continued success in movie roles and with her looking-great-for-mid-50s attitude, all to meditation. Be right back, going to meditate.
49. Jennifer Aniston

Image Source / SliceLegendary Friends actress Jennifer Aniston seems to have had a little work done on her lips - but for the rest of her, she's always seemed so natural in her aging. She's also spoken about how meditation has helped her with that (she must be pals with Salma Hayek) and she focuses on self-care to have herself glow inside and out!
50. Julianne Moore

Image Source / SliceJulianne Moore is such an underrated actress when talking about Hollywood beauty, because she's always had it, and it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. She's now in her 60s and doesn't look a day over 40! Her mentality seems to be along the lines of 'we all age so why moan about it?' And it seems to be working for her!
51. Drew Barrymore

Image Source / SliceDrew Barrymore is an actress many of us have grown up with in her iconic teen and comedy movies, and she doesn't look much older than the day she started! How does she do it? She's spoken about how she feels on the inside can affect how she looks on the outside, and how important she thinks it is to teach her daughters that aging is a blessing!
52. Tina Fey

Image Source / SliceTina Fey is one of many actresses who have never shied away from the realities of working in Hollywood as a woman - and an aging woman, at that. Never one for Botox, Fey has shown how to age gracefully, and it must be true that laughter keeps you young, because this comedienne is proving that, too!
53. Cameron Diaz

Image Source / SliceDid you know that Cameron Diaz retired from acting? When speaking about her early retirement, she revealed the importance of wanting to take care of herself, and how stepping away from the industry made her able to do that. And it clearly shows, because the stresses of the job definitely don't show on her face!
54. Naomi Campbell

Image Source / SliceIf there's anybody that knows about looking good, it's a supermodel. And this only seems to get better with age when it comes to models, like a fine wine! Naomi Campbell certainly knows how to keep looking young. She's attributed her good (and natural) looks to a healthy diet and beauty routine. And it's clearly working.
55. Jamie Lee Curtis

Image Source / SliceJamie Lee Curtis was definitely most people's crush, no matter their age (that scene in True Lies, anybody?). One notable thing about Curtis as she's aged is that she embraced her natural grey hair long ago - and she looks stunning. Her career has never wavered, which just shows age is just a number to this queen.
56. Jada Pinkett Smith

Image Source / SlicePinkett Smith has very much embraced that 'I'm too old to care' viewpoint, and she attributes that to her success at aging gracefully. Not caring what others thing is definitely a trait of the older generation compared to the young, so it's one of the perks that certainly come with age!
57. Kim Cattrall

Image Source / SliceJust like Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall is a Sex and the City legend - who actually almost turned down the role of Samantha when asked to return for the latest instalment because she thought she was too old. Well thank goodness she changed her mind! Playing characters like Samantha who defy their age apparently helped Cattrall come to terms with her own age, too. You go girl.
58. Reese Witherspoon

Image Source / SliceThe legendary blonde bombshell that is Reese Witherspoon is someone we all aspire to in terms of looking THAT good when you're that age. Witherspoon has spoken about how the things that show her age - like her grey hair and fine lines - are all just a part of who she is and what she's experienced - which is definitely the way we should all be thinking of it!
59. Tracee Ellis Ross

Image Source / SliceActress, TV host, singer, producer and director Tracee Ellis Ross has spoken about the importance of feeling beautiful rather than looking beautiful (even though she looks stunning, there's no doubt about that). She's said she finds it more important that she feels beautiful, and that she feels the "sexiest" she's ever felt at 45.
60. Diane Keaton

Image Source / SliceWhen talking about acting legends who have aged beautifully, Diane Keaton is at the top of the list. She's always looked stunning throughout her career, and that hasn't changed since she's gotten grey and older. She's spoken before about how cosmetic surgery isn't something she's ever fancied, but she much prefers wearing her face as it is!
61. Cher

Image Source/ BuzzFeedWhile we might've already looked at some of these celebrities previously in this list, these are taken from photos of them younger, so we can see how accurate they look. First up is the pop idol Cher, who's prediction photo is based upon her at 24. It's safe to say she's definitely aged better than that!
62. Larry David

Image Source/ BuzzFeedThe fab comedian, writer and actor Larry David has made a very successful career for himself. The left photo is based upon a photo of 32 year old Larry, and the right is him now. I guess not much has changed, except the whitening of his hair of course!
63. Meryl Streep

Image Source/ BuzzFeedBelieve it or not, Meryl Streep has been in at least 77 films over the course of her career. A photo of 30 year old Meryl was taken to an AI generator to see what she might look like now. I mean honestly, it's not much different, pretty accurate in my opinion!
64. Morgan Freeman

Image Source/ BuzzFeedMorgan Freeman dominated the film industry and has appeared in many hit films, most notably The Shawshank Redemption. In this comparison, you can see what 1979 Morgan Freeman might've looked like now and (minus the grey beard) it's kinda scarily accurate (although he definitely looks younger in the AI).
65. Dolly Parton

Image Source/ BuzzFeedThis would definitely be an accurate Dolly Parton if she was a stay at home Grammaw that knits and bakes you oat cookies... but that's not the Dolly Parton we know. Instead, our bubbly Dolly sports a more glamorous looks than what's predicted and looks miles better.
66. Jackie Chan

Image Source/ BuzzFeedIt's amazing how accurate this one is! Jackie Chan paved his way through loads of China-based action adventure movies and seriously dominated the genre. Believe it or not, the first photo is an AI-modified version of a 21 year old Jackie Chan, and it looks exactly like him now.
67. Helen Mirren

Image Source/ BuzzFeedHelen Mirren, or Dame Helen Mirren DBE if you're being formal, had a massive impact on the film industry throughout her extensive career. While the AI-modified photo does differ quite a bit to the actual Helen Mirren we know, you can still see where the AI bot was going with this one...
68. Harrison Ford

Image Source/ BuzzFeedErm, someone please tell me that photo on the left is just a black and white snap of Ford Harrison now please?! I just simply won't believe that that is an AI-generated version of a 35 Harrison Ford, and the AI bot got him absolutely spot on. Scary!
69. Julie Andrews

Image Source/ BuzzFeedIt's clear that The Sound of Music star Julie Andrews has had some work done to her face over the years but she still looks great though. The left photo is based on a 29 year old Julie looking ominuously into the distance. While the hair might have changed, there's still that soulful look in her eye.
70. George Takei

Image Source/ BuzzFeedWhenever we look at George Takei we instantly see Star Trek, his face is a staple for the timeless TV programme. The left photo was generated using a still from 1966 when George was just 29, and as you can see, the comparison (while similar) have a lot of differences.
71. Rita Moreno

Image Source/ BuzzFeedThe Puerto-Rican actor Rita Moreno was serving looks back in 1955 when she was 24, so it's only right we would see what the AI thought she might look like now. Honestly, I don't really see the resemblance in this one. Maybe the AI got it wrong, or maybe her surgeon did a great job!
72. Ian McKellen

Image Source/ BuzzFeedThe Lord of the Rings Star Ian McKellen is practically a household name now. Using a photo from 1969, the AI-modifier predicted what it thought Ian would look like at the age of 83 and to be honest, he looks a lot younger than that there! If it was Ian a few years ago, it would be so accurate.
73. Maggie Smith

Image Source/ BuzzFeedI'm not sure whether people will recognise Maggie Smith more from Nanny McPhee, Harry Potter or Downton Abbey, but we can all agree that she is a formidable actor. It's actually scary how accurate the AI predicted Maggie to look a the age of 87... wow!
74. Héctor Elizondo

Image Source/ BuzzFeedMost famous for appearing in Chicago Hope and Last Man Standing, Héctor Elizondo is recognised by many American families. This might just be the least accurate prediction on the list yet, as the AI aged him so much more than needed to be. Poor Héctor Elizondo!
75. Diane Keaton

Image Source/ BuzzFeedThere's one thing for sure about Diane Keaton, and that's that she's won a lot of awards in her acting career, including Academy Award, British Academy Award and Two Golden Globes. However, when tasked with making Diane look older, the AI kinda missed, and it doesn't really look anything like her.
76. James Earl Jones

Image Source/ BuzzFeedJames Earl Jones has actually been described as "one of America's most distinguished and versatile" according to Wikipedia. There's a kind of resemblance between the 29-year-old-modified-picture and that of James Earl Jones now, but I don't think it's as accurate as some of the others.
77. Judi Dench

Image Source/ BuzzFeedDame Judi Dench was as glorious looking when she was younger as she is right now. The phenomenal actor was just 22 years old in the black and white photo, but we sped ahead to the age of 87 to see the AI's prediction. I can kinda see it, but she looks loads better now.
78. Quincy Jones

Image Source/ BuzzFeedQuincy Delight Jones has dabbled in just about everything in his career, including being an American record producer, musician, songwriter, composer, arranger, and film and television producer. The AI did a fab job at guessing what Quincy would look like at 89 too, kudos!
79. Diana Ross

Image Source/ BuzzFeedErm, how can the AI have done this much injustice to our queen Diana Ross. Vocalist of the hit song I'm Coming Out, Diana made her mark on the music industry and produced hit after hit. The AI used a 1968 photo of Diana to guess how she would look at 78. Fail!
80. Robert De Niro

Image Source/ BuzzFeedRobert De Niro is considered one of the best actors of our generation and rightly so! At the age of 29, Robert looked just as devilish as he does now, but the AI machine kinda made him look a bit goofy. He certainly looks a bit more serious now anyhow!
81. Dionne Warwick

Image Source/ BuzzFeedBelieve it or not, Dionne Warwick ranks among the 40 biggest U.S. hit makers of the 1990s, based on her chart history on Billboard's Hot 100 pop singles chart. The AI was tasked with predicting how 25 year old Dionne might look like in the future and... it flopped.
82. Michael Caine

Image Source/ BuzzFeedMichael Caine CBE is well known for appearing in more than 160 films in his career. However, when the AI had a go at editing a 1965 photo of Michael, it made him look more like a Republican politician than anything else. I think it's safe to say this one failed.
83. Jessica Lange

Image Source/ BuzzFeedJessica Lange was the only reason we all watched American Horror Story, lets just get that out of the way. She always had such a striking look about her and the AI generator pushed this a long way when it took the 31 year old to 73 and it looks so accurate.
84. Robert Redford

Image Source/ BuzzFeedCharles Redford is the recipient of various awards, including a British Academy Film Award, two Golden Globe Awards and the Cecil B. DeMille Award. Robert can't have changed much over the years as the AI prediction of his 85 year old self is scarily similar.
85. Jane Fonda

Image Source/ BuzzFeedAmerican actor Jane Fonda is also an activist and fashion model (rightly so!). The AI was challenged with making 25 year old Jane look 84 and I think it kinda missed the mark. It'd be interesting to see if this is what she'd looked like without all the work though...
86. Kim Kardashian

Image Source/ Green LemonKim K is the most famous of the Kardashians and is most notably the founder of shapewear SKIMS. She's now 42 and looks great to say she's had four children. In 2054, Kim will turn 74 and the right hand picture shows what she might look like... how accurate do you think it is?
87. Kylie Jenner

Image Source/ Green LemonKylie Jenner is one of the younger of the Kardashian / Jenner sisters and is most famous for releasing her line of makeup, Kylie Cosmetics. The mom of two will still be serving looks in the year 2077 when she turns 80 years old... and she might even look better than this with her makeup line.
88. Kourtney Kardashian

Image Source/ Green LemonOne of the older of the siblings, Kourtney is a force to be reckoned with. She celebrated her 43rd birthday last year and continues to serve looks wherever she goes. In 2055, Kourtney looks like she'll have aged quite a bit, but still looks great for a 76 year old.
89. Kris Jenner

Image Source/ Green LemonThe iconic Kris Jenner has always (and probably always will) looked amazing. At 67 years old, she's the prop momager of Kim, Kylie, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall and Rob. The right photo shows what Kris might look like in 2039, when she turns 84 years old. Wow!
90. Caitlyn Jenner

Image Source/ Green LemonCaitlyn Jenner has acquired a name for herself over the past few years. She was born in 1949 and assigned male at birth, however she later began to identify is a woman as she grew older, after having two children with ex-wife Kris Jenner. Here, you can see that Caitlyn might be looking to top up that plastic surgery in later!