AI Recreates Cartoon Characters As Real People

By Nick Hadji 1 year ago

1. Carl Fredricksen

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This face is someone we all know and love - how many of us can honestly say that he didn't bring laughter, sadness and a tear to our eyes? The film UP was one of those films that really pulled on the heart strings no matter what age, or whether you even like cartoon films. How realistic does this generated image look?! For me, its all about the nose and glasses combo, thick frames and a large nose are a tell tale sign of the elderly and reminds us of our grandparents.. I'd love to see another film like UP!Original content sourced from

2. Moe Szyslak

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As much as he is a grumpy character in The Simpsons, something I always loved about Moe was his empathy and child-like crush on Marge. It must have been tough for him to see Homer come into the bar day in and day out, talking about Marge, when all he wanted to do was be in Homer's footsteps too. This generated image of Moe looks a little scary to me, and I dont think I would take him up on an offer for a drink either - what about you? The more I look at the image, the more I feel like he would fit right into a scene from Home Alone...

3. Ariel

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I for one never really got into the hype around Little Mermaid but this classic movie has grown through the ages and caught the hearts of every single generation over the last few decades. Strangely in this generated image, I think it's quite obvious that it isn't a real human, and looks more like something the AI program would throw out - it reminds me much more like something you see on a computer game. The way AI is able to get the hair and eye resemblance will always freak me out - its uncanny!

4. Elsa

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We didn't quite see grown men dressing up as Elsa, but there was a time when the entire world of under 12s were an exact replica from head to toe! She took the world by storm and I'm very impressed how AI has managed to capture someone so life like here! Be honest, you'd expect to see someone looking like this on your local high street on a Saturday afternoon wouldn't you? I think I need to do some digging to see what AI would generate to create a human version of Olaf, now that is something I want to see!

5. Ned Flanders

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I’d love Ned as a neighbour – over the years he took a bit of a pounding from Homer and his antics but he never quit with the do-good attitude did he? I think this AI generated image looks almost too human like, and maybe doesn’t even look like Ned, I’m so confused...This image looks like he’s ready to sell me some home insurance, instead of saying howdily-doodily! One things for certain, I don't think this AI generated image of Ned looks like he would let anyone steal his power tools like Homer.

6. Dash Parr

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The Incredibles - what a movie! I think every man and boy had a crush on the Mum in both of the films. Dash as a cartoon looks like quite the little trouble causer, but the AI generated image of Dash from The Incredibles, doesn't look like he would cause much trouble at all - I'd say he's more into helping his family around the house with chores and light house work...what do you think? One things for sure, the cartoon version of Dash looks like the cooler version of the AI generated human version.

7. Mulan

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Mulan, maybe one of the most empowering films back in the pre-2000 days? A girl who didn’t want to see her father go into the army, due to his weakness, decided she would take it upon herself to do the unthinkable...dress like a man, and join the army herself! For the Mulan fans out there, what do we think, this generated image looks more like what Mulan should have looked like, or does the 2020 version of Mulan do the film justice? I know the reviews certainly didn't think that the 2020 version got a thumbs up!

8. Ursula

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Ursula was a real nasty lady wasn't she - but how many of us can relate to either knowing someone like her, or having someone like her in the family? Someone who is always stirring the pot...The AI generated image of Ursula looks like the aunty who always wants to grab you by the cheeks, smush up really close to your face (too close in fact) and plant a big red lipstick kiss on your cheek. I mean, Ursula was inspired by the iconic drag queen Divine, which definitely comes across here! I think it's the brows.

9. Violet Parr

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It took Violet a little bit of time in the film, but once she got into the flow of using her powers, she was unstoppable! I think the AI generated image of Violet has done a great job of capturing a few different personalities here - it gets the cute and innocent high school girl who is just trying to get by, but it also gets the dark and mysterious superhero that we grow to love in the films. I don't know, maybe its the black and red super suit I can see in the AI generated image that gives off the appearance of already being a superhero!

10. Homer Simpson

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How can the AI program do Homer like this? Absolutely no way does this look like our beloved Mr Simpson - what do you think? I was expecting a little fatter, a little more facial hair, and certainly not those big googley eyes. I know Homer only has 2 strands of hair in The Simpsons but maybe the AI generated image of Homer here has gone too far - i think a real life Homer would have a different hairstyle to that, more of a tuft rather than just the little strands. But I guess sticking to the images, it got it spot on!

11. Barbie

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I think this is kind of spooky - does this not remind you of every single American blonde teenager you see in films? I might be stereotyping here, but it's uncanny! I wonder if there is an AI program that can give personalities to these images too, I think I already know and can imagine what Barbie's personality would be like. If this person walked down the street past you, do you think you'd instantly recognise it as Barbie or not? I'm on the fence with this one, it looks too generic to be good!

12. Maleficent

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Ok this is cool, and let me tell you why. With the film Maleficent, we've already been able to build up an idea of what the real Maleficent would look like. So, seeing this AI generated image of Maleficent to compare to lets us really inspect whether this passes for a human version of her. I must admit, I think I'd always expect to see Angelina Jolie on this image because she does it so well! But, one thing is for certain, the scary eyes, the dark colours and the overall facial expression here is spot on.

13. Jasmine

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Princess Jasmine was one of my all time favourite princesses when I was a kid. The fact that she had a pet tiger definitely earned her a few points, how adorable was Rajah? But what I loved the most was how she was independent, sassy and knows how to stand up for herself! In the era of princesses being well-behaved and waiting for their prince to save them, Jasmine stood out as rebellious and courageous. AI Jasmine hasn't disappointed me, I can practically feel the sass oozing out of her on this image.

14. Joe Gardner

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If you haven't seen the movie Soul yet, you need to! It's a feel-good movie for both adults and children. It essentially tells the tale of Joe Gardner, who's struggling to find his purpose in the world. It really portrays a strong message about the importance of living in the moment. Joe's passion, creativity and kindness make it impossible not to love him! I feel like this generated image did him a favour, they chose to normalise his face shape, but they have definitely kept his kind eyes.

15. Moana

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What I want to know is what skin routine is Moana using? Because her skin is absolutely glowing here! I'm not mad, because she deserves her gorgeous skin. I feel like this image perfectly captures how I imagine the real life Moana to look. She's gorgeous inside and out and is a great role model to young girls and boys everywhere! She proves that it's possible to be both brave and strong-willed, whilst still being compassionate. Moana's determination pays off, which gives the movie a great moral - following your dreams is always possible, even when life is against you!

16. Snow White

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I don't know about you, but I'm really not feeling this one. I personally think it's because Snow White just looks far too modern! I feel like she's an old soul and the hair seems far too trendy for her. Besides, she isn't anywhere near pale enough! Has AI forgotten that her skin is as white as snow? Her personality is arguably naive, she's willing to move into a house in the middle of the woods with 7 men she knows nothing about! Although, who am I to judge? If I was being hunted by an evil queen who wanted my heart, maybe I'd do the same.

17. Anna

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Anna is definitely pure and innocent at heart, which I feel comes across in the real life version of Anna in this image. My favourite thing about Anna is how fiercely she loves her family and friends. She will do absolutely anything to keep them safe, which she proves to be the case in Frozen! I love how it's Anna who is the one to save her sister, Elsa. This movie was one of the first to break away from the traditional 'damsel in distress saved by a man' narrative - and it definitely paid off!

18. Milhouse

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Ah, Milhouse. He is such a cutie! I'm so pleased to see that the AI version of Milhouse is even cuter than the original cartoon version. I'm not quite sure why they made his hair purple when it is most definitely blue, but we move! His facial expression here looks like he'd be gullible and make an easy target - just like he is in the Simpsons. Milhouse's most adorable quality is how he remains fiercely loyal to his best friend, Bart, despite all the pranks and questionable situations he gets him into.

19. Tinkerbell

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Okay, so, is this Tinkerbell or Taylor Swift? Because I'm definitely seeing Taylor Swift in fancy dress here. Maybe this should be her costume next Halloween - someone needs to tell her! But putting Taylor aside, I'd say AI has done pretty well here. Tinkerbell is known for her ultra feisty and independent nature, which is captured perfectly in the facial expression. Tinkerbell is loyal and protective, known for looking out for Peter Pan and keeping him from danger, even when she's angry with him.

20. Aladdin

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I think this has probably got to be one of the most accurate AI remakes. I imagine this is exactly how Aladdin would look if he was a real person! He has that youthful, innocent look about him but still looks like he could be pretty cheeky and cunning at the same time! These are definitely aspects of Aladdin - his quick-witted, bold personality makes him super lovable. He's extremely resourceful, always making the most of what he has. He falls on his feet when he meets Princess Jasmine. The two are the perfect pair.

21. Rapunzel

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Rapunzel is super curious and intelligent. I personally feel like this AI image of her screams both of those things - her eyes look like they're ready for an adventure! Of course, we're going to have to assume that her golden hair does flow about seventy feet behind her, I'm sure it does. I'm glad Rapunzel isn't a real person for her sake. I dread hair washing day with normal length hair, can you imagine the pain and suffering of washing seventy feet of hair? Maybe I'd rather stay locked in her tower and just allow the grease.

22. Eric

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Prince Eric has definitely gotten veneers. I mean, he is a prince after all, so he can afford them! His eyebrows are very shapely too, he must have a great brow lady. Although, I always thought cartoon Eric had dimples and I don't feel they're prominent enough here! But hey, nobody's perfect, not even princes. Eric's personality is romantic and he loves to dream, which comes across in this AI image. He looks airy and charming. But, Eric isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty and is extremely brave when needed!

23. Peter Pan

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I for one am disappointed in this Peter Pan image. I mean, it probably has something to do with Jeremy Sumpter. Once I've seen him play Peter Pan, nobody else can do it quite like him! Of course, Peter Pan is known for his free-spirited and mischievous ways. I can't deny that AI Peter does most definitely look mischievous! He loves an adventure and although he is kind, he struggles to put others before himself. He embodies what it is to be immature - acting reckless and irresponsible in the name of fun.

24. Pocahontas

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AI generated Pocahontas is gorgeous! In real life, I reckon she would put the Kardashian's out of business - just look at her! And her beauty isn't only skin deep, either. Pocahontas is wise, independent and free-spirited. Because of her, the war between the English and the Native Americans is prevented. She truly is a powerful role model and demonstrates how to be fierce without being mean or aggressive. On this image, she looks like she's ready to take on the world, just like the real Pocahontas.

25. Olive Oyl

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For the younger generation out there, in case you were unsure, this is Olive Oyl - who was Popeye's girlfriend in the Popeye comics. I would say that AI pulled this one off, as she's pretty hard to imagine as a real person! Olive Oyl looks absolutely adorable and super sweet, just like her personality. However, don't be fooled! Although Olive is known to be absent-minded, she can be sassy when she wants to be and is never scared to speak up for herself! She has her own mind and is very independent.

26. Lady Tremaine

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Lady Tremaine's hair is definitely a lot more gray than it is in the AI version of herself. Plus, she's lost her signature hairstyle! Apart from the hair, I think her face is pretty spot on. Although, she doesn't look quite as nasty as she is in the Cinderella movies. Lady Tremaine takes great pleasure in making her stepdaughter Cinderella miserable and goes to great lengths to put her down. She is also very vain, obsessing over her appearance. In which case, you'd think she'd get herself some botox!

27. Kristoff

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The AI version of Frozen's Kristoff looks super realistic! You could definitely walk past him in the street and not think twice about it. AI has captured his thin lips and shaggy hair, but they've also added a little bit of dazzle with an earring! One of Kristoff's most desirable traits is his humour, he's always funny and able to lighten the mood when his friends need it. Somehow, his image here looks like he's ready to crack a joke or he's trying to hold one back - in typical Kristoff style!

28. Bart Simpson

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I don't know what this AI has against the Simpsons family, but AI Bart is even worse than his father, Homer! I suppose realistically judging by Bart's diet and lifestyle, he probably wouldn't have perfect skin. But why have they made him look like this?! I mean, there's no denying that Bart is definitely mischievous, rebellious and maybe a bit of a brat. This image does portray those characteristics for sure! In the Simpsons, Bart is hilarious, but the real life him just looks annoying to me!

29. Handsome Hans

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Real life Handsome Hans looks just as sickening and annoying as he is in the cartoon "The Frog Prince". Whilst I have to admit, he is of course handsome, he certainly is far from desirable! His character is extremely manipulative and cunning, he knows how to work people's emotions to get them to do what he wants. Handsome Hans is also the definition of a man-child, he has no courage and always expects others to take care of him. He's definitely a coward and puts himself far above anybody else.

30. John Smith

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John Smith is definitely a complicated character, I just can't work out how I feel about him! Whilst he is brave and determined, he also has arrogant and reckless characteristics. Although, without him, Pocahontas may have found it harder to mediate between the English and the Native Americans. Thanks to John, Pocahontas is saved from her father, Chief Powhatan. AI John's eyes definitely look like they belong to a hero. Although I'm not sure about the hair, it seems a little dramatic. He might benefit from a trip to the barbers!

31. AI turns these celebs into cartoon characters! Rihanna

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Rihanna has the skin and those beautiful big eyes of a cartoon character anyway, so it's no doubt she looks perfect as one! We could definitely see her taking the lead as the next Disney princess, and even better that the singer and actress would not only be able to play herself in the role but she'd be able to sing the soundtrack, too! We'd pay to see that.

32. Michael Jackson

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In his younger days, Michael Jackson very much gave Disney character vibes, from his amazing vocal talents and his youthful face. He might not have translated very well into a cartoon character in his later years when his look changed drastically, but it's safe to say that the younger member of the Jackson 5 would have been the perfect Disney movie star!

33. Madonna

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If there's one person we'd see a cartoon movie of their life, it has to be Madonna! She's has so many iconic looks, outfits and songs that it's just screaming prime Disney material! And when you're creating a cartoon version of her, there's no doubt you need to keep those stunning blonde tresses we know and love. If only they were longer she could be the next Rapunzel!

34. Will Smith

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Actor Will Smith may have hit the headlines for some controversial stuff in recent years - yep, we all remember the slap - but if we forget that for a moment, we can just bask in how adorable he looks as a cartoon character, especially his face shape and those ears! The cartoon version of him looks years younger, too, so maybe he could play a Disney high school teen.

35. Scarlet Johansson

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Scarlet Johansson is known for her stunning beauty, so how does that translate as a cartoon character? Very well, apparently! The stunning blonde is just as stunning as a Disney princess version of herself, and - even better - the AI managed to still get that recognisable lip shape in to make her look more like Scarlet and less like any other blonde cartoon character!

36. Angelina Jolie

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Angelina Jolie has that more striking beauty that's more sharp than soft, which means as a cartoon character, we reckon she could definitely play an evil stepmother very well! Or maybe that's just the Maleficent-lover in me talking. Or maybe she could give Mother Gothel from Tangled a good go, too. There's no doubt she'd looked great in an animated Disney movie, though!

37. Mariah Carey

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We love how this cartoon version of songstress Mariah Carey actually looks like her - with those eyes and that bone structure! Even better when you get the perfect Disney princess who can actually sing in real life, too. We can imagine her doing a Christmas Disney special with this cartoon face, maybe singing a rendition of All I Want For Christmas Is You!

38. Marilyn Monroe

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There's not much you can do to improve perfection, and with Marilyn Monroe, she's the epitome of Hollywood beauty. Needless to say, that's probably a little less impressive when it becomes a cartoon, and even though she's still beautiful here with that famous hairstyle and solid lips, there's something about the missing seductive droopy eyelashes that doesn't quite cut it!

39. Jennifer Lopez

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And here's Jenny from the cartoon block, and we love that they kept the swept back/greased back hair style! Although huge cartoon eyes look similar a lot of the time, you can tell it's Jen from those huge eyes and big eyelashes, an icon of style even in the cartoon world. The only issue is that J-Lo has a light brown eye color in real life, but hey, green works too, we guess...

40. Selena Gomez

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Selena Gomez just always gives off Disney princess vibes, because she absolutely could be one anyway - live action or cartoon, it doesn't matter! But at least now in cartoon form we know she would absolutely kill it. And even better that she has some pipes on her, too, so that she can do all her own singing for the role! Would you watch a Disney movie with Selena as the lead?

41. Dwayne Johnson

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When you think of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson as a cartoon character, you have to picture Maui (or is that just me?). We know he only voiced the character, but there's just something spot on about those big muscles, of course. Nevertheless, this version of him as a cartoon character is adorable, and they definitely got his likeness in there with the stubble.

42. Diana Ross

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Diana Ross is very recognisable by her amazing hair, so it's actually pretty hard to tell this is supposed to be the cartoon version of her with her hair covered up! They have the texture right for the bit of hair peaking out, but otherwise, we're pretty sure this could be anyone in the Disney world rather than being too obviously The Supremes singing legend!

43. RuPaul

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If RuPaul was a cartoon character, they'd have to get a million vibrant outfits and hairstyles readily animated to do him justice - but they've done pretty well with this one, in one of his most recognisable wigs, and the eye makeup and face shape is on point! Who else would love to see a RuPaul/Drag Race inspired cartoon or Disney movie? We sure would!

44. Beyoncé

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Just like Rihanna, Beyoncé is definitely another stunning beauty that would be perfect for an animated or Disney movie to take the starring role, both as the actor and the singer of her part. With all her iconic hairstyles and hair colors, though, we definitely think the AI could have done better than this simple styled-back blonde look, but who are we to judge!

45. Cristiano Ronaldo

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Maybe this is proof that not everybody should be made into a cartoon character - we're not sure. Maybe it'd be a good footballer cameo for an animated movie? In the AI's defence, it does look like Cristiano Ronaldo, but we can't say that we would be running to the cinema anytime soon to see him leading his own Disney movie... maybe as a princess?

46. Elvis Presley

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If there's one person in history you have to think would make the most beautiful cartoon character known to man, it has to be Elvis Presley (from his younger years, perhaps). That's why it's surprising this is a little... off. Sure, it has the Elvis boyish charm, and the iconic quiff, but we think they could have done a little bit better on the eyes and face!

47. Katy Perry

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You know a cartoon character has been done right if you can instantly recognize who it's supposed to be - unfortunately in this case, we don't think this looks too obviously like songstress Katy Perry. Not to mention that Katy has had a wealth of AWESOME hair colors, hair styles and vibrant outfits over the years, that if you were going to make her into a cartoon, you probably wouldn't go with simple blonde.

48. Justin Bieber

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Justin Bieber as a cartoon character could appear in any modern day Disney movie, ever, as 'that guy from high school', 'that guy from next door' or 'that cool kid from down the street'. For some reason, his cartoon face just works for Extra number 3 or something. And we definitely think his style, like the sideways cap, gives cartoon/Disney vibes!

49. Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift as a cartoon character is definitely giving us Jessica Rabbit vibes here. Any pose from one of her tours - in one of her many amazing outfits - would just translate so well on the animated screen! And with her perky voice and vocal talent, we could definitely see Taylor doing an amazing cameo in any Disney movie, ever! We want to see it.

50. Pedro Pascal

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If there's anyone who's going to look perfect as a cartoon character, it's our favorite space daddy Pedro Pascal. You could definitely see him looking like this as the father in a Disney movie, couldn't you? Probably single dad just trying his best. We're glad the cartoon filter decided to keep that iconic Pedro Pascal moustache, too - he wouldn't be the same without it!