1. Courtney Cox
Image source: Reddit
So apparently this is what Courtney Cox would like if she hadn't made it on Friends and become one of the most loved stars...earning around $90 million for her iconic role of Monica Geller. Some people think Cox went too far with the surgery and that she'd have been better off aging naturally.Original content sourced from Femanin.com
2. Britney Spears

Image source: boredpanda
Now Britney Spears didn't have as much work done as many other celebrities, however, she's still used her money to make several facial adjustments. It seems that if Spears wasn't so rich and hadn't made these changes, she'd still look just as amazing as she always did!
3. Kylie Jenner

Image source: pixelai
It's a very well-known fact that Kylie Jenner has had filler...and lots of it. And there are often before and after pictures floating around the internet showing us how much she's changed. So AI thinks she'd look like this...which looks fairly accurate from the teenage Kylie we're all familiar with!
4. Lindsey Lohan

Image source: Boredpanda
Childhood star Lindsey Lohan became rich after having a very successful career super early on. She went spiraling down a path that led to some self-destruction. Her struggles were exacerbated by her wealth, and her problems have definitely aged her...probably more than if she wasn't rich.
5. Barry Manilow

Image source: Reddit
Barry Manilow is an ultra-successful singer/songwriter. He's one of these celebrities who felt the need to have a little bit too much plastic surgery... probably due to his celebrity status and the fact that he could afford it. Yet something tells us he'd have looked better aging naturally.
6. Renee Zellweger

Image source: Boredpanda
If Renee Zellweger wasn't rich and couldn't afford all the Botox she wants...she'd look a little bit more lined and wrinkled. But, lines are totally normal and natural and there's nothing to say that she looks any more beautiful having had work done to her face than she would have been aging gracefully!
7. Demi Moore

Image source: Boredpanda
Successful actress Demi Moore made the big bucks throughout her career and sadly, she used some of her income to have a LOT of plastic surgery on her face. This is what AI predicts she'd look like if she wasn't rich (and hence, probably hadn't had multiple facial surgeries). And she looks more beautiful than ever.
8. Victoria Beckham

Image source: Boredpanda
As we can see Victoria Beckham (Spice Girls band member) looks quite different now in comparison to her younger self. Her facial shape has changed a lot. If she hadn't have paid for the cosmetic surgery she'd look more like a more mature version of her younger self.
9. Simon Cowell

Image source: pixelai
Everyone knows Simon Cowell best for being a judge on America's Got Talent. And it's not just us that have noticed Simon Cowell seems to look younger and younger as the years go by. Cowell's money has allowed him to bypass the facial aging experience.
10. Megan Fox

Image source: Boredpanda
Megan Fox has been dunned as one of the most glamorous women in the entire world. This is what AI thinks she would look like if she wasn't rich. Let's face it, in any capacity Megan Fox would look amazing - she may just have a few more natural lines on her face!
11. John Travolta

Image source: Boredpanda
Okay, so John Travolta has faced a lot of attention over the years for his drastic changes to his appearance. His face and his hair are just a couple of things that the successful actor has changed. So AI thinks he has a lot less hair, but according to predictions, he'd have aged very well!
12. Katie Price

Image source: Reddit
Katie Price has made media headlines countless times over the years for her apparent or alleged 'addiction' to plastic surgery. Her boobs have been altered more times than we can keep track of, her teeth have been changed and her face has also had a lot of surgery. If she wasn't rich, she'd look VERY different.
13. Goldie Hawn

Image source: Boredpanda
Goldie Hawn, the American actress, is now 77 years old...and she doesn't look a day above 30. Goldie Hawn is one of many celebrities who seem to have revered the clock and beat time. But some critics do think she's completely overdone it on her lips.
14. Gordon Ramsey

Image source: pixelai
According to AI, if Gordon Ramsey (aged 56) wasn't rich, he'd look just like this picture on the left. He'd had white hair...and a few more lines around his eyes and creases around his mouth. But. would he be any more amenable in the kitchen? No, definitely not.
15. Carla Bruni

Image source: Boredpanda
Carla Bruni is a French singer who was as well known for her looks as she was for her amazing voice. The brunette beauty decided to use her riches and spend on trying to preserve her looks and retain her youth. Yet, we can't help but wonder if she'd have aged better naturally.
16. Amanda Lepore

Image source: Boredpanda
Amanda Lepore was a famous American model, in her younger days she was an icon and she became known for her luscious lips. Leopore wanted to maintain her legacy and decided to have some plastic surgery, and lip fillers to keep her lip plump. Yet, many people agree she overdid it.
17. Melanie Griffith

Image source: Boredpanda
Melanie Griffiths undoubtedly looks glamorous right now. But, AI thinks she looks completely different from how she'd look if she hadn't been rich and she hadn't been able to pay for a lot of work to her face. Still, her natural look would've been just as great.
18. Priscilla Presley

Image source: Boredpanda
Priscilla Presley is almost unrecognizable from her younger self. Her facial features have changed a lot, and the picture created by AI actually seems to look a lot more true to herself. Yet, if Presley is happy with her facial modifications, then that's all that matters!
19. Madonna

Image source: Boredpanda
Madonna has hit the media for the extreme lengths she's taken to look young. In fact, at 64 years old Madonna now looks younger than she did at the age of 25. People on the internet have criticized her for looking completely unrecognizable, and for changing her face so extreme that her age is completely obscured.
20. Mickey Rourke

Image source: Boredpanda
Mickey Rourke is an American actor. He was a very handsome guy, and fans were shocked when he underwent drastic facial changes which totally changed his appearance. Many people believe that he would have been better at embracing his natural aging appearance. And AI thinks he'd look great!
21. Jocelyn Wildenstein

Image source: Boredpanda
One of the most drastic changes that we have ever seen in terms of changing their appearance is Jocelyn Wildenstein (a Swiss Socialite who divorced her billionaire husband in 1999). She has changed so dramatically that she now is renowned for her cat-like, false appearance.
22. Lisa Rinna

Image source: Boredpanda
Lisa Rinna is a famous actress and model. She felt the pressure to retain her looks which she had become renowned for. Using her wealth, she paid for several procedures which have frozen her face in time. There's not a single crinkle to be seen on her face.
23. Donatella Versace

Image source: Boredpanda
Donatella Versace, the famous Italian fashion designer has had facelifts, implants, fillers, rhinoplasty, and an eyelift. As a VERY rich woman, having surgery was a cost she was willing to pay. But, she doesn't look SO unrecognizable from her AI prediction.
24. Dolly Parton

Image source: Boredpanda
Dolly Parton spent 1 million dollars on cosmetic surgery, including breast implantation, augmentation, a chin operation, a nose job, a brow lift, and an eyelid operation. She claims that wasn't naturally pretty and she admits to looking artificial now - but she loves it!
25. Cher

Image source: Boredpanda
Now Cher underwent a huge cosmetic transformation making her kinda unrecognizable to the Cher we used to know. Looking at her now, there's no way you would ever guess that she was 77 years old. Cher looks younger than she did a few years ago!
26. Diana Ross

Image source: Reddit
Now, many of us will remember Diana Ross in a totally different way from how she now looks at 80 years old. If Diana Ross has had cosmetic surgery, it is not public knowledge, however, most experts think she has. And AI thinks she'd look super different if she wasn't rich.
27. Hector Elizondo

Image source: Reddit
Hector Elizondo at the age of 86 looks as handsome as ever. This man ages like a fine wine. At least, perhaps with a little help he does! Elizondo has never confirmed or denied any cosmetic work, yet surely nobody's face can be THIS smooth at the ripe age of 86?
28. Meryl Streep

Image source: Reddit
The iconic Meryl Streep is one of the more natural-looking celebrities. Her AI prediction and her real-life image aren't much different at all. Yes, she's had a few tweaks... possibly a little bit of Botox. But, she's not totally tried to reverse the natural aging process like some celebs.
29. Julie Andrews

Image source: Reddit
Julie Andrews is one of the most glamourous 86 years olds we've ever seen. However, we can't have helped but notice that she looks very different from how she used to, and with his AI image we can see just how different she would really look if she wasn't so rich!
30. Jessica Lange

Image source: Reddit
So, AI thinks that Jessica Lange would look VERY different if she wasn't rich. Here she is on the right, exactly as she is right now - surely she's not 74 years old! On the left is what she'd look like without having spent all of that money on cosmetic work.
31. Joan Rivers
image source: boredpanda.com
Comedienne Joan Rivers was very well known for having a lot of money - and spending a lot of money on plastic surgery, right up until she passed away. Apparently, if she hadn't had enough money to pay for plastic surgery she would have aged gracefully - and looked quite different!
32. Daryl Hannah
image source: boredpanda.com
Daryl Hannah has always been one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, known for her roles like Splash, so many people would think she never needed any work doing at all. If she hadn't had money to pay for surgery, she would have had a few more wrinkles but nothing too drastically different!
33. Joan Van Ark
image source: boredpanda.com
American actress Joan Van Ark is best known for her role in soap opera Knots Landing - and also for the amount of money she's spent on surgery for her face. If she'd aged naturally without paying a penny, she'd look like a completely different person - with a lot more wrinkles, to say the least.
34. Gretchen
image source: boredpanda.com
Gretchen is a Brazilian singer and actress, and she's earned enough money to pay for quite a bit of plastic surgery - most notably, her huge lips. If she'd been stuck with an empty bank balance, it looks like her natural lips would have kept their thin look - which isn't a bad thing at all!
35. AI imagines what late celebrities would look like today: Princess Diana
image source: ndtv.com
A lot of people who follow the royals wonder what Princess Diana would look like - and be doing - today if she were still alive, especially with her ex husband just being made king and her son moving countries to be with his American wife. The princess would have - unsurprising - aged beautifully!
36. Michael Jackson
image source: ndtv.com
This is obviously based on when the King of Pop hadn't had any surgery done and what he would look like these days if that was still the case. Michael Jackson started to change his appearance back in the 1980s, but we can all agree he would have looked fantastic for his age these days if he'd kept it natural!
37. Heath Ledger
image source: ndtv.com
One of the things that made Heath Ledger's death more tragic was his recent Oscar-worthy performance as The Joker right before. He's kept in our minds as the young actor he always was, but if he'd survived, it's interesting to see what he'd looked like today - with a full head of hair!
38. Paul Walker
image source: ndtv.com
Paul Walker was tragically killed in a car accident when he was only 40 years old, and if he was still alive today, no doubt he'd still be making Fast and Furious movies like he knew and loved. He'd also still look very good for his age, aside from a few understandable eye wrinkles.
39. Freddie Mercury
image source: ndtv.com
Freddie Mercury was taken from us - and from the music scene - way too soon, but his amazing rock hits have lived on. If there's one thing we can say about Freddie, it's that he never looked old and always had tons of energy on stage - so this is really strange to see the legend with some grey in his moustache!
40. John Lennon
image source: ndtv.com
John Lennon was another music legend taken from the world far too soon, after he was killed by a so-called fan. He was only 40 years old when he was shot, so it's very strange to see what John Lennon would look like with full grey hair and a beard. Needless to say, he'd likely still be making music.
41. Tupak
image source: ndtv.com
The death of Tupak Shakur is still surrounded in mystery, when the music star was killed at the young age of 25. Any photo we have of Tupak is him looking his young age, of course, so it's interesting to see him looking like a worn and experienced older man!
42. Amy Winehouse
image source: ndtv.com
English singer Amy Winehouse was only 27 years old when she died from alcohol poisoning. Her career was already a huge hit and she had many, many years ahead of her to be a star - but it tragically wasn't to be. It's interesting to see her looking like a middle-aged woman rather than the young woman with iconic eyeliner.
43. Bob Marley
image source: boredpanda.com
It's great to see that music legend Bob Marley would keep the hair and the beard! He passed away far too young at the age of 36 when the Jamaican singer had so much left to give to the music scene. Do you think he'd be creating new music even now for people of TikTok to use?
44. Elvis Presley
image source: boredpanda.com
This one has to be one of the most shocking, only because we're so used to seeing photos and clips of Elvis looking like his young, handsome self. Our brains can't really compute what an Elvis in his 80s would look like if he was alive today - but apparently this is what the King would be rockin' today.
45. Kurt Cobain
image source: boredpanda.com
American musician and frontman of Nirvana was only 27 years old when he tragically took his own life. Just like Elvis, we're only used to see photos of Kurt looking young, of course, so it's a bit jarring to see him looking like a middle aged man - and especially with a fuller beard going on!
46. Jim Morrison
image source: boredpanda.com
Jim Morrison is a famous name in the rock music industry, and he was only 27 years old, too, when he passed away... He'd only just moved to Paris when he died of what was labelled as heart failure. His is another face it's strange to see looking like a much older - and greyer - man.
47. Janis Joplin
image source: boredpanda.com
Another to join what is known as the '27 Club', singer and performer Janis Joplin was also 27 years old when she died of a heroin overdose. Due to her greyer hair, she maybe looked a lot older than she was, but it's still surprising to see her looking like the older woman she would be today!
48. Jimi Hendrix
image source: boredpanda.com
It's sad that Jimi Hendrix wouldn't keep the full hair, but we understand it might get harder to tend to when you get older! And dare I say it... Hendrix died at the age of 27. The American guitarist's cause of death was ruled as him choking on his own vomit in his sleep.
49. Karen Carpenter
image source: boredpanda.com
Karen Carpenter was one half of the famous music band, The Carpenters - but no, she wasn't 27 when she died! She was 32, and tragically passed after heart complications following anorexia. Today she would be 72 years old - and apparently would look very good for her age!
50. Keith Moon
image source: boredpanda.com
Keith Moon was a legendary drummer in the rock band, The Who, who died far too soon at the age of 32, just like Karen. Which means he'd also be in his 70s if he was still alive today instead of passing away from a drug overdose. It's good to see he'd keep a head of greying hair, though!