Deadliest Bugs From Each State

By molly atherton 10 months ago
Brace yourself for a journey that uncovers the stealthy predators, potent toxins, and lethal bites that make these tiny creatures surprisingly dangerous. Join us as we embark on a captivating journey through the insect kingdom, unveiling the deadliest bugs that call each state home.

1. Black Widow Spider - Georgia

The Black Widow Spider is small but deadly. It has gained a reputation for being one of the deadliest spiders if not THE deadliest spider in the world. It is 15 times more poisonous than a rattlesnake.

Image source/ blogspotAnd if it stings, it can cause nausea, breathing difficulties, and muscle pain. The Black Widow's notoriety is deeply rooted in its venomous bite and the array of alarming symptoms it can induce.Original content sourced from

2. Red Widow Spider - Florida

The Red Widow Spider is of a similar name to the Black Widow and is also a deadly spider. If you are unlucky enough to feel its sting, the venom can cause permanent muscle spasms.Image source/ myanimalsThe venom in the spider is a neurotoxin which is very poisonous and damaging. The Red Widow, is characterized by its vibrant red markings and potent venom.

3. Africanized Honeybees - Texas

The Africanized Honeybee is a cross between two different types of bees which together has made a killer bee. The bee is super-fast and very aggressive.Image source/ wikiIt will respond faster than any other bee there is and react by stinging more. These furry little creatures can cause death even to humans.

4. Brown Recluse Spiders - Kentucky

Brown Recluse Spiders are very hard to spot because they camouflage. They can be hiding in the woods. Their venom can make you seriously ill.

Image source/ allreferAs well as potentially scarring your skin. These spiders are not aggressors, they will harm you if you come into contact with it accidentally for example.

5. Red Harvester Ants - Texas

These red ants are not like the usual ants you may be used to see seeing around, and not like the red ants which sting slightly.Image source/ bugguideThe Red Harvester Ants have a sting which is extremely strong and very brutal. One thing is guaranteed if this bites you - it will seriously hurt you.

6. Fire Ants - Houston

Fire ants are just about as friendly and inviting as they sound. They have huge hives, which collect against intruders and attack them or even kill them.Image source/ thehibbitsAnd they will also sting humans too with their strong, fiery sting. They are now being considered as the most invasive species within the USA.

7. Striped Bark Scorpions - Kentucky

Striped Bark Scorpions are an insect which have a sting that is so sharp and painful that it will last continuously for days on end.Image source/ dreamstimeThey are very small, yet they can cause a lot of damage and pain, nonetheless. However, they have not been responsible for any known deaths.

8. Paper wasps - North Carolina

Paper wasps have a sting that is guaranteed to hurt you, however in terms of health affects you will be absolutely fine. It looks very much like a wasp.Image source/ flickrHowever, its wasp will sting you more than the usual kind despite the fact that they are very similar in size. You don't want to meet this creature.

9. Sac Spiders - Michigan

The sac spider has apparently bitten more people than any other spider out there. When it bites, the severe pain will last around 10 hours.Image source/ blogspotAlong with the pain will be swelling, bruising and perhaps even blistering. Thankfully, it does not usually have any serious or long-lasting effects, they should subside.

10. Moth Caterpillars - Louisiana

Moth Caterpillars, despite their name, are a certain kind of caterpillar. One man described the pain of being bitten by a Moth Caterpillar as horrendous.Image source/ scorpionsworldAnd when he was asked if it compared to a bee sting, he exclaimed that it was nothing like a bee sting and this was far more painful.

11. Tarantulas - Texas

The tarantula is a very commonly known species. And it is very big in comparison to the usual insect. They are not a spider which will frequently bite.Image source/ bugworldThey only bite when they really feel under threat. And when they do bite, you certainly know it by the red swelling and muscle spasms.

12. Oriental Rat Fleas - Arizona

The Oriental Rat Flea is the rat flea that killed much of the population back in the Middle Ages through the plague, which has been eradicated in most countries.Image source/ PinterestThe rat fleas carried the disease and latched on to rats, which was then spread by the creatures, hence where they got their name from.

13. Wheel bugs - Florida

Wheel bugs usually only attack other insects, however if they are annoyed by a human and you get in the way, it will certainly try to bite you.Image source/ tripsavvyAnd when they do bite, causes instant, and severe pain to whoever has been bitten. But it is not life threatening and should only cause temporary effects.

14. Cockroaches - California

Cockroaches are fairly common, especially in cities or hot places. Most people have seen them, but occasionally they will bite humans and you definitely don't want that.Image source/ blogspotApparently, they are particularly interested in feet and hands as well as fingernails and eyelashes. They are a huge pest in the US and they spread diseases.

15. Tarantula Hawks - Nevada

The Tarantula Hawks is one of the most poisonous insects in the world despite it looking fairly innocuous and harmless. If you saw it, you'd never believe how dangerous it was.Image source/ bugguideAnd, if you are unfortunate enough to get bitten by one of these Tarantula Hawks, the pain is temporarily crippling but should not be long-lasting.

16. German Yellowjackets - Ohio

German yellow jackets are a kind of dangerous insect which were accidentally brought to Ohio from Germany. They will nest anywhere, in rooves, in trees...Image source/ wordpressAnd, they will sting anyone in their way - multiple times over. This is why they have successful survived in the USA, due tot heir brutal nature.

17. Botflies - New Hampshire

Botflies may just look like the normal house fly, but it is certainly not. Their larvae burrows into skin and they live as a parasite in humas.Image source/ allreferThey do this by laying their eggs in mosquitos. When we are bitten by mosquitos these can be transferred to the skin, where they then hatch.

18. Puss Caterpillars - New Jersey

Puss Caterpillars may look fluffy, but it is definitely not harmless. It is actually considered the USA's top most dangerous caterpillar - despite it's endearing appearance.Image source/ sciencephotolibraryThe hairs of the Puss Caterpillar can get in your skin and immediately cause a painful reaction, which can even be felt right down to your bones.

19. Kissing Bugs - Texas

Kissing Bugs may have a sweet name, but they are anything but and are very dangerous. Many of them carry a certain parasite which can be lethal.Image source/ ourbreathingplanetOver 50% of the kissing Bugs in Texas have it. The parasite is the reason for Chagas disease which can even lead to heart failure.

20. Browntail Moth Caterpillars - Maine

Browntail Moth Caterpillars have poisonous hairs all over their little body which looks spiky in appearance. These hairs can spike into the skin and are toxic.Image source/ bugidentiflyCloaked in a deceptive facade of fuzziness, this caterpillar belies a menacing secret—poisonous hairs. They can irritate the skin and cause dermatitis, making the skin feel and appear red and irritated and itchy.

21. Asian Giant Hornets - Illinois

These Asian Giant Hornets are the biggest and most dangerous off all hornets in the world and they can cause serious problems to people's health.Image source/ desertanilansThe Asian Giant Hornet's venom is so deadly that it can kill the red blood cells in a human's blood which can then make the kidneys fail.

22. Ticks - Texas

Ticks are so common but are undeniably one of the deadliest insects ever. They burrow into the skin, and they appear as a little hard covered lump on the skin.Image source/ backwaterreptileblogThey carry numerous, debilitating and lifelong diseases and can cause diseases which may even lead to death. You have to remove them fast, and in the correct way to remove their danger!

23. Mosquitoes - Arizona

Mosquitoes again are incredibly common but are very dangerous because of the diseases that they carry and spread to humans, for example, yellow fever, malaria, dengue.Image source/ desertmonstertoursOver one million people die due to illnesses that they have contracted due to mosquitos - making them the deadliest of insects. And they're so common!

24. Centipedes - Connecticut

Centipedes are not the deadliest of insects, but they are still dangerous. They can nip you, which feels a little bit like a bee sting.Image source/ PinterestThis can make the area red and swell up and cause pain for a short period of time. However, the long-term effects are non-existent usually and so after a brief time the sting will fade.

25. Hobo Spiders - Utah

Hobo spiders have also been nicknamed 'the aggressive house spider'. They look just like the usual spider but are much more dangerous when they sting.Image source/ wikiThey can headaches which last for a long time as well as joint and bone pain. They can even cause hallucinations, weakness of the muscles and pain.

26. Chiggers - Arkansas

Chiggers are laid by trombiculid mites, you can't see them with the naked eye because they're so tiny, but they feed off human skin cells.Image source/ RedditThen, they irritate your skin and leave it red and inflamed. Chiggers are in a way even more unnerving due to the fact that they cannot be seen.

27. Asian Lady Beetles - Missouri

Asian Lady Beetles are considered a pest in the USA, particularly in Missouri because there are now so many of them and they can cause pain and irritation.Image source/ YikesThey do bite, which is often fairly harmless, however, it's just a little bit irritating. It can sometimes cause a reaction which can cause pink eye.

28. Giant Resin Bees - Alabama

Giant Resin Bees only tend to sting you if you have provoked them, like other bees. However, they are much bigger than the average bee, hence the name.Image source/ getridofallthingsAnd, due to the size of Giant Resin Bees, their sting is much more powerful and dangerous than usual bees so it's best to avoid this insect.

29. Bald-Faced Hornets - Manhattan

You absolutely do not want to disturb the nest of a bald-faced hornet. They can sting your multiple times over to really add insult to injury!Image source/ watchdogpestcontrolAnd they actually squirt its poisonous venom into your eyes which may temporarily impair your sight and could blind you for a brief period of time.

30. Arizona Bark Scorpions - Arizona

The sting of the Arizona Bark Scorpions can create terrible pain and swelling, which can cause difficulty breathing and cause involuntary spasms in the muscles.Image source/ flickrThe Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most dangerous scorpion in the entire US and its sting is treacherous, creating a cascade of severe physiological reactions.

31. The Masked Hunter: Alaska

This type of spider is a new level of scary based on the fact that it doesn't just bite - it stabs you, with its beak. That's right - a beak!Image Source / Only In Your StateThe spider kills its prey - other insects and not us, luckily - by stab-stab-stabbing. To make this thing worse, it's likely you could find them in your bed in this state.

32. The Kissing Bug: Colorado

Despite its name, there's nothing romantic about this bug. The reason it's called the kissing bug (formally known as the triatomine bug) is because it choose to bite people around their mouths.Image Source / ColoradoanIf that wasn't bad enough, the resulting illness, known as Chagas disease, can have severe and even sometimes in serious cases have fatal consequences for those affected.

33. Giant Water Bug: Delaware

You know that fear most people have about going into water with bare feet because they think something unknown will get their toes? Yeah. That's the giant water bug.Image Source / Only In Your StateThese massive bugs are officially known as 'toe-biters', with large front legs they can use to grab their prey and bite it - which includes your tootsies.

34. Centipedes: Hawaii

If you're from other countries, you may have thought centipedes were quite innocuous and harmless. But in Hawaii, they aren't very popular with the locals.Image Source / Real HawaiiOne of the three types of centipedes in this state is actually venomous if it bites you. It can also bite you hard enough to latch on and be difficult to get off.

35. Assassin Bug: Idaho

The only applicable name for this particular bug, because it's deadly and clever. The assassin bug has a curved beak which is a weapon all in itself.Image Source / Only In Your StateThis is because it uses it to stab (repeatedly) its prey to immobilise it and then suck out the life from it. Yeah, that's a pretty violent bug right there.

36. Blister Beetles: Indiana

The blister beetle from this state is a greater risk for horses, but can also cause contact dermatitis, and you got it - blisters, in people.Image Source / Orange BeanThe reason it's so bright is to tell people it's poisonous (how kind of it) like many poisonous creatures, and it can mostly be found in tall grass.

37. Pelecinid Wasp: Iowa

Any wasp is bad enough, but how about the most dangerous thing you can find in Iowa? The pelecinid wasp has a string which will be one of the most painful you could ever imagine.Image Source / Go Look ExploreThe sting of the Pelecinid Wasp is a formidable arsenal. It's also a threat to plants, which it targets by laying eggs hidden in soil and then burrowing in to consume them.

38. Yellow Jackets, Wasps: Kansas

In this state, there are plenty of flying insects around you should be wary of, and one of these is the yellow jackets and hornets.Image Source / LawnStarterTheir stings are particularly problematic if you're allergic - which means that the worst kind could also be fatal. They can also get mighty aggressive with people.

39. Monarch Butterfly: Maryland

You might never have expected a butterfly to be something to be wary of, but in Maryland, one of the deadliest things you can find is the Monarch Butterfly.Image Source / Loyola MagazineIts striking orange colour works in the same way as poisonous creatures in that it's so bright as a warning to stay away - because it's toxic. Well, message received.

40. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug: Minnesota

The name doesn't sound too great either, does it? In Minnesota, you need to be wary of the brown marmorated stink bug, and it's most often found on tall plants or even trees.Image Source / Department of AgricultureIt's more likely to be found in something with height rather than plants on the ground. When threatened, these insects release a pungent odor, earning them their "stink bug" moniker.

41. The Eastern Velvet Ant: Mississippi

Also known as the 'cow killer', and you can imagine why, this guy might look quite pretty with its striking red colour and vivid hairy body, but it's very dangerous.Image Source / Only In Your StateAnd a lot of that is on account that it's a wasp and not an ant, which carries a very painful sting that they administer to someone who annoys them.

42. Black And Yellow Garden Spider: Montana

The only saving grace about this one from Montana is the 'garden' in its name, meaning you can hope to be safe in your home.Image Source / Only In Your StateEven though it'll happily hang out in your garden, though, this black and yellow spider gets absolutely huge if it's the female who grow the largest.

43. The Tarantula Hawk Wasp: New Mexico

Everything about this name is terrifying - but it's actually not what it seems. You may be worrying about being attacked by a tarantula sized wasp in New Mexico.Image Source / GoSanAngeloBut it's named after the fact that it hunts spiders - including tarantulas. It has one of the most painful stings in the entire insect population.

44. Bold Jumping Spider: North Dakota

We all know that 'jumping' and 'spider' should never be in the same sentence if you want to sleep at night, but unfortunately for our nightmares, they exist.Image Source / Only In Your StateThis fella may look actually sort of cute, but in North Dakota, these hairy spiders can jump a distance 50 times that of their body length.

45. Fire Ants: Oklahoma

The clue's in the name for this one, with fire ants having a very, very painful venomous sting that feels like fire when they sting someone.Image Source / The GuardianThey attack by biting the skin to get a good hold on it and then releasing the sting. You can expect a painful bump or, in worst cases, a severe allergic reaction.

46. Bald-Faced Hornet: Oregon

This insect gets its name from the markings on its face, shown in a bold white hue, and this hornet builds its nest in trees.Image Source / OregonLiveBut it would have to be a big tree, because their nests can actually be as large as a basketball. They defend their nests aggressively, which is why you probably shouldn't go near one.

47. Spotted Lanternfly: Pennsylvania

It's always the way that the most pretty insects can be the most deadly, isn't it? The spotted lanternfly might look innocent, but it's very dangerous.Image Source / Natural History MuseumAnd it's very widely found in Pennsylvania. Their population is so bad for the environment that people are encouraged to kill them by crushing them.

48. Yellow Sac Spiders: Rhode Island

If bitten by one of these pale yellow spiders, you can expect pain (naturally), itchiness and swelling at the sight of attack which can last a few days.
Image Source / WikipediaThese guys aren't as bad as the infamous Black Widows or Brown Recluses, but they're still pretty nasty if you don't want to swell up.

49. American Oil Beetle: Virginia

This huge beetle is kitted out with a very problematic chemical that it can spray at you. It's likely to spray you if you make it angry.Image Source / WikipediaWhich is why it's best to leave it alone if you spot one in Virginia. The chemical is cantharidin, which can result in skin blistering.

50. Mosquitos: Wisconsin

It might be surprising to learn that mosquitoes are one of the most deadly insects in this state, because they're well known for being problematic around the world.Image Source / A-Z AnimalsBut maybe not as dangerous as some other creepy-crawlies out there. But, you are still at risk of being infected by a disease-carrying mosquito in Wisconsin.

51. And Now... The State Animals Of The USA! First Up, Alabama: Northern Flicker

The Northern Flicker is a medium-sized bird that's part of the woodpecker family, also known as the 'Yellowhammer' because it has such a colorful coat.Image Source / RedditAlabama is also nicknamed 'The Yellowhammer State' in honour of this little bird, which has been the emblem of this particular state since the Civil War.

52. Alaska: Bowhead Whale

There are many different types (and sizes) of whale out there, but for Alaska, it was the bowhead whale they wanted for their state animal.Image Source / BBC Wildlife MagazineThe bowhead whale has a huge, triangular-shaped skull (where its name 'bowhead' comes from) and this particular Arctic whale doesn't have a dorsal fin like other whales do.

53. Arizona: Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake

In the state of Arizona, known for its dry deserts and, of course, the bucket list Grand Canyon, adopted the Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake as its state animal.Image Source / WikipediaAnd this is one to respect from a safe distance, because these vipers are venomous. If you get bitten by one, you can expect a lot of pain and discomfort!

54. Arkansas: Northern Mockingbird

Another state to take another bird as is state animal, Arkansas adopted the Northern Mockingbird as its symbol. As we know, the mockingbird has been inspiration for a lot of creative endeavours, too.Image Source / WikipediaThis includes the classic To Kill A Mockingbird, the mockingbird lullaby and the mocking-jay bird  references in the well known hit books series Hunger Games.

55. California: Grizzly Bear

The state animal of California is actually now extinct, as it's a very specific breed of Grizzly which is known as the California Grizzly Bear.Image Source / SFGATEThe animal sadly went extinct in 1924, but its legend lives on, as the California Grizzly is included on the state flag, as well as being the mascots of UCLA and University of California, Berkley.

56. Colorado: Lark Bunting

Beyond its visual allure, the Lark Bunting's unique standing in the avian kingdom has elevated it to the esteemed position of Colorado's official state animal.Image Source / WikipediaThis medium-sized American sparrow is actually the only one of its kind, as it's the only member of its type of species and not related to any other type of sparrow in the world.

57. Connecticut: Sperm Whale

The Sperm Whale is the iconic whale which inspired the famous Moby Dick, in Herman Melville's novel. Its also the animal Connecticut chose for their state.Image Source / National GeographicThe sperm whale is actually now an endangered species, as these whales were once hunted for the oil industry. This whale is the biggest of the toothed whales.

58. Delaware: Gray Fox

This species of fox actually never goes into hibernation, and this was one of the reasons it was chosen to be the state animal for Delaware.Image Source / Wikipedia
A class of fourth grade kids petitioned for the gray fox to become the state animal because it was 'always ready' - never needing to hibernate - and likening it to soldiers at Dover Air Force Base!

59. Florida: Manatee

Also known as the sea cow, a manatee can weigh over a whopping 1,200 pounds, and spends most of the day sleeping (we don't blame it).Image Source / TreehuggerBut the manatee is now an endangered marine species, yet remains the state animal for Florida. These marine creatures are known to be very playful too, often performing tricks in the water.

60. Georgia: Gopher Tortoise

The gopher tortoise is not only the state animal of Georgia, but it's also a very important species because it helps to provide homes for other species of wildlife.Image Source / WikipediaAround 400 different animals, in fact! The huge sandy burrows which this tortoise makes then creates a home for other species like snakes and burrowing creatures.

61. Hawaii: Hawaiian Monk Seal

Did you know that the Hawaiian monk seal is actually an endangered species? And highly endangered at that, sadly. It's one of only two mammals that are found in this particular state.Image Source / WikipediaThis seal, which is Hawaii's state animal, can often be seen on the island's beaches when they are taking a break from swimming and hunting.

62. Idaho: Appaloosa Horse

The Appaloosa horse - a horse distinctive for its beautiful spotted coat - is actually loved through the US as well as just the state of Idaho, which has this horse as its state animal.Image Source / PetGuideIt was chosen as the state animal back in 1975, and this particular breed has been seen in a ton of Western movies, as well as being the mascot for the state university of Florida.

63. Illinois: White-Tailed Deer

While the white-tailed deer is the state animal for Illinois, it's actually also the beloved state animal symbol for 11 states in total, partly because it's so beautiful.Image Source / WikipediaThat's one popular deer. The white-tailed deer can be found throughout America, which is why so many states have taken it under their wing as the state animal symbol.

64. Indiana: Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal bird is very obvious for its beautiful, bright-red coat. Its name comes from the red robes of Catholic cardinals, and it's this songbird that was chosen for the state animal of Indiana.Image Source / eBirdThese birds could actually be kept as pets up until 1918, and now they can just be found in the wild across the eastern part of the US.

65. Iowa: American Bullfrog

The American bullfrog gets its name from its very recognisable sound and unique, where its trademark squawk sounds just like the moo of a cow.Image Source / WikipediaWhat makes the American Bullfrog a fitting choice for Iowa's state animal extends beyond its vocal prowess. This animal was chosen for the state animal of Iowa.

66. Kansas: American Bison

The huge American Bison is actually the national mammal of the United States of America as a whole, but Kansas also specifically has it as its state animal.Image Source / WikipediaThere used to be around 60 billion buffalo in the wilds of the US back in the 18th century, but it fell to an astounding 300 buffalo before national parks have brought the number back up.

67. Kentucky: Thoroughbred Horse

When you think of the state of Kentucky, you might naturally think of horses and, in particular, the Kentucky Derby. And that's why the thoroughbred horse is the symbolic animal for this state!Image Source / Horse Breeds PicturesIn Kentucky, also known as the Bluegrass State, racing is a 4 billion dollar industry, so it's no surprise the athletic horse is a symbol of that!

68. Louisiana: American Alligator

The American Alligator has sadly been drastically hunted in past centuries, which reduced the alligator population, but conservation has meant these reptiles have grown in number.Image Source / The Nature ConservancyUnfortunately, alligators are still targeted for their meat as well as their skin and so they are endangered, but in Louisiana, they're also shown as the state animal.

69. Maine: Moose

For their sheer size, you think you'd be likely to spot a moose in the US - and in Maine in particular, seeing as it's the state animal - but seeing them is actually harder than you'd think.Image Source / WikipediaSo much so that moose safaris exist in this state to give tourists a better chance of being able to see the animal, and its six-feet-in-length antlers!

70. Maryland: Diamondback Terrapin

The Diamondback Terrapin was actually the official mascot of the University of Maryland, chosen by its football coach back in 1933, long before it became the chosen animal of the state.Image Source / Reptiles MagazineThis terrapin then became the official reptile of the state years later in 1994, the Diamondback Terrapin had already become a beloved icon, representing the University of Maryland.

71. Massachusetts: Seven-Spotted Ladybug

You might be surprised to find an animal so tiny and unassuming as the ladybug was chosen as a state animal, but that's exactly what happened in Massachusetts.Image Source / University of WisconsinThis particular ladybug was brought to the US from Europe in order to control insect populations, and the seven-spotted ladybug was so good at it.

72. Michigan: Brook Trout

The Brook Trout is very popular among fisherman in the US, due to it being a very easy catch! Its popularity transcends the realms of fishing.Image Source / WikipediaIts popularity is so much so that the Brook Trout is not only recognized as the state animal in Michigan, but 8 other states also have this freshwater fish as their symbol.

73. Minnesota: Common Loon

It might sound like an insult, but Common Loon is actually the name of a water bird (similar to a duck). This water bird is known for having four distinct different calls, including a yodal and a laughing call!Image Source / WikipediaThe bird is so good at diving it can go 250 feet underwater - impressive enough for Minnesota to want the Loon as its state animal!

74. Mississippi: Wood Duck

Speaking of water birds: the state of Mississippi adopted the Wood Duck as its state animal, but this bird doesn't only make its home in water.Image Source / WikipediaThe Wood Duck - in relation to its name - actually lays its eggs in the holes of trees. Once hatched, the ducklings will then jump from the tree perches onto the ground.

75. Missouri: Eastern Bluebird

A lot of states in the US adopt birds as their state animals, it would seem! For Missouri, this is the Eastern Bluebird - which is actually also the state bird of New York.Image Source / WikipediaThis bird can be found across many places in the US, and young Eastern Bluebirds will actually help their parents out by helping to raise the next hatched birds.

76. Montana: Mourning Cloak

Mourning Cloak is the name of a very bold-coloured and beautiful butterfly which was then adopted by the state of Montana for its symbolic animal.Image Source / WikipediaThese butterflies are actually capable of dealing with the cold, as they live in cold mountain regions. During the winter, they hibernate instead of migrating. They're also known as 'Grand Surprise' butterflies!

77. Nebraska: Desert Tortoise

The Desert Tortoise definitely takes life at its own pace - a very slow pace at that. The state animal of Nebraska actually has a lengthy lifespan of up to 80 years.Image Source / WikipediaBut don't let their slow movement fool you: they can actually claw and dig their burrows deep underground to be able to escape harsh desert temperatures.

78. Nevada: Desert Bighorn Sheep

It's no surprise that the state of Nevada would have a desert animal as its state animal, and this one is the Desert Bighorn Sheep. These animals use their horns in a very practical way.Image Source / WikipediaThey use them as tools to break upon cacti for their daily meals. The males have a larger pair of horns compared to females, measuring around three feet in length.

79. New Hampshire: Red-Spotted Newt

The red-spotted newt actually has a bright red colouring to it when it's still young, and can often be seen with a neon-orange glow they later lose to be replaced with the olive green skin spotted with red.Image Source / WikipediaThis amphibian is the state animal of New Hampshire, and is often found in lakes, ponds and streams. The red-spotted newt, a captivating amphibian, graces these aquatic habitats.

80. New Jersey: European Honey Bee

We all know the importance of the honey bee, no matter where you come from in the world, but in the US the European Honey Bee is so important that New Jersey adopted it as its state animal.Image Source / WikipediaThis is as well as 18 other states choosing this pollinating insect as their symbol! the honey bee is of course important to US agriculture.