These Are The Traits Women Find Most Attractive In Men

By molly atherton 10 months ago
From confidence to compassion, the spectrum is broad and nuanced. In this exploration, we embark on a journey to decode the enigma of attractiveness, unveiling the traits that women consistently find most alluring in men.

1. Good Looks - but not all the time

Whilst the perfect man would be assumed to have a six pack, bulging biceps, a good head of hair and straight, whiter than white teeth, it's maybe the qualities a female would go for.Image source The sunBut this is only if she's enjoying a fling or a casual relationship.  However, for longevity, she is far more likely to be attracted to the in depth traits of her man.Original content sourced from

2. Animal lover - especially dog owners

So, it turns that it's not just a stereotype that women really do adore men with dogs. Studies suggest that dogs facilitate better social interaction between humans too.Image source American Kennel ClubResearch has shown that dog ownership can increase the long-term attractiveness of men as it shows them having the ability to nurture and, therefore, not be scared of commitment.

3. Good Sense Of Humour - able to laugh at themselves

Ask a woman what she likes about her long term partner and she’ll very likely say 'he makes me laugh.'  Ladies like a man with a good sense of humour.Image source YouBeautyAnd they also find it sexually attractive as it also reveals creativity and intelligence - which are good parental traits to look for, for the future!

4. Risk Taker - athletic or a fireman!

Research appears to confirm that females prefer physical risk takers but only as a sensitive act and not to show off.  That's why firemen always seem to get a thumbs up from the ladies.Image source QuoraAnd this is why they always seem to get them over-excited!  Women are also partial to an athlete, not just because of their appearance but due to their dedication.

5. Enjoying The Moment - giving you their undivided attention

Females find it a big turn on when their man gives them their full attention without the daily technological interruptions of phones, laptops and the tv.Image source Power of PositivityNothing worse than a guy scrolling through Facebook when he's on a date.  This behaviour makes a girl feel special and interesting, so boosting her confidence.

6. Ambitious - striving to be the best they can

We aren't talking about an expensive car or a penthouse apartment (although if the man has these as well as being the salt of the earth, then lucky you!)Image source GirlsAskGuysIf he has the ability to go after what he wants, such as working his socks off for that lucrative promotion, it shows dedication and commitment.

7. Honesty - but being tactful

Honesty with a capital 'H' is pretty much near the top of the list when it comes to attractiveness in a man. Women want someone that they can trust.Image source HealthlineThat, alongside trust and communication, can be the difference between a make or break relationship.  Hiding feelings or wrong doings are an absolute thumbs down for the lady.

8. Even Beckham's Comfortable In Red - women think it's sexy!

This is a weird one but lots of research tends to come to the same conclusion - women like men who wear red!  They say it makes the man better looking and more sexually desirable.Image source JustluxeIt also makes him look more comfortable in his own skin and better looking.  As many military uniforms are red, on special occasions, that was thought to be part of the attraction.

9. Taking care of himself - but not excessively

Something that is VERY attractive in a man is when he take good care of himself.  Forget pumping iron in the gym as that could lead to vanity.Image source RedditIt's more about eating healthy to feel good and being well groomed, with no monobrow guys, please.  A man who moisturises his face is another positive!

9. Supportive of you - making you feel you CAN achieve

When a man stands behind a woman 100% as she strives to achieve, no matter what it is,  shows how much he well and truly cares and that sounds like a keeper.Image source RedditBeing with someone who believes in you and your potential, as well as vice versa, creates a healthy dynamic in the relationship, with less tension and negativity.

10. Altruism - a healthy concern for others

A man who likes to do good and not for recognition, even almost out of his duty, is a trait a woman would go running towards.  It shows an act of selflessness and empathy.Image source NewserThese are two things that will be encountered during a long relationship. Once the first flushes of lust and togetherness have passed, women need something much deeper.

11. Possessions - money is attractive

Contrary to earlier research where material things were shown to be not as important to the female, it turns out that they actually really are.Image source Reddit

When women were interviewed, over three quarters said that a man standing in front of a flash vehicle made him appear rich and more attractive.

12. Older Man - puts more into relationship

For some females, an older man drips attractiveness! The reasons - he is mature, sensible, more caring to a woman's needs because he's learned from past relationships.Image source YourTangoIt also makes it much more likely that he is financially secure and a girl might feel more 'looked after' and protected by the older guy.

13. Facial hair - if that's what you generally prefer

You either love it or hate it but, like marmite, you may adore it!  If you are partial to facial hair (in a man!) and the male has a good bone structure, then you are highly likely to go weak at the knees.Image source Medical News Today

If he uses a little beard oil and its nice and soft, so doesn't feel prickly when you kiss him, then he gets a very high score on the attractiveness chart.

14. Playing Hard To Get - the fun of the chase

That thing about going for something that is hard to attain can also be attributed to bagging your man. It's a stereotype...but it turns out to be true.Image source

 If he gives you signs he's interested and then cools off a little, human behaviour will make it your mission to get him!  When you do, it makes you feel great about him and you!

15.Non-Judgemental - willing to listen to you

A fella who won't budge from his own opinions and rams them down your throat is not going to get in your good books or a chance of a second date.Image source The GuardianIf he is willing to listen to your views, without judgemental, even changing his mind, then you are going to love this side of him.

16. Bookworm - if he's passionate about reading, he's passionate about .... 

Women certainly favour males who are brighter and more inventive. Someone who reads, is spending time learning more and expanding their horizon to grow as a person.Image source Freepik

So, keep hold of him with all your might as he will be a sensitive soul, something not regularly found in males. is a good catch.

17. Acknowledges His Faults - open to being the best he can be

The most important obligation a guy should have is transparency and if he is conscious that he must frequently be accountable, this is more than charming to the female.Image source Marriage.comOf course, if she has faults (everyone does), he should be able to tactfully speak to her about them without openly criticising her and offending her.

18. Dressing Stylishly - wanting to look good for his woman

If a man is looking shabby and not very presentable, he's probably going to lower his chances of appealing to a woman.  She may think he's not taking the date seriously.Image source Luxe DigitalOr is it a sign that his home is a bit on the messy side as well?  As soon as these thoughts are in her head, she might be put off him.

19. Romantic - not embarrassed to be gushing

It's a fact that the majority of women like the man to take control and arrange the dates.  If he turns up with flowers or sends her a love note, she is likely to be on cloud nine.Image source Top RompShe's likely to be counting down the hours until she can see him again.  Buying you thoughtful small gifts shows a very caring and loving side.

20. Footwear - a matching pair is a start!

A man's shoes is something a female takes notice of, after clocking his face and physique.  If he's in his 4 year old trainers, that is very off-putting.Image source Luxury ShoeHe might think it's a case of  'if it's not broke, don't fix it.'  The woman thinks very differently and a smart pair of shoes or boots, even with jeans, is far preferable.

21. Clothing - white tee and jeans does it

Providing your date is in reasonably good shape physically, a white tee-shirt, fitted but not clingy, can be a heart racer for a girl. Plain and simple.

Image source QuoraIf he matches it with a pair of well fitting jeans and maybe a designer belt, then the ticks are going to keep adding up and she will find this attractive.

22. Smart Attire - suited and booted

If the date is to a venue that requires you both to be done up to the nines, the female will have planned her outfit on a spread sheet.Image source QuoraShe won't expect her date to do the same but if he turns up in his one and only 2 piece suit, that he's had for years, the style will be out of date.

23. Good forearms - it's not asking too much!

A nice pair of forearms is a nice extra touch to a decent man who has fallen under your radar.  They don't have to be like tree trunks but good definition is niceImage source QuoraAnd don't forget, not too hairy is a plus point for the lady.  It shows he cares about his appearance without going over the top.

24. Accessories - a nice watch can do it for you

You'd probably run a mile if you were approached by a guy with a gold ingot necklace and chunky rings on every finger wouldn't you?Image source Real StyleThe way to getting him close to your heart would be if he was wearing a decent watch (a Rolex is acceptable), a signet ring and maybe a slim bracelet.

25. Hobbies - keeps him interesting

A girl won't be attracted to a guy who just sits at home every evening after work, unless he's out socialising.  A man with hobbies makes him interesting.Image source Trend SpotterAnd, you never know, if you two are the perfect match, you may join in with the same pastime - he would really appreciate you for joining in and treat you with respect - which you'll love.

26. His Relationship With His Family - with female relatives

If your new man is close to his mum, don't turn your nose up.  If he visits his grandma every week and goes out for a drink with his sister, it's good.Image source Yahoo CanadaIt's not that he doesn't want to see you.  In fact it's the opposite.  His relationship with female relatives shows a very commendable side to him.

27. Comfortable With YOUR Friends - wanting to please you

A man who wants to meet your female friends and goes that extra mile in getting on with them, is a brilliant trait because it shows he values you.Image source YouBeautyHe will know that girls stick together and their opinion of him is important.  This proves he isn't self centred and appreciates your feelings - partner material.

28. Clean Apartment - a good sign!

When you go back to your date's apartment or house, you don't want to have to move ten items out of the way so you can sit on the sofa.Image source The SunSeeing a nice, clean place is definitely a good sign of the man appreciating what he's got and about cleanliness. Transfer those things on to you and it will make you like him even more.

29. Good cook - even spag bol.

What's not to love about a man who cooks - and even likes cooking!  Think about all the sharing of making meals, if he becomes your long term live in partner.Image source SheThePeopleIf he cooks you a romantic meal and you don't even have to wash up or stack the dishwasher, then job's done - he could be THE ONE!

30. He’s Adventurous Under The Covers - thinks of you FIRST

Have you heard the saying that a guy with a good sense of humour can 'laugh a girl into bed'?  That's all well and good but he needs to be a little more serious when pleasing his woman.Image source DepositphotosBeing adventurous, with the lady's consent, can be one of the biggies on the girl's check list for the perfect man. It shows he's got something about him!

31. He Has A Great Personality

It's really not all just about looks, and an amazing personality can immediately make a guy so much more attractive, no matter what they look like.Image Source / CTV NewsIt can be very captivating for a woman if you have an interesting and charming personality, especially if you're quite unique in who you are and what you like.

32. He's Intelligent

Smart is sexy, there's no debate about that. The higher intelligence a guy has, the more you'll have to talk about, the more interesting views he'll be able to put across.Image Source / A Conscious RethinkAnd as well as this, the more of an open-mind he'll hopefully have. This makes conversations more interesting, and of course intelligence is so attractive.

33. He's Kind

When a guy has a good heart, it's very endearing and also super attractive. Kindness also plays a crucial role in creating a lasting connection.

Image Source / Essentially Local

If you can show that you're a kind person to everything and everyone around you, it just means a woman will know that you will be kind to her, too.

34. He Has A Lot Of Empathy

It can be great to know you have a guy who can empathise with you and try to make you feel better, especially after a bad day.Image Source / Everyday HealthBeing able to empathise with people is a huge plus for a personality trait, as it shows emotional intelligence as well as the willingness to understand people.

35. Strength (Both Physical And Emotional)

Girls can find any sort of strength sexy, but it's not all about lifting heavy things - emotional strength is a big plus for a potential match.Image Source / PhysiopediaBeing an emotional rock they can depend on is something a lot of girls will be looking for, whether or not you can carry in all the grocery bags at once.

36. He's Independent

Clinginess isn't an attractive trait in anyone, no matter the gender. It can be a bit much, and especially for someone who is independent themselves.Image Source / JetsetterThat isn't to mean that being independent means you barely do things together, it's more that you're comfortable with being along and looking after yourself.

37. Keeping A Tidy Space

Being a slob isn't attractive in any way, is it!? You don't want to be with someone who you know you'll end up cleaning up after.Image Source / MetroWe all have bad days where we can't be bothered to clean up, but living amidst absolute mess, whether it's your home or office, isn't much of a green flag.

38. A Guy Who's Self-Aware

A guy who knows himself, inside and outside, is more likely to be more open and communicative with a partner. That's why being self-aware is a huge plus.Image Source / New Roads Behavioral HealthBecause, it means a guy has a better handle on who he is, which can help to build a healthier relationship on a much deeper level.

39. He's Happy With Being Vulnerable

There's nothing wrong with letting your emotions out and being vulnerable, though a lot of guys still struggle with opening up and letting someone in.Image Source / Mark MansonBut in order to be yourself with someone, you have to be vulnerable. Women find vulnerability attractive because it shows that a guy is comfortable with his emotions.

40. The Ability To Love

If a guy seems like he lacks any emotion whatsoever, including affection or love, then it's not going to be very attractive to someone looking for love.Image Source / MediumThis doesn't mean that words count, either, because a guy can say 'I love you' but not really mean it, or at least his actions don't match his words.

41. He Has Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity is an absolute win. It's essential to have emotional maturity if you're gonna succeed in a relationship because otherwise things can become sulky difficult.Image Source / MindowlEmotional maturity helps a guy deal with challenges in life and also deal with difficult situations in a better way. And when is this ever not going to be attractive?

42. A Healthy Sex Drive

Not only do women want a man who is going to want them, but they also want them to want them in a healthy and regular way!Image Source / Refinery29Lack of sex can easily drive a wedge between a couple, and even though sex isn't the most important thing, it's very attractive to know that a guy finds pleasure in regular sex.

43. A Guy Who Knows The Meaning Of Stability

A guy who knows what he wants, is dedicated and stable with life and his career is a safer bet than someone who might mess a girl around because he changes jobs every week.Image Source / Running Shoes GuruStability is something a lot of girls will look for if they're looking for a new relationship or long-term partner. It shows he knows what he's doing.

44. If He's Fun-Loving

A guy who is up for a bit of fun - and this means outside the bedroom, too - means pushing you both out of your comfort zones, which is great to do as a couple.Image Source / Daily MailIf a fun-loving guy helps a girl to try new things and supports her in new adventures, this is a huge and exciting turn on!

45. He's Trustworthy

Trust is everything, so it goes without saying why a girl would find the trustworthy trait attractive in a guy. It goes beyond attraction and becomes a cornerstone for a healthy relationship.

Image Source / Roffey Park Institute

 A man's ability to prove himself as a trustworthy person - not just in regard to lies, but also just doing what he says he's going to do - will be a green flag for a woman.

46. He's Patient

A woman doesn't want a man that's going to be impatient with her and make her feel on edge all the time in case he loses his temper.

Image Source / Medium

Patience is a virtue, after all, and in a man it's also a great trait. Patience also applies to a man taking his time with his words and actions, which show maturity, too.

47. Inviting Body Language

Body language says a lot about a person, which is why women aren't going to think much of a man who has extremely closed off or standoffish body language.

Image Source / The Chemical Engineer

Open body language that entices a woman in, like open arms, a smile, a wink or even just eye contact is always a plus that makes a woman fall for a man!

48. He Tells It Like It Is

In a tactful way, of course, but here's no deception or dancing around the answer with this guy - he says what he believes, and he means what he says.Image Source / EHL InsightsIn a relationship this is a huge plus because it means a woman can always depend on him to say how he actually feels so there's no misunderstandings.

49. They Take Charge

Perhaps not all the time, as an equal partnership is always good, but a man who can take charge when the occasion needs it is an attractive man indeed.Image Source / ImgflipYou can be a man in charge with strong opinions without railroading or dismissing a woman, and it's that happy balance that's the attractive trait.

50. It's All In The Eyes

Eyes are the windows to the soul and all that, and it's true when you're looking for a partner - and especially if you are flirting with each other!Image Source / IMD Business SchoolEyes can speak volumes without your mouth saying any words at all, and the same goes for an attractive man. If they can hold eye contact, they can speak a thousand words with their eyes.

51. A Heavy Stubble - good balance of masculinity

Research suggests that women found guys with stubble to be more handsome than those with a full beard or a clean-shaven face. Stubble for the win!

Image source / Wikipedia

 Scientists believe that heavy stubble shows a good balance regarding their masculinity, as long as it's nice and neat. And it's also just super sexy.

52. Interacting With A Baby - Ahhhhh!

A man’s best wingman could still be in diapers and who are we to disagree - it's so cute! Women appreciate the sensitive side of a man!Image source / Pexels

 Studies show that men who play nice with babies and toddlers are three times more likely to get a woman's phone number from them compared to guys who ignore the little cherubs.

53. Walking A Dog - shows a caring side

Dogs are a man’s best friend for sure and that's partly because women find it an adorable quality, watching a guy walk his four-legged pal.Image source / Derby Telegraph

It's a good starting talking point if both are animal lovers and keeps things natural while they are eying each other up! What better way to bond!

54. Optimism - it'll work out just fine

Optimism and a positive attitude isn't the same as self-confidence as the latter shows a can-do attitude and a good outlook on life which is attractive.Image source The Quotable Coach

Optimism is believing that things will work out, whatever they are and women find this extremely reassuring in a male as females are usually natural worriers.

55. Kindness Towards Others - especially the elderly

Women watch carefully when they see how a man treats those around him and how he talks about them, especially elderly relatives. Kindness can be shown in a variety of behaviors and actions.Image source / Age UK

 A man wo talks about his family is a big tick to a woman. Plus, she’ll want to see how the man treats waiters, attendants, or other surrounding people.

56. Sunglasses - who's the man behind the shades?

Recent research found that sunglasses give a man a mysterious appearance and women are drawn to such a man so they can find out what is behind the eyes.Image source /

Sunglasses tend to make most people look better and guys, in particular, to look cooler. But, hopefully behind the glasses are some vulnerability and kindness.

57. Choice Of Music - complex music speaks volumes

In a study, researchers asked 1,500 women, average age of 28, to listen to both simple and complex pieces of music and then rate the attractiveness of the composer.Image source Pexela

The results showed that they preferred the more complex music, and would choose the composer of the more complex music as a possible long-term partner.

58. Scars - a real man

A study digitally manipulated images so the subjects appeared to have facial scars, such as a line on the person’s forehead that looked like an injury.Image source Astrol

Results showed that men with scars appeared slightly more attractive, but only for short-term relationships, than men without any scars. This is because it shows strength.

59. Cologne - can make a girl go weak at the knees

There's little doubt that women find wearing aftershave or a signature spray, very attractive but it's not for the reasons that you would first assume.Image source/  Checkitout

 It doesn’t have to do with natural odors or pheromones.  Men who smell good tend to have a higher confidence in themselves and felt more attractive to the opposite sex.

60. Way Of Walking - with a purpose

Nothing is much more important than confidence when a guy is trying to attract a female partner.  One of the simplest ways to gauge a man’s confidence is to watch how he walks.Image source / BBCProspective partners firstly look at how he's dressed and secondly how he walks. Confident people aren't in a hurry and there’s a difference between meandering and walking with a purpose.

61. Volunteers - kind and gentle person

If a guy volunteers for a local charity organization, a female is  more likely to be physically attracted to him. It's what a woman wants.Image source / We Like LAA man who is willing to give his time and energy for a good cause says a lot about his personality.  It could be an indication that he is kind, gentle and caring,

62. Giving Compliments - and meaning it

It's easy for a guy to give out compliments, left, right and centre, to a female to impress her but they are likely to be insincere, if he doesn't know her well.Image source Happier HumanHowever, if he gets talking to a girl and is impressed by something she has said and compliments her, this goes a long way with her and she will find it an attractive trait.

63. Quiet Confidence - beats boasting hands down

There are different kinds of confident behavior.  One man might boast about his achievements and talk over everyone else, displaying dominance but in an aggressive manner.Image source LovePankyAnother guy might mention in passing something impressive but not make a big deal about it and that will go much further in making him more attractive.

64. Self-Reflective - willing to improve

A good man will always try to improving himself because there's no such thing as perfection. All you can ask for is someone who tries to be better.Image source / The GuardianAs Muhammad Ali once said, 'The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.' This type of behaviour will get the thumbs up from any woman.

65. Honest With Himself - not hiding stuff at the back of his mind

What’s more important than honesty towards those around you is how you communicate - with yourself.  Men tend not to spend enough time  discovering who they are.Image source / YouTubeSo, some never discover what is actually going to make them happy in this life.  Once they've done this, they will outwardly attract women without realizing it!

66. Having A Feminine Side - its actually more masculine

Men who pay special attention to their grooming, get a decent haircut, have soft, moisturized skin, a subtle cologne and good fitting jeans, will make themselves more physically attractive.Image source / Daily MailA male who looks after himself is a good candidate for any woman.  Whether they are handsome or not wouldn't necessarily be the prime reason.

67. Handy - knows his way around a tool bag

Many women are certainly not helpless but a man who can fix things is a good man to have around. It makes her feel well cared for and in safe hands.Image source / Sustainable ManWhen he willingly carries out jobs for a female, without complaining, it's because he wants to please her and he's also a selfless person, a great trait.

68. Generous - especially with massages

A good man will always massage his partner because he thinks of her before himself.  A male who is willing to get his hands oily will pick up a bunch of brownie points.Image source / The SunWomen tend to take on too much, and a relaxing massage works wonders in their opinions. What's more attractive than a man looking after his woman?

69. Forgiving - doesn't bear a grudge

A bad boy may drop you, because you're not perfect, for the next woman he has lined up.  Good guys forgive you for your flaws when arguments happen.Image source / Verywell MindBecause they will happen, it's normal. If he will forgive you, let it go and move on, that's the type of guy a woman wants in her life.

70. A Deepish Voice - attracts the ladies

Men with a deeper voice appear to be more masculine and attractive to women, with females associating a high testosterone level with those baritone vocals.Image source / The SunThe guy doesn't have to be 'deep deep' like Barry White but a high pitched voice isn't a first choice for many ladies because they tend to view it less 'manly'.

71. A Good Credit Score -shows responsibility

A woman is more attracted to a man with a high credit score than a six pack!  This was the result of a study carried out in the States in 2017.Image source Business InsiderThe ladies also preferred the good credit rating instead of a fancy sports car.  How life has changed! Responsibility is a long term partner kind of quality.

72. Mature man - don't want to change your ways

Whilst the majority of men would like a stylish and pretty woman, older men don't beat themselves up about minor details. They know what's important.Image source / Eat This, Not ThatThey are more concerned with what lies inside.  They are much more accepting of any imperfections and this is why some women prefer a more mature guy.

73. And They Are Settled In Their Career - stability is key

The older men are usually well established in their careers and are financially more stable.  The promise of a calmer life is something no woman can resist.Image source InsiderIt might come across as shallow but women looking to settle down tend to go for Mr nice guy with a stable job and their own house.

74. Good Face Symmetry - like George Clooney!

Males whose faces are symmetrical are generally considered to be more attractive to women and if they are gifted with good skin, that is another big plus point.Image source UNILADA plain or simple face is easier for the brain to process and store so women find this an attractive trait. Science shows that there's an 'attractive' face.

75. Chest Hair - sign of masculinity

A reasonable amount of chest hair is often considered a sign of virility and masculinity, by many women who see body hair on men incredibly attractive.Image source / FreepAn over-hairy torso is, however, a turn off and if the hair extends to the man's back, then it's a no go for the majority of ladies.

76.  He Can Master The 'Wink' - cheeky chappy

How they learn the technique we don't know but some guys really have the hot guy wink to a tee.  It's a bit cheeky chappie mixed in with suave and smoky.Image source / Hack Spirit

 Women can find this extremely attractive in a man and feel at ease with him. A cheeky wink also sends butterflies in a woman's stomach and sets their hearts racing.

77. He Radiates Calm - makes a girl feel 'hot'!

Thinking about how powerful a man's calm presence can be is enough to send shivers down a girls spine! A calm presence makes you feel safe.Image source / Ask Men

 No matter how stressed he is, he takes it all in his stride and stays calm.  His gaze is peaceful and will attract the ladies.

78. He Laughs Long And Hard - and often

Someone who is fun loving, tells a good joke and laughs loudly, is a cool person to be around and goes high up the attractiveness chart for a woman.Image source / BBC

He won't base his comedy on putting people down because that's not how he rolls. His humour is fun loving and light hearted to make people feel good!

79. Has Lots Of Friends - well liked

A man who has lots of friends is likely to be open and sociable, as well as being easy to get along with.  A woman would be sure to find this an attractive quality.Image source / Love PankyEspecially in someone that she is hoping to have a serious relationship with.  If he incudes her in his group of pals, then it's even better.

80. Ability To Tell A Good Story - can hold an audience

The ability to tell a good story is very attractive to a number of women. Some individuals love it when someone can get involved in telling a story about something they did.Image source / Men's GroupAn example is if they narrate an interaction with their friends or an interesting event in their lives. Women seem to love this kind of thing!