The Most Haunted Hotel Room In Each State

By molly atherton 10 months ago
Welcome, fearless readers, to a spine-tingling journey through the eerie realms of hospitality – we're about to unveil the eeriest, hair-raising, and downright spooky hotel rooms that will make your heart race faster than a caffeine-fueled ghost on a midnight espresso binge. Brace yourselves for "The Most Haunted Hotel Room in Each State" – because who needs beauty sleep when you can have a close encounter with the supernatural? From the ghostly whispers of restless spirits to beds that creak in the dead of night (and no, it's not just the room service trolley), we're diving headfirst into the spectral underbelly of the accommodation world. We've scoured every nook and cranny of the United States to bring you tales of spectral shenanigans that'll make your grandmother's ghost stories seem like bedtime lullabies. Forget about heart-shaped jacuzzis and fluffy robes – these haunted hotel rooms come with complimentary chills, thrills, and perhaps a few unexpected roommates too!

1. Alabama: Room 7 at Malaga Inn

This spooky hotel in Alabama was originally built as regular houses during the Civil War, and there are now 39 guest rooms in this historical hotel - but one room in particular has seen the most paranormal activity.
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It's said that room 7 is haunted by the ghost of a woman dressed in white, who's also seen pacing along the balcony of the hotel. It's also believed some Confederate soldiers haunt the hotel, due to the eerie tunnels beneath the building.Original content sourced from

2. Alaska: The Historic Anchorage Hotel

The ghosts of this hotel in Alaska don't like to keep to one room! They instead roam the halls of the hotel, so you have a chance of seeing a ghost or two no matter which room you're staying in.
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It's said that at least three ghosts are present at the Historic Anchorage Hotel. Some guests have claimed to see the reflection of a woman wearing a wedding dress, not where I'd want to be staying!

3. Arizona: Room 32 at Jerome Grand Hotel

The Jerome Grand Hotel wasn't always a hotel - it was first a hospital, and one that saw many patients dying within its walls. If that isn't creepy enough, the hotel was originally abandoned after the hotel closed down.
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It then sat empty with just its ghosts for company before becoming what it is today. Some say you can hear the wheels of hospital gurneys in the halls... Room 32 specifically is said to be the most haunted spot.

4. Arkansas: Crescent Hotel

This hotel was another to first be a hospital, but this time it was run by a fraud rather than a real doctor - meaning inevitably many patients died within these walls, under his 'care'.
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It's said the hotel is still haunted today by the patients that died there, and there have been hundreds of paranormal incidents reported by guests. The hotel has embraced the spook and even offers ghost tours!

5. California: Brookdale Lodge

Originally a logging mill from the 19th century, this hotel has one specific ghost that many have claimed to have seen: the ghost of a little girl. It's said the young girl is named Sara Logan, the niece of a previous owner of the hotel.
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It's reported she tragically drowned in the nearby creek. But it's not just her you can expect to see - there are apparently at least a hundred ghosts in this hotel... Who even decides to stay here?

6. Colorado: Room 217 at The Stanley Hotel

If you don't already know, the Stanley Hotel itself is what inspired Stephen King's Overlook Hotel from The Shining - so you can understand why this is already seriously creepy.
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Room 217 in particular is where King stayed and claimed to have suffered terrifying nightmares. If you don't dare to stay in this room, you still won't escape the ghosts said to play a little tune on the hotel piano...

7. Connecticut: Any of the 7 rooms at Captain Grant's Inn

You're spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a haunted room in this hotel! For starters, this hotel is located right next to a cemetery - so you may find the dead decide to wander next door.
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The inn has 7 rooms to stay in, all of which will leave you victim to possible paranormal sightings. It's said that there's more than one ghost that calls this inn its home...

8. Delaware: Room 1, 6 and 11 at Addy Sea

Addy Sea is otherwise a beautiful hotel in a perfect spot by Bethany Beach - the problem is, it's a little bit haunted, and in three rooms in particular (it seems the ghosts can't make up their mind!).
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In Room 1, you can expect to feel the bathtub shaking inexplicably. In Room 6, you can hear music from an organ being played through the walls. And in Room 11? Possibly the worst of all, people have claimed to have seen the ghost of a former employee who died at the hotel.

9. Florida: The Hacienda

Originally a bright and perky hotel that attracted all manner of celebrities, it's now a paranormal hotspot at complete odds with its vibrant pink coloring. It doesn't look terrifying right?
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According to the building's past, the basement as a hotspot for illegal activity, including being used as a brothel and for gambling. Now, people claim to be able to smell cigar smoke floating through the halls...

10. Georgia: Room 414 at The Marshall House

Marshall House is said to be haunted by a ton of ghosts. Not only is it located in one of the most haunted cities, but its history as a hospital during the Civil War has left it open to many paranormal happenings.
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It's said that most ghostly activity happens in Room 414, and there are a lot of ghost sightings specifically on the fourth floor of the hotel... could it be the ghost of someone who died from yellow fever?

11. Idaho: The University Inn

This hotel was originally student accommodation when it opened in 1917, so you might feel like a college student again if you stay in one of its 'dorms'! Or a horror geek maybe?
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The building then moved onto become a hospital, which is where the spooky story begins. It's said a nurse committed suicide by jumping from the attic - and some believe her spirit remains at the hotel...

12. Illinois: The penthouse suite at the Hotel Baker

If you're a ghost deciding to haunt a hotel, why not choose the best suite in the house? The Hotel Baker is said to be haunted by the ghost of a woman, who originally worked as a chambermaid at the hotel.
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When she was jilted at the altar, it's said she threw herself into the Fox River and drowned. People now claim her spirit haunts the penthouse suite, where sobbing can be heard...

13. Indiana: The visitor cottages at The Story Inn

Story in Indiana is actually a whole town which has been converted into accommodation. The old general store is the main inn, and there are also a selection of guest cottages in the area you can stay in.
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It's these cottages which are said to see the most paranormal activity, including things falling off shelves, doors slamming and even the ghost of a woman haunting the grounds.

14. Iowa: The Mason House Inn

This hotel is actually the oldest on the Des Moine River, so it's no surprise it might have a ghost or two. It's been many things over the years, including a hospital and a boarding house.
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The most paranormal activity is said to be on the second floor, but the owner says that they've never had anything negative - only harmless spirit presence from guests who never wanted to leave...

15. Kansas: The Eldridge

The Eldridge has gone through a lot over the years, with constant growth and renovations. It was originally built for New England settlers to have a place to stay before they got a proper home.
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Over the years, it burned down - twice - after arsonists set it on fire, but the owner rebuilt it stronger. It's now said the spirit of the owner, Colonel Shalor Eldridge, haunts the hotel.

16. Kentucky: The upstairs rooms at Jailer's Inn

This inn was originally a jail back in the late 1700s until the 1900s, so you can imagine the caliber of spirit that might be wandering this place... One of the most well-known spirits said to be haunting this hotel is that of Martin Hill..
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He was a murderer who actually died in the jail while he was waiting to be executed. It's also said there's the spirit of a young boy who likes to move things around in the upstairs rooms.

17. Louisiana: Some of the rooms at Hotel Provincial

This hotel in the French Quarter is truly stunning, with its vintage vibe and its beautiful courtyards - but that doesn't mean it's without its own brand of creepiness!
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It's said that some of the rooms of the hotel are haunted by the spirits of dead soldiers who passed away there back when the building was a military hospital. Guests are said to hear them moaning in the dark...

18. Maine: The basement at James Fairfield House

Captain James Fairfield was a military man who was captured during the war in 1812, and when he was eventually released and returned home, he built a house - this house.
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He later died at the house, which is now an inn, and it's said that his spirit remained and now roams the halls, with guests claiming to have seen his ghost - and, most particularly, in the basement.

19. Maryland: Lord Baltimore Hotel

This hotel attracted a lot of guests since its opening, but it tragically also attracted a lot of people who wanted to jump from the building to their death. There were many cases of people jumping from the rooftop deck of the hotel on the 19th floor..
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It's now even claimed the elevator eerily travels up to the 19th floor even when nobody pressed the button... It's also said the ghost of a little girl can be heard playing here.

20. Massachusetts: Room 24 at Colonial Inn

Before it was a hotel, this building was originally the home of a doctor who treated injured soldiers during the American Revolution. The room which is now room 24 of the hotel was originally an operating room in the doctor's time.
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Some people have claimed to feel not only ghostly presences in there, but also hear strange noises. While room 24 seems to be the most afflicted, the creepy feeling can be found throughout the hotel.

21. Michigan: Doherty Hotel

The Doherty Hotel was another building that fell victim to becoming a secret gambling parlor and hangout of gangsters during the era of speakeasies. So much so that, now, you can expect to see a ghost or two.
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This includes the ghost of a notorious bootlegger gang who was killed in the hotel bar by his business partner. It's also said that the voice of Helen Doherty herself can be heard from the beyond...

22. Minnesota: Room 17 at The Palmer House

The Palmer House was originally a brothel and saloon before it burned down in 1900. Since, the now-hotel is said to be home of a fair few ghosts, including the ghosts of s*x workers and even a p*mp.
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In Room 17 in particular, there is said to be the ghost of a worker who was murdered in the building, named Lucy, while the p*mp is said to be found in Room 22...

23. Mississippi: Duff Green Mansion

While this building was originally built as a place to live and entertain, the owner transformed it into a hospital for soldiers of the Civil War. It later became the hotel it is today, but that hasn't stopped the past from sticking around.
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Some of the floors are still stained with blood, and it's said there are ghosts that walk the halls, including the ghost of a dead Confederate soldier.

24. Missouri: Elms

Another on this list of hotels that originally burned to the ground, the Elms Hotel actually burned down twice before it managed to stay standing! you'd probably just stop trying right?
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Newer versions of the hotel even attracted attention of gangster celebrities like Al Capone, and it's now said the ghost of a gambler likes to hang around the hotel pool, while some have spotted a housekeeper from the 1920s wandering the property...

25. Montana: Room 202 at Grand Union Hotel

This hotel first opened in 1882, originally very popular due to its great location, but it soon fell to neglect. After huge renovations, it got back on track, but it's now said that there are a few previous houseguests that decided to stick around.
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This includes the ghost of children, and of a cowboy who was shot dead. But in Room 202, you might also experience some strange, unexplained blue lights...

26. Nebraska: The basement at Historic Argo Hotel

This small and charming hotel has nine rooms for guests to choose from - if you want to risk staying in a haunted hotel, of course, because that's what we all want to do right?
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The basement in particular is said to be a hotspot for paranormal activity, but you can expect ghostly experiences in the entirety of the hotel - including the spirit of a woman called Alice, who's said to appear if you stay there long enough!

27. Nevada: Rooms 502, 503 and 504 at the Mizpah Hotel

You've three creepy rooms to choose from at this hotel! And the reason that these rooms are such a hotbed for paranormal activity is that originally the three rooms were one full living quarters, which were then split into rooms 502, 503 and 504.
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The living quarters once belonged to "the lady in red", a s*x worker who used the hotel for her work before she was murdered. It's now said her spirit sticks around.

28. New Hampshire: The Sanborn Room at Tilton Inn

This is another hotel that hasn't had a lot of good fortune when it comes to fires. This hotel has actually burned down three times, and one of those times a hotel guest tragically perished in the fire:
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A 12 year old girl named Laura, who is now said to haunt the hotel, and in particular, the Sanborn Room of the property. It's said that there's nothing too spooky about the feel of this hotel, though... and you're welcome to try say hello to her spirit!

29. New Jersey: Elaine's Cape May

This hotel was originally someone's home, built back in the 1800s. The residents of the house included the owners, their child and their cat - and all of them (including the cat!) are now said to haunt this hotel.
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Paranormal experiences include the owner of the hotel hearing her name called out, and even the sighting of a spirit sat on one of the hotel beds. Nice and relaxing...

30. New Mexico: Room 310 at The Plaza

This three-storey hotel is located in what was the largest city of New Mexico back in the 1880s, and with the hotel still going strong - and having been renovated since - it retains its 'Old West' vibe for guests to enjoy.
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But staying at the hotel means you can also expect the spirit of its former owner, Byron T. Wells, in what used to be his office... now Room 310! I'd head to a different floor I think...

31. Hawaii: The Moana Surfrider

In 1901, The Moana Surfrider hotel opened, as the very first luxury resort you could find on Waikiki Beach. There's one hotel room in particular said to be very haunted - but the room itself doesn't stop the spirit from wandering the hotel halls...
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A former guest, Jane Stanford (of Stanford University) was found dead in her hotel room, poisoned, and it's said her spirit stays there, seeking justice.

32. New York: The Shanley Hotel

This hotel in New York is so haunted that it really doesn't matter which room you decide to stay in - the whole place can be rented out for large parties, too, if you want a run of the place!
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The tragic history of the hotel, including deaths and fires, has given it a reputation of being seriously haunted, and now it's open all year round as a paranormal hotspot.

33. North Carolina: The Biltmore

The Biltmore is a smaller boutique hotel with 26 rooms, all of which you can expect to possibly be visited by a ghost or two! The hotel is said to be home to more than one ghost too...
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This includes an accountant who used to work in the building, and a worker who was pushed down the stairs to their death. Its paranormal reputation means it's included on the Carolina History & Haunts walking tour, too.

34. North Dakota: the top floor at the Rough Riders Hotel

This hotel in North Dakota is famous for having some rather important guests, including president Teddy Roosevelt (and you can actually stay in the room that he stayed in at the hotel).
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But the ghostly activity actually comes from the spirit of a young boy, who's said to haunt the top floor of the hotel and tap on the walls, flush toilets and can even be heard laughing.

35. Ohio: The Buxton Inn

The entirety of this inn in Ohio is known for paranormal activity. It's actually the oldest inn in Ohio, so it's no surprise there might be a ghost or two. There's always that one hotel isn't there?
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It's believed the spirit of its namesake, Major Buxton, roams the halls, and some can even smell his pipe. Then there's the ghost of an opera singer who died at the inn, as well as a total of 25 rooms said to be home to spooky activity!

36. Oklahoma: the top floor ballroom at the Skirvin Hilton

Ever since its opening, this state's hotel has seen a fair share of ghostly activity. The imposing gothic hotel has had people hearing strange noises during their stay, as well as finding words written on the mirrors in bathrooms.
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But most of all, there have been cases of furniture event being moved around on the top level, where the ballroom can be found. Maybe there was a decorator or something...

37. Oregon: Geiser Grand Hotel

This hotel opened back in the late 1800s, and it was once known as a hotspot for a grand party or two. So much so that the ghostly activity you can expect these days appears to be the noises of parties happening on the other side!
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Laughter, glasses clinking and even the ghost of a lady spotted wearing a gown. There's said to be a number of other ghosts in this hotel, too, so maybe head somewhere else!

38. Pennsylvania: Farnsworth House Inn

The history of this hotel goes back to the times of the Civil War, as the hotel itself was once the home of Confederate soldiers from the times of the Battle of Gettysburg.
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The building was used as a hospital to treat wounded solders, and it's said the hotel is haunted not only by dead soldiers themselves, but by the ghost of a civilian who was accidentally shot by one of the soldiers.

39. Rhode Island: Graduate Providence

The many years this hotel has been open, it's been subject to rumors of ghostly happenings and even links to the occult. It was believed that a well-known Satanist even financially backed the hotel being built in the first place.
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It's also believed the main source of ghostly activity comes from the spirit of a person who jumped to their death from the building, with people claiming to see people falling.

40. South Dakota: Bullock Hotel

Found in Deadwood, South Dakota, this hotel used to be a warehouse and a hardware store before it switched to the accommodation business - and the reason for that was a fire that destroyed the original building.
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It's believed that the spirit of the founder himself, Seth Bullock, remains in the hotel and has been known to show his face when employees aren't working hard enough!

41. South Carolina: Rooms 8 and 10 at 20 South Battery

This hotel actually comprises of a mansion house with the hotel rooms and suites, and a carriage house at the back which has additional rental rooms. But it's rooms 8 and 10 in particularly that are said to be haunted.
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Room 8 has the ghost of a headless person who likes to make ghostly noises, while Room 10 is believed to have the ghost of a student who died there.

42. Tennessee: Room 311 at The Read House Hotel

This hotel has a long history, but it's Room 311 in particular that seems to have the most historical significance when it comes to ghostly activity. There's obviously a story behind this..
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It's said that a woman named Annalisa Netherly was killed in this room by a jealous lover, and that he spirit continues to haunt the room in the spot where she was killed, with activity including flickering lights and spooky noises.

43. Texas: Room 501 at the Grand Galvez

The history of this hotel includes guests like mobsters, gamblers and all manner of celebrities, and even guests who decided to end their lives at the hotel.
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The paranormal activity particularly links to Room 501, where it's said a woman hanged herself after thinking her love was lost at sea. Other ghosts that guests have claimed to have seen includes the ghost of a nun roaming the grounds.

44. Utah: The 11th floor at Holiday Inn Express

The Holiday Inn Express used to be named the International Dunes Hotel, and it was during this time that a horrible event occurred that leaves the place a hotspot for paranormal activity to this day.
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A woman's husband committed suicide, leaving her to then make her seven children jump off a balcony on the 11th floor of the hotel before jumping off herself. People have felt dark energy on this floor as a result.

45. Vermont: The Green Mountain Inn

This hotel has passed hands a few times, and now remains an eight-building complex with over a hundred rooms. It's said to be haunted be a permanent ghost, who has even been given the name 'Boots'.
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He's said to be the ghost child of a chambermaid and horseman, born at the hotel, and his reputation for tap dancing is what inspired his nickname. He died at the hotel after falling from the roof.

46. Virginia: The 6th floor at the Cavalier Resort

This hotel and resort has a good reputation amount famous people and the very rich, but it's also famous for its ghostly activity. It's said that Adolph Coors - founder of the beer company - jumped to his death from the 6th floor of the hotel, and that his spirit remains at the hotel.
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It's also been reported by guests that there is the ghost of a bellboy, and the ghost of a young girl who drowned with her cat at the hotel. Are there cat ghosts too?

47. Washington: The Davenport

The ghost of Louis Davenport is said to haunt this hotel, the very founder of the building, and is said to appear during the night as a callback to his normal routine when he used to wake up to check everything was all right with the hotel!
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Some believe his spirit doesn't know he's dead and continues about his normal routine. The hotel is also said to be haunted by a widow who died there by falling through the skylight.

48. West Virginia: Room 211 at the Blennerhassett

This is one of the oldest hotels in the state, so it's no surprise it's home to a ghost or two. It's said that guests have spotted a man in reception who looks eerily like the portrait of William Nelson Chancellor, the hotel founder.
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But in Room 211, you might spot a woman in white who was said to have killed herself in there. In Room 409, there has also been spotted the ghost of a man who looks like the serial killer, Joseph Eisele...

49. Wisconsin: Four Seasons Island Resort

This resort is a popular attraction for paranormal tours, and in the past has been rumored to be the resort of choice for people like Al Capone looking for a getaway.
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There have been a number of reports over the years of ghostly goings-on, including voices in the dark, shadows that can't be explained and other weird vibes - so no surprise it's constantly being visited by ghost hunters!

50. Wyoming: Buffalo Bill's Irma Hotel

It's believed that Buffalo Bill himself haunted this particular hotel, because he loved staying at it so much in life. He's most often seen wandering the grounds, while visitors have also seen strange happenings..
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Things like water turning on and off, or their personal items being moved around while they're asleep. It seems this is one hotel, though, that's only haunted by friendly ghosts!