15 Strange Animals Nobody Knew Lived In The United States

By molly atherton 10 months ago
In a nation known for its iconic wildlife such as bald eagles, bison, and black bears, there exists a hidden realm of peculiar creatures that have managed to elude the spotlight. The United States, a vast and diverse land, harbors a surprising array of bizarre and lesser-known inhabitants that often go unnoticed in the grand tapestry of American fauna and what we think we know. Our country is home to a fascinating collection of strange and mysterious animals.

1. Nutria

This animal is also called a coypu and can be found in states like Louisiana, Virginia, and Georgia. It's a semi-aquatic rodent and was introduced to the US by fur farmers. The farmers had no clue that these rodents would be terrible for certain ecological infrastructures, but they're here to stay!Original content sourced from Femanin.com
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Join us as we delve into the story of the nutria invasion, exploring the surprising journey of these creatures from fur farms to the wild expanses of America and shedding light on the unforeseen ecological repercussions that have marked their indomitable presence.

2. One-toed amphiuma

You might think this animal is a snake or an eel, but it's much weirder than that! It's an elongated salamander that's very rare. It has limbs that seem to serve no purpose, each with a single toe. There are no gills on it even though it has gill slits, and it's usually found in mud or water.
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In the hidden corners of certain mud-laden landscapes, a creature resides that defies easy classification—neither snake nor eel, but a peculiar salamander that captivates with its enigmatic features. Meet the ditch eel, an elusive and rare denizen lurking in the murky realms of mud and water.

3. Gila Monster

This animal, the Gila Monster, is in the same family as the Komodo dragon. It produces venom and kills and consumes its prey. They are slow moving, so as long as you maintain a safe distance, you should be in the clear. They're found in the southwestern part of America.
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Unlike its swift and predatory cousin, the Gila Monster relies on a venomous arsenal to dispatch and consume its prey. A creature of deliberate and unhurried movement, these reptiles navigate the desert terrain with a calculated and purposeful slowness.

4. Craspedacusta sowerbii

You might be surprised to find a jellyfish on this list, but this one is special. It's a freshwater jellyfish that originated from China and is found in the state of Wisconsin. They're quite small, about one inch in size, and they can't even sting you because their stingers are so tiny!
Image Source: Reddit
Meet the freshwater jellyfish, a delicate and diminutive creature that, unlike its oceanic counterparts, has carved out a niche in the heartland of America, making Wisconsin an unlikely home for this aquatic wonder. It's so tiny you barely notice it!

5. Brahminy blind snake

It's long been claimed that there are no snakes in Hawaii. It's true that there are none indigenous to the state, but the blind snake is the world's smallest snake! Cute! You'll most likely see them in Kauai, and it almost looks like an earthworm. It hails from the Philippines.
Image Source: Reddit
And fascinatingly, they're able to hatch unfertilized eggs which has ensured their survival. Resembling an earthworm in both size and subtlety, the blind snake has become a delightful enigma in Hawaii's ecological narrative and shows the extent of earth's biodiversity.

6. Alligator gar

Okay, so this is a FISH that can be over 8 feet long, and then it also has sharp teeth. Seems pretty terrifying! It can be found in Mississippi and other states connected to the Gulf. It has primitive features, can breathe air and under water. It has sharp scales and a BIG bite.
Image Source: Reddit
Stretching over 8 feet in length, armed with formidable razor-sharp teeth, and boasting a set of primitive features, this fish commands attention as an extremely impressive creature that really does blur the lines between ancient and modern aquatic life.

7. Lampreys

Honestly, this looks like something straight out of Stranger Things. The Lamprey is a fish, but it has no jaw, so it latches onto its prey with its teeth and sucks out the blood. It can be round in the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Officials struggle to contain the species population. Dislike!
Image Source: Reddit
A true embodiment of nature's darker side, the Lamprey's parasitic tendencies have disrupted the ecological balance of the Great Lakes. Officials grapple with the challenge of containing this invasive species whose population, much like the suspense in a thriller, refuses to be easily subdued.

8. Pygmy shrew

Let's take a break to look at something cute and furry. The Pygmy Shrew is the second smallest mammal in the world, and it can consume THREE times its body weight, every single day. It eats every few hours to maintain body heat, and it's usually about two inches long.

Image Source: Reddit
They only sleep for a few minutes at a time, because they have to constantly hunt for food. With a metabolism that rivals the most voracious eaters in the animal kingdom, the Pygmy Shrew's constant need for sustenance is a testament to its perpetual quest to maintain body heat.

9. Fishing spider

Oh no! The fishing spider can grow a little bigger than a human palm, it's venomous, and it can be under water for over 30 minutes. Sounds awful. The spider literally fishes for small fish and aquatic creatures to eat. They also catch insects crawling on the water's service.
Image Source: Reddit
And... they lay eggs which they wrap in a silken ball and carry around in their mouth. Cool cool cool. With a metabolism that rivals the most voracious eaters in the animal kingdom, the Pygmy Shrew's constant need for sustenance is a testament to its perpetual quest to maintain body heat.

10. Hellbender

Found in the Ohio River, this is a flattened aquatic salamander. It usually reaches about 2 feet in length. Their population is shrinking due to poor water quality and accidental fishing. They're considered a living fossil by the science world, saying these guys may date back to 160 million years.
Image Source: Reddit
Yet, the Hellbender faces a perilous decline, with its population shrinking due to the dual threats of poor water quality and accidental fishing. In the ongoing struggle for survival, this remarkable species unveils a history that dates back an astonishing 160 million years.

11. Snakefish

The snakefish is known to be predatory. It's amphibious, and it also reproduces at a very rapid rate. It's mostly found in the Washington D.C. area, but it's found in other parts of the US as well. They dominate the areas they populate, so much so that they are trying to control their population.
Image Source: Reddit
Reproducing at an alarming rate, the Snakefish's population explosion has triggered concerns among environmental authorities. Their voracious appetite and adaptability have allowed them to overrun the areas they populate, prompting urgent measures to control their numbers.

12. Gemsbok

The gemsbok is straight out of an African safari, so you might be surprised to find it in New Mexico. Gemsboks are native to South Africa, and it was introduced for hunters. However, they've held on an reproduced, and now there are over 3,000 in the area.
Image Source: Reddit
There are fewer big predators in New Mexico to contend with than in Africa, which is the reason for their survival. The secret to their success lies in the absence of formidable predators that once shaped their natural habitats in Africa, meaning their numbers are rising!

13. Western hognose snake

These snakes are a bit... dramatique. When a hognose thinks it's being threatened, it will hiss, flatten its neck, then raise its head like a cobra and pretend to strike. If that doesn't work, then it will roll over and play dead. But that's not it's only unusual tactic.
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Taking it a step further, it will then POOP, which has a musty smell, and let its tongue droop. If that still doesn't steal the spotlight, it may even go as far as drooping its tongue and emitting blood-like drops to complete the performance. It will keep up the theatrics until it's safe.

14. Scorpion fly

Scorpion flies are odd looking because they have a tail that looks like a scorpion stinger. But they don't sting. It actually on the male and it's called a clasper. It's used for courtship. Females are known to kill their partners, so this clasper helps them from being murdered.
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To counteract this potential peril, the males offer a morbid yet strategic gift—a dead insect. This unusual offering serves as a protective sacrifice, a form of appeasement to dissuade the females from turning their courtship into a deadly encounter.

15. Jaguarundi

This cutie is not very predatory. The jaguarundi is about 30 inches from nose to tail and loves to hunt small rodents. You can really only find them in the state of Texas. It's actually close in relation to a mountain lion. They're very intelligent and love solitude.
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Despite its name, the Jaguarundi is not a true jaguar but shares close kinship with the mountain lion, establishing itself as a captivating link in the feline family tree. Beyond its physical attributes, the Jaguarundi reveals an intelligence that sets it apart in the realm of Texas wildlife.

16. Nile crocodile

While this creature isn't ~weird~, the fact that it can be found in Florida is definitely weird. Or at least the most Florida situation we can think of! The Nile crocodile is much more aggressive than American crocs, and they cause hundreds of human fatalities per year.
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No one is quite sure how they got to Florida, but they grow up to a very impressive length, so we're good! With a potential length of up to 16 feet, encountering this invasive species adds an element of unpredictability to the state's already diverse ecosystem.

17. Roseate spoonbill

The spoonbill is a very aesthetic bird with pink feathers. It also has a very long, speckled beak. They eat snails and crustaceans mostly, and they also use their beak as foreplay. The males also use their bill to gather materials to build nests and help care for their young. Talk about multi-tasking!
Image Source: Reddit
Beyond the functional role of capturing prey, the Spoonbill employs its beak in the delicate art of foreplay. Males showcase their romantic prowess, intertwining their long, spoon-shaped bills in intricate displays that add a touch of elegance to the courtship rituals of these avian wonders.

18. Tardigrade

Tardigrades are microscopic critters with eight legs and a sucker-like face. They are said to be 10 billion years old and are affectionally referred to as water bears. They can survive dehydration and freezing, even the vacuum of space. Wild. They can be found in the waters of Maine and will probably outlast the human race.
Image Source: Reddit
In the story of Earth's tiniest time travelers, the water bears unveil the profound journey of survival that spans eons, encapsulating a narrative that reaches far beyond the limits of our everyday perception. This one has to be one of the craziest of all!

19. Coatimundi

The Coatimundi is related to the raccoon, and it shows! It's like the cuter, friendlier raccoon cousin. You can find them in the southwest, and they love fruits and vegetables. However, they've also been known to eat frogs, birds, bird eggs, and even small lizards.
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These charismatic creatures paint a very vivid picture of life in the southwest. In the playful antics of the Coatimundi, the southwestern wilderness comes alive with a touch of warmth and charm, courtesy of nature's cuter, friendlier raccoon cousin.

20. Painted bunting

The painted bunting is found in the Gulf Coast. The beautiful rainbow colors are only present on the male of the species, while the females display green feathers. These birds are mostly foragers and during mating season, the male birds will eat insects to prepare for their search for a partner.
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In the vibrant tapestry of the Gulf Coast's natural wonders, a living masterpiece takes flight—the Painted Bunting. Adorning the landscape with a breathtaking array of rainbow hues, these avian wonders captivate the onlooker, revealing a captivating story of nature's brilliance.

21. Scolopendra heros

If you're not into creepy crawly things, then this is not the pet for you. This is the largest centipede in North America. It has a bright coloration, and it's venomous. It hunts small creatures like rodents, but it also consumes various bugs with its cell-rupturing venom.
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Fun! This creature is a voracious predator, preying on small creatures like rodents with a venom that ruptures the cells of its unsuspecting victims. But the real thrill—or shudder—comes from the revelation that the last part of its astonishing 23 pairs of legs holds the deadliest surprise.

22. Spiny water flea

The spiny water flea looks like a creature from another planet. It's an invasive species that can be found all across the Great Lakes. They're pretty crazy looking! So how did they get here? It's said that they came from Europe and Asia when ships crossed over.
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The Spiny Water Flea, hailing from Europe and Asia, arrived on North American shores through the unintentional accomplice of maritime travel. As ships traversed the waters between continents, these interlopers hitched a ride, finding a new habitat in the Great Lakes.

23. Camel spider

The camel spider can be found in the desert areas of the southwest in the United States. They're not nearly as big as the viral photos going around from the Gulf wars, but they DO have a VERY painful bite. They're not venomous, but it would probably put you in a better mood to avoid them.
Image Source: Reddit
The Camel Spider, not venomous but armed with a formidable bite, lingers in the deserts of the southwest, navigating the sunbaked landscapes with an air of elusive intrigue. While not as colossal as internet legends might suggest, these desert phantoms command respect for their potent bite.

24. Pronghorn

The pronghorn looks similar to an antelope, but they have a unique backward-curving horn. They are the second fastest land mammal, second only to the cheetah! They can run over 53 miles per hour, even the babies! When they feel threatened, the hairs on their booties raise!
Image Source: Reddit
Resembling an antelope but adorned with a distinctive backward-curving horn that sets them apart, these majestic beings take center stage as the second-fastest land mammal, an accolade surpassed only by the cheetah in the wild ballet of swift pursuits.

25. Cat-faced spider

The cat-faced spider is also known as a jewel spider. It has two pronounced bumps on its abdomen. The bumps form the ears of what looks like a cat face. When it sits with its head towards the ground, it looks like an upside down kitten. They are harmless to humans!
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Known for the jewel-like allure of its intricate markings and the charming illusion of a cat's face, the Cat-Faced Spider holds a unique place in the realm of arachnids. Contrary to its feline-inspired appearance, this charming spider poses no harm to humans, adding a layer of fascination!

26. Seneca white deer

The Seneca white deer is surprisingly stunning. The Army Depot built a wildlife sanctuary where the largest herd of these deer can be found. They're not albino, but they have a recessive gene that contributes to their lack of hair pigmentation. They have normal noses and brown eyes. So cool!
Image Source: Reddit
From their ethereal white coats to the nuances of their genetic makeup, this sanctuary not only preserves a unique population but also unveils a story of adaptation and resilience. The Seneca White Deer stand as living testaments to the delicate dance between genes and environment.

27. Glass lizard

These glass lizards are often mistaken for snakes and can be found in the eastern part of North Carolina. They are legless lizards, but the rest of their characteristics match that of a standard lizard. Their tails break into several pieces (like glass) to avoid being captured.
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The artful tail-breaking maneuver serves a vital purpose, allowing Glass Lizards to escape the clutches of predators while leaving behind a tantalizing distraction. However, the cost of this evasive tactic is no small matter. It can take years for the fragmented tail to fully regrow.

28. Spotted skunk

If not friend, then why friend-shaped? This spotted skunk is pretty cute! But be warned, if the skunk feels threatened, it will hiss and spray you without a second thought. They get into a handstand and then spray you from their tush, so definitely keep your distance!
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The Spotted Skunk challenges preconceptions about the not-so-friendly nature of skunks. While its appearance may beckon thoughts of friendship, it's the swift and pungent reminder of its defense mechanism that establishes boundaries in the realm of interspecies interactions.

29. American paddlefish

The paddlefish has been around for 300-400 million years. It has a unique paddle that is longer than its head. It's flat on the top and bottom, and it's thought that it helps stabilize the fish. When paddlefish are young, they don't have this feature.
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Remarkably, the amazing journey of the Paddlefish begins with a transformation from toothy youth to paddle-bearing adulthood. In their early stages, these aquatic beings sport teeth that eventually give way to the development of the distinctive paddle.

30. Geoduck

Liiiisten, get your head out of the gutter. This clam has gone very viral on the internet because of its... unique... shape. They are the largest burrowing clams in the world. They're also said to be one of the longest-living creatures and can be found in the Pacific Northwest.
Image Source: Reddit
Its size, which can reach a staggering 24 inches, adds to the amusement, creating a creature that effortlessly blends into the annals of internet lore. Beyond its comedic notoriety, the Geoduck Clam boasts a more serious claim to fame—it is one of the longest-living creatures on Earth.

31. Want more weird animals? Here are some of the strangest from around the world... the Aye Aye

Or the Nope Nope if you met this thing at night. It looks like what we look like wandering to the kitchen after an all-day Netflix binge. This animal is actually the largest primate in the world, and its middle finger - which you can see here - is long, skeletal and particularly creepy.
image source: factanimal.com
Known for its nocturnal habits, the Aye-Aye navigates the darkness with a blend of curiosity and stealth. Its peculiar features extend beyond its finger, as it employs specialized techniques to locate and extract insect larvae from tree bark, showcasing a unique adaptation to its environment.

32. Bald Uakari

You'd think this animal would be named after the fact is has a massive red face rather than 'bald' when it has hair anyway... but who are we to judge. This needs to be the meme template for anyone talking about being embarrassed. This monkey is found in the Amazon basin.
image source: factanimal.com
The moniker may suggest a lack of hair, the "Bald Uakari" proudly sports a fur-covered body, making its colorful countenance even more conspicuous. The intensity of its facial hue serves as a visual language, conveying a spectrum of emotions that range from curiosity to, yes, a touch of embarrassment.

33. Babirusas

This definitely looks like an animal that should have long-since been extinct, like some sort of cross between a wild boar and rhino. The Barbirusas has long tusks coming out of its mouth, and more tusks on the top of its head for added defence - or just to look cool.
image source: factanimal.com
With a striking semblance to a mythical hybrid between a wild boar and a rhinoceros, this enigmatic species captivates with its long tusks protruding from its mouth and additional ornamental tusks atop its head—a living testament to the wonders of evolutionary design.

34. The Barreleye Fish

This is just one of those things you do not want to see - inside a fish's head. This particularly eerie fish has a transparent dome for a head, which gives you a full-on view to its brain and nerves, as well as its glowing eyes. Can you imagine that coming at you through the water?
image source: factanimal.com
The Transparent-Headed Fish transcends the conventional boundaries of marine biology. Its transparent dome becomes a window into the intricacies of its neural network, offering a full-on view of its entire brain and even the mesmerizing glow of its eyes.

35. The Blobfish

We think the picture pretty much sums up this one. But we'll give you a little more background anyway. The aptly named Blobfish is a deep sea fish, and has - understandably, but kinda mean anyway - been called the ugliest fish you can find. Is this even real? You decide.
image source: factanimal.com
Found in the abyssal depths, the Blobfish navigates the extreme pressures of its habitat with a body that appears more suited to the weightless conditions of water's depths. Its unique adaptation prompts contemplation about the marvels of evolution and the diversity of ocean life.

36. Blue-tongued Skink

Skinks are a type of lizard, and while there's nothing too remarkable on the outside, when they decide to stick their tongue out at you, you'll get a colorful surprise! This lizard has obviously been sucking on the blue popsicles for too long. The color of the tongue is supposed to scare off predators.
image source: factanimal.com
When faced with looming threats, this unremarkable lizard transforms into a living canvas of warning. The vibrant hues that flash from its mouth serve as a visual deterrent, conveying a message that says very loud and clearly, "Approach with caution."

37. Colossal Squid

Two words we don't want to hear together: colossal and squid. But here we are. This thing actually exists, and it's terrifying. If you didn't already have a fear of the ocean, you probably will now. The good news is that it usually only stays in the darkest or coldest parts of the ocean.
image source: factanimal.com
In the dimly lit expanses, where shadows dance and the unknown beckons, the Colossal Squid becomes a symbol of the ocean's capacity to evoke both awe and trepidation, leaving an indelible mark on those who confront the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

38. The Flying Lemur

image source: factanimal.com
Flying squirrels exist, so obviously the lemur wanted to give it a go too! The only issue would be if one of these went flying at your face. Also known as the colugo, the flying lemur can be found in South East Asia, usually up a tree which it can use as a good take-off spot!

39. Demontor Wasp

The creepiness of this insect doesn't come so much from its looks - which are bad enough - but more from what it does to its prey. The demonster wasp targets cockroaches by injecting venom into its head. But that's not all - the venom then makes it into a zombie cockroach which strolls.
image source: factanimal.com
Its modus operandi involves injecting venom directly into the cockroach's head, initiating a nightmarish metamorphosis. The venom takes hold, transforming the once-independent insect into a zombie cockroach that complacently strolls, ensnared by the puppeteer strings of the Demonster Wasp.

40. Dumbo Octopus

AKA the cutest thing in the entire world. Kinda makes up for the colossal squid, doesn't it? This has got to be what Pearl from Finding Nemo was inspired from, right? This little octopus gets its name because of the side fins that come out of its head, which resemble elephant ears!
image source: factanimal.com
A symbol of aquatic whimsy, this adorable marvel navigates the ocean depths with a grace that transcends its petite stature, reminding us that even in the mysterious depths, there exists a realm of wonder and enchantment where the cutest creature can be found!

41. Egg-Eating Snake

Which makes you feel sorry for any animal out there with eggs in its nest, ever. But the circle of life and all that! This particular snake has even adapted to make sure it lives and thrives in environments with the most birds because it's now feasting exclusively on birds eggs...
image source: factanimal.com
The Egg-Eating Snake has honed its skills to thrive in environments teeming with birds, becoming a formidable predator in the avian realm. Its diet exclusively comprises the offspring of winged creatures, making it a stealthy and specialized hunter that targets the very essence of avian life—the eggs.

42. Fossa

This is one of those strange animals that looks like it isn't real because it looks like a combination of about 5 different animals we know and love. The fossa is native to Madagascar, and it's an animal that sort of looks like a mix between a cat and mongoose on a bigger scale!
image source: factanimal.com
In the captivating realm of Madagascar's diverse ecosystems, an enigmatic creature prowls—the Fossa. With a silhouette that seems to blend the essence of several beloved animals, this mysterious mammal stands as a testament to the unique biodiversity of the island.

43. Fried Egg Jellyfish

This is either going to make you very hungry or put you off eggs for life. We think the latter. The fried egg jellyfish is also known as the egg yolk jellyfish, and you can see why. It's recognizable for that round orange dome on top, and it also has tentacles that trail under the water. Lovely.
image source: factanimal.com
Also known as the Egg Yolk Jellyfish, this ethereal creature captivates with its unmistakable resemblance to a sunny-side-up egg. However, what may appear appetizing, quickly transforms into a marvel with trailing tentacles, adding a touch of intrigue and a dash of the unexpected.

44. Gerenuk

This looks like someone has used a bad Photoshop stretch tool on a gazelle, doesn't it? But nope, this is actually what it looks like. The gerenuk is a type of rare antelope recognizable for - you guessed it - its extremely long neck! For this reason it's also known as the giraffe gazelle.
image source: factanimal.com
From its quirky appearance to the striking contrast it presents against the African landscape, this antelope invites us to marvel at the diverse adaptations that have shaped life on the continent. In the company of the Gerenuk, nature's stretch becomes a captivating feature.

45. Gharial

As if crocs and alligators weren't scary enough, check out that long snout! This reptile is actually a crocodile, and one of the longest in existence due to that snout. It's also known as the fish-eating crocodile, but we're sure with those teeth it could eat whatever the heck it wanted!
image source: factanimal.com
From its distinctive features to the fearsome grace it exudes, this crocodile invites us to witness the fascinating adaptations that have shaped its existence. In the realm where crocs and alligators rule, the Gharial stands apart, a testament to the wonders that unfold in the world of reptilian predators.

46. Ghost Shark

One thing you don't want to think about looming at the bottom of the dark ocean is something that looks like a ghost in itself. But here we have the ghost shark, helping us to get to sleep at night. They're not actually sharks, they're just a deep-water fish that look like a Halloween costume.
image source: factanimal.com
Native to the profound realms of the deep sea, the Ghost Shark defies conventional fish appearances, resembling a spectral creature that looks like something supernatural. It is an unexpected symbol of the wonders that lurk in the darkest corners of the ocean.

47. Goblin Shark

Didn't think the ghost shark was too bad? How about a goblin shark instead? Any spooky word before the word 'shark', really. This one is pure nightmare fuel, and this one is actually a shark. Those jaws under its snout actually come out and expand to wrap around prey completely. Yep.
image source: ocean.si.edu
In the inky darkness of the ocean's depths, where nightmares find their dwelling, a true specter of terror emerges—the Goblin Shark. This deep-sea predator, with an appearance that defies the norms of shark aesthetics, unveils a nightmarish reality.

48. Hammer-Headed Bat

This huge bat is one of the few unique types of bats around the world due to its size and appearance. Now we know some bats can be cute little flying foxes, but this one is something you wouldn't want to get too much up close and personal with.. It is a fruit eating bat though, so that's good news.
image source: factanimal.com
Native to the Philippines, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox captivates with its grandeur and unique characteristics. Despite its imposing size, it showcases an ethereal golden crown on its head, adding a touch of regality and grace to its nocturnal expeditions.

49. The Helmeted Hornbill

You can see where this unique type of bird gets its name! Unfortunately this bird is actually close to extinction because of being hunted and poached so much. Found in Southeast Asia, as well as its huge helmet head, it also has an eerie call that sounds like laughter.
image source: factanimal.com
Aptly named for the distinctive casque atop its head, this remarkable bird once soared as the jester of the treetops. Tragically, its existence now teeters on the brink of extinction, a consequence of relentless hunting and poaching that threatens to silence its once-laughter-like calls forever.

50. Spider Crab

No. Just no. Why does this exist? This monster is most likely to be found on the Japanese Pacific coast - so definitely not going there then - and can grow up to a whopping 12.5 feet! It must be pretty hard to navigate that amount of legs and size. Probably gives good hugs though.
image source: factanimal.com
The Giant Spider Crab showcases a formidably large exoskeleton adorned with spindly limbs that could rival the nightmares of arachnophobes on land. Despite its nightmarish appearance, this colossal crustacean becomes a testament to the wonders that lurk beneath the waves.