30 Creepy Images From Inside Hitler’s House

By molly atherton 9 months ago
Step into the paradoxical time capsule of history, where curiosity meets an eerie fascination. Behind the doors of Adolf Hitler's residence lie frozen moments captured by the lens—a voyeuristic peek into the life of one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th century. Imagine strolling through the corridors of history, where every photograph whispers untold tales, and each frame holds a chilling narrative of a bygone era. Join me on this unsettling yet captivating journey.

Outside View Of The Berghof

Nestled amidst the serene beauty of the Bavarian Alps, the Berghof stood as a stark contradiction—a tranquil haven concealing the shadows of one of history's darkest chapters. This idyllic retreat, situated near Bavaria, Germany, became more than just a "vacation" home for Adolf Hitler.Image Source / TIME / Heinrich HoffmanThe Berghof was Hitler's 'vacation' home, located in the Bavarian Alps near Bavaria, Germany. Hitler spent more time in this house than anywhere else during his time as leader of Nazi Germany, which means many of his horrific decisions would have been made in this otherwise picturesque place.Original content sourced from Femanin.com

Hitler's Berghof Retreat In The Mountains

Nestled majestically in the heart of the Bavarian Alps, the mountain retreat known as the Berghof transcended its scenic charm to become a pivotal axis of power during the Third Reich. While seemingly a humble chalet, this seemingly unassuming abode held the weight of significant governmental decisions. Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyThis mountain retreat that Hitler used as his home was one of the most important government buildings of the Third Reich. For this reason, Hitler spent more time here than his office in Berlin. This chalet was the setting for Hitler's plan to invade Poland, France and Russia.

One Of His Guest Rooms 

In the grandeur of the Berghof, Adolf Hitler's taste for opulence and desire for an imposing image found manifestation in the lavish guest rooms that adorned his vacation home. Each room served as a testament to his desire to impress.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerIt's no surprise that Hitler would need lavish guest rooms - both to house his many acquaintances and to keep up his impressive persona. This is one of the guest rooms in Berghof, his vacation home, which also included a ceramic-tiled stove (seen on the right) to warm up the room.

Hitler Was An Advocate Of 'Germanic' Style

Adolf Hitler's quest for a meticulously curated, "Germanic" aesthetic permeated every facet of the Berghof estate, and nowhere was this more evident than in his meticulously designed office. This sanctum of power not only served as the epicenter of his decision-making but also as a canvas upon which Hitler projected his vision of national identity and authority. Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerThis office in the Berghof estate is a prime example of what Hitler believed to be the default 'Germanic' style, and how much he wanted his homes to reflect that and be seen by visitors. You can see patterned fabrics on the chairs, more flowers on the table and light wood used on the walls.  

Hitler Would Host Many Guests At His Berghof Estate

In the orchestrated theater of power, Adolf Hitler was a master of stagecraft, skillfully weaving a facade of charm and affability to complement his authoritarian rule. His calculated moments of conviviality were meticulously choreographed to present a carefully curated image of hospitality and ease, especially within the intimate confines of his home.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerIt's no surprise that Hitler would want to appear as the charming host to many important people. Here he's taking tea with the wife of Albert Forster, an important politician at the time, in the late 1930s. No doubt it was made to seem like he had plenty of superficial charm in the casual setting of his home.

Today, Two Foundation Walls Are All That Remain Of The Berghof

The aftermath of destruction often leaves behind haunting remnants, serving as silent witnesses to tumultuous events and the passage of time. In the wake of Adolf Hitler's demise and the subsequent explosion that razed his once-imposing estate to ruins, what stands now are mere vestiges.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyAfter the explosion at the estate after Hitler's death, only a few walls now remain of what was. The foundation of the main house can be seen to the right of the photo, and the rear wall of the east wing is shown on the left. Only these foundations from the main building remain.

The View From Hitler's Great Room Window

Gazing through the remnants of what was once the majestic Great Room window at the Berghof estate, one can't help but envision the panoramic vista that once captivated Adolf Hitler's gaze. This window, a portal to the breathtaking beauty of the Bavarian Alps, would have framed an unparalleled view.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyThis photo shows the current view from where the Great Room window would have stood, now in ruins. This would have been what Hitler would have seen whilst enjoying the view. The large window could be completely lowered to leave the room open to the air.

The Great Hall

In the sepia-tinted postcard from 1936, the Great Hall of the Berghof estate unfolds in all its grandeur, offering a glimpse into a space that played host to a myriad of guests, blending opulence with an air of comfort and intimacy.Image Source / TIME / Heinrich HoffmanHere in postcard format is a depiction of the Great Hall, 1936. The Great Hall would have no doubt invited a lot of personal guests and government officials, and you can see the more 'cosy' atmosphere created with the soft furnishings compared to more 'official' rooms like his study.

Hitler Made Use Of Huge Office Spaces

In the late 1930s and early 1940s, the heart of Adolf Hitler's administrative machinery beat within the opulent halls of his office in the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany. This meticulously crafted space served as the nerve center of his regime.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerWith a lot of planning to do, and undoubtedly a lot of important meetings, Hitler was making the best of it with these huge, lavish rooms and offices, kitted out with chairs and tables. This is his office in the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, pictured here in the late 1930s/early 1940s.

Inside Hitler's Private Apartment

Adolf Hitler's private apartment above the Chancellery in Berlin served as a contrasting sanctuary to the formal grandeur of his public office. Here, within the confines of his personal residence, a glimpse into the private life of the dictator emerged, revealing a surprising aspect of his taste in decor.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerAs well as his vacation home, the Berghof, Hitler had a private apartment above the Chancellery in Berlin. With this more private residence you get an insight into his private life at home and his taste in decor. Surprisingly, he uses plenty of flowers and delicate tablecloths.

His Personal Taste Might Not Be What You Expect

The presence of colorful flowers, intricate statuary, ornate wall lights, and a discerning use of style within Adolf Hitler's private quarters might indeed seem surprising at first glance. Yet, when considering Hitler's artistic background, these elements reveal a fascinating aspect of his multifaceted persona and aesthetic sensibilities.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerTo see any kind of flower in Hitler's home might come as a surprise, and colourful flowers at that. Here you can also see an interesting statue, a mirror and baroque-like wall lights. Though knowing that Hitler was formerly an artist, it might be less surprising to see him using style and colour.

More Flowers and More Statues

The pervasive presence of flowers, statues, and the meticulous arrangement of colorful adornments throughout various rooms of Hitler's residence suggests a nuanced aspect of the dictator's personality—one that might hint at a sentimentality beneath his authoritarian facade. Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerIt seems that Hitler continued to use flowers and statues throughout other rooms of his home. And now even a few flowers dotted about - his tables were absolutely filled with colourful flowers, candles and light decor. Could he have been a little sentimental?

But He Wanted To Appear Grand To Others

Adolf Hitler's penchant for grandiosity and impressiveness was unmistakably showcased through the extravagant and imposing architecture of the Chancellery's doors, standing in stark contrast to the delicate and serene table decorations found in his private quarters.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerDespite what his use of soft and colourful flowers reveal in his private space, he was still concerned with appearing impressive and grandiose to others. Here you can see the extravagant doors to the Chancellery - a completely different feel to his delicate table decorations.

Hitler's Personal Tastes Were The Opposite Of His Public Image

The stark contrast between Adolf Hitler's affinity for grandiose architecture as a means of intimidation and his personal affinity for a more domestic and seemingly intimate setting within his private apartment unveils intriguing layers of his character.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerAs the leader of Nazi Germany, Hitler was a fan of grand and oversized architecture and monuments - presumably to intimidate and inspire awe - but in his own private apartment, nearly all sideboards were covered in flowers and domestic items. Here you can see a telephone and discarded hat beside a vase of flowers.

Hitler In His Office At Berghof

Adolf Hitler's artistic inclinations not only influenced his personal taste but also played a significant role in the planning and design of the updated Berghof, his mountain retreat. This infusion of his artistic sensibilities is evident in the meticulous attention to detail.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyDue to Hitler's background as an artist, he had an active role in the planning and design of the updated mountain retreat. Here you can see more flowers placed on his desk, just like he enjoyed doing in his private apartment. The rooms of the updated Berghof were designed in the National Socialism style.

Hitler's Office In The Führerbau

The Führerbau, a significant edifice within the Nazi Party's infrastructure in Munich, Germany, served as both an office and a temporary residence for Adolf Hitler. The very name, translating to 'the Führer's building,' emphasized the centrality of this space in Hitler's political domain.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerAnother of Hitler's offices and makeshift homes was the Führerbau, located in Munich, Germany. The building formed part of the Nazi Party, and translates as 'the Führer's building'. In this office, the Munich agreement was signed by Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, which granted Germany a part of Czechoslovakia.

Hitler Sits With The Wife Of A Nazi Leader

The image captures a significant moment in April 1939, the maiden voyage of the cruise ship named after Robert Ley, the Nazi Labor leader, with Adolf Hitler and Inge Ley gracing the occasion. The sight of Hitler, donned in more formal military attire, adds weight to the significance of the event. Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerInge Ley was the wife of Nazi Labour leader Robert Ley, and the cruise ship which Hitler and Inge are here pictured together on was named after the man. This was its maiden voyage in April 1939, and you can here see Hitler in more formal military gear.

Hitler's Secret 'Wolf's Lair'

The Wolf's Lair, nestled deep within the forests of north-east Poland, stands as a haunting reminder of Adolf Hitler's military headquarters during World War II. This sprawling complex, more akin to a fortress in its formidable size and design, served as a pivotal command center.Image Source / Daily Mail / Hugo JaegerLocated deep in a forest in north-east Poland is Hitler's military HQ, always known as the 'Wolf's Lair'. These days it's actually set to be turned into a tourist attraction. The lair is more like a fortress in size, and was the site of an assassination attempt on Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg.

There Were Two Driveways To The Berghof House, Right By The Hotel

The distinctive layout of the driveways leading to Adolf Hitler's former residence, the Berghof, in the Bavarian Alps, held both historical significance and practical functionality. One driveway led to the main residence, while the other guided visitors towards the east wing.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyOne of the driveways led to the main residence, while the other led to the east wing. Around the bend was the Hotel zum Türken that Hitler's residence was stationed next to. These days, there is a small path marked by a yellow sign on the road below the hotel (which still stands) to indicate the path for the Berghof ruins.

Hitler And Goering At The Berghof House

The captivating image captures a seemingly ordinary moment amidst the grandeur of Hitler's mountain retreat—a snapshot of Hermann Goering, one of the most influential and powerful figures within the Nazi Party, casually seated beside Hitler.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyGoering was one of the most powerful members of the Nazi party. Here, he sits beside Hitler, casually reading a newspaper, as he takes in the sights of the mountain retreat. This photo when originally released was labelled a 'vacation day' for Hitler, joined by one of his most influential inner circle.

Inside The Cabinet Room

The Cabinet room, also known as the Congress Hall, held profound historical significance within the Old Chancellery in Berlin—a space that witnessed pivotal moments in Adolf Hitler's rise to power and the consolidation of Nazi authority.Image Source / TIME / Heinrich HoffmanThe Cabinet room, which was also known as the Congress Hall, was on the second floor of the Old Chancellery, located in Berlin. It was in this room, in 1933, that Adolf Hitler was made Chancellor by President Hindenburg.

Hitler's Private Study

Hitler's private study, nestled within the confines of the Old Chancellery in Berlin, served as a secluded sanctuary where the dictator spent numerous hours in contemplation and decision-making. This room, witness to the solitude and intimacy of Hitler's thoughts, became a space where the weight of his decisions and the course of history converged.Image Source / TIME / Heinrich HoffmanThis was Hitler's private study, located on the second floor of the Old Chancellery in Berlin. The room had been renovated previously, and this photo reveals how it looked after the renovation. How many of his terrible decisions did Hitler contemplate in this room?

Hitler's Private Library

The private library nestled within the Old Chancellery offered Adolf Hitler a retreat from the tumultuous world of politics and governance. This sanctuary, adorned with shelves of books and a tranquil seating area, provided the dictator with a haven for contemplation and leisure.Image Source / TIME / Heinrich HoffmanIt seemed that, despite being surrounded by supporters and sycophants, Hitler still liked to have many 'private' rooms to enjoy himself. This was his own private library, shown with the shelves and seating area, that was also located on the second floor of the Old Chancellery.

Hitler's Ceremonial Office

Indeed, Hitler's ceremonial office within the Old Chancellery served as the formal and public-facing arena for official meetings, diplomatic negotiations, and high-profile discussions. Unlike his private study, this space was meticulously designed and adorned with opulent decor.Image Source / TIME / Heinrich HoffmanWhile Hitler would have used his private study for more quiet contemplation, this was his ceremonial office which would have been the official place to meet with officials or plan agreements, presumably. That might be why it's more lavishly decorated than his own private study, too - keeping up appearances.

The Berghof Chalet Was Originally A Lot Smaller

Indeed, before its transformation into the iconic Berghof, Adolf Hitler's mountain retreat was originally known as Haus Wachenfeld—a charming alpine-style chalet nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes near a hotel in the Bavarian Alps.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyBefore it was renovated, the mountain retreat was Haus Wachenfeld, an alpine-styled vacation chalet next to a hotel. He purchased the property when he became Chancellor of Germany, after making royalties from his book Mein Kampf, and renovations for an expansion started a few years later.

Hitler Had A Lot Of Visitors At Berghof

The carefully crafted persona portrayed in personal photographs and home videos captured within Hitler's mountain retreat sought to depict a different side of the dictator—an image of warmth, approachability, and affability.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyPersonal photographs and home videos of Hitler in his mountain retreat were designed to make him look 'friendly' and 'great with children'. His visitors included the children and family of his government associates or those in his close inner circle. A lot of photos look as though he's relaxed and enjoying himself, despite the horrors he was planning behind the walls.

The Great Room Was Decorated Expensively To Impress

Adolf Hitler's Great Room within the Berghof estate stood as a testament to opulence and sophistication, adorned with an array of lavish furnishings that included Persian carpets, prized tapestries, and exquisite antiques.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyThe Great Room, as well as the rest of the house, had expensive furnishings such as Persian carpets, highly-priced tapestries and antiques. This Great Room was where Hitler would receive important visitors. It had a large window that looked out onto the Untersberg mountain in Austria. Hitler's famous globe was also in this room.

The Gatehouse At The Bottom Of The Berghof

The construction of a gatehouse at the base of the driveway leading to Hitler's mountain retreat marked a significant addition to the estate when it transitioned into his official headquarters. This gatehouse served as an essential checkpoint, standing sentinel at the entrance to the property and controlling access to the Berghof.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyA gatehouse was built at the bottom of the driveway to the mountain retreat when it became Hitler's official headquarters. It was only a short way down the road from the house. There is nothing left of the gatehouse now that Berghof is a ruin.

Hitler And Eva Braun At Home With Their Dogs

The terrace of Hitler's Berghof house was witness to intimate moments between Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, his companion who would later become his wife. Captured in rare photographs, these serene scenes depicted Hitler and Eva enjoying leisurely moments.
Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyHere, Hitler enjoys time on the house terrace with the woman who would become his wife for a short time, Eva Braun. Hitler had a German Shepherd, while Eva had Scottish Terriers. From 1936, Eva spent most of her time at Berghof house. She would go on to commit suicide alongside her husband.

The 3rd Infantry Division Enjoys Wine From Hitler's Cellar

The Berghof estate, once the epitome of Adolf Hitler's secluded retreat, held within its walls not only opulent rooms and grandeur but also more mundane features like a wine cellar. This wine cellar, among the estate's amenities, became a point of interest following the end of World War II.Image Source / Uncommon Travel GermanyThe Berghof house also had a wine cellar. Here, members of the 3rd Infantry Division raided it and took a moment to enjoy. The Berghof was blown up in 1952 by the Bavarian government, with the intention of stopping tourists from flocking to the remains following Hitler's death. Little more than rubble remained.

The Huge Window

The iconic window of Hitler's Berghof estate was a striking feature that offered breathtaking panoramic views of the majestic Bavarian Alps. Towering high up on the mountainside, the estate provided an unparalleled vista of the surrounding peaks and valleys.Image Source / Atlas ObscuraHere is the huge infamous window which showed a great view of all of the mountains. As we can see from the outside of the window, Hitler's house is very high up making the view more spectacular. Over the window hangs a golden chandelier. As we know, appearing grand was important to him.

Inside Eva's Room

Eva Braun's personal space within Hitler's Berghof offered a glimpse into her private life and her connection to the dictator. Captured in a rare photograph, her room depicted a scene that bore testament to her intimate relationship with Adolf Hitler.Image Source / BuzznickedThis photograph shows Eva Braun’s room in the Berghof. Inside on the wall above her draws is a framed photo portrait of her husband Hitler. This print is also inside one of Eva Braun’s photographic albums that she kept, which was later discovered in her room.

The Secret Bunker

The location of Hitler's secret bunker, situated in central Berlin at Oberwallstrasse, became a focal point during the intense and ferocious fighting between German and Soviet forces towards the end of World War II. This area, once host to Hitler's clandestine refuge in the heart of the city, bore witness to some of the most violent and devastating confrontations during the final days of the war.Image Source / BuzznickedThis is where Hitler's secret bunker was located, in central Berlin, Oberwallstrasse. This had some of the most violent of the fighting between German troops and Soviet troops. The area has been left totally damaged by the incessant fighting that took place here.

Inside The Bunker

Arthur S. "Bugs" Vandivert's remarkable access to Hitler's secret bunker offered a rare opportunity to capture unseen images of the hidden refuge, a location shrouded in secrecy and mystery. His photographic documentation provided an unprecedented glimpse into the interior of the bunker, unveiling a scene marred by the chaos and turmoil of war.Image Source / Buzznicked

Vandivert was able to get inside Hitler's secret bunker so that he could photograph it, a place which had never been published about before. As we can see it had been partially burned by the retreating German troops and it had also been looted by Russian soldiers.

His Stolen Painting

The discovery of a 16th-century artwork inside Hitler's secret bunker revealed a startling revelation about the origins of the painting. This particular piece of art, found within the confines of the bunker, carried with it a history steeped in controversy and intrigue.

Image Source / Buzznicked

Inside Hitler's secret bunker there was a work of art found there. But the 16th century painting was not exactly available for purchase on the legal market. It had actually been stolen from a museum in Milan, Italy. And, somehow Hitler had aqcuired it and stored it here.

A Blood Stained Couch

The state of disrepair discovered within Hitler's bunker, once used as a temporary residence for the dictator, unveiled a scene marked by neglect and decay. Among the startling revelations within this neglected space was the discovery of a couch bearing a telltale stain—an ominous dark patch on the armrest that, upon investigation, was revealed to be blood.Image Source / BuzznickedWhen the bunker (which had for a while had been used as a temporary home for Hitler) was found in a sate of disrepair. Also, this couch was found with a stain of blood on it - as you can see by the dark patch on the arm of the sofa - which when investigated turned out to be blood.

Abandoned Furniture

The photograph taken in 1945 within Hitler's bunker, once his secluded refuge, presents a poignant scene of abandonment and desolation. The image captures a corner of the bunker cluttered with forsaken furniture and scattered debris, offering a snapshot of the aftermath following the bunker's abandonment.Image Source / BuzznickedThis photo was taken in 1945 after the bunker where Hitler had made a hide away home. As we can see there is a corner packed full of abandone furniture along with some debris, given both the context and timing of the photo. There are a couple of chairs, a table, a telephone. Hitler had everything he needed here.

Papers From The Day He Died

The papers dated April 29, 1945, discovered within the bunker, provide a poignant glimpse into the final moments before the tragic end of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. These documents, meticulously preserved within a box, served as a window to the outside world.

Image Source / Buzznicked

These papers were dated April 29, 1945, which was just the day before Hitler and Eva (his wife) died by committing suicide before they could be found. They were mostly news reports and stories sat in this box inside of the bunker where the two of them kept up to date with the outside world.

A Russian Soldier Posing Where He Lived

The evocative photograph captured in 1945 presents a poignant moment, depicting a young Russian soldier standing inside Adolf Hitler's bunker. Taken shortly after the intense Battle of Berlin, this image offers a rare glimpse into the inner sanctum of the bunker, now occupied by Allied forces.

Image Source / Buzznicked

In this photograph we can see a young Russian soldier who is posing inside Adolf Hitler’s bunker. This was 1945, just shortly after The Battle of Berlin had taken place. This young soldier is stood by Hitler's desk and couch as he poses for the camera.

A Desk Used By Hitler And His Associates

The photograph depicting Hitler's disheveled desk frozen in time after a meeting with his associates offers a haunting glimpse into the final moments before the collapse of the regime. Strewn papers and the abandoned lighter serve as poignant remnants.Image Source / BuzznickedThis messy desk has been left exactly as it was after a meeting bewteen Hitler and his associates. There are papers strew everywhere, a lighter at the side. It is clear that since the last meeting they had together this desk was never touched again or ever tidied.

A Beaten Soldier's Hat

The photograph capturing an SS officer's cap left abandoned on the floor of Hitler's bunker offers a poignant and evocative glimpse into the aftermath of war. The emblematic skull symbol of the SS, though weathered and almost indistinguishable, remains faintly discernible on the front of the cap.Image Source / BuzznickedThis is an SS officer's cap that has been left on the floor of Hitler's bunker home. The infamous symbol of the SS with the skull emblem can just about be seen on the front of the cap. However, this hat looks almost destroyed it is clearly a hat that has been through battles.

His Safe That Has Been Looted

The image of Hitler's ravaged and emptied safe within the confines of his bunker unveils a mysterious narrative of looting and the erasure of historical artifacts. The safe, torn open and left in a state of ruin, stands as a stark testament to the chaotic aftermath following the downfall of the Nazi regime.Image Source / BuzznickedThis is Hitler's safe that he had inside his bunker. It has been ripped open and ruined. It has also been clearly emptied in this photo. It is thought that the safe has most likely been looted by the time this photo was taken so there is no way to know what Hitler had stored away here.

The Office Of His Munich Home

Heinrich Hoffmann's photograph of Hitler's private study, situated on the second floor of the Old Chancellery in Berlin, provides a rare glimpse into the dictator's inner sanctum. This study underwent renovation in 1934 by the Atelier Troos, reflecting Hitler's penchant for meticulous design and attention to detail.Image Source / BuzznickedThis photograph was taken by Heinrich Hoffmann. The photo is of Hitler’s private study which is located on the second floor of the Old Chancellery in Berlin. This is after the 1934 renovation by the Atelier Troos. Hitler had many offices and studies in his various homes.

A Lavish Night During The War

Before retreating to the Führerbunker in Berlin, Hitler and his top Nazi officers indulged in a night of opulence and revelry at his private residence, the Eagle's Nest, nestled in the picturesque Bavarian Alps. This episode occurred amid the tumult of war, offering a stark contrast between the lavishness of the evening and the chaos enveloping the world.Image Source / BuzznickedBefore Hitler retreated to the Führerbunker to hide, Hitler alongside his top Nazi officers enjoyed a night of enjoyment. This was in his private residence and Eagle's Nest, a resort village in the Bavarian Alps.. They were enjoying a lavish night amidst the war.

A Paratrooper Relaxing On Hitler's Terrace

This photo shows a paratrooper who belonged to the 101st Airborne Division. He is sat lounging, enjoying the view with drinks set out on the table. This is on the terrace of Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgaden. And, it took place after the end of the war in 1945.

Image Source / Business Insider

The man looks at ease, and you can see bottles on the table, perhaps evidence that he had company or that there was a party beforehand. Beyond you can see the usual stunning views of the mountains that all would have seen from this spot.

The Regiment On Hitler's Patio

This is a photo of the 7th Infantry Regiment, attached to the 3rd Infantry Division. They are sat looking happy as they raise their drinks (which is Hitler's wine), gathered on the patio of the Berghof, below the Eagle’s Nest. Of course, by this point Hitler is not here.

Image Source / Business Insider

Of course, there was room enough for a huge group of people on this particular patio to enjoy the views and enjoy the drinks... it's interesting to see the faces of all the men that once sat on this patio, fought in the war, or in Hitler's presence.

Views From The Mountain Lair

In most of Hitler's abodes, the vantage point was of utmost importance. The impressive panorama from Hitler's mountain hideaway was no exception. As seen in several of his properties, the dwelling was perched at a lofty altitude, affording breathtaking views.

Image Source / Mirror.co.uk

In the majority of HItler's homes and residences the view was one of the highest priority. And here is the impressive views from Hitler's mountain lair. As with some of his other properties, you can see the entire mountains and the building itself is very high up.

Lots Of German Artwork

This interior glimpse of Hitler's mountain hideaway reveals opulent marble flooring, elegant archways, and an array of statues adorning the space—an indication of his penchant for artistry and grandeur. Among the notable features, his admiration for the human form is evident in the numerous statues present.Image Source / Mirror.co.ukThis again is inside of Hitler's mountain lair. We can see the marble flooring, the archways and the statues of bodies - of which he had many. But, most prominently was his collection of giant Germanic paintings. Of couse, Hitler regarded German painters in highest esteem and so his buildings were always full of Germanic art.

Dining Room

This photograph captures Hitler's personal dining room nestled within his mountain retreat. The sheer expanse of the table hints at lavish banquets and gatherings frequented by the dictator and his coterie of Nazi officers. The grandeur of the dining space, marked by the colossal table, suggests opulent feasts.Image Source / Mirror.co.ukHere is Hitler's very own dining room inside his mountain home. As we can see, it was a huge table fit for banquets for a lot of people - which he enjoyed inviting his Nazi officers along to his home and having feasts fit for a king. No expense was never spared.